Showing posts with label apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apps. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Aplikasi Android 4shared Pro Version Tanpa Iklan

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan 4shared yaitu sebuah website yang menyediakan layanan penyimpanan data dan di sana bisa di download oleh user lain dan website 4shared adalah salah satu aplikasi kesukaan penulis karena di sana bisa download musik, video atau dokument dengan mudah. Dan sekarang 4shared menghadirkan layanan terbarunya yaitu dengan sebuah aplikasi android anda bisa download atau unggah file di 4shared.

Tetapi ternayat banyak yang ngeluh ada iklanya di aplikasi 4shared dan penyibanan file di batasi, tapi tenang di sini ada  4shared Pro Version Tanpa Iklan yang bisa anda download dan tentunya lebih nyos dari versi biasanya karena kelebihan dari  4shared Pro Version Tanpa Iklan sebagai berikut :

  1. Mengunduh berkas apapun
  2. Mengunggah berkas apapun
  3. Berbagi berkas
  4. Mencari berkas
  5. Mengalirkan musik daring
  6. Melihat gambar dan video daring
  7. Menghapus, menamai ulang, menyalin berkas
  8. Mengunduh berkas secara latar
  9. Dan masih banyak lagi 
Penasaran mau instal 4shared Pro Version Tanpa Iklan silahkan download di sini

Semoga info ini bermanfaat buat anda baca juga aplikasi android yang satu ini yaitu Game Android Sniper 3D Assassin Full HD

Monday, 2 February 2015

Game Android Sniper 3D Assassin Full HD

Game Android Sniper 3D Assassin salah satu game android yang saya suka karena game ini dari segi grafis sudah tergolong bagus sedangkan dari segi biaya hahaha game satu ini adalah game gratisan jadi tidak pikir banyak langsung saya intsal di handphone android saya untuk mencoba game ini dan ternyata game Sniper 3D Assassin sangat bagus kualitas 3Dnya.

Di samping Game Android Sniper 3D Assassin bagus dari segi gambar petualangannya juga sangat menantang kalau di grafik dari bawah terus ke atas jadi ada peningkatan petualanganya.

Sniper 3D Assassin 
Untuk strategi upgrade senjata seperti game petualangan lainya membutuhkan coin dan diamon, diamon ini kalau biasanya adalah gems.Misi di game sniper 3D ini ada beberapa bagian multi kill, mencari teroris, dan banyak lagi.
Oh iya di game ini anda bila ingin cepat naik level bisa anda skip misi tetapi anda di wajibkan membayar coin. Untuk download game sniper 3 Dnya di google play langsung

Dan terakhir ini adalah tips bagaimana caranya mendapatkan diamond gratis di game Sniper 3D Assassin, ikuti langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
  1. Download aplikasi whaff di google play atau link ini (whaff rewards).
  2. Install whaff di handphone Android anda.
  3. Jika aplikasi whaff sudah terinstall di android anda, silahkan login dengan akun facebook anda.
  4. Tahap ke 4 ini adalah hal terpenting, Masukan kode serial number berikut AY59906 untuk membuka aplikasi whaff menjadi full version. Jika anda tidak memasukan kode tersebut, aplikasi whaff anda nantinya tidak akan mendapatkan sebuah fitur full version.

Baca juga artikel tentang whaff  tentang strategi bagaimana caranya menghasilkan dolar di sini Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Ponsel Android

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Rahasia Whaff Rewards Para Master

Rahasia Whaff Rewards Para Master
Rahasia Whaff Rewards Para Master
Rahasia Whaff Rewards Para Master, pasti kalian yang sudah mengenal whaff tidak akan bertanya apa itu whaff bagi yang belum tahu silahkan anda baca sendiri di postingan sebelumnya yaitu tentang aplikasi android yang bisa menghasilkan $4-$5 bahkan lebih silahkan anda baca di sini whaff

Yang sering bermain whaff mungkin pada bertanya kenapa ada yang bisa mendapatkan $10 lebih, kalau ada orang yang bertanya sepeerti itu aku jawab cukup simpel yaitu " mungkin rejekinya dia " hahaha ok ok akan saya shard di sini nih trik-trik Rahasia pemain Whaff Rewards Para Master hahaha keren ya judulnya tapi mudah-mudahan isinya juga keren.

