Saturday 19 December 2009

Cara Memasang/Menampilkan Object Gambar Animasi Flash (*swf) pada Blog

Menghias Blog Dengan Gambar Flash

Jika anda pernah mengunjungi beberapa situ berita seperti detik,okezone,dll pasti sering menjumpai iklan yang berextention swf.
Untuk memasang file swf flash pada blog lain dengan meletakkan atau memasang gambar berformat jpg.
Oleh karena itu kali ini,pelajaran menghias blog kali ini saya dengan senang hati ingin berbagi bagaimana cara memasang gambar flash di blog.

Langkah Mudah cara memasang gambar animasi pada blog

Gambar animasi flash (*swf) mempunyai banyak kelebihan diantaranya,file justru mempunyai ukuran yang lebih kecil dan gambar cenderung lebih menarik juga merangsang pengunjung mengekliknya.

Memasang gambar animasi terlalu banyak juga kurang bagus,alangkah baiknya sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan seadanya saja.

Membuat file animasi berformat swf (shock wave file),saya kira sudah banyak yang memberikan tutorial bagaimana cara membuat file usil ini.
Namun disini saya hanya ingin berbagi bagaimana cara memasang atau menampilkan obyek gambar animasi (*swf).

Untuk langkah menampilkan gambar animasi flash swf pada blog bisa ikuti trik di bawah ini:

  • Tentukan file yang ingin anda pasang,jika anda membuat sendiri hendaklah upload file tersebut kedalam hosting yang support swf,seperti,maupun hosting anda pribadi.
    Disini saya ambil contoh banner yang diciptakan pihak,jika file ini masih available dia beralamat di:

    Untuk halamanya bisa anda lihat di sini
  • Jika anda sudah menentukan url file swf tersebut,giliran sekarang tentukan alamat url tujuan anda,disini saya ambil contoh:

Setelah semua anda persiapkan,kemudian ikuti instruktur(aaalah-red)cara menambahkan gambar animasi ke blog dibawah ini:

  • Pergilah ke dashboard anda,lalu pilihlah tata letak kemudian pilih tambah gadget/add new widget,kemudian pilih html/javascript.
  • Lalu letakkan kode berikut:

    <embed quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="alink1=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="100%" src="" width="100%" wmode="transparent"></embed>

  • gantilah link tujuan anda.
  • gantilah url file flash (*swf) anda.
Hasilnya akan seperti dibawah ini (gambar akan terlihat jika masih menyediakannya):

Gimana,keren khan? selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat :D

Baca Juga Yang Ini

Thursday 17 December 2009

Tattoorism: Aaron and Brandi Share Their Ink

We here at Tattoosday love our fans. However, sometimes when someone sends us a submission from abroad, we may be slow to post it. Brandi and Aaron's submissions are the extreme case in point.

Brandi e-mailed me back in April. Yes, as in that part of the calendar six months ago.

Oh, I had grand plan for the post, planning to unveil it to coincide with a cinematic release, or a DVD release, but I could never get the timing just right.

In the better late than never category, let me introduce you to a couple of tattoos that have been patiently waiting for their moment in the Tattoosday sun.

I'll start with Brandi's tattoo, which is on the front of her right shoulder:

Brandi explains:

"This tattoo is one I got on my 25th birthday but it had been 7 years in the making. I lived in Seattle, WA for 10 years (currently in Texas) and have always loved snowflakes so for my birthday I decided to get this tattoo in memory of my life in Seattle."

The second tattoo is from Aaron. Just to show you how long it has been, when they first sent the photo in April, Aaron was her boyfriend. In a follow-up e-mail a few weeks ago, Brandi called him her fiance, so congratulations are in order as well!

Here's Aaron's tattoo:

Yes, that is the crest of Gryffindor, the crest of one of the four "houses" at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy in the the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

Brandi explains:

This tattoo is the first installment of a sleeve project Aaron is in the process of that was started after I suggested to him he get it. He is a HUGE Harry Potter fan and I thought what better way to express his love for HP. The rest of the sleeve will be black and white illustrations from each book and I couldn't love him more for expressing his inner "dork."
I also am a fan of the series and have also share the qualities of dorkitude from time to time, so how could I not share this cool tattoo with our readers?

Both tattoos were inked at Epic Tattoos in Fort Worth, Texas. Nick Clark did Brandi's snowflake and Rudy Perez inked Aaron's Gryffindor piece.

Thanks to both Aaron and Brandi for sharing their work with us here on Tattoosday and for waiting so patiently for me to get around to posting their tattoos!

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Jack Shares His Love for Graphic Novels

I had somewhere to be and a few minutes before I had to be there.

At the intersection of Clark and Henry Streets in Brooklyn Heights, I saw a guy stride into a corner bodega. Something told me to peek in. I did. And there, on the back of his right arm was a cool-looking tattoo.

So when he exited the store I introduced myself and we walked twenty yards to a well-lit frame shop to talk about his work.

His name is Jack and he works as a framer but is also a painter and fine artist. Feel free to check out his website here. His work is quite good.

He shared two tattoos with us, the first being the one on the main section of his back upper arm:

Jack is a fan of graphic novels and this piece is based on a panel from the a Hellboy book (Volume 6: Strange Places) by Mike Mignola.

The words in the upper corner of the panel are "I will cast off my afflictions...". The tattoo was done by Erick Diaz at Asylum Tattoo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

A Hellboy tattoo has appeared previously on the blog here. You may remember the name of Erick Diaz and Asylum Studios based on an appearance on Tattoosday previously from this amazing back piece.

Getting back to Jack, when he pulled up his sleeve, I saw this tattoo above the Hellboy design:

This art is based on the work from another graphic novelist, Anders Nilsen. The piece in question is from the award-winning Dogs and Water.

Jack credits this tattoo to an artist named Jasmine Morrell, aka Jazzy J, who he referred to as a "kitchen surgeon". In other words, this is an example of a home-inked piece, more commonly known as a kitchen table tattoo. Not to say that she is not a professional. In fact, Jack informs me that she is an artist at Atomic Tattoo in Austin, Texas.

