Wednesday 19 January 2011

Lauk Lezat Berbahan Ikan

Ikan adalah lauk yang sehat, karena kaya akan protein, mineral, vitamin dan mudah dicerna karena tekstur dagingnya lunak. Ikan juga mudah diolah menjadi beragam hidangan. Jika Anda bosan menyantap ikan kembung yang hanya digoreng, cobalah resep Balado Ikan Kembung. Saya percaya, lauk ini akan menjadi menu Favorit keluarga Anda. Selamat mencoba. Resep/Foto/Dapur Uji: Budi Sutomo.

Balado Ikan Kembung

500 g ikan kembung
Minyak untuk menggoreng
15 buah cabe merah, tumbuk kasar
8 buah cabe rawit, haluskan
12 buah bawang merah, haluskan
1 sdt gula pasir
2 batang serai, memarkan
3 cm lengkuas, memarkan
2 lembar daun jeruk
2 sdm air asam jawa/air jeruk nipis
1 sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak, goreng ikan kembung hingga kering matang dan kering, angkat. Sisihkan.
2. Panaskan satu sendok sayur minyak goreng, tumis bawang merah dan cabe merah hingga harum. Masukkan serai, daun jeruk, dan lengkuas, aduk rata.
3. Tambahkan ikan kembung yang telah digoreng, air asam atau air jeruk nipis, gula pasir dan garam. Masak sambil diaduk-aduk hingga semua bahan matang dan bumbu meresap. Angkat.
4. Tuang ke dalam pinggan saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 6 Porsi

Tip: Ikan kembung bisa diganti dengan jenis ikan lain sesuai selera.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Tattoorism: Sean Returns, Part 1

Back in 2009, one of our loyal readers, Sean, submitted a whole slew of his work for our viewing pleasure. You can read the original posts, here and here.

Why do I bring this up now? Last summer, Sean sent us more of his tat-alog of work and I had been saving it for a rainy day. Since it's a rainy, sleety, snowy day, I thought I should share more of what Sean sent along. And since he sent a lot, I'm splitting it into two posts. What follows is the first installment. Italics represent direct quotes from Sean.

I got the ditch of my elbow done probably about a year or so ago.  It is a flower of sorts, of my own design, made up of various geometrical shapes.  The tattoo represents two parts of our world, nature (the floral shape itself, petals, leaves, etc.) and science (the geometric shapes making up the flower).  I believe that one should not base their ideals solely on nature or science/technology, but on a mixture of the two.  It represents my appreciation for both nature and science.  Basically, I am fascinated by technology and the sciences that are its basis, but at the same time do not feel that science should trump nature all together but rather, have the two working together in harmony.  It was done by Robert “Binky” Ryan at Electric Tattoo in Bradley Beach, NJ.

The sparrows circling my outer elbow were my next pieces done.  I had attended a Marine museum in Philadelphia which had a great exhibit on the tattoo culture surrounding the Navy and sailors in general throughout history.  According to the exhibit, sailors would earn the right to a single sparrow tattoo after traveling 5,000 miles at sea and a second sparrow after 10,000 miles.  I am not much for sailing, but the idea of the sparrow representing travel and all the hardships, journeys, and successes that surround that travel appealed to me.  Further, I have a general appreciation for American Traditional tattoos and their overall aesthetics.  These were done by Rich Heller at Electric Tattoo in Bradley Beach, NJ. 

Don’t quite remember when I got my feet finished up, but it was sometime within the last year and a half or so.  My feet are tattooed with a sun and moon, which I drew myself about 6 years ago.  The duality of the sun and moon, and various meanings that these two symbols hold are why I had them tattooed.  The idea that each represents night and day, or two opposites that work together to make up a whole, are what drew me to having the designs placed on my feet.  Further, it represents the two sides that I have to myself, a lighter, happy, and caring side and a darker, selfish side.  I feel a person cannot fully understand themselves without acknowledging and accepting all parts of their personalities.  I also gave the sun and moon, a dark, kind of macabre, look as I am a huge horror fan and have always been attracted to the darker side of things.  Originally, I had them inked by Robert “Binky” Ryan (then at Body Art World in Pt. Pleasant, NJ but now Electric Tattoo in Bradley Beach, NJ) in 2004.  They were done in grey wash and I was happy with them for about 5 years, in which point I decided to have them colored in, and had some background added.  The color and background were added by Brody Longo at Slingin’ Ink in Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ.