Ok begini bro sis dan semua dah :) tutorialnya agar mendapatkan penghasilan lebih dari whaff, bianya pemain baru maupun lama sih cuma bermain dengan premium pick dan whaff pick badahal masih ada 4 lagi yang di lewatkan yaitu :
  1. Metaps
  2. SupersonicAds
  3. Everbadge
  4. Radium One
Nah 4 ini sering pada tidak di buka ya kan, karena di situ kadang-kadang ada iklan yang tidak keluar di premium pick atau whaff pick jadi selalu tengok juga di 4 titik tersebut mungkin rejeki anda ada yang di sana.

Bagi yang belum pernah baca sama sekali tentang whaff silahkan baca di sini Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Ponsel Android

Monday, 5 January 2015

Download Gratis Whaff Hack Dollars Adder Money Generator

Whaff Hack Dollars Adder Money Generator adalah sebuah apliaksi yang di buat kusus untuk di hubungkan dengan aplikasi whaff, Apa itu whaff ? whaff adalah sebuah aplikasi yang bisa anda instal di handphone android anda dan menghasilkan uang. Bila anda belum tau tentang whaff atau ingin mendownload whaff silahkan anda baca artikel ini Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Ponsel Android

 Ternyata banyak member whaff yang mencari-cari kelemahan whaff agar bisa aman dan tentunya bisa mengahsilkan uang lebih banyak dari whaf. Dan salah satunya banya yang cari -cari Whaff Hack Dollars Adder Money Generator

Memang aplikasi tersebut sangat ampuh untuk menghasilkan pundi-pundi dollar , anda tinggal memasukkan email atau no tlpn anda langsung pilih berapa dollar yang anda inginkan langsung masuk ke dalam earning anda, wao Whaff Hack Dollars Adder Money Generator memang mantap bukan hahahaah...... jadi pingin download aplikasi Whaff Hack Dollars Adder Money Generator ya ?

Tenang sob aplikasi whaff hack siap anda gunakan :) di handphone android anda, tapi jangan lupa gunakan dengan hati-hati jangan maruk biar tidak mencurigakan .

Cara Menggunakan Aplikasi tersebut :
  1. Download Whaff Hack Dollars Adder Money Generator and extract rar
  2. Open file Whaff Hack Free Dollars.exe
  3. Enter your Email Or Phone Number
  4. Select Amount Of Dollars
  5. Press Generate
  6. Open and login to your whaff app in smartphone
  7. You see dollars, you can withdraw money now.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Ponsel Android

Sudah tidak diragukan lagi akan kecanggihan smartphone yang satu ini, apalagi kalau bukan ponsel pintar Android. Smartphone Android selain bisa di gunakan untuk alat komunikasi yang unggul ketimbang smartphone lainya, Kini Android juga bisa kita gunakan sebagai mesin pencari uang loh!! selalu memperhatikan perkembangan dan kemajuan aplikasi untuk smartphone Android, Salah satunya aplikasi yang wajib anda install yaitu "Whaff". Aplikasi ini adalah salah satu sumber untuk mencari dollar melalui smartphone android dengan tawaran upah harga tinggi.

Whaff dapat menambahkan fitur aplikasi baru di Android dengan imbalan berupa Dollar yang terus-menerus mengalir dari aplikasi yang anda download dari Whaff. Kita tinggal download aplikasi yang di sarankan oleh whaff lalu kita akan dapat imbalan, mudah bukan?

Cara Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Android

Tentunya hal ini adalah salah satu kesempatan buat anda yang ingin mencari sebuah bisnis sampingan dengan upah yang mengiurkan. Pokoknya aplikasi Whaff untuk android ini sangat cocok untuk anda yang memiliki smartphone android.