Both pieces reflect Jack's love of graphic novels. He adds "I have 4 tattoos, all from comics, the earliest was a back piece from Winsor McKay's Little Nemo in Slumberland." Perhaps we'll see that here in the future!

Thanks to Jack for sharing his amazing tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Daniel's Machine Head Tattoo

I met Daniel in Penn Station yesterday, one of the few people with short sleeves, and certainly the only person with visible ink.

Visiting from Perth, in Western Australia, Daniel has seven tattoos, and he offered up the piece on his left calf:

Daniel is a huge fan of the band Machine Head, and fans of the group will surely recognize that the piece is based on the Machine Head crest:

The Roman numeral MCMXCII refers to 1992, when the band released its first album.

Daniel has seen the group perform seven times (as of this writing). When I asked if the band had ever seen his tattoo, he did tell me that he had met their tour manager at their airport in Brisbane and he had given him backstage passes to the show. Unfortunately, his plans fell through and he wasn't able to make it to the concert.

The tattoo was done by Jonny at Abandoned Art in the Wanneroo section of Perth.

Thanks to Daniel for sharing his tattoo with us here on Tattoosday.

As a postscript, the woman that was with Daniel indicated that his chest tattoo was also very cool, but Daniel understandably did not want to go topless in Penn Station. He indicated he might send a photo in at a a later date, so stay tuned......

Kita adalah pemenang

Manusia telah berkompetisi yang sangat alot sebelum dia dilahirkan di muka bumi ini.Kenapa demikian?...Sebelum terjadinya ovulasi(pembuahan) dalam rahim ibu,dimana terjadinya pertemuan antara sel sperma dengan sel ovum mengalami beberapa proses diantaranya:Pertama sel sperma dikeluarkan oleh sang bapak mencapai jutaan sel dan yang akan mengalami proses pembuahan cuma satu,artinya kita telah

Mengejar cita cita

Bingung harus memulai dari mana,bermimpi atau berbuat,yang jelas memimpikan sesuatu yang baik dan dibarengi usaha yang maksimal merupakan langkah jempolan untuk mewujudkan keinginan.Semua orang mengharapkan yang terbaik buat dirinya, juga bercita-cita setinggi langit untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang layak,baik dengan melakukan usaha maupun dengan menunggu atau dengan tangan dibawah untuk

Dewa penolong penderitaan

Kewibawaanmu!.siapa yang tidak percaya bahwa kau sosok terpelajar.Senyumanmu!.semua orang mengakui bahwa kau adalah dewa penolong.Apapun saran dan nasehatmu,hanya sedikit orang yang mau melanggar karena mereka yakin terhadap petuahmu.Semua orang tau,kau memang sibuk,sibuk dengan keprofesionalanmu,sibuk dengan penemuan baru dan sibuk melayani orang-orang yang bermasalah dengan

Jadi perawat bukan pilihan tapi panggilan jiwa

Beragam latar belakang kehidupan, melahirkan multi disiplin ilmu yang pada hakikatnya untuk memajukan derajat kehidupan manusia.Dari sekian banyak jenis keilmuan akhirnya melahirkan banyak jenis profesi.Di bidang kesehatan,profesi keperawatan merupakan yang paling besar dari segi jumlah SDM dan profesi yang paling lama waktunya berinteraksi dengan pasien.

Sebelum lahirnya keperawatan modern

Tips sederhana menjelang operasi terencana bagi pasien

Kesehatan sangat penting bagi manusia sebab tanpa kesehatan yang memadai manusia akan kesulitan dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari.Sehat dan sakit merupakan siklus yang akan dilalui oleh manusia baik yang dipengaruhi keturunan maupun oleh gaya hidup,jika seseorang berada pada siklus sakit dan di diagnosa suatu penyakit yang harus dilakukan tindakan operasi mungkin tips di bawah ini akan

Impotensi iih takut

Kata-kata impotensi sering kita dengar.Impotensi hal yang menakutkan bagi pria dan tidak mengenakan bagi seorang wanita,iya sih…karena nggak berpotensi,siapa juga yang mau. Apa sih sebenarnya impotensi itu?...Menurut Elizabeth J.Corwin dalam buku sakunya, Handbook of Patofisiologi “Impotensi adalah ketidak mampuan pria untuk mencapai atau mempertahankan ereksi yang dapat timbul sekali-kali ,

Makan terlalu kenyang heartburn akan menanti anda

Jika melihat makanan yang enak-enak apalagi gratis,menggugah selera makan,kadang-kadang seseorang melahap dengan semangat yang akhirnya merasakan nyeri pada daerah dada sebelah kiri bagian bawah.Rasa nyeri tersebut terasa hebat,seperti terbakar yang dapat menyebar kebagian lain seperti daerah punggung,dada dan lengan,nyeri ini biasanya berlangsung 30 sampai 60 menit,dengan posisi setengah duduk

Monday 14 December 2009

Sandra's Angel Reflects Her Vocation

I was folding clothes at the laundromat yesterday afternoon, bemoaning the fact that it appeared as if another weekend would pass without a new tattoo photo, when I caught a glimpse of some ink on the back of the neck of a fellow laundry-doer.

When I asked Sandra if she would share her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday, she kindly obliged:

Sandra said that she originally saw a variation of this design online, but added the "S" for her name. She likes that this design looks, from a distance, like a caduceus, an ancient symbol that is often associated with the medical profession:

Sandra is a nurse in an Intensive Care Unit in a hospital ward that specilizes in treating patients with bone marrow and other forms of cancer. The letter S symbolizes her name and reflects her commitment to her profession.

This was tattooed by an artist named Mike, who works out of his home in Brooklyn.

