Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Two Segements of Renae's Arm
Let's deconstruct:
The first part of this tattoo is the dark heart on the inner part of the forearm. Renae attributes this to Rob at the Orlando branch of Hart and Huntington. In over three years of inkspotting, this is the first piece on Tattoosday that has been credited to one of their shops.
Renae, who has "no idea" how many tattoos she has (which is synonymous for "too many to count"), wanted to add to her arm, so she headed to Brooklyn Ink in Bay Ridge.
Alex Franklin was given free reign, according to Renae. Her exact quote was "use your imagination and run," which must be music to many a tattooists ears.
Alex did the flourishes around the original tattoo, along with the phrase "gutta cavat lapidem," a Latin phrase by Ovid which translates to "dripping water hollows out a stone," which is a shortened version of the line "Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence." This quote is known to many New Yorkers who have seen it inscribed underground here (with a broader description here).
And he tattooed the piece on the other side of the arm:
Work from Brooklyn Ink (and a lot by Alex) has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.
Thanks to Renae for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Monday, 30 August 2010
John's Root People
I had been admiring his sleeve on the train, but didn't have the opportunity to speak to him about it until after he got off the subway.
He referred to these creatures as "Root People":
It's an abstract collaboration with the artist, Rickett, at The Ruby Lantern in Carson City, Nevada.
They started working together in January of this year, and they're not yet finished with the whole sleeve. As you can tell, it's very unusual and has a very unique approach.
These designs are all on John's right arm, and I am particular to the female tree person above on his inner forearm.
Thanks to John for sharing his Root People here with us on Tattoosday!
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Gina's Phoenix
Alas, like so many folks to whom I give fliers, I didn't receive any emails or photos. But a month passed and one day I was pleasantly surprised to see an email from Gina, with the following photos of her phoenix tattoo:
I'll let her explain the rest:
"... I had completely forgotten [about sending in the photo] until I found the picture I took for you on my camera... This was done by Junii at the Diamond Club in San Francisco. [Bill Salmon, Junii's husband, is the studio owner]. She does amazing line work. She's also incredibly conscientious about design and her clients. For both my tattoos, she spend a lot of time talking with me, looking at the 20 pictures I had brought in of bits or aspects of what I wanted, then went off and did her own research, always coming back with exactly the right drawing.
This one - I got it after a really, really difficult year. So, obviously, not the deepest symbolism - just wanted to remind myself of the possibility of renewal."
Thanks to Gina for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Alex Shares a Floral Tattoo, Roots and All
Back in July, for example, I approached a guy on the West 4th Street subway platform to ask him about this tattoo on his right forearm:
It was only after I said hello to him that I realized he was someone named Alex who lives in my neighborhood in Brooklyn.
In fact, Alex had a tattoo featured here back in 2009, after I stopped him in the laundromat.
This floral tattoo is a representation of how a flower overcomes obstacles and pain to lay down roots, rises up, and blooms.
He draws the comparison to life, as nothing comes without hard work and bypassing obstacles.
The tattoo was created by Shon Lindauer at Thicker Than Water in Manhattan. Shon is the same artist that did the tiger on my calf. Other work from Thicker Than Water has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.
Thanks to Alex for once again sharing his work with us here on Tattoosday!
Ilmuwan Berhasil Membuat Nyawa Tiruan, Mau Menyaingi Tuhan?
Penciptaan sel sintetik yang digambarkan sebagai sebuah tonggak bersejarah dalam ilmu pengetahuan oleh seorang ahli asal Inggris itu, merupakan mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan dari penelitian yang berlangsung selama 15 tahun oleh ahli rekayasa genetik, Dr Ventern.
Dia mengembuskan nyawa ke tubuh bakteri menggunakan gen yang disatukan melalui proses di laboratorium dalam sebuah konsep pengembangan, dengan tujuan utama untuk membuat organisme material genetik. Termasuk di dalamnya, pembuatan organisme tiruan yang didesain untuk tugas-tugas khusus seperti membuat vaksin atau membersihkan polusi.
Tapi beberapa ahli melihat adanya potensi bahaya dalam temuan tersebut. Misalnya, nyawa sintetik bisa disalahgunakan untuk membuat senjata biologis.
