Saturday 17 September 2011

Environmental Benefits Of Alternative Energy Sources

By Henry Williams

We are at an important juncture of human history right now, because soon we are going to have to make the switch from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources (renewable energy) if we are gong to last much longer on this planet. That may sound too dramatic, but if the theories of global warming are correct then it could be just that serious. However we can't make the switch until it is financially viable to do so, but fortunately that situation is improving.

Fossil Fuels V Renewable Energy

What we are using right now for the majority of our energy needs are fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. By burning these things we are able to get a lot of cheap energy, and one of the main purposes we put that to is the production of electricity.

The way that electricity is normally generated is through getting turbines to spin. A spinning electromagnet creates electricity, so the trick is to get them to spin. This is usually done with steam, which requires hot water of course. The way the water is heated is by burning fossil fuels. That's the normal way.

When it comes to alternative energy, some work in pretty much the same way. For example with geothermal power plants, it is the heat from the ground which is used to heat the water to create steam to get the turbines to spin. Other times the renewable resource spins the turbines more directly, as is the case with wind energy.

With some forms of renewable energy, like solar energy, however electricity is produced in an entirely different way. The solar cells convert the energy from the sun directly in to flowing electrons, which is what electricity actually is. This means that you only need the solar panels, making it a much more versatile energy source as well.

Advantages To The Environment

If it were not for the fact that when we burn fossil fuels carbon dioxide is released in to the atmosphere, there would be no problems with it. Except of course for the fact that it is non-renewable, and so will run out one day. However, as it does result in carbon emissions, which contributes to global warming, it's a big problem.

Exactly what the results of global warming are going to be, nobody can say with any certainty. However predictions have been made by serious scientists, which include the idea that the polar ice caps are going to melt and that this will lead to the sea level rising. What is even scarier than that though is the thought that ecosystems may stop functioning the way they are now, and we may not be able to grow enough food to feed ourselves.

The major advantage of alternative energy sources, therefore, is that they do not cause any pollution. There are no carbon emissions. Of course at the moment their production results in a certain amount, just by manufacturing the necessary equipment, however eventually everything should be powered with renewable energy.

Financial Benefits

Unfortunately there is very little that we can do about making the switch to sources like solar energy until it is financially viable to do so. If we tried to do so too quickly then this would only lead to an economic collapse, which could have consequences in terms of human suffering just as bad as that caused by global warming.

However, conventional energy prices are rising all the time, and the price of things like solar energy are coming down. In addition to that, governments (including the UK government) are incentivising renewable energy with things like the feed in tariff.

The UK government introduced the feed in tariff in April 2010 in order to encourage more people to use solar energy for electricity production. Through the scheme, if you get solar panels installed on your roof, you get paid for every unit of energy that they produce. That is with you using the energy as well, so you are also saving on conventional energy costs.

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