Thanks to Sandra for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday 13 December 2009

Cara Meningkatkan Traffic

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya ikut di sebuah jaringan blog yang bernama jalan blogger katanya sich bisa dapet meningkatkan traffic. saya awalnya tidak percaya setelah sehari dua hari koq masih belum banyak visitornya. Setelah itu saya contact adminnya eh ternyata banner jalan blogger harus di pasang di home. setelah udah diverifikasi oleh admin, besoknya saya lihat blog dan alhasil visitor yang saya dapat sangat memuaskan. biasanya tiap hari rata-rata saya hanya mendapatkan kurang lebih 20 visitor, tetapi semenjak saya ikut jalanblogger visitor yang masuk di blog saya lebih dari 500 visitor perharinya.

Berikut perolehan visitor dari milik saya pada hari jum’at, 11/12/09:
Untuk bisa menjadi anggota jalanblogger caranya mudah cukup dengan mengisi form pendaftaran yang ada di dan email verifikasinya akan segera dikirimkan kembali ke email anda.
Sekian sedikit tips dari mas ali, semoga tips ini dapat membantu anda dalam meningkatkan traffic yang menurun.
Salam hangat,
Mas ali

Cara Meningkatkan Traffic

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya ikut di sebuah jaringan blog yang bernama jalan blogger katanya sich bisa dapet meningkatkan traffic. saya awalnya tidak percaya setelah sehari dua hari koq masih belum banyak visitornya. Setelah itu saya contact adminnya eh ternyata banner jalan blogger harus di pasang di home. setelah udah diverifikasi oleh admin, besoknya saya lihat blog dan alhasil visitor yang saya dapat sangat memuaskan. biasanya tiap hari rata-rata saya hanya mendapatkan kurang lebih 20 visitor, tetapi semenjak saya ikut jalanblogger visitor yang masuk di blog saya lebih dari 500 visitor perharinya.

Berikut perolehan visitor dari milik saya pada hari jum’at, 11/12/09:
Untuk bisa menjadi anggota jalanblogger caranya mudah cukup dengan mengisi form pendaftaran yang ada di dan email verifikasinya akan segera dikirimkan kembali ke email anda.
Sekian sedikit tips dari mas ali, semoga tips ini dapat membantu anda dalam meningkatkan traffic yang menurun.
Salam hangat,
Mas ali

Saturday 12 December 2009

Netflix Streaming Video – Apa masalahnya?

Posting teknologi informasi terbaru mas ali kali ini adalah tentang Netflix Streaming Video. Jika Anda adalah seorang pengguna internet kecepatan tinggi, maka tidak ada keraguan Anda pernah melihat cara ledakan yang dapat anda untuk segera menonton film dan program televisi secara legal di komputer Anda. Bahkan, hal itu mungkin karena sudah mengubah cara Anda secara tradisional berpikir untuk hiburan ke rumah Anda. Dalam minggu ini mas ali akan memberikan tips teknologi informasi terbaru melihat Netflix
"menonton Seketika" streaming video Tidak diragukan lagi, dengan pemandangan digital yang baru ini, Anda mungkin melihat bahwa kabel tagihan bulanan dan bertanya-tanya jika Anda bisa mengurangi kembali sedikit bahwa DVD koleksi besar mengambil tempat di pusat hiburan dan berpikir Anda bisa menjual beberapa. Apakah sewa kios di supermarket atau langganan Netflix Anda yang bertanggung jawab untuk perubahan; Anda dapat melihat bahwa perubahan akan datang. Sekarang jauh lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan hiburan yang Anda inginkan, bila Anda menginginkannya tentunya.

Netflix Streaming Video – Apa masalahnya?

Posting teknologi informasi terbaru mas ali kali ini adalah tentang Netflix Streaming Video. Jika Anda adalah seorang pengguna internet kecepatan tinggi, maka tidak ada keraguan Anda pernah melihat cara ledakan yang dapat anda untuk segera menonton film dan program televisi secara legal di komputer Anda. Bahkan, hal itu mungkin karena sudah mengubah cara Anda secara tradisional berpikir untuk hiburan ke rumah Anda. Dalam minggu ini mas ali akan memberikan tips teknologi informasi terbaru melihat Netflix
"menonton Seketika" streaming video Tidak diragukan lagi, dengan pemandangan digital yang baru ini, Anda mungkin melihat bahwa kabel tagihan bulanan dan bertanya-tanya jika Anda bisa mengurangi kembali sedikit bahwa DVD koleksi besar mengambil tempat di pusat hiburan dan berpikir Anda bisa menjual beberapa. Apakah sewa kios di supermarket atau langganan Netflix Anda yang bertanggung jawab untuk perubahan; Anda dapat melihat bahwa perubahan akan datang. Sekarang jauh lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan hiburan yang Anda inginkan, bila Anda menginginkannya tentunya.

Membuat Autoblog / Blog Untuk Pasang Iklan Otomatis Atau Auto Backlink Generator

Sekilas Tentang Autoblog

Apa sih autoblog itu?
Pernahkah anda mengalami atau katakanlah menjadi korban duplikat content dari blogger yang kurang bertanggung jawab?

Duplikat content yang saya maksud adalah bukan copas/copy paste,melainkan pengambilan dan pepublikasian rss secara sepihak.
  • Apa reaksi anda saat anda peras keringat banting tulang untuk mempublikasikan artikel,tiba-tiba artikel yang baru anda publikasikan muncul pada blog orang lain?
  • Bagaimana orang itu bisa mempublikasikan atau memposting rss pada blog yang kita miliki?
  • Saya kira anda sudah tahu efek apa yang akan terjadi saat autoblog orang tersebut berpagerank lebih tinggi dari blog yang kita miliki,bukan?
  • Lantas adakah cara mengatasi hal ini?
Dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas,tentu anda sudah tahu deskripsi tentang apa itu autoblog.

Yup! Autoblog menurut pelajaran blog adalah blog yang secara atomatis dapat mempublikasikan/memposting rss dari situs lain(korban),hanya dengan memanfaatkan atau berlangganan rss blog korban tersebut.
Ilegal dong? Jahat ya mereka?

Untuk menyingkapi fenomena autoblog ini tergantung pada sikap etik dan professionalism dalam dunia blogging dari diri kita masing-masing.
Autoblog bisa dimanfaatkan untuk hal kebaikan seperti;
Lalu apakah autoblog bisa dibuat dengan menggunakan blogspot? Tentu saja bisa.