Misalkan anda Seorang mahasiswa yang ingin cari uang jajan tambahan, Seorang Ibu rumah tanggga, Belum dapat pekerjaaan, Dengan aplikasi ini anda tentunya bisa mengantongi uang yang banyak dengan cara yang cukup mudah.

Minimal Payout dari aplikasi whaff yaitu $10 via paypal dan bisa anda tarik setiap harinya jika sudah melampaui minimal payout. Untuk mendapatkan $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Android, semua tergantung anda. Jika anda rutin menggunakan aplikasi ini tentunya untuk $5/day itu sangat mudah sekali.

Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba aplikasi WHAFF ini, silahkan download disini.

Cara Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Android

Tutorial : Setelah anda install aplikasi Whaff di smartphone android, langsung saja sign in dengan akun jejaring sosial anda' bisa menggunakan Facebook, Twitter, dan Google Plus.

Jika anda sudah sign in ke aplikasi Whaff dengan media sosial, nantinya akan muncul tab yang bertuliskan "New Interface" Bla-bla-bla blaa!! Di tab tersebut ada kolom untuk memasukan "Enter Invite Code" Langsung saja masukan kode di bawah ini untuk menambah Bonus saldo anda sebesar $0,3.
Kode Nambah Saldo $0.3 Whaff : AY59906

Setelah anda memasukan kode di atas dan tekan "OK" maka saldo bonus bertambahan $0,3. Dan sekarang anda tinggal download-download dan download aplikasi di sana supaya saldo anda bertambah sampai $10, setelah itu bisa anda tarik melalui paypal.

Aplikasi yang anda download atau terinstall di android dan sudah di bayar oleh Whaff, Silahkan langsung saja uninstall saja' supaya tidak memberatkan kinerja smartphone android atau menjadi sampah.

Berikut adalah bukti pembayaran aplikasi Whaff ke rekening paypal, Pendapatanya lumayan loh! Silahkan simak SS berikut!

Cara Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Android

Di atas adalah recent payout penarikan Whaff di smartphone android. Dan berikut ini adalah bukti pembayaran Whaff yang sudah teramankan di rekening paypal.

Cara Dapat $4-5/Hari Dari aplikasi Whaff di Android

Mudah bukan mencari uang melalui smartphone android? Nah bagi anda yang belum memiliki rekening paypal, bisa langsung simak cara mudah membuat akun paypal! Sekian dulu dan semoga bermanfaat untuk anda.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Download Aplikasi Camera 360 Ultimate For Android

Free Download Camera 360 Ultimate For Android , Mungkin belum banyak yang tahu apa itu aplikasi Camera 360 for android. Aplikasi Camera 360 adalah salah satu aplikasi yang tersedia untuk di pasang di android untuk mengedit foto maupun video.

Efect yang di sajikan oleh aplikasi 360 Utimate pun sangatlah menarik , dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat membuat efect pada hasil foto jepretan anda melalui ponsel smartphone android anda. Untuk Fitur lengkapnya anda bisa lihat (disini)

Camera 360 Ultimate

Camera360, dicintai oleh lebih dari 250 juta pengguna di seluruh dunia, adalah No.1 aplikasi kamera di banyak negara. Bersama dengan HelloCamera, Movie360, dan Pink360, Camera360 menyediakan rangkaian lengkap profesional namun menyenangkan pilihan fotografi mobile.

Untuk membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah, Camera360 telah memperkenalkan Camera360 Cloud, platform cloud yang dapat membantu Anda mengelola, mengedit, menyimpan, dan berbagi foto Anda semua dalam satu tempat. Bergabung dengan jutaan usersin menikmati layanan ini GRATIS!

Bagi anda yang ingin mendownload aplikasi Camera 360 Ultimate ini bisa langsung mengunjungi link yang sudah saya sediakan di bawah ini. selamat mendownload dan menggunakan aplikasi Camera 360 di ponsel smartphone anda.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Cara Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Di Ponsel Android

Gambar : Situs di blokir
Pada kesempatan yang lalu saya telah memberikan Tutorial tentang membuka situs di blokir melalaui Komputer. Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin berbagi cara atau tutorial bagaimana membuka situs yang di blokir melalui ponsel canggih yaitu android.