The next piece I got was an anchor on my inner forearm.  The anchor represents all the things that drag me down in life.  Across the anchor is a banner that reads “P.M.A.” the abbreviation for positive mental attitude.  I feel the first step in pushing through any kind of hardship in life is to have a positive attitude, and the rest will follow.  I want to say the original use of PMA was in a Bad Brains song, but I pulled it from its use in the Glassjaw song “Piano.”  This tattoo is also a throwback to the band Glassjaw, as they have been my favorite band for I would have to say at least 10 years now and I have experienced just about every emotion possible while listening to their albums.  So as an added bonus, the tattoo brings me back to all those memories.  The tattoo was done by Rich Heller at Electric Tattoo in Bradley Beach, NJ.

Thanks to Sean for sharing all of this with us here on Tattoosday, and for patiently waiting for me to post it!

Stay tuned for part 2.....

Monday 17 January 2011

Clark's Tattoo Incorporates Utah Wildflowers and a French Surrealist

Back in October, I briefly met Clark when I was passing through Penn Station at the end of the day. He was waiting for a train, so we didn't have a lengthy discussion, but he did let me photograph his right forearm:

There are two significant elements to this work. Clark is originally from Utah, and he has chosen to acknowledge this in ink by having Utah wildflowers incorporated in the piece.

The figure is bordered by the French phrase "Nul n'est censé ignorer" which can be translated as "ignorance is no excuse." The figure is based on the work of French painter and poet Francis Picabia.

Clark credited both Jonah Ellis and Joss Macetti at Graceland Brooklyn for work on this tattoo.

Thanks to Clark for sharing this with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday 16 January 2011

A Diversion: A Tattoo Across Time

Well, folks, at one point I had over fifty days of material backlogged, but I've been rationing of late, and tattoobernating a bit. I've less than seven days of posts remaining and this cold weather has everyone hiding their ink because of the cold.

So, until it heats up, check out this piece by writer Shonna Milliken Humphrey in tomorrow's New York Times.

It's a very nice essay and it is ink-related.

Read more about the author here.

Friday 14 January 2011

Perhatian untuk Sahabatku!!! Kami Tidak Berkomentar Kotor!

Musibah dan Ujian Pelajaran Blog untuk Kesekian Kalinya

Sahabat dan teman-teman pasti merasa heran dan pertanyaan,mengapa hari ini blog ini lepas dari tema? Kami harap teman-teman memaklumi atas apa yang kami posting kali ini.
Ini ada kaitannya dengan musibah Pelajaran Blog yang kini kami terima untuk kesekian kalinya.

Kami sadar,kami hanya pemula dalam dunia blogging,buta coding dan ahli dalam bidang copy paste.
Namun kami tanpa mengurangi etika blogging,sedapat mungkin menghindari hal-hal yang tak kami inginkan.

PERHATIAN! kami tidak pernah melakukan KOMENTAR KOTOR,MENGHINAKAN apalagi Mencaci maki antar sesama blogger dalam aktivitas blogwalking!
Apabila ada komentar-komentar yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan,mohon hubungi kami,setidaknya via Facebook Page kami.

Hal ini baru kami sadari,ada komentar yang kurang sehat dan MENGATASNAMAKAN blog kami dalam blog saudara Naas
Untuk preview komentar yang kurang sehat dari seseorang yang asing buat kami yang mana mungkin 'bertujuan mengambil account' atau apalah (jadi su'udzon nih! :p) tersebut,kami ambil dalam gambar dibawah ini:

Perhatian!!! Kami Tidak Berkomentar Kotor!

Untuk pemilik blog (korban fitnah pihak kedua),mas Naas,kami mohon maklum dan percayalah itu 100% bukan komentar kami.

Untuk sahabat-sahabat blog ini yang lain,jika ada komentar yang mengatasnamakan kami dan cukup membuat sobat 'down' or 'angry',kami sangat mengharapkan keterbukaan sobat-sobat paling tidak melalui Facebook Page kami.