Berbicara dalam program BBC2 Newsnight di Washington, Venter membantah tuduhan dirinya telah mempermainkan Tuhan. “Tuduhan itu selalu muncul setiap kali muncul terobosan baru di dunia medis atau ilmu pengetahuan yang terkait dengan biologi. (Penelitian) ini mempunyai tujuan kemanusiaan untuk mengontrol sifat alam. Itu sama seperti bagaimana kita menjinakkan hewan,” katanya.
“Ini adalah tingkat lebih tinggi dari pemahaman kita. Ini adalah tahap dimana kita bisa mulai memahami bagaimana kehidupan itu bekerja dan mungkin juga bagaimana kita bisa mengontrol sistem mikrobiologi untuk kepentingan kemanusiaan,” tambahnya.
Saat ditanya, teknik baru tersebut bisa dibeli oleh pemilik modal besar, Venter menjawab, teknologi tidak untuk diperjualbelikan. “Kami berupaya mengembangkan teknologi ini untuk memajukan bidang perlindungan vaksin. Kami akan menggunakannya untuk mengembangkan pemahaman dasar dari kehidupan sel,” jelasnya.
Venter juga menyangkal kekhawatiran sejumlah pihak bahwa teknologi itu akan digunakan sebagai bio terorisme. “Sebagian orang sepakat bahwa ada potensi yang berkembang, bahwa teknologi bisa digunakan untuk kekerasan. Tapi ada juga yang meyakini jika pengembangan ini sangat berpotensi untuk membantu kehidupan manusia,” paparnya.
sumber http://kask.us/5053494
Friday, 27 August 2010
Drugs and alcohol is a disease of society that must be taken seriously
Problems caused by abuse of drugs can be very complex, both physically, mentally, as well as their impact in the community. Physically, the effects of drugs could make them suffer brain damage, nerve, kidney, heart, lungs and liver. Psychological / mental, drugs will make users feel addicted, are cowards did not dare to face the realities of life. While its impact on society is that they will be regarded as social pariahs, and suspicion will make the other affected residents to use drugs as well. The role of drug rehab is very important to help overcome this.
When drug addicts can get treatment, drug treatment is appropriate, and the routine will be able to pass through hard times in their healing process. As for alcohol addicts also require alcohol treatment regularly so they can quickly recover from addiction. Drugs and alcohol are a real threat in society. We all needed care for our citizens to avoid a disease of this society. Living without drugs and alcohol are more beautiful, still waiting for our future to be able to do our best in our life.
Kevin's Gravitational Tattoo
He explained that he enrolled in school not knowing for sure what he wanted to do. He was on a path for a career in finance, but also has a keen interest in art and graphic design.
He says that the tattoo is a reminder that, although gravity is all around us, and pulling us toward the status quo, he should stay true to himself and never give up his interest in art.
He had this done by Betty Rose at Red Rocket Tattoo in Manhattan. Work from Red Rocket has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.
Thanks to Kevin for sharing his Gravity with us here on Tattoosday!
Sate Ayam Kampung Sambal Mete
600 g daging dada ayam kampung, potong dadu 2 x 2 cm
Tusuk sate secukupnya
3 sdm minyak goreng
2 sdt lada halus
2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
1 sdt garam halus
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
Sambal Kacang Mete:
100 g kacang mete, goreng, haluskan
7 butir kemiri, goreng, haluskan
150 ml santan kental dari 1 butir kelapa
2 sdm minyak goreng
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan
4 butir bawang merah, haluskan
1 sdt ketumbar, haluskan
4 buah cabe merah keriting, haluskan
4 buah cabe rawit, haluskan
1 sdm irisan gula merah
½ sdm air jeruk limau
½ sdm kecap manis
1/2 sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
1. Bumbui potongan daging ayam kampung dengan lada, garam, kecap manis, minyak goreng, air jeruk nipis dan bawang putih. Aduk rata. Diamkan 30 menit agar bumbu meresap.
2. Siapkan tusukan sate. Masukkan potongan daging ayam kampung ke dalam tusukan sate. Nyalakan bara arang kayu. Bakar sate di atas bara api sambil dibolak-balik hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat.
3. Atur sate di atas piring saji, siram dengan sambal kacang mete. Sajikan segera selagi panas.
4. Sambal Kacang Mete: Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, ketumbar dan cabe hingga harum. Tuang santan, kacang mete, bawang merah goreng, kecap manis, garam, gula merah dan air jeruk limau. Masak hingga mendidih dan mengental. Angkat.
