Showing posts with label decoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decoration. Show all posts

Saturday 16 October 2010

Comfortable bath helps the body relaxation

House with no bathroom feels incomplete. The bathroom has become a primary requirement. While the bathroom without a bathtub was less, complete. Quality bath makes it convenient when we do so the bath shower activity became a very enjoyable activity and we feel pampered in the bath. The tub is flexible and not too small to make us move freely.

Technologies in the manufacture of bathtubs develop from time to time. So also with the forms and motives. There are many choices of form and motif that you can choose according to your taste. In choosing a bathtub, you can adjust with the wishes of well adjusted to the size of your bathroom. If your bathroom area, then you can use the tub in large, allowing you to walk in tub.

Bathrooms are spacious allowing you to have many choices and types of bath that you will wear. Conversely, if you narrow your bathroom, then you are forced to choose a bathtub that is not too big because it adapted to the state of your bathroom. Proper placement tub will also add a luxurious and tidy in your bathroom. The other side of the body is clean shower activity could be a relaxing activity to release the fatigue after a day of work and activities. Many people who linger in the bath while enjoying the fresh water that washed the body. Thus the selection of appropriate tubs safety and comfortable will help you get the freshness and fitness after a shower activities you do.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Kap Lampu Daun Sirsak

Limbah daun sirsak selama ini mungkin hanya dianggap sebagai sampah tak berguna. Namun di tangan seorang perajin kap lampu di Denpasar, Bali, limbah daun sirsak mampu disulap menjadi sebuah kap lampu menarik yang sarat nuansa alam.

Unsur natural yang terpancar dari serat-serat daun sirsak ini mampu menimbulkan sensasi panorama alam sebagai salah satu terapi untuk menghilangkan kepenatan usai beraktivitas seharian.

Yoyon, sang perajin pemilik Gallery Aladin milik Yoyon di jalan By Pass Malboro, Denpasar, mengaku inspirasi menciptakan kap lampu dari limbah daun sirsak ini berasal dari kebiasaan leluhurnya. “Kalau kebiasaan orang tua zaman dulu memanfaatkan daun sirsat ini untuk menjadi bunga hias, lalu saya mencoba-coba untuk menggunakan daun sirsat menjadi sebuah kap lampu,”ujarnya.

Meski proses pembuatannya cukup rumit dan membutuhkan waktu yang tidak sedikit, namun dengan kegigihannya Yoyon tetap berusaha untuk membuat kap lampu ini. Awalnya, daun-daun sirsak kering direndam di dalam lumpur selama seminggu agar kulit luarnya mengelupas, kemudian setelah berbentuk tipis-tipis daun sirsak ini dikeringkan untuk selanjutnya dirangkai pada kertas menggunakan lem kayu.

Jika sudah selesai, kap lampu daun sirsak ini bisa dibentuk sesuai keinginan, mulai dari silinder, hingga persegi panjang. Harganya pun cukup terjangkau, mulai dari Rp 30 ribu hingga Rp 80 ribu, Anda dapat membawa pulang sebuah kap lampu daun sirsak.

Our home garden

A home will be more beautiful if it has a neatly ordered garden. To arrange a neat and beautiful garden, it takes a skilled hand, thorough and experienced so will result in an exotic garden view and cool in the eye. The park is located around our house, either in front, side or back of our house, if properly arranged would make us as the residents will feel comfortable and at home to always be in our own homes.

Climate change is now happening and the issue of global warming makes the weather is getting hotter and makes us even more uncomfortable. Hot air makes us hot, and heat. But when we have a beautiful garden around the house we're going to make us comfortable and cool. Use of garden knickknacks like garden arbors, fences and so forth will be more to beautify our home park.

Arbor can be placed as our little garden gate. With a variety of forms are offered in the market, we can choose according to our own tastes. Arbors of artistic and exotic could also be used for various processions your activities. Although the size is not too large, you can use it as a place to take a picture with your spouse. It feels so romantic. Maybe you'll come back remembering your youth, before the colorful and fun. Beautiful garden with a charming design that fits and feels will make life more peaceful and tranquil