Untuk contohnya,meskipun masih belum jadi total(under construction),anda bisa lihat blog teman saya yang memanfaatkan autoblog sebagai link exchange generator dan pasang iklan gratis,cek SINI.
Anda bisa tukar link dan pasang iklan disana,buruan! Gratis ini,hehe.
Gimana? Anda berminat membuatnya?

Langkah Cara Membuat Autoblog Di Blogspot

Berhubung ini salah satu cara memposting lewat email secara otomatis atau katakanlah semua email yang masuk ke inbox kita akan terpublish/terposting otomatis kedalam blog kita nanti,kita akan membuat account atau email baru,tapi harus memakai gmail ya,jangan yahoomail ataupun yg lain.

Tujuanya membuat email baru?jelas dunks,khan ga lucu nanti klo semua pesan di inbox kita langsung keposting di blog,seperti email verify dari,dll jadi ketauan gue,xixixi..cara membuat autoblog.
Koq malah nglantur ya? Ok,semua dah siap? Let's play guys!!

  1. Pertama buatlah account gmail baru,jangan yahoo mail ataupun yang lain za :D
  2. Setelah itu,buatlah blog baru,di blogger blogspot tentunya.
  3. Setelah memiliki blog baru,pergilah ke Dashboard blog baru anda dan pilihlah Setting/Pengaturan.

    cara memposting rss orang lain kedalam blog.

  4. Setelah di Pengaturan,pilihlah tab Email & Seluler.

    cara memposting atau cara posting lewat via email.

  5. Setelah itu,buat sebuah nama email yang nanti nya akan kita gunakan untuk berlangganan.
    Formatnya akan seperti ini :,lalu pilih option 'Publikasikan segera email' atau 'Publish emails immediately',lalu Simpan.

    cara posting email kedalam blogspot secara otomatis.

  6. Setelah itu,pergilah ke Gmail baru anda dan pilihlah Pengaturan/Setting.

    Membuat autoblog blogspot.

  7. Pada kolom pengaturan tadi pilihlah Filter kemudian klik Buat Filter.

    Buat Filter Gmail untuk autoblog.

  8. Selanjutnya,pada kolom To/Ke,isikan nama email baru anda,saya contohkan disini kemudian klik 'Langkah Berikutnya'

    Cara Membuat Auto Blog Menggunakan Blogger.

  9. Selanjutnya,contreng pada checkbox 'Teruskan Ke' isikan nama email dari langkah no.3 diatas,disini saya ambil contoh punya saya:,selanjutnya klik form button 'Buat Filter'

    Belajar Membuat Autoblog.

  10. Selesai sudah,dan anda sekarang siap berburu rss untuk bahan posting anda.

Kini,pada setiap pesan masuk/inbox ke email baru anda tadi,akan otomatis terposting pada blog baru anda tersebut,jadi gunakan email untuk berlangganan saja jangan untuk hal-hal yang bersifat pribadi.

Praktek Pencurian RSS Untuk Bahan Posting Blog

Mencuri?Tidaaaak! bukan,maksud saya berlangganan rss bukan mencuri,meskipun nantinya memang akan seperti mencuri,hihihii..
Anda bisa memanfaatkan situs
Cara membuat autoblog dengan

Misal saya memasukkan alamat rss blog ini:
pada kolom Enter a website URL pada lalu jangan lupa masukkan email anda juga selanjutnya kliklah Submit.

Membuat Blog Auto/Autoblog Untuk Jasa Pasang Iklan Otomastis Atau Auto Baklik Generator

Nah,jika anda berminat membuat autoblog sebagai sarana pasang iklan maupun auto link exchange generator seperti pada,bisa memanfaatkan situs,yang akan membantu anda membuat form untuk pengunjung.

Jadi saat nanti pengunjung memberikan input data pada form,akan terkirim langsung ke email baru kita,yang nantinya secara otomatis akan publish pada blog kita.

Dan untuk lebih jelasnya,anda bisa lihat video di bawah ini[klomasih available]:

Udah ya,capek juga ngetiknya,semoga bermanfaat dan jangan menjadi jahat.
Hargailah sesamamu :D weqz! sok gue ya,hihihihi..

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Friday 11 December 2009

Russian Criminal Tattoo Designs

If you're still looking for that holiday gift, you might consider some attire inspired by Russian criminal tattoos.

Last month, regular readers of Tattoosday may have noticed the ad that popped up on the left side of the blog, promoting a line of clothing from MiR1, an online shop run by a fellow Brooklynite named Roman, featuring designs based on and inspired by this style of tattoo.

Our good friends over at the Needles and Sins Tattoo Blog even featured Roman's online shop as part of their Holiday Gift Guide feature earlier this month. Their piece on Russian Criminal Tattoo Apparel appeared here. You can also check out their Facebook page here.

For the record, I have one of MiR1's hoodies and I'm very pleased with it. If the wind chill wasn't teens this morning, I might even wear it to work.

But I'm not writing about this to sell apparel. Of course, you won't be surprised to hear that Roman has tattoos that run along the themes featured in his clothing line.

He was kind enough to send along this picture:

As explained on the MiR1 site:

The cat has been a symbol in Russian criminal tattoo culture since the beginning, partly because the cat abides by it's own rules. There are many variations of the cat tattoo. The cat symbolizes a thief that is good at what he does. This tattoo can show a man's or woman's connection with the criminal world. The word CAT or "KOT" (in Russian)is an acronym as are many other normal words that are tattooed. KOT stands for "Korenoi Obitatel Tyurmi" or "Native occupant of Jail" as in Jail is my second home.

Roman was kind enough to elaborate on the origin of his tattoos:

The cats were done in Watertown Correctional Facility, by a man named Diablo. For 3 packs of cigarettes and some cakes, cookies, and various junk...Cats are supposed to bring good luck. One cat means u mostly act alone, two means usually with others or part of a crew. I really didn't care either way, I just like symmetry.

