Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween from Tattoosday!

Here at Tattoosday, we're celebrating Halloween by posting the spookiest tattoo seen in the last month or so. Well, maybe not the spookiest, but certainly the most holiday-related tattoo:

This was offered up by Robert, who I met in Borders Penn Plaza last month. And yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, that is Frankenstein driving a Chevy (that's the stick shift he's gripping). Robert credits Adel at Addiction NYC with this tattoo.

Thanks to Robert for helping us celebrate Halloween here on Tattoosday!

Ashlee Channels Snow White

This work in progress is on Ashlee's arm:

The tattoo features Snow White at the top of the arm, with the witch's hand proffering an apple, wrapping around the arm:

Ashlee explained that the tattoo is commenting on how superficial the world is and how the idea of Beauty was the downfall of the title character, at least until she was rescued from her poison-induced slumber.

The tattoo is the work of Eric at King Pin Tattoos in Harker Heights, Texas. Work from Kingpin appeared previously in August 2008 on Tattoosday here.

Thanks to Ashlee for sharing her work with us here on Tattoosday!

Saturday 30 October 2010

Cheap internet network service

In the 21st century development is very rapid advancement in information technology. Advances in information technology are inseparable from the role of advances in computer science and Internet networks. In order for the development of Internet network developed and able to reach remote areas, the necessary network expansion efforts both in the form of a network via wired or wireless network. An increasingly wide Internet network and can be reached by the whole society will be instrumental in improving living standards. Many things can be done with the Internet network is reliable and inexpensive.

This problem today could be a very good business opportunity. Those who have expertise in information technology and Internet networks service, expected to play more active. The experts in information technology, internet network experts and entrepreneurs in the field of Internet network is expect to create a healthy Internet services and cheaper tariffs because so far the internet service is still quite expensive. Admittedly the current level of business competition in the field of information technology and Internet networks is still a little so that employers can still sell the Internet service with a tariff that is quite expensive. I hope that later on with more and more entrepreneurs so that competition in the Internet network business that higher rates will affect the internet service could be more affordable.

Most of the people is currently using dial up internet service. I also included one of the users dial-up Internet service because until recently around where I live is still not affordable wireless Internet network service. Dial up internet service can be used as a medium for information and develop your business. Even with dial up internet, with good services from the businessperson internet services then could become one of the motivating factors that are essential for various activities. You can imagine when you are in remote areas and at the time, you must open the email that is very important but cannot be doing, because it hampered the absence of internet dial-up networking or wireless, would not you resentful? Cheap dial up is still the desire of the community. We can only hope the cheap dial up immediately realized. As we know, a lot of science and the latest information available on the internet. Internet network services are cheap and very reliable help in the development of business and education communities. I hope that more and more people are interested in becoming entrepreneur’s internet network service so that internet easier and affordable by all levels of society both in urban and rural outposts.

Friday 29 October 2010

Saatnya tidak menyalahkan Mentawai

Pernyataan kontroversial Marzukie Ali selaku Ketua DPR-RI pada hari Rabu (27/10/2010) sangat mengecewakan dan mendapat reaksi keras dari masyarakat.

Rasanya tidak pantas seorang wakil rakyat menyatakan "Apabila masyarakat Mentawai takut ombak, seharusnya pindah ke daratan saja, dan bencana yang menimpa pulau di Sumatera Barat tersebut adalah risiko masyarakat yang tinggal disitu."


Mastektomi pada kanker payudara

adalah operasi pengangkatan payudara.

Ada 3 jenis mastektomi menurut Hirshaut & Pressman, 1992:
Modified Radical Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan seluruh payudara, jaringan payudara di tulang dada, tulang selangka dan tulang iga, serta benjolan di sekitar ketiak.
Total Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan seluruh payudara saja, tetapi bukan kelenjar di ketiak.

Nesting Dolls and a Zombie, Courtesy of Kristin

Last month, I ran into Kristin at the Penn Plaza Borders store.

She has ten tattoos, but the piece on her shin was the first one I spotted:

These Russian nesting dolls represents the friendship Kristin has with her friend Kyle (thus, the merging of their names into "Kryle").

It was tattooed by Bret from Electric Tattoo in Pasadena, Maryland.

Kristin also shared another tattoo, one certainly more appropriate for our current season. Check out this amazing tattoo:

This cool zombie piece was inked by Kike Castillo at Timmy Tattoo in Huntington, New York.

Kristin says that Kike is one of her favorite artists and she is happy for him to provide her with great body art. "He needed someone," she told me, referring to this particular tattoo, and "I'm always game". Tattoo artists love clients that let them do their thing, and you can tell with this great piece of art.

Thanks to Kristin for sharing her cool tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Thursday 28 October 2010

Dari depan komputer pemuda ikut bersumpah

28 Oktober 2010 mengingatkan kita, saya dan seluruh warga negara Indonesia betapa pentingnya hari bersejarah tanggal 28 oktober 1928,bahwa bangsa Indonesia dilahirkan dengan semangat persatuan dan kesatuan.Sumpah Pemuda:Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah air Indonesia.Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa

Amanda's Phoenix

Amanda has two tattoos, one of which she shared with me at the end of August in the Penn Plaza Borders store.

This is the tattoo she designed:

Amanda was inspired by the "compelling mythology of phoenixes" and had Bobby at Modern Age Tattoo in Nanuet, New York, translate the design into the final product.

The quote, in Latin, "post tenebras lux" means "After darkness, light". This mirrors the life cycle of the mythological phoenix who dies, bound in flame, only to be reborn from the ashes. Clicking here will display the vast array of phoenixes that have appeared on Tattoosday previously.

In other words, even when things appear their darkest, affirmation is just within reach.

Thanks to Amanda for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Prediksi ahli terjawab oleh Tsunami Mentawai

Sebagaimana yang dipublikasikan Rabu, 13/10/2010 pukul 11:12 WIB dengan judul "Ancam Padang, Gempa 8,9 SR dan Tsunami Menunggu Waktu" terjawab pada hari senin (25/10/2010) pukul 21:42 WIB dengan hadirnya Gempa berkekuatan 7,2 Skala Richter yang mengguncang pulau pagai, Kepulauan Mentawai.

Percaya tidak percaya, ahli telah menyimpulkan,bahwa kabar buruk ini harus disampaikan

Foto Jenazah Mbah Maridjan Lagi Sujud Ramaikan Internet

Kabar yang menyebut Mbah Maridjan meninggal dalam posisi bersujud langsung mengundang rasa penasaran publik dunia maya. Foto tersebut pun langsung beredar luas di internet.

