You are very tense and not feeling well
Tiba2 you feel chest pain is, and began spreading to the arm and chin.?However, the distance of the nearest hospital kira2 still 5 km, more unfortunately again you do not know whether it can maintain up to so far.
Supposed to do?
You were never trained in CPR, but the instructor never taught you how to self-help!
When alone, heart attack, how do I help first?
Person when his heart could not beat normally, and felt almost faint, he only had time kira2 10 seconds, after which it will lose consciousness and unconsciousness. If no one is around to give first aid, the patient must use 10 seconds of this brief self-help efforts.
Supposed to do?
The answer:Do not panic, try to cough continues with a vengeance!Every time before the cough, must inhale dalam2.Then the hoop with kuat2, dalam2 and panjang2, as if to remove phlegm in the chest.Each interval of two seconds, must take a deep breath and cough once once, until help arrives, or to feel the heartbeat is normal, just be resting.
Breathing purposes, to enter into paru2 oxygen.Cough purpose, to suppress the heart, so that the flow of circulating blood. Pressing the heart can also help the heart rate returned to normal.Relief in this way, so that patients have the opportunity to go to the hospital.
Please tell others how to help this first heart attack.Maybe it can help them! Do not think your age is less than 25 or 30, may not be a heart attack. With respect to changes in the way of life today, heart attack may strike all age levels.
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