The hammer and sickles were done by a friend in the 90's...

I encourage readers to check out the clothing line over at their online shop here. And thanks again to Roman for sharing his own personal ink with us here on Tattoosday!

Thursday 10 December 2009

Darren's Trio of Tattoos

I was contemplating the best way to approach a rather imposing figure who was completely covered in ink, when Darren passed me at the entrance to K-Mart in Penn Station.

When I caught up to him in the store, I introduced myself and, being a piercer in a New York City tattoo shop, he was more than happy to indulge my curiosity.

Darren has three tattoos, all on his arms and crafted by Young Cho at Monster Tattoo in the Elmurst section of Queens.

The first piece, on his lower right arm, is a pin-up depiction of Lady Luck perched on a crescent moon:

The second tattoo is a half-skull that pays homage to Boys Night Out, a band in which one of Darren's friends plays:

This is the outer forearm on his left side.

Finally, we have this piece, which is more than just a few numbers and letters:

Located on his inner right forearm, this tattoo is translated as 40 degrees, 40 minutes, north latitude and 73 degrees, 9 minutes west longitude. These coordinates refer to a specific location in the world, in this case, a spot in the Great South Bay off the coast of Long Island. It was here that Darren's father loved to go fishing and the coordinates in question mark the spot where his father's ashes were scattered after he passed away.

I must emphatically state that this is one of the coolest memorial pieces I have seen. It is extremely thoughtful and creative, speaking to a point on the earth where Darren knows his father will remain, in spirit, for the rest of time.

I thank Darren for taking the time to stop and chat with me about his three tattoos here on Tattoosday!

Jadilah Facebooker dan Blogger Sejati

Jika sejumlah perusahaan dan instansi melarang atau blokir penggunaan Facebook dan situs pertemanan lain di tempat kerja, tidak demikian dengan Australia. Pemerintah di Negeri Kanguru ini justru mendorong pegawainya aktif di dunia maya. Apa pasal?

Pemerintah di Negeri Kanguru ini mendorong pegawainya untuk aktif di dunia pertemanan maya, seperti di Facebook, Twitter serta blog. Alasannya untuk menghilangkan tembok pembatas antara pemerintah dan masyarakat umum.

Dunia maya dipercaya pemerintah Australia dapat menjadi jembatan antara aspek-aspek negara mereka. Lebih jauh lagi, bukan hanya memandang jejaring sosial sebagai hiburan semata, pemerintah Australia melihat peluang situs-situs tersebut sebagai tempat mendiskusikan ide-ide serta mendapatkan feedback.

Selain di Facebook, setiap instansi publik diharapkan pemerintah untuk lebih akrab dengan situs populer lain seperti situs ensiklopedia Wikipedia dan situs video YouTube. Untuk urusan blog, pemerintah melihat layanan ini sebagai wadah yang tempat bagi publik untuk menyalurkan komentar terhadap kebijakan yang mereka keluarkan.

"Akses ke jejaring seperti email dan pesan singkat membuka kesempatan yang kuat untuk menjalin kerja sama, terutama saat pihak-pihak yang diajak kerja sama terpisah secara fisik. Begitu juga dengan Twitter, Facebook, serta blog turut memberikan akses ke informasi yang penting dan membuka komunikasi," demikian beberapa pernyataan dalam draft yang disusun pemerintah Australia dan dikutip detikINET dari Telegraph, Rabu (9/12/2009). ( sha / faw-detikinet)

Jadilah Facebooker dan Blogger Sejati

Jika sejumlah perusahaan dan instansi melarang atau blokir penggunaan Facebook dan situs pertemanan lain di tempat kerja, tidak demikian dengan Australia. Pemerintah di Negeri Kanguru ini justru mendorong pegawainya aktif di dunia maya. Apa pasal?

Pemerintah di Negeri Kanguru ini mendorong pegawainya untuk aktif di dunia pertemanan maya, seperti di Facebook, Twitter serta blog. Alasannya untuk menghilangkan tembok pembatas antara pemerintah dan masyarakat umum.

Dunia maya dipercaya pemerintah Australia dapat menjadi jembatan antara aspek-aspek negara mereka. Lebih jauh lagi, bukan hanya memandang jejaring sosial sebagai hiburan semata, pemerintah Australia melihat peluang situs-situs tersebut sebagai tempat mendiskusikan ide-ide serta mendapatkan feedback.

Selain di Facebook, setiap instansi publik diharapkan pemerintah untuk lebih akrab dengan situs populer lain seperti situs ensiklopedia Wikipedia dan situs video YouTube. Untuk urusan blog, pemerintah melihat layanan ini sebagai wadah yang tempat bagi publik untuk menyalurkan komentar terhadap kebijakan yang mereka keluarkan.

"Akses ke jejaring seperti email dan pesan singkat membuka kesempatan yang kuat untuk menjalin kerja sama, terutama saat pihak-pihak yang diajak kerja sama terpisah secara fisik. Begitu juga dengan Twitter, Facebook, serta blog turut memberikan akses ke informasi yang penting dan membuka komunikasi," demikian beberapa pernyataan dalam draft yang disusun pemerintah Australia dan dikutip detikINET dari Telegraph, Rabu (9/12/2009). ( sha / faw-detikinet)

Model Seksi Senang Main Game WoW Sambil Bugil

Banyak gaya dilakukan gamer kala memainkan game favorit mereka. Seperti Adrianne Curry, pemenang kontes America's Next Top Model, yang punya gaya tidak lazim ketika terhanyut dalam game World of Warcraft (WoW).

Ya, seperti dikutip detikinet dari Huffingtonpost, Kamis (10/12/2009), Curry sepertinya sangat menikmati main WoW sembari telanjang bulat.

Model seksi ini bikin heboh setelah memposting sebuah foto di Twitter, di mana ia tampak telanjang. 'me naked..playing World of Warcraft', demikian judul foto itu, seolah pamer bahwa ia senang main game tanpa sehelai pakaian pun.