Pantauan detikINET, Rabu (27/10/2010) pagi, foto yang diduga sosok mbah Maridjan itu telah muncul di sejumlah blog dan situs jejaring sosial. Sosok yang sudah kaku tersebut tampak diselimuti abu vulkanik dan tergeletak di atas kantong mayat berwarna kuning dalam posisi bersujud. Sementara di kanan dan kirinya tampak tim otopsi sedang melakukan identifikasi.

"Dilihat dari batiknya dan kopiah yang dipakai di kepalanya kita yakin (itu jenazah Mbah Mardijan)," kata petugas Tim SAR Yogyakarta, Suseno, saat ditemui di RS dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta, Rabu (27/10/2010). Mbah Maridjan ditemukan dalam posisi sujud di dapur. Luka bakar terdapat di tubuhnya. Bajunya robek-robek.

Nama Raden Ngabehi Suraksohargo atau yang lebih terkenal dengan panggilan Mbah Mardijan melambung seiring dengan peristiwa meletusnya Gunung Merapi, Yogyakarta, pada 2006 lalu.

Mbah Maridjan terkenal karena sebagai juru kunci Gunung Merapi, dia tidak mau mematuhi perintah untuk turun gunung oleh Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Akibatnya, mata dunia pun terbelalak pada sosok renta yang sangat sederhana ini. ( fw / ash -

10 Produk Teknologi Terbaik 2010

Salah satu media teknologi terkemuka, PC World, merilis 100 besar produk teknologi terbaik tahun 2010. Hampir semua produk, khususnya yang edar di Amerika Serikat dianalisa untuk menentukan mana yang paling hebat. Berikut daftar 10 besar:

1. Android 2.2

Diprediksi melibas market share Apple iOS akhir tahun ini, Android dipuji karena punya aplikasi powerful, interface cantik dan kemudahan kustomisasi di beragam produk. OS ini juga punya browser fleksible dengan support Flash 10.1.

2. Apple iPad

Setelah bertahun-tahun komputer tablet gagal di pasaran, iPad mengubah segalanya. Desain langsing, antar muka yang sederhana namun hampir sempurna serta banyaknya aplikasi jadi keunggulannya.

3. Amazon Kindle Generasi Ketiga

Amazon membuat perubahan signifikan di pasar eBook dengan Kindle generasi 3. Versi Wi-Fi perangkat ini menyediakan kemudahan belanja buku, layar jernih High-Contrast E Ink Screen dan desain ringan.

4. Netflix

Netflix menawarkan kemudahan dalam layanan streaming video di Amerika Serikat. Aplikasinya di gadget seperti iPad dan iPhone juga cukup populer.

5. Samsung Galaxy Tab

Galaxy Tab digadang-gadang sebagai pesaing terkuat iPad. Dengan berbagai kelebihan seperti dua kamera dan desain langsing nan berkelas, harga Galaxy Tab dinilai sepadan dengan apa yang ditawarkan.

6. Sony Alpha NEX-5

Kamera digital ini dianggap menawarkan potret yang ekselen dan kualitas video mumpuni. Selain itu, kamera seharga USD650 tersebut memiliki kemampuan memotret 3D setelah update firmware.

7. HP Envy 14 Beats Edition

Laptop seharga USD1149 ini dipandang memiliki kemampuan sangat komplet. Apalagi dipadu dengan balutan bodi menawan.

8. Samsung Epic 4G

Salah satu varian ponsel Galaxy S yang memiliki kelebihan soal koneksi 4G. Layar Super Amoled, kamera depan, keyboard mumpuni dan keberadaan Samsung MediaHub membuatnya unggul.

9. Instapaper

Aplikasi mobile ini mampu mengambil data teks dan gambar dari website untuk dikirim ke ponsel. Lalu, pengguna bisa membaca versi bersih ini di perangkat mereka.

10. Microsoft Security Essentials

Tool antivirus dari Microsoft ini dinilai memberi semua yang dibutuhkan soal keamanan komputer. Deteksi malware mudah dilakukan dengan interface yang didesain dengan baik. ( fyk / )

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Seo Blogspot Dasar untuk Pemula

Seo Dasar untuk Blogspot bagi Blogger Pemula

Akhirnya,posting belajar seo nongol juga di blog tutorial ini ya :D
Tapi,apakah teknik dan rahasia seo-nya benar-benar joss seperti yang dikoar-koarkan?

Saya sendiri sih menganggap itu hanya masalah penyamapaian saja,yang terpenting adalah mencoba dan merealisasikannya,masalah berhasil tidaknya itu urusan nanti.
Untuk dan menurut saya pribadi,10 dasar seo atau seo dasar untuk blogspot ini sangat ampuh,efisien dan yang penting gratis alias blak-blakan dipublikasikan,karena 10 teknik dasar seo ini adalah hasil dari kegagalan saya sendiri selama beberapa tahun ngeblog.

Bukan menjadi tolok ukur panduan dasar seo,namun untuk kita cara cepat terindex google,cara-cara dibawah ini layak untuk anda coba.

10 Dasar Seo Blogspot

  • Membuat 10 atau beberapa Blog dari blog gratisan sebagai dummy tentu dengan domain yang berbeda-beda,misal dari blogspot,wordpress,blogdetik,weblog,dll
    Buat judul yang ingin sobat optimasi dari blog utama yang ingin sobat optimalkan,kemudian bikin duplikat judul posting dari blog utama tersebut di beberapa blog gratisan (dummy) yang telah diciptakan,serta meletakkan link menuju postingan blog utama.

  • Jika menggunakan gambar gunakan nama sesuai judul posting,misal saya membuat judul posting belajar dasar seo blogspot,maka sebelum saya upload gambar tersebut pada postingan saya merubahnya terlebih dahulu dengan nama belajar dasar seo blogspot,dan kemudian saya siap menguploadnya.

  • Jangan lupa pula pada gambar atau image yang telah kita pasang,gunakanlah tag alt,misal ;
    <img src='' alt="belajar dasar seo blogspot.'/>
  • Terapkan dan biasakan menebalkan kata atau kalimat yang ingin sobat optimasi dengan kode <strong></strong>,misal <strong>dasar seo blogspot</strong>

  • Jangan lupa submit di beberapa blog-blog dofollow dan social bookmarking

  • Blogwalking

  • Buat judul seunik mungkin dan merangsang,seperti contoh;
    10 Dasar Seo (Rahasia Seo Telah Di Bongkar!!!),menarik bukan?