Cara yang saya share di sini , tentunya cara yang paling mudah dan sudah saya uji coba berhasil "work". Pada uji coba kali ini, saya menggunakan provider dari XL , yang katanya XL paling sulit untuk di tembus , walau dengan menggunakan DNS dari google yaitu - pun tidak bisa.

Nah bagi anda yang ingin tahu caranya membuka situs yang di blokir menggunakan ponsel pintar android , langsung saja simak dan ikuti tutorial di bawah ini.
Langkah-langkah :
  1. Download aplikasi whaff di google play atau link ini (disini).
  2. Install whaff di handphone Android anda.
  3. Jika aplikasi whaff sudah terinstall di android anda, silahkan login dengan akun facebook anda.
  4. Sekarang hal yang paling penting, Masukan kode serial number berikut AF04237 untuk membuka aplikasi whaff menjadi full version. Jika anda tidak memasukan kode tersebut, aplikasi whaff anda nantinya tidak akan mendapatkan sebuah fitur full version.
  5. Silahkan unduh aplikasi di goole play Auto Proxy (Disini)
  6. Setelah anda unduh otomatis akan terinstal aplikasi tersebut di poonsel anda.Seperti gambar di bawah ini :

    Setelah itu buka aplikasi AutoProxy di ponsel anda.
Lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini.

4. Lalu anda pilih menu tanda plus "+" Di aplikasi tersebut , dan anda tambahkan menu proxy dan port proxy nya , silahkan cari proxynya di sini  (Klik)

5. Setelah itu save , dan coba anda klik proxy yang anda buat tadi , lalu klik conect.

6. Setelah itu buka aplikasi browser di ponsel anda , dan silahkan buka situs yang di blokir , misal contoh saya membuka situs dewasa , seperti di bawah ini.

Maap gambar di atas saya sensor , karena mengandung unsur sara , nah itulah tadi tutorial lengkap dari saya mengenai cara membuka situs yang di blokir melalui ponsel android. Sekian dulu yuah , semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Download BBM untuk Android Versi 2.3 GingerBread

Gambar : BBM Android 2.3 Gingerbread

BBM for android waktu lalu memang sedang heboh , di karenakan aplikasi chat BBM bisa berjalan dan di unduh di ponsel pintar android. Namun aplikasi BBM untuk android tersebut banyak di kecewakan oleh para pengguna android.

Sebabnya BBM untuk android tersebut hanya bisa berjalan pada Android versi 4.0 saja, Dan untuk versi di bawah 4.0 belum bisa. Namun kini anda tidak perlu kawatir akan akan BBM tidak bisa di install di android versi lawas.

Kini sudah hadir dan bisa anda download secara gratis Aplikasi BBM untuk android versi di bawah 4.0, apalagi kalau bukan android versi 2.3 yaitu GingerBread.  BBM untuk Android 2.3 GingerBread ini bisa berjalan dengan mulus di smartphone Android roti jahe tanpa mengalami kendala apapun.

BBM untuk Android 2.3 GingerBread ini sudah saya uji coba melaui ponsel android saya yaitu galaxy young dan tentunya aplikasi ini berjalan dengan semestinya tanpa kendala sedikitpun. Berikut BBM yang sudah saya intall di ponsel android versi 2.3.

Nah bagi anda yang ingin mendownload BBM untuk android versi 2.3 GingerBread , silahkan langsung saja donwload link yang sudah saya sediakan untuk anda di bawah ini. Semoga postingan kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Spread some holiday cheer, one card at a time

(Cross-posted from the Gmail Blog)

Every year around this time I start thinking about the annual holiday email I send to friends and family members. I usually email my mom, dad, sister, friends and co-workers. But the one person who appreciates my season's greetings the most — my grandma — is stuck in the pre-digital age of snail-mail. Of course, I could go to a store, aimlessly wander through the aisles, choose a card, wait in line to pay for it, go to the post office, pick up some stamps, etc., etc. — but wouldn't it be so much easier just to fill out a form and have Gmail handle the rest?