Dalam postingan Tweet-nya, Curry mengklaim hobi main WoW. "Sedang mandi, dan akan menghabiskan waktu untuk bermain WoW dengan telanjang. Minggu yang sempurna," demikian tertera dalam akun Twitternya.

Jelas, sihir WoW turut pula menjangkiti selebritis seperti Curry. Saat ini, permainan online itu tercatat memiliki belasan juta pemain di seluruh dunia.
( fyk / ash-detikinet)

Model Seksi Senang Main Game WoW Sambil Bugil

Banyak gaya dilakukan gamer kala memainkan game favorit mereka. Seperti Adrianne Curry, pemenang kontes America's Next Top Model, yang punya gaya tidak lazim ketika terhanyut dalam game World of Warcraft (WoW).

Ya, seperti dikutip detikinet dari Huffingtonpost, Kamis (10/12/2009), Curry sepertinya sangat menikmati main WoW sembari telanjang bulat.

Model seksi ini bikin heboh setelah memposting sebuah foto di Twitter, di mana ia tampak telanjang. 'me naked..playing World of Warcraft', demikian judul foto itu, seolah pamer bahwa ia senang main game tanpa sehelai pakaian pun.

Dalam postingan Tweet-nya, Curry mengklaim hobi main WoW. "Sedang mandi, dan akan menghabiskan waktu untuk bermain WoW dengan telanjang. Minggu yang sempurna," demikian tertera dalam akun Twitternya.

Jelas, sihir WoW turut pula menjangkiti selebritis seperti Curry. Saat ini, permainan online itu tercatat memiliki belasan juta pemain di seluruh dunia.
( fyk / ash-detikinet)

Teknik memilih Jenis Kelamin Anak

Dulu tidak pernah terbayangkan orangtua bisa memilih jenis kelamin anak yang dikandungnya? Kini dengan teknik genetik memungkinkan orangtua memilih jenis kelamin anak-anaknya dengan teknik lebih akurat daripada sebelumnya.

Suatu teknik yang disebut dengan pra-implantasi genetik diagnosis (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis/PGD) pada awalnya dikembangkan selama dua dekade lalu untuk menentukan apakah embrio yang dikandung memiliki penyakit genetik. Hal ini memungkinkan bagi orangtua yang melakukan fertilisasi in vitro (bayi tabung) yaitu sel telur dibuahi di luar rahim.

Dengan menggunakan teknik PGD, embrio tersebut akan diuji untuk melihat adanya kelainan genetik atau tidak dan hanya yang terbebas dari penyakit saja yang akan ditransfer ke rahim ibunya. Ini berarti orangtua yang membawa cacat genetis dapat dipastikan tidak lulus dalam tes ini. Tapi teknik ini juga memungkinkan orang untuk memilih jenis kelamin embrio yang ditanamkan dalam rahim ibunya.

Sampai saat ini teknik PGD baru dilegalkan di AS saja, sementara beberapa negara lain justru melarangnya. Di Amerika sendiri untuk bisa melakukan prosedur ini dikenai biaya sekitar US$ 18.000 (Rp 180 juta dengan kurs 10.000/US$) dan sudah termasuk fertilisasi in vitro.

"Kebanyakan klien kami yang dari Amerika sudah memiliki satu anak dan berusaha untuk mencapai adanya keseimbangan keluarga, sedangkan hampir 70 persen pasien saya berasal dari negara-negara yang melarang teknik ini," ujar Dr Jeffrey Steinberg seorang ahli kesuburan dari Los Angeles, seperti dikutip dari CNN, Kamis (10/12/2009).

Namun, bukan berarti teknik ini bebas dari kontroversi. Karena banyak juga kritikus yang berpendapat hal ini bisa menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan gender, terutama dalam masyarakat tradisional yang punya kecenderungan untuk memiliki anak laki-laki.

"Seperti China sangat mendukung anak laki-laki begitupun dengan India. Tapi ketika Anda melihat dunia pada umumnya, rasio itu masih 50:50," ujar Dr Mark Hughes, pelopor PGD. Lebih lanjut Mark lebih memiliki keprihatinan terhadap berbagai keperluan lain yang non-medis.

Meskipun teknologi ini sudah tersebar luas, tapi tetap saja hal ini menimbulkan kontroversi bagi beberapa kalangan. Sebagian merasa teknik ini seperti mempermainkan Tuhan sementara yang lainnya justru menyambut baik teknik ini agar memiliki lebih banyak pilihan dalam merencanakan keluarganya.

Teknik memilih Jenis Kelamin Anak

Dulu tidak pernah terbayangkan orangtua bisa memilih jenis kelamin anak yang dikandungnya? Kini dengan teknik genetik memungkinkan orangtua memilih jenis kelamin anak-anaknya dengan teknik lebih akurat daripada sebelumnya.

Suatu teknik yang disebut dengan pra-implantasi genetik diagnosis (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis/PGD) pada awalnya dikembangkan selama dua dekade lalu untuk menentukan apakah embrio yang dikandung memiliki penyakit genetik. Hal ini memungkinkan bagi orangtua yang melakukan fertilisasi in vitro (bayi tabung) yaitu sel telur dibuahi di luar rahim.

Dengan menggunakan teknik PGD, embrio tersebut akan diuji untuk melihat adanya kelainan genetik atau tidak dan hanya yang terbebas dari penyakit saja yang akan ditransfer ke rahim ibunya. Ini berarti orangtua yang membawa cacat genetis dapat dipastikan tidak lulus dalam tes ini. Tapi teknik ini juga memungkinkan orang untuk memilih jenis kelamin embrio yang ditanamkan dalam rahim ibunya.

Sampai saat ini teknik PGD baru dilegalkan di AS saja, sementara beberapa negara lain justru melarangnya. Di Amerika sendiri untuk bisa melakukan prosedur ini dikenai biaya sekitar US$ 18.000 (Rp 180 juta dengan kurs 10.000/US$) dan sudah termasuk fertilisasi in vitro.