Untuk 6 Porsi
Tip: Sambal kacang bisa diganti dengan sambal kecap. Bahan sambal kecap, 6 buah cabe rawit merah, 6 buah cabe rawit hijau, 5 buah bawang merah, 6 sdm kecap manis, ½ sdm air jeruk limau. Campur semua bahan sambal kecap. Aduk rata. Sambal siap digunakan sebagai pelengkap sate.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Travis and Another Perspective of Ganesh
But there are always exceptions.
Take, for example, Travis, who I met on Monday near the corner of 32nd and 8th Avenue waiting for a bus.
Under normal circumstances, you'd have seen Travis's tattoo in September but, the next day, I got the following mysterious tweet: "@Tattoosday post pictures of that guys tattoos- you were talking to him yesterday outside MSG plzz! *stalker*".
Well, a little bit of digging, and I discovered that the source of the message was Hannah, who appeared last month on Tattoosday here. And since I'm a sucker for my fans, I'll gladly oblige and share Travis's tattoo with us here today. Here it is:
Travis's tattoo depicts the Hindu deity Ganesh. However, unlike this Ganesh tattoo, this one has a twist.
Travis explained that one of the common beliefs is that Ganesh was born with a human head, but that he was beheaded as a boy, and his head was replaced with that of an elephant. He obtained a third eye so that he could make sure he was never betrayed again.
Travis says that he often feels "too aware" of others, to the point that it detracts from his enjoyment of life. Thus, his tattoo of Ganesh has him literally slicing off the third eye, wielding a sword with his trunk, which metaphorically translates to Travis "cooling out" and being less aware so that he can enjoy life more.
The "F.I.A." on the banner stand for "Fuck It All".
Travis has eight tattoos, which includes a full sleeve, all by artist Brad Stevens at Dare Devil Tattoo in New York City.
Thanks to Travis for sharing this interesting interpretation of Ganesh with us here on Tattoosday!
Berpikir dan bertindak yang membuat kita ada.
( Rene Descartes )
Pikiran yang membuat kita ada dan pikiran juga yang memotivasi kita untuk besikap dan bertindak. Sepanjang kita masih bisa berfikir, gunakanlah pikiran itu untuk kebaikan, baik untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk orang lain.
Jika seseorang tidak lagi bisa berpikir, sudah selayaknya disebut patung atau mayat. Mayat dan patung tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa,
Hack Cara Melihat Thread Forum Tanpa Login
Apakah Betul Kita Dapat Mengetahui Hack Cara Melihat Thread Forum Tanpa Login?Sebenarnya ini bukan seperti kliatanya,'ga tao nih yang posting,ngeri bgt judulny!',hehehe
Kini kamu dapat mengetahui Hack Cara Melihat Thread Forum Tanpa Login jika membaca artikel ini dari awal sampai akhir nanti (halah!) Langkah Hack Cara Melihat Thread Forum Tanpa LoginMisal,agan pingin liat salah satu forum 'dewasa' di Nah,dari string Perhatikan,tulisan yang ada didalam lingkaran,jika anda mengklik hasil pencariannya,maka anda hanya akan mendapatkan halaman forum yang mempunyai warning untuk jadi member tentunya.Namun jika anda mengklik tulisan yang didalam lingkaran pada gambar diatas,tentu akan lain hasilnya :D |
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Small World, Tattoosday-Style
The gentleman asked who the artist was and mentioned his son was an artist as well. "Who?" I asked, and he told me, Mike Perfetto, aka Designs by Michael Angelo in Brooklyn. I gave him a flier and he introduced himself as Ralph Perfetto, our Democratic District Leader here in Bay Ridge.
I know you're likely thinking, "Nice story, Bill, but is it really that much of a small world coincidence?" Actually, yes, because my backlog had brought me to posting a couple of tattoos on Peter, who I had last seen at the Matty No Times benefit back on July 17. One of those tattoos, you guessed it, is by Mike Perfetto.
Let's take a look:
Pete also shared a tattoo on his leg by legendary Brooklyn artist Tony Polito. As you can see, Pete has quite a collection of ink, and he takes pride in the work he has from "old school" New York artists tattooing in the American Traditional style.
Pete explained that "Old Calcutta" was a nickname for Tony's shop from the early '80s to the mid '90s because of the high intensity atmosphere of the shop and the people who were there.