  • Belajar merangkai kalimat dari mengamati kata dan kalimat yang telah diindex oleh serp Google
  • Memodifikasi templates mulai dari meta tag,ukuran dan jenis huruf serta menciptakan kontent yang efektif(sedikit gambar sehingga memungkinkan cepatnya saat loading page)
  • Rajin posting yang sangat dibutuhkan khalayak atau yang sedang trend dan hot dan yang terpenting adalah berdo'a.

Semoga dapat membantu optimasi dan menambah semangat dalam belajar seo,Insya Allah suatu saat nanti akan kami update jika ada senjata baru dalam seo ini :D

Bagi master-master seo yang dah nyasar,kami sangat minta saran dan tambahannya,tapi jangan ngritik ya :lol: :D

Gary's Three Knuckles Speak Volumes

I spotted Gary standing at the top of some escalators in Penn Station. As I passed him, I noticed he had knuckle tattoos so I stopped to ask him about them:

Gary explained that they are Korean characters

that translate to "Soo Bahk Do," or "The Way of the Striking Hand".

Soo Bahk Do is a form of martial arts that originated in Korea.

This unassuming gentleman has studied the form for seventeen years and is a third degree black belt. Gary studied at East Winds Karate in Port St. John, Florida.

The tattoo was inked at a shop on Eight Avenue in Bayonne, New Jersey.

Thanks to Gary for sharing his "striking" tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Mari mengenal Tsunami

Tsunami berasal dari bahasa Jepang, yaitu Tsu = Pelabuhan dan Nami = Gelombang, jika digabung menjadi ombak besar di pelabuhan.

Jika diartikan secara luas, Tsunami adalah perpindahan badan air yang disebabkan oleh perubahan permukaan laut secara vertikal dengan tiba-tiba.

Penyebab Tsunami
Tsunami terjadi akibat gempa bumi bawah laut. Tsunami juga dapat terjadi, karena letusan gunung api, gempa

Tuesday 26 October 2010

What Expert Predictions About Culinary Trends in 2010?

Tabloid Info Kuliner edisi 01-Th IV-2010 hadir dengan format sepesial Collection Edition setebal 40 halaman.

Isinya kian beragam dengan mengangkat tema khusus, seperti 10 jenis usaha kuliner paling laku, 77 daftar restoran terekomendasi di Jabodetabek, serta aneka informasi seputar tip mengelola wirausaha boga. Lantas apa kata pakar tentang prediksi usaha kuliner yang diminati pada tahun 2010? Simak wawancara William Wongso, Sisca Suwitomo, Chef Ragil dan Budi Sutomo tentunya, hehehehe...Simak ulasan lengkapnya di Tabloid Info Kuliner Terbaru yang telah beredar mulai 31 Agustus 2010.

Baca Resep Budi Boga di Yahoo! Indonesia News

Komunikasi lancar, bantuan di mobilisasi ke Mentawai

"Untuk komunikasi di Mentawai, Alhamdulillah sdh lancar sejak 2 jam lalu, sedang di mobilisasi bantuan lain2nya dari kota Padang"

Menurut Tifatul Sembiring, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia di status facebooknya, bahwa komunikasi telah lancar ke Mentawai.

Sejak Gempa Senin (25/10/2010) yang lalu, komunikasi sempat terputus,

Gempa dan Tsunami Kepulauan Mentawai memakan ratusan korban

Menurut situs resmi BMKG, gempa berkekuatan 7,2 Skala Richter yang mengguncang pulau pagai, Kepulauan Mentawai (Sumatra Barat), Senin (25/10/2010) pukul 21:42:20 WIB, mengakibatkan Tsunami setinggi dua meter.

Saat wawancara interaktif reporter Metro TV dengan ketua DPRD Kepulauan Mentawai dalam Breaking News Selasa (26/10/2010) jam 07.30 WIB, terungkap, bahwa sampai malam ini korban yang tewas

Cheese Stick Renyah Buatan Sendiri

Snack yang satu ini mudah dibuat  dan memiliki rasa yang gurih dan lezat. Bahan-bahannya juga mudah didapat. Jika Anda ingin berwirausaha boga, resep ini bisa menjadi panduan. Ikuti petunjuk resep dan jumlah bahan agar hasil kue maksimal. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo.

Cheese Stick

250 g tepung terigu protein sedang
60 g keju edam, parut
1 sdm margarin
2 butir telur, kocok lepas
1 sdm  tepung maizena
4 sdm air
1 sdt garam halus
½ sdt bubuk kaldu instan rasa daging
Minyak untuk menggoreng
Cara Membuat:
1.Aduk rata tepung terigu, keju parut, tepung maizena, bubuk kaldu instan, dan garam. Aduk rata.
2.Tuang kocokan telur dan margarin. Aduk rata. Tuang air dan uleni hingga terbentuk adonan yang kalis.
3.Giling adonan menggunakan gilingan kayu atau gilingan mie dengan ketebalan 4 mm. Potong menggunakan pisau adonan menjadi bentuk strip memanjang. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
4.Panaskan minyak banyak, goreng hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan. Atur di dalam piring saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 500 g

Tip: Jangan menggoreng adonan terlalu banyak sekaligus karena akan menyebabkan kue tidak kering sempurna. Tambahkan sedikit air jika adonan susah digiling. Jangan menggoreng terlalu banyak karena kue akan susah mengembang dan hasilnya tidak kering merata.

Resep Pizza

Bosan menikmati pizza bertopping daging, ayam atau seafood? Pizza tabur jamur dan jagung manis menjanjikan sensasi rasa yang berbeda dan lebih sehat. Ikuti petunjuk resep agar hasil pizza maksimal. Resep/Foto/Dapur Uji/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo

Pizza Tabur Jamur

2 kg tepung terigu tinggi protein/hard wheat/cap cakra kembar
30 g ragi instan/instan yeast
1100 ml air es
120 g olive oil/ minyak sayur
30 g bread improver/baker bonus/pengempuk roti
1sdt garam halus
15 g gula pasir
500 g jagung manis kalengan/pipilan
250 g jamur kancing, potong-potong
150 g paprika merah, potong korek api
200 g bawang bombay, iris halus
200 g jamur kancing, iris halus
400 ml saus tomat
100 ml saus sambal
1 sdt daun bay leaf bubuk
2 sdt oregano bubuk
300 g keju mozzarella, potong-potong

