Saturday 24 September 2011

Is 2012 the End of the World?

By Tommy Nikenya

I know subjects that talk of the end of the Earth are disturbing, it is far much worse when there are numerous predictions that the end of time is soon ; December 21, 2012. This is not however the first time there have been speculations about the end of the planet. Actually, if previous doomsday prophecies had been true, the world would have come to an end a long time ago.

Most recently, Harold Camping, an American evangelist had predicted the world will end on May 21, 2011; folks waited, some prayed and fasted, the clock ticked, the precise time struck; nothing happened. "It was a miscalculation," Harold defended himself before the angry eyes of those who had expected his prophecy to come to pass.

The Harold Camping prediction is one of the many failed prophecies. But, this does not rule out the probability of the end of the planet being 2012, the day after tomorrow or even tomorrow. Let us look at some of the "evidence" that the "prophets" are laying their grounds on.

The most commonly used piece of evidence is the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar mysteriously comes to an end on December 21, 2012. There's however a disagreement on the precise date the calendar began to be used. Some argue it was on August 11, 3114 B.C., while others say it was on August 13, 3114B.C. The Mayan empire was one of the most advanced in ancient civilization. They lived in Central America for almost 2000 years. There's a lot about this calendar, read more about it if interested.

Did you know that there are enough nuclear weapons in the world today that can bring an end to all living creatures in the world? Who knows whether there'll be a disagreement among world powers in 2012 that could lead to the use of these devastating weapons? Some people use this as one of their arguments that the end of the world is soon, though a disagreement looks unlikely.

Aliens and their existence is another arguable topic. Real life stories about alien abductions are just too many, making it hard to believe that aliens don't exist. There's speculation that there might be an alien invasion in 2012. Hard to believe,? That is what is said.

Scientific experiments are also seen as a potential threat that could lead to the end of the world. A mad scientist could blow up the whole world! There is an enormous scale scientific experiment that is planned to be carried out in 2012. Who knows? The effects could be terrible.

Some scientists say that a mystery planet (Nibiru) will collide with the earth in 2012. However their argument is disputed; a celestial body due to collide with the earth could have been spotted.

Christian teachings maintain that the world will come to an end, but nobody knows the hour. Jesus will come like a thief, they say.

It is such an interesting topic. Will the end of the planet ever come? Time will tell.

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