"Kebanyakan klien kami yang dari Amerika sudah memiliki satu anak dan berusaha untuk mencapai adanya keseimbangan keluarga, sedangkan hampir 70 persen pasien saya berasal dari negara-negara yang melarang teknik ini," ujar Dr Jeffrey Steinberg seorang ahli kesuburan dari Los Angeles, seperti dikutip dari CNN, Kamis (10/12/2009).

Namun, bukan berarti teknik ini bebas dari kontroversi. Karena banyak juga kritikus yang berpendapat hal ini bisa menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan gender, terutama dalam masyarakat tradisional yang punya kecenderungan untuk memiliki anak laki-laki.

"Seperti China sangat mendukung anak laki-laki begitupun dengan India. Tapi ketika Anda melihat dunia pada umumnya, rasio itu masih 50:50," ujar Dr Mark Hughes, pelopor PGD. Lebih lanjut Mark lebih memiliki keprihatinan terhadap berbagai keperluan lain yang non-medis.

Meskipun teknologi ini sudah tersebar luas, tapi tetap saja hal ini menimbulkan kontroversi bagi beberapa kalangan. Sebagian merasa teknik ini seperti mempermainkan Tuhan sementara yang lainnya justru menyambut baik teknik ini agar memiliki lebih banyak pilihan dalam merencanakan keluarganya.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Jason's Tattoo Reaps What it Sows

Today's tattoo belongs to Jason, who sports this nifty Reaper on his left forearm:

Inked by his younger sister, Mystie, who was an apprentice at the time in Savannah, Georgia, this is one of seven tattoos Jason has.

He had been working as a grave digger and headstone carver and, he said, "after burying kids younger than me," it made sense to get the tattoo. It's a reminder that "nobody's got forever".

Thanks to Jason for sharing his "grim" tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday 8 December 2009

A Roundabout Tale of a Swedish Tribal Tattoo

Yesterday, I joined my friend Janet for lunch at Chipotle on 45th Street.

There was a fundraiser at which a $5 contribution bought you a burrito, chips, a drink, and an opportunity to meet Yankees manager Joe Girardi. His charity, The Catch 25 Foundation, was the beneficiary of all proceeds from lunch. Here's proof I'm not making this up.

Janet and I were dopey enough to go without any Yankees memorabilia to get autographed. So he signed a flier for me and (yes, there is a tattooish point to all of this) declined to sign Janet's skin, above her "I NY" tattoo (featured on the blog here). It was worth a try.

And no, Joe Girardi didn't offer up a tattoo.

However, Janet and I grabbed the downtown V train after lunch. I got off at 34th Street and figured I'd cut through Manhattan Mall.

Waiting at the bottom of the J.C. Penney basement escalator was Julio, visiting New York from Sweden.

Now, I'm not a big fan of tribal designs, but Julio had this pretty cool one on his upper right arm:

See! There is a tattoo in this post!!

Julio's tattoo was inked for him by an artist at Magic Man Tattoo and Art in Skövde, Sweden.

Thanks to Janet for lunch, Joe Girardi for the autograph, and Julio for the tattoo. Tattoosday appreciates all you did to make this post happen!

Celebrating Computer Science Education Week

(Cross-posted on the Google Research Blog)

Today kicks off the nation’s first Computer Science Education Week. The goal of this week is to encourage students to learn about the discipline that powers the computers, applications and technology they use everyday. Computer Science Education Week emphasizes that our society's aspirations will be met by individuals who have an increasingly deep understanding of computer technology.

We've been thinking about ways that Google could help with computer science education for several years. After all, our search engine has been used in education since its inception — how many essays, research papers and theses begin with a Google search? Today, we'd like to summarize some of what we've been doing at Google to advance CS education. Our efforts focus on four strategic areas, with an emphasis on computing in core curriculum.

Use of Google tools to support teaching and learning
Having a web-based shared document, spreadsheet or presentation that students in a group or class can all view and edit online has had an enormous impact on collaboration in education. So we provide a free suite of our communication & collaboration applications designed especially for schools and universities. We also used our tools and infrastructure to build and support a community of teachers who have developed classroom content and activities around these applications.

Increasing the access to and quality of Computer Science curriculum
We have many people at Google who know about all areas of computer science, many with backgrounds and experience in education. With this deep base of computer science knowledge, we developed Google Code University to help faculty update their undergraduate computer science curriculum, and the Summer of Code, which gives students the opportunity to develop programs for various open source software projects.

Integrating computing curriculum across K-12 core subjects
A group of Google engineers and K-12 "teaching fellows" is working on building and testing models of curriculum to encourage innovation. These curriculum models revolve around "computational thinking", a problem-solving technique that draws on the thinking and analysis skills that computer scientists use everyday. Our goal is to integrate computational thinking across subject areas in K-12 by connecting these skills, which are already a part of core curriculum, more explicitly to computer science. We're also taking this a step further by integrating simple programming concepts in appropriate areas of core K-12 curriculum, such as algebra. Our hope is that by making computer science more visible and showing its connection to every subject area, students will experience the full power and utility of technology in areas of interest to them. Integrating CS into other subjects will also have the key added benefit of leveling the playing field, so that many more students will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of computing.

Supporting organizations and individuals through community outreach
We've also worked for years with teachers and nonprofits to build early interest in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. Besides providing financial support and sponsorship for many external organizations, we've developed a number of scholarship and intern programs to increase the number of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM and computer science. In addition to these formal programs, every day Googlers all over the world organize visits with students at nearby schools and community centers to teach, present workshops and tech talks, and to share their personal stories on how they became computer scientists and engineers.

We're absolutely delighted to be a co-sponsor of the first Computer Science Education Week. As a company, we've benefited so much from advances in computer science and the creativity of computer scientists. We also know that the next great innovators in computer science are out there, ready to be inspired to create technologies that change our world and benefit our society. We urge our children, parents, teachers and educational institutions to pay more attention to this critical field, and we will continue to do our share.

Relevance meets the real-time web

Search is a natural starting point for discovering the world's information, and we strive to bring you the freshest, most comprehensive and relevant search results over an ever expanding universe of content on the multitude of devices you use to access it.