Jika selama ini kami sangat membuat pihak-pihak yang merasa dirugikan,kamipun siap untuk mereformasi kembali setiap postingan-postingan kami.
Akhir kata,saya hanya dapat mengatakan kepada 'si indrakusmr.komen',"itu bukan sikap dan cara yang professional guys!"

Budi Sutomo - Food Stylist

Membuat foto masakan menjadi lebih “bernyawa” dan enak dilihat adalah pekerjaan seorang food stylist. Meskipun materinya sederhana, dengan penataan yang tepat, sentuhan garnis serta angle pengambilan foto yang pas membuat masakan lebih indah dipandang dan menggugah selera. Saya, mencoba mengeksplorasi Sala Lauak, sebuah masakan tradisional asal Padang. Masakan tradisional ini bentuknya hanya bulat dan agak “susah datur”. Setelah beberapa kali merubah tempat saji, dan ganti posisi, ahirnya foto ini yang paling layak saya pamerkan ke pengunjung blog budi boga. Foto/Dapur Uji/Resep/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo.

Sala Lauak

400 g tepung beras
60 g rebon
500 ml air panas
Minyak untuk menggoreng
4 siung butir bawang merah, haluskan
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan
4 buah cabe merah keriting, haluskan
2 cm lengkuas, haluskan
2 cm kunyit, haluskan
1 lembar daun kunyit, iris halus
2 lembar daun jeruk, iris halus
1 sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan wajan tanpa minyak, masukkan tepung beras dan semua bumbu-bumbu. Masak sambil diaduk-aduk hingga kering.
2. Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit, daun kunyit, daun jeruk, dan rebon ke dalam tepung. Masak sambil terus diaduk-aduk hingga terbentuk adonan yang dapat dipulung/dibentuk. Angkat, dinginkan.
3. Ambil satu sendok makan adonan, bentuk menjadi bulatan-bulatan. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
4. Panaskan minyak banyak, goreng hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat. Atur di dalam piring saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 20 Buah

Tip: Rebon bisa diganti dengan ebi kering yang disangrai dan ditumbuk kasar.

Buku Tentang Food Stylist:

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Atasi Obesitas dengan Bedah lambung (Bypass lambung)

Bedah lambung (Bypass lambung) ditujukan pada pasien obesitas yang tidak mampu menurunkan berat badan dengan cara olah raga atau dengan cara diet.

Mamfaat Bypass lambung menghalangi penyerapan makanan dan mencegah penyerapan kalori di usus kecil, sehingga bisa mengurangi ukuran perut dan berat badan.

Sebagian ahli juga menyatakan bahwa Bypass lambung dapat mengubah sekresi hormon yang mengatur

Celina's Tattoo Gives Her Strength and Courage

Last month, I received a phone call when I was walking through the Borders at 2 Penn Plaza. I sat down in one of those comfy chairs and noticed, once I had finished speaking on the phone, that the young lady sitting next to me had an interesting tattoo on her right wrist. I asked her about it and Celina kindly shared it with us here:

Celina explained that she had originally hoped to have this done in Aramaic, but that she and her artist couldn't find the proper script, so she chose this one instead. It's an old Hebrew script, which I can recognize a significant part of, thanks to my many years of Hebrew school in Hawai'i.

The words translate to "Be strong and courageous," from Deuteronomy 31:6:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
The Hebrew phrase,     
 חִזְקוּ וְאִמְצוּ
is spoken by Moses, on behalf of God, addressing the Israelites after they have fled Egypt and are about to embark on the journey that takes forty years and eventually leads them to the Promised Land.

This phrase resonated with Celina, who had this tattoo done before she moved to New York from the San Francisco Bay area, and was about to embark on a journey into the unknown.

She credited the artist Chris Evans, in Santa Cruz, California, with inking this tattoo.