Thanks to Peter for sharing his tattoos with us here on Tattoosday (again and again). Peter has been working hard at New York Hardcore Tattoo on Stanton Street. They have recently remodeled the shop and are working hard on producing quality art on the denizens of New York City. Be sure to stop in and meet their crew.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Under One Small Star - Two Tattoos from Anna
I love seeing ink that is new and original, and I had never seen a line of anything run up the length of a leg like this.
Anna explained that this was a line of poetry that reads "My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second" that she heard on a trip to Cambodia. Her group leader, Jan, had shared the poem, "Under One Small Star" by Polish Nobel Laureate Wislawa Szymborska, and the verse meant a lot to her during her trip there. This one specific line really resounded with her, so she first "paid a Khmer translation site and then had a friend [she] made in Cambodia, Ponheary, check the translation just to make sure it was correct".
I love the international flavor of this tattoo - a poem originally in Polish, translated to English, then re-translated to Khmer, transcribed in flesh in America!
The line runs from top to bottom and was inked by Jason at Powerhouse Tattoo Company in Montclair, New Jersey.
The poem is reprinted in its entirety at the end of this post.
Since it is Tat-Tuesday, let's look at a second tattoo from Anna, this one on the back side of her right arm:
This is Joan of Arc, "a hero of mine," says Anna, who admires her from the feminist perspective and finds her an "unbelievably inspirational" historical figure.
This piece was tattooed by the wonderful Stephanie Tamez at New York Adorned. Stephanie's work has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.
Thanks again to Anna for sharing these two of her seven tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Under One Small Star
My apologies to chance for calling it necessity.
My apologies to necessity if I'm mistaken, after all.
Please, don't be angry, happiness, that I take you as my due.
May my dead be patient with the way my memories fade.
My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second.
My apologies to past loves for thinking that the latest is the first.
Forgive me, distant wars, for bringing flowers home.
Forgive me, open wounds, for pricking my finger.
I apologize for my record of minuets to those who cry from the depths.
I apologize to those who wait in railway stations for being asleep
today at five a.m.
Pardon me, hounded hope, for laughing from time to time.
Pardon me, deserts, that I don't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water.
And you, falcon, unchanging year after year, always in the same cage,
your gaze always fixed on the same point in space,
forgive me, even if it turns out you were stuffed.
My apologies to the felled tree for the table's four legs.
My apologies to great questions for small answers.
Truth, please don't pay me much attention.
Dignity, please be magnanimous.
Bear with me, O mystery of existence, as I pluck the occasional thread
from your train.
Soul, don't take offense that I've only got you now and then.
My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere at once.
My apologies to everyone that I can't be each woman and each man.
I know I won't be justified as long as I live,
since I myself stand in my own way.
Don't bear me ill will, speech, that I borrow weighty words,
then labor heavily so that they may seem light.
--Wislawa Szymborska
Bau Telur Busuk Bisa Atasi Radang Persendian
Bukan hanya pada penderita gangguan sendi, gas tersebut juga ditemukan pada persendian yang sehat sekalipun. Letaknya di antara sambungan tulang, bercampur dengan cairan synovial yang merupakan pelumas bagi persendian.
Sebuah penelitian di Inggris mengungkap, konsentrasi gas H2S meningkat pada penderita radang persendian seperti rheumatoid arthritis dan osteoarthritis. Dibandingkan sendi yang sehat, pengingkatan tersebut dikatakan cukup signifikan.
Dikutip dari Foxnews, Selasa (24/8/2010), temuan ini menunjukkan hubungan yang erat antara gas H2S dengan radang yang terjadi di persendian. Meski belum diketahui pasti, para peneliti meyakini gas tersebut merupakan bentuk perlindungan alami terhadap radang.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan dikembangkan untuk menemukan bentuk terapi baru yang berbasis H2S. Jika berhasil, terapi baru tersebut diharapkan akan menggantikan pengobatan konvensional dengan berbagai efek sampingnya yang tidak menyenangkan.
Para peneliti yang terdiri dari ilmuwan dari Peninsula Medical School dan beberapa dokter di Royal Devon and Exter NHS Trust menilai hasil penelitian ini menguatkan temuan terdahulu. Sebelumnya, para ahli telah mengidentifikasi molekul yang mengatur pelepasan H2S pada radang persendian kronis.