That's why today, at the Computer History Museum, we're excited to share a few new innovations in the areas of real-time, mobile and social search that we feel are important steps in the evolution of information access.

First, we're introducing new features that bring your search results to life with a dynamic stream of real-time content from across the web. Now, immediately after conducting a search, you can see live updates from people on popular sites like Twitter and FriendFeed, as well as headlines from news and blog posts published just seconds before. When they are relevant, we'll rank these latest results to show the freshest information right on the search results page.

Try searching for your favorite TV show, sporting event or the latest development on a recent government bill. Whether it's an eyewitness tweet, a breaking news story or a fresh blog post, you can find it on Google right after it's published on the web.

Here's how it looks:

Our real-time search enables you to discover breaking news the moment it's happening, even if it's not the popular news of the day, and even if you didn't know about it beforehand. For example, in the screen shot, the big story was about GM's stabilizing car sales, which shows under "News results." Nonetheless, thanks to our powerful real-time algorithms, the "Latest results" feature surfaces another important story breaking just seconds before: GM's CEO stepped down.

Click on "Latest results" or select "Latest" from the search options menu to view a full page of live tweets, blogs, news and other web content scrolling right on Google. You can also filter your results to see only "Updates" from micro-blogs like Twitter, FriendFeed, Jaiku and others. Latest results and the new search options are also designed for iPhone and Android devices when you need them on the go, be it a quick glance at changing information like ski conditions or opening night chatter about a new movie — right when you're in line to buy tickets.

And, as part of our launch of real-time on Google search, we've added "hot topics" to Google Trends to show the most common topics people are publishing to the web in real-time. With this improvement and a series of other interface enhancements, Google Trends is graduating from Labs.

Our real-time search features are based on more than a dozen new search technologies that enable us to monitor more than a billion documents and process hundreds of millions of real-time changes each day. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our new partners that we're announcing today: Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, Jaiku and — along with Twitter, which we announced a few weeks ago.

The new features will be rolling out in the next few days and will be available globally in English. You can try them out today by visiting Google Trends and clicking on a "hot topic," which in most cases will bring you to a search results page with the new real-time feature.

Here's a first look at our real-time search:

We have also made some new strides with mobile search. Today's sensor-rich smartphones are redefining what "query" means. Beyond text, you can now search by a number of new modes including voice, location and sight — all from a mobile device. So we've been working to improve technology that takes advantage of these capabilities.

Starting today, we're extending our voice search capabilities on Android devices to recognize Japanese. In addition, we're using the location of your mobile phone to launch some helpful features, like showing you "what's nearby." Finally, at our event this morning, we demonstrated Google Goggles, a visual search application that lets you search for objects using images rather than words, using your camera phone. For more information on these mobile innovations, check out the Google Mobile Blog.

As we've written before, search is still an unsolved problem and we're committed to making it faster and easier for people to access a greater diversity of information, delivered in real-time, from across the web. I'm tremendously excited about these significant new real-time search features.

Update on 12/8: Check out the video from our Search Event:

Monday 7 December 2009

Explore a whole new way to window shop, with Google and your mobile phone

What if you could decide where to shop, eat or hang out, with a little help from local Google users?

It might take you a while to ask them all, so to make it easier we've launched a new effort to send window decals to over 100,000 local businesses in the U.S. that have been the most sought out and researched on and Google Maps. We're calling these businesses the "Favorite Places on Google" and you'll now start to find them in over 9,000 towns and cities, in all 50 states. You can also explore a sample of the Favorite Places in 20 of the largest U.S. cities at Each window decal has a unique bar code, known as a QR code that you can scan with any of hundreds of mobile devices — including iPhone, Android-powered phones, BlackBerry and more — to take you directly to that business's Place Page on your mobile phone. With your mobile phone and these new decals, you can easily go up to a storefront and immediately find reviews, get a coupon if the business is offering one or star a business as a place you want to remember for the future. Soon, you'll be able to leave a review on the mobile page as well, just like on your desktop.

To scan the codes, you'll need a phone with a camera and an app that can read QR codes. For Android-powered devices, including the Droid by Motorola, we recommend using the free Barcode Scanner app. For iPhone, we have found the $1.99 QuickMark app to work best, and starting today, we're partnering with QuickMark to offer the app for free for the first 40,000 downloads. For other devices, we recommend searching for "QR reader" in your app marketplace, if it has one, or searching for the model of your phone and [qr reader] on Google. BeeTagg and NeoReader are two other apps that we've found to work well with the decals.

Here's a video that shows you how this all works:

This launch is part of our overall effort — online and offline — to provide you with the best local business results whenever you're trying to figure out where to go, whether it's a trendy Cuban restaurant in Philly, a comics shop in L.A., a hip hotel in NYC or a little bit of photographic history in Rochester, N.Y.

We plan to periodically send out new waves of window decals to qualifying businesses. If you own or manage a business and were selected as a Favorite Place, you may have already received your decal or, for most of you, it will arrive by mail in the next one to two weeks. If you weren't selected in this round, your first step is to claim your listing with Google's Local Business Center for free. That will help us determine that your business information is correct. Then, you can enhance your local business listing by adding enhanced content like photos and videos.

To explore a gallery of several hundred Favorite Places in 20 U.S. cities, to learn more about how to use the QR codes and to find out how your business can get involved, check out

Update on 12/18: If your phone does not support the mobile version of Place Pages, you will be taken to the mobile version of the Google homepage upon scanning the QR code. The QR code itself is correct and should take you to the mobile Place Page on supported devices.

A Yellow Rose for a Fallen Friend

I met Dan outside of Penn Station last week on a balmy December day.

He has 22 tattoos and shared this one from his right forearm:

It's a memorial piece for a friend who passed away in 2008.

Her initals are in the heart, which is pierced by a lone yellow rose. "She loved yellow roses," Dan told me, which led him do design this variation on the dagger-through-the-heart tattoo.

The piece was inked at Fat Kat Tattoo in Keyport, New Jersey. Work from Fat Kat has appeared previously on the site here.

Thanks again to Dan for sharing his tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!