Cara Membuat:
Campur Tepung terigu, ragi instan, bread improver, garam dan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Masukkan campuran tepung ke dalam mangkuk mixer roti. Aduk rata. Tambahkan air dan minyak goreng. Aduk dengan kecepatan sedang selama 10 menit atau hingga adonan kalis. Proses pengadukan bisa dilakukan secara manual dengan tangan hingga adonan kalis.
2. Bulatkan adonan, fermentasikan selama 30 menit. Kempeskan, potong dan timbang masing-masing adonan seberat 50 g. Bulatkan kembali dan fermentasikan selama 10 menit.
3. Giling adonan menjadi bentuk bulat tipis setebal ½ cm. Olesi permukaanya dengan saus tomat dan saus sambal. Taburi dengan bubuk oregano, bay leaf, jagung manis, paprika, jamur dan bawang bombay. Tutup atasnya dengan potongan keju mozzarella.
4. Panggang di dalam oven bertemperatur 250 derajat celcius selama 10-15 menit atau hingga pizza matang dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat, potong-potong. Hidangkan hangat.
Untuk 40 Buah
Tip: Jamur bisa diganti daging cincang, sosis atau daging asap. Lakukan fermentasi di tempat yang hangat agar adonan mengembang. Tutup adonan rapat-rapat saat fermentasi agar permukaan adonan tidak kering.
Informasi Lengkap Resep Aneka Roti Bisa di Klik di SINI

Wanita Tua Berbulan-bulan Ditemani Mayat di Mobil

Hanya karena takut dituduh membunuh, seorang wanita tunawisma yang tinggal di mobil rela berkendara selama berbulan-bulan dengan ditemani mayat di kursi penumpang.

Wanita berusia 57 tahun asal California Selatan yang merupakan mantan agen real estat, bertemu dengan seorang wanita tunawisma di sebuah taman beberapa waktu lalu dan membiarkannya tidur dalam mobil Mercury Grand Marquis lansiran 1997 miliknya. Namun entah kenapa si wanita itu malah meninggal di dalam mobil.

Menurut laporan media lokal, wanita tunawisma itu tanpa diduga meninggal dalam mobil 10 bulan lalu. Polisi menemukan tubuh itu setelah terkena razia di Costa Mesa, California.

Ketika aparat penegak hukum tiba di tempat kejadian, mereka dikejutkan oleh bau yang kuat dan melihat kaki menyembul keluar dari bawah selimut dan beberapa pakaian. Selain itu, sopir telah meletakkan sekotak baking soda di dalam mobil untuk menutupi bau.

Wanita yang meninggal itu dikenal dengan nama Signe meski kini polisi masih bekerja pada memastikan identitas si mayat. Bukan apa-apa, ketika ditemukan mayat itu beratnya dilaporkan hanya 14 kg.

( syu / ddn

All the fun choice is yours

Each person has a different pleasure. There is a happy reading, writing, painting, sports, until the pleasure that is deviating from the norms of society and religion. Who need to remember is that our pleasure not to damage themselves as well as disturbing everyone around them, which is good fun having a positive impact both for themselves and their surroundings.

What about the pleasures those are injurious to others? Many types of pleasure that are less good for mental and health development agencies such as drinking alcohol, drugs, sex, and gambling. As a strong personal, we should be able to separate the good thing to do and which are not necessary. What about online casino games?

I so far do not yet know how to play at online casinos, such as blackjack, roulette and others. However, the lure is a tempting prize when we can win. However, if you lose, your money will be lost meaning you will lose your property. Many choices that we can in this life. Roads have been posted in front of us, it is just that we can take appropriate steps not ate. If you step right then your next life will also be convenient, but if otherwise then the toil and hardship will block you. You select which one? All choice is yours

Monday 25 October 2010

The Tattoosday Book Review: Kat Von D's The Tattoo Chronicles

You can say a lot of things about Kat Von D. She is arguably one of the most well-known tattoo artists in the United States, if not the world. This fact, to old school tattoo enthusiasts, is not necessarily a good thing. She is the star of the hit "reality" series, L.A. Ink, has her own make-up line at Sephora, and on October 26, her second book, The Tattoo Chronicles, is being released by HarperCollins Design. And whether you love her or hate her, it's hard to argue the fact that this book, like its predecessor High Voltage Tattoo, is a lovely effort that looks and feels amazing.

Like her first book (reviewed last year on Tattoosday here), Kat Von D lets you into her world, with glossy detailed photos of her work and clients. But whereas her first book shows mostly her public persona, the new effort gives us an inside look at the inner thoughts and feelings of someone who is portrayed very much as a "character" on her television show.

It is L.A. Ink that has brought her fame, yet also the scorn and scrutiny of her detractors. The new book lets us peek behind the scenes and, if you didn't realize this already, the Kat Von D you see on the show is not the whole package. Through a diary/journal format, the reader is granted greater access to Kat's true emotions and feelings. We finally get to peek behind the character Kat Von D and meet the person.

It was on Page 44 where I first felt the facade truly come down. She talks about getting booed in the shop by "fans" who resent that she won't drop what she's doing to pose for photos for them, and there is the matter of the stalker who freaked everyone out in the shop. Granted, these are consequences nowadays for success of her order, but you certainly believe that such consequences were not anticipated when she headed down the road to fame.

It is also fascinating to read Kat's frustration with the onset of another season of L.A. Ink. If you're looking for validation that the only thing real on the show is the tattoos, it's here. I was reminded of Charles Bukowski's strong aversion to poetry readings. He despised them, yet they were often necessary as sources of income. The spectacle often outshone the poems. Similarly, L.A. Ink's forced drama often swallows up the tattoos, yet the drama drives ratings, which lets the series continue to showcase tattoos, which is why many of us tune in in the first place.

Whereas I found her journal entries fascinating, as I am sure most readers who are fans of the show will as well, there are still pages and pages of photographs featuring her work (drawings, sketches, and of course, tattoos) that are breath-taking in their beauty.

Viewers of the show  know that this book has been in the making for a while and it has found its way into plot points as well. Fans will also note that the author's relationship with Nikki Sixx, bassist for Mƶtley CrĆ¼e, runs throughout the volume (as it has in the reality series). However, 2010 has been a tumultuous year for the couple, having broken up, and then, quite recently, reportedly gotten back together. All that said, it's very interesting to read about the relationship with a future perspective.

Or, it isn't. If you're not interested in Kat's "personal" life, then perhaps you should pass on this book. I can see her detractors poring over the text, looking for evidence that reinforces their negative image of the artist, one that has been honed by the one-dimensional portrayal of her reality show and the tabloids.

For fans however, and the followers of Kat Von D's career, The Tattoo Chronicles, will be a treat, to be savored, an all-access pass to a window of her life, with a stunning visual guidebook to pore over, with evidence enough to back up her on-air claim of being so busy all the time.