Thanks to Celina for sharing this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Monday 10 January 2011

Status Facebook Dengan Streaming Mp3 / Meletakkan File Mp3 di Status Facebook

Update Status Facebook Dengan Menyisipkan File dan Streaming Mp3 / Meletakkan File Mp3 di Status Facebook

Hi sob,met malem..
Meski sebentar aku luangkan waktu buat nyapa semua sahabat Pelajaran Blog yang udah setia banget ama kita :D

Kali ini ada info bagus banget sob,yang tak sengaja aku dapat dari mas 'hermawayne' sang pria misterius :p (makasih ya scriptnya,aku pake ya,hihihi)

Yup,sekarang sobat bisa menyisipkan streaming Mp3 Player kedalam status facebook sobat hanya dengan beberapa langkah dibawah ini:

1.Siapkan file Mp3 yang akan sobat share di status facebook,misal aku pake file dari ya,yakni
2.Tinggal isi form sesuai dengan instruksinya dalam frame dibawah ini:

Maaf,untuk sementara widget ini kami nonaktifkan.

3.Akan jendela popun seperti gambar dibawah ini:

Status Facebook Dengan Streaming Mp3.

4.Setelah itu tinggal klik 'Publish' dan lihat profil Facebook sobat sekarang :D

menampilkan streaming mp3 dalam status facebook.

5.Selamat mencoba ya teman :D

Tattoorism: A Bee-autiful Tattoo from the Pacific Northwest

Among the several people who voted for my Thanksgiving tattoo last November, Jude sent along a photo of a tattoo she had recently received, on November 5, her first in fact.

I'll let Jude explain:

My married name is Beeman and next year will be our 20th anniversary. I had been searching for the perfect bee image for years.

The image is by William Wasden Jr from Alert Bay, BC. I found the bee online, one of a series of prints. I found contact info for William, and both called and sent emails twice over a two month period.  Unfortunately I did not hear from William. This due diligence did satisfy my tattoo artist, Shoko Sonoda, of Sumiya here in Vancouver and we proceeded with the work.

The tattoo measures 4" by 4" which Shoko thought would be the smallest  she would want to go to catch the details. The colours used are 'bee' yellow, black and white."

Thanks so much to Jude for sharing this tattoo with us here at Tattoosday. It's really quite lovely!

Sunday 9 January 2011

Mengenal Polip Endometrium

Keluhan paling umum pada Polip Endometrium adalah pendarahan menstruasi yang berlebihan atau berkepanjangan.Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan penunjang akan didapatkan hasil: USG( Ultrasonografi) Histeroscopy Tindakan pengobatanHisterektomy adalah pengangkatan rahim secara permanen, merupakan tindakan akhir dari penyakit Polip Endometrium. Histerektomy biasanya dilakukan jika polip endometrium

Three's Not a Crowd

I met a trio of friends hanging out in Penn Station in early October, waiting for their train back to Rhode Island.

I spotted Darius first, which was understandable, as he has seventeen tattoos. Kenny and Katie, his friends, each boasted a modest three tattoos apiece, and offered up theirs as well.

Let's start with Darius, who has this traditional Mom and Sparrow tattoo on his forearm:

He said that he and two other friends got the same tattoo.

This was done by Jae Audette at Mcinnis Tattoo Company  in Providence, Rhode Island. Work from the shop appeared previously on the site here.

The other tattoo, on his bicep, is this set of brass knuckles that says "Knuckle Up":

This was done by Forrest Curl at Altered Images Tattoo Studio in Cumberland, Rhode Island.

Also from Altered Images is this still-in-progress rib piece on Kenny:

This is a depiction of The Crimson King from Stephen King's Dark Tower Series. As you would imagine, Kenny is a huge fan.

Rob Young is the artist who is working on this piece.

Katie then generously offered to show me her tattoo, which runs down her spine:

When I asked if she wouldn't mind sending me another photo, since the tattoo was partially obscured by her bra strap, she didn't hesitate to unhook it so I could photograph the whole tattoo, unobscured:

Katie explained that her heritage is Armenian, and that the letters down her spine spell the word for "family".

She added that two of her cousins have the same tattoo, but inked on their arms.

She also noted that the infinity symbol at the base of her neck speaks to the Armenian text and symbolizes, for her, "family forever".

She did not recall the name of the shop where she had this done, but recalled it was on Long Island, New York, and that the artist was "Joey D".