Radang persendian, khususnya rheumatoid arthritis merupakan gangguan autoimun yang sering menyertai proses penuaan. Penyakit ini menyerang sedikitnya 46 juta orang di seluruh Amerika, sebagian besar di rentang usia 30 hingga 40 tahun.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Caitlin's Pin-up with a Heart on the Sleeve
She obliged, selecting this, her most recent tattoo:
This is based on the artwork of the pin-up stylings of Baron von Lind. I believe the piece that this is replicating is his work "Daphne":
I wish I could give proper credit to the artist, but it was a noisy train platform, and I scribbled down Willie Childress, Asheville, North Carolina. If anyone knows who this is, or what shop he belongs to, please let me know so I can give the artist his proper due.
Thanks to Caitlin for sharing her pin-up with us here on Tattoosday!
Be sure to head over to the Baron von Lind website to see more of his art.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Jason's Pennsylvania Devils
I asked him if he wouldn't mind sharing some of his work, and he gladly complied.
I snapped some photos and chatted with him all the way to Brooklyn. Check them out:
Why a devil on his leg? Jason said he was considering putting something on his leg that he was afraid to place there. When he asked himself if he should really do that, he reasoned, just by asking himself that, meant he should do it. He also gave some advice that I thought was very valuable.
Jason said that when he is looking to get tattooed, and isn't sure what he wants, he'll go to an artist and ask them what they're currently drawing. Most artists in the shop, when they're not tattooing, are either drawing, sketching, painting, or creating something. Jason reasons that if you ask for what the artist is currently doing, he or she will be that much more passionate about the work.
This logic is behind several of Jason's tattoos.
The work above was created on Jason by Ryan Westvall at Old Soul Tattoo in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.
Thanks to Jason for sharing his tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Seks Anak SMP
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Garrett's Peacock Recalls the South
I had yet to replace my photographic equipment and I had yet to receive the loaner from my awesome friend Jill.
So, I did the best I could with a flash-less BlackBerry camera to capture Garrett's awesome sleeve:
Yes, folks, it's another peacock in our midst, in a summer during which we have been treated to a variety of peafowl.
Garrett's choice to get this tattoo stems from his love of these birds, combined with an appreciation of fashion, and how the peacock speaks to that sensibility. He also likes how the males are the fairer of the two sexes.
What's especially remarkable is that this is a black and gray tattoo, with no plans to take on any color ink.
The inclusion of magnolias, azaleas and violets, all in homage to the South, make this potentially dizzyingly colorful tattoo more remarkable in its basic palette. Rather than explosions of color, we are rewarded with subtleties of shading.
Credit goes to Myles Karr at Three Kings Tattoo in Brooklyn. Work from Myles has previously appeared here on Tattoosday.
Thanks to Garrett for sharing his amazing tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
Friday, 20 August 2010
Jessica's Chest Piece and a Tale of Two Tigers
Last month in the Amtrak section of Penn Station, I spotted Jessica, a young woman with a beautiful tattoo across her chest:
This piece even was our banner here for a few weeks, thanks to Jessica.
The inscription reads "Never Love, Never Lose," which is certainly thought-provoking, a slight spin on the aphorism, "It is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all." It also recalls an Irish claddagh ring, with two hands holding a heart. Feathers on the ends of the hands were added to even out the design.
I particularly like the fact that Jessica is wearing a key around her neck and, in the photo, it is lying across the keyhole at the center of the heart.
Jessica collaborated with the artist known as Ollie XXX in Montreal. If you look at his portfolio on his site, slide 87 shows a brighter original version of the tattoo when it was first completed.
When I asked her how many tattoos she had, she said, twenty-two, and showed me her most recent, a Peanuts tattoo. When I inquired where she got it, she said Thicker Than Water on the Lower East Side. "Oh," I commented, "you got one of the $50 specials?" I knew that the shop had done a $50 tattoo event the previous Saturday. Jessica confirmed that she had, in fact, attended with a friend.
I continued, "Shon Lindauer was the artist for my tiger,"and I rolled up my pant leg to reveal the piece Shon had inked at the beginning of the year when they were in "Year of the Tiger" mode. Well, you could have knocked Jessica over with a feather and her aunt, who Jessica was seeing off at the station, was also surprised. Why?
Jessica pulled down her right sleeve to reveal a familiar, but more feminine version of my tiger from my calf.