My one criticism would be that we don't see enough of her tattoos, which is really what she is all about. I mean, sure it's interesting to see a full-page shot of her stuffed albino squirrels, but is it really necessary? I would have rather seen more art that she created, rather than collected.

However, in the end, I was delighted with the book. It really adds dimensions to one of the more dynamic celebrities in the tattoo industry. I doubt that it will turn detractors into fans, or fans into detractors, but it certainly provides those who admire Kat Von D for her art, a little more validation that she is a talented, complicated individual that can not only create amazing body art, but knows how to wow us with her pen, as well.

Jangan di panggil Dokter

"Terima kasih dokter! anak saya telah lahir dengan selamat, sambil menyodorkan tangan untuk bersalaman, ketika anaknya keluar dengan sehat dan istrinya bisa menjalani operasi dengan lancar."(Pengalaman saya, setelah selesai operasi di Instalasi Bedah Sentral ) "ikutan ah barter link Dokter Anton..hehehe..dah tak pajang di kolom M di sidebarku ya dokter....makasih lho...confirm ya kalo dah

Sunday 24 October 2010

Missy's Initials, Illustrated by Gorey

I met Missy on the corner of 23rd and 7th back in the beginning of September and she shared her two tattoos, on both biceps.Her right arm bears this piece:

and her left shoulder hosts this cool image:

These images may seem familiar, because they are based on Edward Gorey's Alphabet.

Missy has the two pieces representing her initials, M and N. The right arm represents "M": 

And the left arm represents the "N" for her last initial:

Missy got these tattoos in Santa Cruz about ten years ago.

Thanks to Missy for sharing her cool Gorey tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Empat es ( 4S ), cara ampuh membius pasien

Bocoran ini adalah rahasia jitu yang akan saya beberkan agar petugas yang ada di pelayanan kesehatan,seperti Klinik,Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit dapat mempraktekan dengan gampang sehingga pasien terbius dengan mudah dan aman.
Jika anda telah mengetahui, tidak masalah, mari kita saling berbagi, seandainya belum pernah tau, tolong disampaikan pada yang lain.
Langkah-langkahnya, Ada 4S, sebenarnya 4S

Saturday 23 October 2010

Heart Not Time

"I do not like the concept of linear time," Fredrika said to me, "moments and feelings should be more important".

This was her thought behind this tattoo:

I met Fredrika in Penn Station last month and she was kind enough to share this tattoo on her forearm.

She has a lot of ink, but this is her favorite piece.

Fredrika hails from Hamburg, where she is lead singer for a band called Jaguar of My Dreams.

Thanks to Fredrika for sharing with us here on Tattoosday!

Friday 22 October 2010

Rune's Viking Reflects His Cultural Pride

On a Friday last month, I ran into a couple from Denmark near Herald Square in the pedestrian median between Broadway and 6th Avenue.

The gentleman had a lot of work done on his legs, so I approached and introduced myself. Rune was kind enough to not only share a tattoo, but to pull up his shorts a bit to reveal this tattoo that ran from his mid-thigh down to his calf:

Rune explained that this Viking tattoo reflects the pride he has in the old history of the Norsemen that inhabited Scandinavia in the earliest part of the last millenium.

Rune credits Frans at Hugo Tattoo with this wonderful work.

Thanks to Rune for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

PPNI, Belajarlah pada PGRI

PPNI adalah Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia, sedangkan PGRI singkatan dari Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia.

PPNI dan PGRI sama-sama organisasi besar,namun PGRI lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat dibanding PPNI, karena PGRI lebih tua 29 tahun dari PPNI. PGRI lahir pada tanggal 25 November 1945 dan PPNI di deklarasikan pada tanggal 17 Maret 1974.

Di samping umur yang matang, PGRI juga sarat

Thursday 21 October 2010

Ketika RUU Keperawatan di anggap tidak penting

RUU Keperawatan yang masuk Program Legislasi Nasional (Prolegnas) dan berada pada urutan 18 tahun 2009/2010 terancam digantikan dengan RUU Tenaga Kesehatan yang muncul secara tiba-tiba.
Rencana Badan Legislasi (Baleg) mengganti RUU Keperawatan dengan RUU Tenaga kesehatan, mendapat banyak tanggapan dari Komisi IX yang membidangi kesehatan, ada apa ini, kenapa tiba-tiba diganti, sebab RUU

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Shauncey's Pantherabbit

Last month in Penn Station, I ran into a gentleman who was covered with tattoos and was happy to share one with us here on Tattoosday.

As luck would have it, he was a tattoo artist himself, up from Florida, biding his time as he waited for his train to arrive.

As tattooists generally have a lot of work to share, it is always interesting to see what one piece they will offer up, and Shauncey Fury, of Ocala Tattoo & Piercing in Ocala, Florida, shared this whimsical piece:

Your eyes do not deceive you, that is a bad-ass panther wearing bunny ears.
Shauncey explained that he went to Mike Wilson, an artist at Inksmith & Rogers, in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, who is known for, among other things, his panther tattoos. They thought they'd "mix it up a bit" and added the rabbit ears for comedic effect. The result is a whimsical tattoo that is certainly a conversation piece!

Shauncey has been tattooing for five years and gravitates toward portraits and American traditional-style tattoos. You can see a sampling of his work here 

Thanks to Shauncey for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Waiter, There's a Marlin in My Cactus!

Believe it or not, I still have a couple of lingering pre-September tattoo encounters to write about, one of which is this bizarre tattoo I spotted two months ago today:

This tattoo on Michael's right ankle is one of three that he has. He explained that it is an interpretation of a painting that hung in Flaco's Cuban Bakery in Gainesville, Florida where he played in the house band, Michael Claytor & His Friends.

The band played there for two years and, as a tribute to the experience, Michael had this tattooed to honor the experience.

This was inked by Mike Salay at Anthem Tattoo in Gainesville.

Thanks again to Michael for sharing this cool and unusual tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

And a little Michael Claytor bonus:

Jenis Makanan Lezat Bagi Penderita Diabetes

Siapa bilang penderita diabetes tidak bisa makan apapun? Ada jenis-jenis makanan tertentu yang tetap bisa disantap tanpa takut gula darah akan melonjak naik. Apa saja makanan itu, temukan jawabannya di sini!