Thanks to Darius, Kenny and Katie for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Jill Walks On with Her Ink

I spotted Jill in the beginning of November sitting in the New Jersey Transit waiting area at Penn Station.

She has eight tattoos, five are symbols and three are word-based, including this one on her forearm:

The one she shared with us is based on the song lyrics of U2 and their song "Walk On".

The letter G and the date refer to her grandmother and the day she died, March 2, 2010.

The lyrics are "And I know it aches/And your heart it breaks/You can only take so much/Walk on".

Jill said that listening to music got her through a difficult time and this song, in particular, carried and sustained her through the mourning process.

Coincidentally, March 2 marked the anniversary of her meeting the band in 2009.

She chose an Edwardian script and the tattoo was inked by Mike at Fat Kat Tattoos in Keyport, New Jersey.

Work from Fat Kat has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Thanks to Jill for sharing this special tattoo with us here on the site!

A little extra treat, video of U2's "Walk On":

Segarnya Olahan Buah Tropis


Diet makanan mentah atau raw food diet memberi manfaat yang baik bagi kesehatan tubuh. Selain kaya vitamin, mineral dan serat, diet raw food juga menghindari tubuh dari  asupan bahan kimia yang dapat menyebabkan kanker.  Berikut resep raw food diet  dari olahan buah tropis yang bisa Anda coba di rumah. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto: Budi Sutomo.

Rujak Buah

60 g timun, potong-potong
100 g nanas, potong-potong
100 g bengkoang, potong-potong
100 g jambu air, potong-potong
Sambal Rujak:
10 buah cabe rawit
2  buah cabe merah keriting
3 sdm irisan gula merah
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
1 sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
  1. Sambal Rujak: Haluskan cabe rawit, cabe merah keriting, gula merah, garam dan air jeruk nipis hingga lembut. Sisihkan,
  2. Penyajian: Siapkan piring saji, atur potongan buah di dalam piring.Siram dengan sambal rujak. Hidangkan.
Untuk 3 Porsi

Tip: Sajikan sambal rujak di tempat terpisah agar buah-buahan tidak berair. Buah bisa diganti sesuai selera.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Banjir Lahar Dingin di Jl Magelang-Yogya

Banjir lahar dingin terbesar di Jembatan Kali Putih, Desa Jumoyo, Magelang, menyebabkan aktivitas warga kacau balau. Ratusan warga di 7 dusun di sekitar terjadinya banjir lahar dingin kesulitan untuk melakukan aktivitas mereka sehari-hari.

7 Dusun itu yakni Dusun Jempol, Dusun Ngipik, Dusun Randukuning, Dusun Gebayan, Dusun Sabrangkali, Dusun Tegalsari dan Dusun Seloiring.

Beberapa fasilitas umum berupa sekolah rusak. Jalan juga banyak yang terendam material lahar dingin berupa batu besar dan pasir.

Pertokoan yang mayoritas berada di sepanjang Jalan Raya Magelang-Yogyakarta memilih tutup. Akibatnya warga kesulitan mendapatkan kebutuhan pokok.

Putusnya tiga jembatan di 3 dusun, yakni Dusun Cirahan, Dusun Cibayan dan Dusun Sabrangkali, juga membuat warga tidak bisa keluar rumah.

166 Jiwa warga Desa Ngipik yang berada di radius 10 km dari Jembatan Kali Putih juga merasa sangat khawatir karena musibah itu. Banjir lahar diperkirakan sudah melebarkan dan membelokkan Kali Putih. Bahkan suara banjir lahar dingin terdengar gemuruh di desa itu.

Semalam banjir lahar dingin meluap ke Jalan Raya Magelang-Yogyakarta setinggi 3 meter dan sepanjang 500 meter lebih. Kondisi Jalan Raya Magelang-Yogyakarta luluh lantak. Ruas jalan itu masih ditutup dan putus total.


Monday 3 January 2011

Amanda's Irises (and a Quote)

This start-of-the-year post is courtesy of Amanda, who I met at the end of October in the Borders at Columbus Circle.