Shon had inked a variation on the tiger for her in February. Jessica's aunt insisted we pose with our tigers together.
I love how the designs are so similar, yet hers is much more feminine (or mine is much more masculine).
Granted, inkspotting certainly reduces the odds, but nonetheless, our paths crossing still seemed incredibly amazing.
Thanks to Jessica for sharing her work with us here on Tattoosday!
Jennifer Aniston Tiru Gaya Fesyen Cameron Diaz
Mengutip femalefirst, Kamis (19/8), aktris yang menakjubkan dengan gaya fesyennya ini mengaku penggemar berat Cameron. Jennifer mengatakan, "Saya suka melihat Cameron Diaz saat berjalan di atas karpet merah. Dia cantik mempesona dan memiliki banyak gaya."
Tak hanya mengagumi Cameron, Jennifer juga memuji Cate Blanchett. "Cate selalu menarik dan unik," ujarnya.
Jennifer sendiri dikagumi jutaan perempuan di seluruh dunia. Maklum, tak hanya jago akting, ia selalu terlihat cantik dan memiliki tubuh yang sempurna.
"Rahasianya, aku hanya rajin berolahraga dan mengenakan pakaian yang pas di badan," tuturnya. [aji-inilah.com]
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Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Penyebab Gempa Dahsyat Haiti terungkap
"Tidak jelas seberapa bahaya yang baru itu, patahan yang mungkin belum dipetakan dan penemuannya akan mengubah keseluruhan risiko bahaya gempa Haiti," kata Eric Calais, profesor geofisika di Universitas Purdue di West Lafayette.
Dia mengatakan analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar atau semua gerakan geologi yang menyebabkan gempa 7,0 SR bulan Januari terjadi di sepanjang patahan yang baru ditemukan dan bukan patahan Enriquillo yang telah didokumentasikan dengan baik.
Calais, mempresentasikan temuannya itu minggu ini dalam sebuah konferensi ilmiah di Brazil. Ia menyarankan zona seismik Haiti jauh lebih kompleks daripada yang telah diantisipasi ilmuwan.
Tapi profil patahan baru yang kemungkinan akan bergabung dengan patahan Enriquillo pada kedalaman tertentu tidak akan diketahui, sampai ilmuwan secara intensif mempelajari wilayah tersebut.
"Jika ada patahan lain yang mampu menghasilkan gempa bumi selain Enriquillo kita harus mengejar mereka," katanya dari Brazil melalui telepon seperti dikutip dari Yahoo.
Calais mengatakan bahwa pada saat gempa, Haiti tidak memiliki stasiun seismik. Peneliti baru berkumpul di negara Karibia dan memasang sekitar 10 stasiun untuk memantau pergerakan bumi.
Ross Stein, ahli geofisika di US Geological Survey di Menlo Park California, mengatakan temuan Calais itu menarik dan menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan tentang kompleksitas patahan Haiti dan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi selama gempa bulan Januari.
Namun dia mengatakan penemuan ini tidak mengejutkan, mengingat banyak yang tidak diketahui dari gempa bumi.[ito-inilah.com]
Hewan Pertama di Dunia Ditemukan
Seperti dikutip dari Yahoo News, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makhluk seperti spons telah hidup sekitar 650 juta tahun lalu. Berdasarkan gambar digital dari fosil, hewan-hewan ini memiliki ukuran sekitar satu sentimeter atau setara dengan ujung jari kecil Anda. Hewan ini juga memiliki bentuk tubuh yang tidak teratur dengan jaringan kanal internal.
Fosil yang mirip kerang tersebut ditemukan di bawah deposit glasial berusia 635 juta tahun di selatan Australia. Ini merupakan bukti awal dari bentuk tubuh hewan dalam rekaman fosil saat ini. Sebelumnya, fosil hewan bertubuh keras tertua berasal dari dua organisme terumbu yang hidup sekitar 550 juta tahun yang lalu.
Para peneliti telah mengidentifikasi fosil kontroversial hewan bertubuh lunak ini. mereka diperkirakan berasal dari periode Ediacaran antara 577 dan 542 juta tahun yang lalu. Penelitian ini didanai oleh National Science Foundation (NSF) Divisi Geologi.