Jika Anda menderita penyakit gula darah atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah diabetes, kadang sulit sekali menemukan makanan apa yang bisa disantap. Takut kalau kandungan gula makanan tersebut bisa meningkatkan kadar gula dalam darah. Ada beberapa jenis makanan yang tetap aman dikonsumsi oleh para penderita diabetes, tanpa harus tersiksa dengan rasanya. Berikut ini adalah 'super food' untuk mereka yang memiliki masalah dengan diabetes:

1. Sayuran
Semua jenis sayuran memiliki kalori yang rendah, dan kaya akan serat. Karena seratnya yang tinggi, membuat perut Anda terasa lebih cepat penuh sehingga mengurangi konsumsi nasi yang kandungan gulanya cukup tinggi. Jika Anda merasa kurang kenyang karena terbiasa nasi, Anda bisa menggantinya sayuran bertepung, seperti kentang ataupun jagung.

2. Buah-buahan
Buah-buahan memiliki banyak kelebihan sama dengan sayuran. Mayoritas buah mengandung serat dan rendah lemak serta rendah kalori dibandingkan makanan lain. Buah-buahan mengandung gula alami yang tidak akan membuat gula darah melonjak naik. Namun ada beberapa jenis buah yang baik untuk dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes, yaitu semua jenis berry. Selain karena rasanya yang tidak terlalu manis, jenis berry-berry ini juga mengandung antioksidan yang baik untuk tubuh.

3. Biji-bijian
Biji-bijian seperti kacang kedelai, kacang polong tidak hanya sebagai sumber serat yang membuat Anda merasakan kenyang lebih lama, tapi kacang-kacangan juga membantu kadar gula dalam darah tetap dalam keadaan normal.

4. Sereal
Menu sarapan sehat dan juga enak adalah sereal atau oatmeal. Mengandung serat yang tinggi dan menjadi sumber energi untuk mengawali hari. Mengkonsumsi sereal tidak hanya baik untuk penderita diabetes tapi baik juga untuk ksehatan jantung Anda.

5. Ikan
Ikan merupakan sumber protein dan mengandung asam lemak omega-3. Asam lemak omega-3 ini baik untuk kesehatan jantung, dan menghindarkan dari kolesterol jahat. Dan biasanya penderita diabetes memiliki kadar HDL, 'kolesterol baik' dalam jumlah yang sedikit.

6. Dada Ayam
Dada ayam, adalah bagian yang kadang sering ditinggalakan orang. Padahal dada ayam adalah bagian yang paling bebas lemak dibandingkan bagian lainnya. Sehingga tidak meningkatkan lemak jenuh dalam tubuh.

7. Kacang-kacangan
Kacang-kacang selain sumber protein juga sumber lemak nabati yang baik untuk kesehatan jantung. Lemak ini bahkan telah terbukti membantu mengurangi resistensi insulin dan membuat gula darah lebih mudah untuk dikontrol. Kacang-kacangan juga salah satu sumber vitamin E, antioksidan yang melindungi sel-sel mata dan juga sarat serat dan magnesium, yang keduanya dapat membantu mengatur gula darah Anda.

8. Olive Oil
Olive oil dipercaya sejak dulu sangat baik untuk jantung. Kandungan lemaknya membantu mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung dan telah terbukti membantu menjaga kadar gula darah stabil dengan mengurangi resistensi insulin.

9. Yoghurt
Yoghurt kaya akan protein dan juga kalsium. Selain menjaga berat badan lebih stabil, yoghurt juga menyeimbagnkan kadar insulin dalam tubuh.

( eka / )

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Monday 18 October 2010

Joey's SeƱorita

I met Joey on the subway one afternoon last month after spotting this cool tattoo on his left forearm:

He told me that this Mexican girl, a seƱorita with a jug of alcohol, was a way of incorporating his wife's Hispanic heritage into a traditional pin-up tattoo. I asked Joey if this resembled her in any way and he said it didn't, however he still appreciates the symbolism, along with a little drop of humor.

The tattoo was created by Johnny Truant at Lotus Tattoo in Sayville. Click the Lotus tag below to see other work from Lotus that has appeared on the site.

Thanks to Joey for sharing this lovely tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Hantu Terekam Kamera di Kalbar

Tribun pontianakPenampakan makhluk halus di belakang tiga remaja di Sungai Laur, Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat.

Penampakan makhluk halus berpakaian putih dengan rambut panjang, terlihat jelas dalam sebuah foto yang diambil M Fahmi, sopir ambulans Puskesmas Aur Kuning, Kecamatan Sungai Laur, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat.

Dengan cepat foto tersebut beredar di seluruh Kecamatan Sungai Laur. Tribun Pontianak memperoleh foto tersebut dari staf humas Pemkab Ketapang, A Rahman, Minggu (17/10/10).

Rahman menuturkan, awalnya dia tidak percaya soal penampakan foto itu. Tapi sosok mahkluk halus berambut panjang menyerupai seorang perempuan tersebut tampak sangat jelas.

"Aku dapat foto ini langsung dari M Fahmi. Waktu sama-sama dengan Bapak Bupati Henrikus, awal bulan ini saat kunjungan kerja ke sana. Dia tunjukkan foto itu, eh, langsung merinding bulu kuduk kami semua," tutur Rahman.

Informasi yang dia peroleh dari Fahmi, foto ini dijepret menggunakan kamera handphone merk Nokia tipe N. Dilihat sepintas, hasil jepretan itu tak menampakkan sesuatu yang aneh.

Tapi setelah dicermati, sosok mahluk halus ini rupanya ikut terekam. Foto itu dijepret di satu warung di desa setempat. Konon, kata Rahman, mengutipcerita Fahmi, daerah tersebut tergolong angker.

Contohnya di rumah Camat Sungai Laur yang kini tidak ditempati dan dibiarkan kosong. Rumah dinas tersebut tak jauh dari warung tempat diambilnya foto ini.

"Mereka bilang sering ada penampakan. Fahmi bilang foto itu diambil sekitar dua minggu sebelum kunjungan kerja bupati. Jadi belum lama, dan satu dari yang ikut kunjungan bupati, sempat melihat penampakan di pohon pinang merah di sebelah rumah dinas tersebut. Kami pun semakin ketakutan," ungkap Rahman.

Tapi dia tidak lantas menerima mentah-mentah foto tersebut. Dan sempat mempertayakan apakah asli atau palsu. "Fahmi bahkan sampai besumpah-sumpah kalau foto itu tak ada rekayasanya. Sampai sekarang antara percaya dan ndak percayalah," kata Rahman.

"Aku dapat foto ini langsung dari M Fahmi. Waktu sama-sama dengan Bapak Bupati Henrikus. Dia tunjukkan foto itu, eh, langsung merinding bulu kuduk kami semua" A Rahman, staf humas Pemkab Ketapang


Bahaya Kantong Plastik

Bahaya limbah plastik bukan omong kosong. Telah banyak penelitian membuktikan dahsyatnya limbah plastik mendatangkan bahaya termasuk potensi negatifnya dalam mendegradasi lingkungan.