It was her sleeve of irises that first captured my attention:

These are inspired by the work of Vincent van Gogh, perhaps this one:

The tattoo was done by Dennis Halbritter when he was at Incognito Tattoo in Pasadena, California. He has since moved to High Voltage Tattoo, Kat Von D's shop on L.A. Ink.

Dennis also inked this on Amanda's inner right bicep:

This quote "IO FU QUELLO CHE VOI SIETE E QUEL CH'IO SON VOI SARETE" is taken from an Italian fresco credited to Masaccio. This is the artwork in question:

The Holy Trinity, with the Virgin and Saint John and donors, in Florence
If you look at the bottom of the fresco, right above the skeleton is the phrase Amanda has inscribed on her arm.

The phrase is translated as "I once was what you are and what I am you also will be".
These words remind her of her own mortality.

Thanks to Amanda for sharing these lovely tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Bahan Makanan Tradisional Indonesia - Bunga Kecombrang

Mengulas keunikan bahan pangan Indonesa memang tidak ada habisnya. Salah satu jenis bunga yang sering dijadikan bahan masakan adalah bunga kecombrang/Nicolaia elatior (Phaeomeria speciosa) atau yang sering disebut dengan Torch Ginger. Aroma dan rasa yang khas dari bunga ini memberi sensasi petualangan rasa berbeda jika ditambahkan dalam masakan.

Di Indonesia, bunga kecombrang sering dimasak sebagai campuran pecal, diolah menjadi pecak combrang, campuran gado-gado, gulai, atau direbus sebagai lalapan.  Bagian yang dimakan adalah bagian bunga yang masih muda atau bagian tengahnya.Selain direbus, bunga ini juga seringkali dibakar dalam abu panas atau sekam bakar. 

Selain kuliner Indonesia, tanaman family Zingiberaceae ini juga banyak dipakai dalam kuliner Asia, seperti di Thailand, dikenal dengan sebutan Kaalaa, di Malaysia disebut Bunga Kantan. Sedangkan di Indonesia, bunga ini memiliki nama yang berbeda setiap daerahnya. Masyarakat Sunda mengenalnya sebagai bunga Honje, Sumatra Barat disebut Kincung, di Maluku dikenal dengan nama Petikala dan ii Gorontalo di sebut Antimengo. Teks & Foto: Budi Sutomo.

Posisi duduk saat menyusui anak

Menyusui direkomendasikan oleh Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) sebagai pilihan makan bayi yang baik. Artikel ini akan memandu Anda tentang cara menyusui yang nyaman saat duduk.

Mencari posisi terbaik untuk anak Anda saat menyusui adalah awal dari hubungan yang indah antara bayi dan anda. Menyusui adalah urusan intim, menemukan posisi ideal yang baik,nyaman dan mudah bagi bayi untuk menyedot ASI.

Belajar Seo Menyusun Kata / Memaksimalkan Kalimat Untuk SEO

Strategi Menyusun Kata dan Kalimat Untuk Search Engine Optimization

Sebenarnya sudah lama ingin saya bagikan seputar dan kaitanya trik seo dalam menyusun kata agar posting lebih seo friendly.

Manfaat dari trik menyusun kata ini tentunya sobat sudah banyak yang tahu ya,jadi tak perlu kita ulas kembali,disamping waktu ngnet saya yang terbatas,hihihi..

Langsung aja ya gan,misal sobat ingin memaksimalkan sebuat kalimat 'Belajar Seo Menyusun Kata,Kata Emak Gue!'

Langkah pertama,dalam postingan usahakan memiliki minimal 300 kata dan bisa kurang bahkan lebih baik jika lebih.

"Yang dimaksud 300 kata adalah jumlah seluruh kata dalam posting bukan jumlah kata kunci atau keyword yang ditergetkan."

Kedua,jaga jarak dalam menanamkan kata kunci / keyword yang akan di 'shoot'.
"Letakkan kata kunci pada kalimat dalam setiap paragraf dan usahakan dalam setiap paragraf menanamkan satu(1) kata kunci"

Ketiga,Gunakan 3-5 kata kunci dalam postingan dan jarak seharusnya tidak saling berdekatan dengan kata kunci yang lain.
"Maksudnya,kata kunci yang ditargetkan dalam postingan hendaknya tidak berlebihan dan menyesuaikan jumlah kata dalam posting."