"Kami menebak tikar mikroba telah membuat substrat seperti karang dan spons ini mungkin sudah tumbuh di atasnya. Hewan ini telah mengambil keuntungan dari ketinggian karang," kata Maloof. Meskipun para ilmuwan tidak menyimpulkan secara tegas namun memperkirakan ini adalah binatang. "Itu merupakan perkiraan terbaik kami," kata Maloof, ilmuwan geologi dari Princeton University.
Organisme ini berukuran relatif besar sehingga kecil kemungkinan berupa bakteri. Temuan ini juga berbentuk asimetris, lebih tinggi dibandingkan cacing dan ditemukan pada terowongan yang relatif besar atau kanal yang mirip keadaan spons saat ini. Di lain pihak, alga memiliki tabung yang jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan organisme fosil ini.
Temuan tersebut diterbitkan dalam edisi 17 Agustus dari jurnal Nature Geoscience. Ilmuwan juga memberikan bukti langsung yang pertama bahwa kehidupan hewan telah ada sebelumnya dan mungkin bertahan, saat kejadian ‘Bola Salju Bumi’ yang menyebabkan planet ini tertutup es dalam jangka waktu lama. [hid-inilah.com]
Kristine's Globe and a Memorial for Mom
The first one I noticed when she walked by was this piece from the back of her calf:
This is an homage to her travels, having recently returned from ten months in New Zealand. The Latin phrase below the globe, "On Omnia Paratus" translates to "ready for all things".
She also shared this lovely floral tattoo on her upper right arm:
Kristine explained that these tulips are a memorial to her mother, who passed away from lung cancer.
These tattoos were done by Chris Pesonen at Fat Kat Tattoos in Keyport, New Jersey. Work from Fat Kat has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.
Thanks to Kristine for sharing her tattoos with us hereon Tattoosday!
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Claire's Hemaris Thysbe Flutters on Her Forearm
This is Hemaris Thysbe, more commonly known as the Clear Wing Hummingbird Moth, a beautiful insect that gets its name from its large size and rapid wing speed.
Claire, who I met in Borders at 2 Penn Plaza, is originally from Vermont and this moth reminds her of back home. There are certainly no Hummingbird Moths fluttering about New York City!
She found a picture she liked and took it in to Yoni Ziebler at Brooklyn Adorned where he recreated this lovely specimen.
Work from Adorned appears here often and can be seen together under this tag.
Thanks again to Claire for sharing her Hummingbird Moth with us here on Tattoosday!
Ketrampilan - Napkin Folding (Seni Melipat Serbet)
Bread Box
1. Lipat napkin ke arah dalam hingga hingga bentuk serbet menjadi empat persegi panjang.
2. Tekuk sisi serbet bagian kanan ke arah dalam hingga menutupi sepertiga bagian serbet.
3. Lipat bagian kanan bawah ujung napkin ke arah atas seperti yang terlihat di dalam gambar.
4. Lakukan seperti tahap no 3 pada sisi bagian kanan atas napkin mengarah ke bawah.
5. Lipat sisa napkin bagian tengah mengarah ke samping untuk mengunci lipatan.
6. Lakukan hal yang sama pada bagian ujung sebelah kiri sehingga tercipta bentuk seperti yang ada di dalam gambar.
Informasi Buku Seni Melipat Serbet bisa dilihat di sini : The Simple Art of Napkin Folding
Lauk Rumahan untuk Sehari-Hari - Gulai Telur Ayam
Gulai Telur Ayam
7 butir telur, rebus, kupas
1 lt santan dari satu butir kelapa
3 sdm minyak goreng
12 butir bawang merah, haluskan
6 siung bawang putih, haluskan
4 buah cabe merah, haluskan
1 sdt jintan, sangrai, haluskan
2 buah kapulaga
2 cm kayu manis
3 lembar daun jeruk
2 cm kunyit, bakar, haluskan
2 batang serai, memarkan
1 sdt ketumbar, haluskan
1 sdt garam halus
1 sdm bawang merah goreng untuk taburan
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, serai dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya hingga harum. Masukkan telur, aduk rata.
2. Tuang santan, masak sambil sesekali diaduk-aduk hingga kuah mengental. Angkat.
3. Tuang gulai telur ke dalam piring saji. Taburi bawang merah goreng. Sajikan.
Untuk 6 Porsi
Tip: Jika Anda menghendaki gulai telur yang tidak terlalu berlemak dan rendah kalori, ganti santan dengan susu tawar cair non fat atau susu kedelai.