Hal yang pasti adalah dampak negatif sampah plastik tidak sebesar fungsinya. Butuh waktu 1000 tahun agar plastik dapat terurai oleh tanah secara terdekomposisi atau terurai dengan sempurna.

Saat terurai, partikel-partikel plastik akan mencemari tanah dan air tanah. Jika dibakar, sampah plastik akan menghasilkan asap beracun yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan yaitu jika proses pembakarannya tidak sempurna, plastik akan mengurai di udara sebagai dioksin.

Senyawa ini sangat berbahaya bila terhirup manusia. Dampaknya antara lain memicu penyakit kanker, hepatitis, pembengkakan hati, gangguan sistem saraf, dan memicu depresi.

Bagi lingkungan, kantong plastik juga mengakibatkan banjir, karena menyumbat saluran-saluran air dan tanggul sehingga mengakibatkan banjir bahkan yang terparah merusak turbin waduk.

Diperkirakan, 500 juta hingga satu miliar kantong plastik digunakan di dunia tiap tahunnya. Jika sampah ini dibentangkan maka, dapat membungkus permukaan bumi setidaknya hingga 10 kali lipat!

Setiap tahun, sekitar 500 miliar hingga satu triliun kantong plastik digunakan di seluruh dunia. Diperkirakan setiap orang menghabiskan 170 kantong plastik setiap tahunnya dan lebih dari 17 miliar kantong plastik dibagikan secara gratis oleh supermarket di seluruh dunia setiap tahunnya.

Dampak negatif sampah plastik tidak sebesar fungsinya. Butuh waktu 1000 tahun agar plastik dapat terurai oleh tanah.

Perubahan iklim

Kantong plastik juga menjadi salah satu penyebab perubahan iklim utama di mana sejak proses produksi hingga tahap pembuangan, sampah plastik mengemisikan gas rumah kaca ke atmosfer.

Kegiatan produksi plastik membutuhkan sekitar 12 juta barel minyak dan 14 juta pohon setiap tahunnya. Proses produksinya sangat tidak hemat energi. Pada tahap pembuangan di lahan penimbunan sampah (TPA), sampah plastik juga mengeluarkan gas rumah kaca.

Saat ini berbagai negara di dunia mulai melarang dan merespon bahaya penggunaan kantong plastik, seperti di Kenya dan Uganda yang sudah secara resmi melarang penggunaan kantong plastik.

Sejumlah negara lain juga mulai mengurangi penggunaan kantong plastik di antaranya Filipina, Australia, Hongkong, Taiwan, Irlandia, Skotlandia, Prancis, Swedia, Finlandia, Denmark, Jerman, Swiss, Tanzania, Bangladesh, dan Afrika Selatan.

Singapura, sejak April 2007 telah berlangsung kampanye "Bring Your Own Bag" (bawa langsung kantong Anda sendiri), digelar oleh The National Environment Agency (NEA).

Pemerintahan China juga telah mengeluarkan rancangan undang-undang (RUU) mengatasi kantong plastik dan reaksi yang telah disiapkan antara lain pelarangan penggunaan tas plastik di departement store.

Para pembeli akan dikenakan bayaran untuk kantong plastik dan akan diberlakukan standardisasi produksi tas plastik.

Berbagai alasan itulah yang mendorong Beni Chandra memulai perlawanan terhadap limbah plastik di Indonesia. Baginya bahaya plastik harus disulap menjadi sesuatu yang mendatangkan lebih banyak berkah.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Amy's Skelanimal

I met Amy outside of Madison Square Garden and she chose this, of her 20+ tattoos, to share with us here on Tattoosday:

This is one of the many "Skelanimals" (click to see more). I believe this one is Dax the Dog, which is Amy's favorite one.

Why's she get it? "Just because..." she grinned.

The tattoo was inked by the artist that does all her work, Michelle Haspel at Fat Kat Tattoos in Keyport, New Jersey. Work from Fat Kat on Tattoosday can be seen here.

Thanks to Amy for sharing her Skelanimal with us here on Tattoosday!

Masakan Oriental

Hidangan berkuah seperti Tom Yam Soup memang menggugah selera, apalagi jika disajikan hangat sebagai lauk. Tak perlu ke restoran mewah, karena Anda pun bisa membuatnya sendiri di rumah dan bersiaplah menerima pujian dari orang-orang terdekat. Resep/Foto/Dapur Uji: Budi Sutomo

Tom Yam Soup

2000 ml air
5  batang serai, potong-potong
2 cm jahe, memarkan
10 lembar daun jeruk
2 sdm kecap ikan/nampla sauce
7 potong lengkuas, memarkan
2 sdt  minyak cabai
3 buah cabai merah, haluskan
4 siung bawang putih, memarkan
5 buah jeruk nipis, ambil airnya
3 sdm akar daun ketumbar, cuci, potong-potong
1 sdt garam halus

Bahan Isi
500 gr udang ukuran besar, buang kepala dan bersihkan
150 gr jamur merang, potong-potong
8 buah cabai rawit, biarkan utuh
5 lembar daun ketumbar, cincang kasar

Cara Membuat:
1.    Rebus air hingga mendidih. Masukkan serai, jahe, daun jeruk,  lengkuas, akar daun ketumbar, cabe merah, kecap ikan, minyak cabai dan garam, aduk rata. Masak hingga air mendidih.
2.    Masukkan udang, jamur dan cabe rawit, masak hingga udang matang. Sesaat sebelum diangkat, masukkan air jeruk nipis dan daun ketumabar, aduk rata. Angkat.
3.    Tuang sup beserta isinya ke dalam mangkuk saji. Hidangkan hangat.
Untuk 6 Porsi

Tip: Jika Anda suka tom yam yang berkuah agak creamy dan gurih, tambahkan 200 ml susu tawar cair (ultra milk) ke dalam kaldu. Cumi-cumi dan kerang hijau bisa dicampurkan sebagai bahan isi. Minyak cabe bisa dibuat dengan cara menggoreng 50 g potongan cabe kering dengan 60 ml minyak, masak selama dua menit dan saring. Minyak  cabe siap digunakan.


Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010 digelar demo masak dan beauty workshop di Hotel Mulia Jakarta. Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh CLINIQUE cosmetics ini dihadiri sekitar 40 Peserta. Tema seputar Masalah kecantikan kulit dan makanan sehat untuk menunjang kecantikan prima luar dan dalam. Selain menambah pengetahuan makanan sehat, peserta juga mendapat perawatan kecantikan dari produk CLINIQUE. Tentu agar Anda cantik mendapatkan kecantikan paripurna luar dan dalam. 