This holiday season, as a token of our appreciation to our most enthusiastic fans, we'll snail-mail a free holiday postcard on your behalf. Yes, through the mail and everything.

To send a card, visit We'll only be able to send cards to U.S. addresses and to a limited number of people (due to limited Gmail elf availability), so be sure to request one soon.

And if you're headed home for the holidays, consider spending some "computer time" with loved ones who aren't as up-to-date with technology. With some luck, maybe this time next year you'll be able to email them a holiday card instead!

Wishing a happy holiday to you and yours!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Google Apps highlights – 11/20/2009

This is part of a regular series of Google Apps updates that we post every couple of weeks. Look for the label "Google Apps highlights" and subscribe to the series. - Ed.

Over the last two weeks, we've made improvements across Google Apps, some geared for individuals, others meant for business customers.

Green Robot icon in Gmail Labs
The green, orange and red chat bubbles in Gmail signal if your contacts are online, idle or unavailable, but as more people sign in from mobile devices, it's becoming harder to tell when someone is actually online at a computer or just connected with their phone. The Green Robot feature in Gmail Labs helps you spot when you might want to tailor your exchanges with more succinct messages for people who are signed in with Android-powered devices. Look for the green beaker icon at the top of Gmail to enable Green Robot and other Labs features.

Site templates
On Tuesday we launched templates for Google Sites. The templates gallery is filled with useful example sites ranging from wedding websites to corporate intranets, which you can copy and customize so they're just right. This lets you create a useful, visually appealing collaborative workspace in seconds. And if you have a great site other people would find useful, you can submit it to the gallery. If your business uses Google Sites, templates you submit stay private within your company.

More overflow storage for less
If you're using Google Apps to store photos with Picasa Web Albums and manage large volumes of personal email, you'll be happy to hear we're now offering more extra storage for less. Our new overflow storage plans start at $5 per year for 20 GB. For the most avid shutterbugs, the 16 TB plan is enough space for roughly 8 million high resolution pictures!

Improvements to Sync for Outlook
Last week, we released an update to Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook, our tool that lets companies stop running Microsoft Exchange while still letting some employees use the familiar Outlook interface. Now, employees can sync multiple calendars between Outlook and Google Apps, and look up free/busy information from Exchange for co-workers who haven't migrated to Google Apps yet.

Google Apps Premier Edition innovation – Year in review
Businesses using Google Apps not only save money compared to running their own email systems, but also their employees get access to innovation at a much faster pace than with conventional business technologies. We've launched over 100 improvements to Google Apps in the last year, and on Thursday I hosted a webcast to recap noteworthy recent updates for businesses, including push email, contacts and calendar support for BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Mobile and Android, Sync for Microsoft Outlook, offline access and more. If you missed the webcast, you can watch it on YouTube.

Who's gone Google?
This week I'm pleased to welcome a new crop of companies, schools and public agencies that have recently switched to Google Apps, including Delta Hotels, Michigan State University, the City of Orlando and the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General. The Motorola Mobile Devices Division deployed Google Apps to its employees this week, and the Los Angeles City Council recently voted unanimously to move 30,000 city employees to Google Apps.

We hope these updates help you get even more from Google Apps. For details and the latest news in this area, check out the Google Apps Blog.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Templates now available in Google Sites

I'm pleased to announce we just added a stocked gallery of site templates in Google Sites. Anyone can browse the public template gallery, and businesses using Google Apps each have a private area where employees can share site templates with coworkers.

The rate that businesses are adopting Google Sites has surpassed our expectations, and templates will make Sites even more useful by dramatically reducing the time it takes to set up collaborative workspaces like employee intranets, project tracking sites, team sites and employee profile pages. Templates let you quickly start a new site with pre-built content, embedded gadgets, page layouts, navigation links, theming and more.