Keempat,Gantilah kata-kata seperti 'klik disini' atau 'disini' dengan nama link tujuan.
"Ini bertujuan selain meberikan penjelasan juga sebagai teknik seo dalam memperkaya kata kunci / keyword tanpa dianggap sebagai spam."

Kelima,Terapkan kode-kode html yang seo friendly pada kata kunci / keyword yang akan ditargetkan.
"Sobat bisa menggunakan kode-kode seperti <em></em>,<strong></strong>,<u></u>,<blockquote></blockquote>,dll"

Keenam,Biasakan gunakan subtitle dengan <h3></h3>,<h2></h2>,<h4></h4>
"Contohnya sobat dapat melihat subtitle postingan ini dengan kalimat diatas yakni,Strategi Menyusun Kata dan Kalimat Untuk Search Engine Optimization"

Penerapan Strategi Trik Menyusun Kata dalam Belajar Seo

Untuk prakteknya,sobat bisa analisa sendiri dari apa yang ingin saya tulis berikut ini,kita ambil kembali ya kata kunci yang ingin kita targetkan yakni 'Belajar Seo Menyusun Kata,Kata Emak Gue!'

Dalam menulis posting saya akan menuliskan seperti ini:

<u>Menyusun kata</u> memang bukan sebuah cara yang dapat dikatakan mudah.Khususnya dalam <strong>belajar seo</strong> ini,<em>menyusun kata</em> yang saya dapat dari <strong>kata emak gue</strong>,seperti membangun sebuah rumah.
Seperti apa nanti sebuah rumah tergantung seberapa teliti seseorang mengerjakannya,begitu pula dalam <u><strong>belajar seo menyusun kata ini,kata emak gue</u></strong> sob!

Nah,nati hasil dario penulisan seperti itu akan menjadi seperti ini gan:

Menyusun kata memang bukan sebuah cara yang dapat dikatakan mudah.Khususnya dalam belajar seo ini,menyusun kata yang saya dapat dari kata emak gue,seperti membangun sebuah rumah.
Seperti apa nanti sebuah rumah tergantung seberapa teliti seseorang mengerjakannya,begitu pula dalam belajar seo menyusun kata ini,kata emak gue sob!

Selanjutnya,pergilah ke Google.Co.Id dan tulislah keyword 'Belajar Seo Menyusun Kata,Kata Emak Gue!',blog siapa ya yang nongol disana? :D

Dari contoh paragraf tersebut,sobat sudah dapat membayangkan bukan,bagaimana menerapkan kalimat agar telihat natural namun sebenarnya penulis menembakkan beberapa kata kunci untuk mendapatkan posisi di serp Google :D

Saturday 1 January 2011

Child safety a priority in parenting

Having a child is every parent's dream. Children who healthy and funny will make parents feel happiness. Children are expected to become the successor to their parents' generation, who will become the foundation and later can take care of their parents when the elderly. How to properly educate children and a good environment will be very influential on the development and growth of children. Attention, affection and adequate nutrition will make your child healthy. Especially when children are still under the age of 5 years. Attention, should be given priority because at this age children will undergo much development, especially in brain development.

Children under the age of 5 years will be easy to imitate what's in the vicinity. Whether it's good or bad. So the role of a good and conducive environment is very influential personality of the child's growth. In addition, you also have to pay more attention to your child's safety, for example by using baby proofing products so that you will be calmer on the security and comfort your baby. Many kinds of support tools you can use to support the child's comfort.

Baby Gates for example, tools are nice and comfortable for your baby. Various support equipment such as safety of your other child safety locks, door lock, windows Guards, Guards TV, appliance locks, and others. Security and safety of children is the number one we need to prioritize, because when the child is fussy and sick, you as parents will surely feel the impact, even your brother will also inconvenience. In my opinion, the child not to experiment, but we as parents should be able to choose what is right and proper for health, comfort, safety, growth and safety. If you have difficulty caring for children the correct way and safe, a lot of good media television, the internet, as well as reviewing books about child safety tips that you can read or learn.  Let us become parents who can care for our children properly so that our children become healthy children and quality.