Saturday 16 October 2010

Cara merawat pembuluh darah agar terhindar dari penyakit

Pembuluh darah yang berwarna merah adalah Arteri, yang berfungsi untuk mengalirkan darah dari jantung keseluruh tubuh.Pembuluh darah yang berwarna biru, disebut juga dengan Vena, yang berfungsi mengalirkan darah dari seluruh tubuh kejantung.Pembuluh darah sangat elastis, yang dapat membesar atau mengecil. Sifat elastis ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mempertahankan tekanan darah menjadi stabil.Untuk

Jess Shares Her Colorful Rooster

I met Jess last month and, still using a loaner camera, managed to get a shot of one of her three tattoos, located on her right forearm:

Aside from the fact that the picture is not ideally crisp, one can still see how beautiful and colorful this tattoo is.
The inspiration came from a book of Chinese propaganda posters.

Jess noted that she asked the artist, John Reardon at Saved Tattoo, to give the rooster a "gentler eye" which she hoped would "embrace [its] masculinity while poking fun at it". Reardon's work has appeared previously on Tattoosday here and here.

Thanks to Jess for sharing this lovely rooster with us here on Tattoosday!

Comfortable bath helps the body relaxation

House with no bathroom feels incomplete. The bathroom has become a primary requirement. While the bathroom without a bathtub was less, complete. Quality bath makes it convenient when we do so the bath shower activity became a very enjoyable activity and we feel pampered in the bath. The tub is flexible and not too small to make us move freely.

Technologies in the manufacture of bathtubs develop from time to time. So also with the forms and motives. There are many choices of form and motif that you can choose according to your taste. In choosing a bathtub, you can adjust with the wishes of well adjusted to the size of your bathroom. If your bathroom area, then you can use the tub in large, allowing you to walk in tub.

Bathrooms are spacious allowing you to have many choices and types of bath that you will wear. Conversely, if you narrow your bathroom, then you are forced to choose a bathtub that is not too big because it adapted to the state of your bathroom. Proper placement tub will also add a luxurious and tidy in your bathroom. The other side of the body is clean shower activity could be a relaxing activity to release the fatigue after a day of work and activities. Many people who linger in the bath while enjoying the fresh water that washed the body. Thus the selection of appropriate tubs safety and comfortable will help you get the freshness and fitness after a shower activities you do.

Friday 15 October 2010

Zoe's Tattoo Makes the Cut

I spotted this superbly-done tattoo on Zoe's upper left arm last month in the New Jersey Transit waiting area in Penn Station:

Straight up and simply, these scissors represent Zoe's tat-tool of the trade - she has worked as a hairstylist for two years.

She credits Mike Lucena at Fly Rite Studio in Brooklyn for the tattoo.

Thanks again to Zoe for sharing her scissors with us here on Tattoosday!

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Thursday 14 October 2010

We Interrupt Our Regularly-Scheduled Program for a Word from a Tattooed Poet...

Those familiar with Tattoosday know that April is dedicated to the tattoos of poets, in honor of National Poetry Month. It only seems fair that, six months on the other side of the calendar, we let one of our contributors from this past April share her newest tattoo.

Theresa's original post can be seen here.There you will also find links to her beautiful online literary magazine The Holly Rose Review, which combines poetry and tattoo art. Sadly, Holly Rose has ceased publishing, but Theresa remains a lovely supporter of Tattoosday, and her new tattoo is quite fetching. Let's take a look:

Photo courtesy of Theresa Senato Edwards
I would also like to acknowledge that there, on her other leg, is a tattoo that says "life" in pink, with the ribbon representing breast cancer awareness acting as the "l" in life. Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it seems doubly fitting to share this photo here, even though the post is more about the paisley design.

But I'll hand the explaining over to Theresa:

It took quite a few months before I finally found the right tattoo artist to do my new tattoo: a ¾ calf, color, black, and grey shading of paisleys, thorns, and teardrops. And without naming names, I approached quite a few artists, either by phone, e-mail, facebook, or in person. Some said yes but then decided it wasn’t a tattoo he/she wanted to attempt, or said the tattoo would be limited because of price, or yes but, oh, the shop only takes cash. Or yes, but maybe hold off from getting the grey shading...

Other reputable tattoo artists were recommended to me, and, hey, I’ve met a lot of great tattoo artists online because of Holly Rose Review, but, honestly, I didn’t want to schlep too far from home.

My oldest son, Richard, told me to check out Graceland Tattoo in Wappingers Falls, about 20 minutes from Poughkeepsie—yay! no schlepping! I went to the website, checked out the artists’ work, saw that they were very decently mixing color and grey shading, went to the shop.

Long story quick—the shop was clean, bright, and bouncy and Shane behind the counter was great. But when I talked to tattoo artist Diego Gonzalez about the tattoo I wanted, that’s when I felt confident that I had come to the right place and that he was the one to do it. He was non-judgmental and very helpful.

And throughout the entire experience: tattoo prep/design—discussion of what I wanted, where, and why (both in person and e-mail)—and both tattoo sessions, Diego was patient, kind, and very professional.

Much respect and thanks go out to Uruguay-born Diego Gonzalez, who has been tattooing 12 years, 9 years professionally, the last 3 out of Graceland Tattoo; who also enjoys watching Syfy movies and Science channels; and who feels that “nature is the greatest muse.”

Photo courtesy of Theresa Senato Edwards

Theresa sent me an excerpt from what she e-mailed Diego prior to their sessions, which gets closer to the core of the idea behind the tattoo:

"...just wanted to tell you why i'd like to get this tattoo. maybe this will help you as you finish drawing it. to celebrate turning 50, an age that i didn't think i would like too much, but i do. in india the paisley symbolized a time of harvest, and for me it is a positive symbol of a fruitful transition. yet the thorns are to show the pain that comes with life and what we endure before we learn and change, the tears (tear drops) to show the emotions. but tears and thorns both spill into those paisleys: that "hope" in which outweighs any despair. the art should say beautiful yet brutal--not necessarily a pretty, frilly tattoo but one that's pretty with touches of "darkness," if that makes sense...”

We were originally going to run this in August but, as Theresa best can explain, "Being a perfectionist that I tend to be (not always a good thing), I realized after getting this tattoo that the pink just wasn't bright enough in the bottom paisley. So I e-mailed Diego to ask him if he could touch it up. He kindly said yes and did a great touch up of that bottom paisley, free of charge, no less. Now it's perfect!"

Thanks so much to Theresa for sharing her lovely new tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!