You can find more about what's new and read stories from customers about why they switched to Google Sites from on-premises collaboration solutions on the Google Enterprise Blog.

And because many of you are managing personal projects with Google Sites, we also added templates for family sites, weddings, neighborhood associations, clubs, charitable causes and more to the public gallery. Check out the Google Docs Blog for other examples and details, and if you have a personal site that others could use as a template, please submit your work to the public gallery!

Friday, 13 November 2009

Gone Google at EDUCAUSE 2009

Last week the Google Apps for Education team headed to Denver for EDUCAUSE 2009 where the higher education community meets annually. It was at this conference three years ago that we first unveiled Google Apps for Education. Since then, we've witnessed staggering growth in the world of cloud computing in education. Lots has happened over the past year especially: more than 100 new features have rolled out in Google Apps, we've engaged well over six million students and faculty (a 400% increase since this time last year), launched free Google Message Security for K-12 schools and have integrated with other learning services such as Blackboard and Moodle.

These developments are just the beginning. According to the newly-released 2009 Campus Computing survey statistics, 44% of colleges and universities have converted to a hosted student email solution, while another 37% are currently evaluating the move. Of those that have migrated, over half — 56% precisely* — are going Google.

To toast the students and faculty that are shaping this movement, we hosted our customers and EDUCAUSE conference attendees at the Denver Public Library. Check out the photos to see what these schools have to say:

We also did something different this year and invited some student ambassadors from schools using Google Apps to come to Denver and share how using Apps on campus helps make their lives easier. Daniel Miller who works at University of Washington's Ethnic Cultural Center uses Calendar to let students on campus know about his organization's events. Sociology major Robin Brown uses forms in Docs to collect data for her class surveys at Notre Dame. Taylor Bell at Boise State relies on Gmail's filters and gadgets to seamlessly access to his Calendar, Docs, Tasks and Chat. After losing his journal, Vaughn Parker at Temple University created a Calendar to keep track of his assignments and share them with his classmates and professors. (There are many more of these student stories, too).

Every year, more schools move to Google Apps so they can spend their time focusing on students, not servers; on higher learning, not higher costs. If you're a school, you can go Google, too. Check out to learn more.

*Update on 11/20: Among 4-year universities and colleges, the number is slightly higher, with 59% choosing Google Apps.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Twice the storage for a quarter of the price

(Cross-posted from the Google Photos Blog)

People today have more personal data online than ever before. More and more people are starting to move the bulk of their data off the desktop and into servers "in the cloud," where it's accessible from any computer or mobile device and easily shareable with friends and family. At the same time, digital photo technology is making it easier and cheaper than ever to take a lot of pictures, and client software like Picasa 3.5 makes it easier than ever to move photos from your camera to the cloud. That's why we've always given you lots of free storage in products like Picasa Web Albums and Gmail, and why for the past two years we've offered additional storage you can purchase if you need even more space.

While the cost of hard drive storage has continued to drop in these two years, we've also been working hard to improve our infrastructure to reduce your costs even further. Today we're dramatically lowering our prices to make extra storage even more affordable. You can now buy 20 GB for only $5 a year — that's twice as much storage for a quarter of the old price, and enough space for more than 10,000 full resolution pictures taken with a five megapixel camera. Since most people have less than 10 GB of photos, chances are you can now save all your memories online for a year for the cost of a triple mocha. If you need more than 20 GB, plans range all the way up to 16 TB, which is enough room for 8 million full resolution photos! And Google paid storage offers an extra level of security, protection and accessibility that you can't get with an external drive — at a similar cost per gigabyte.

As always, extra storage acts as an overflow that you only start using when you reach the limit of your free storage, and people who have extra storage will be automatically upgraded. So if you need more space for thousands of photos of your toddler, or if you're running out of room in your overflowing inbox, visit to see all the plans and to buy more storage.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Liberate your Google Docs with Convert, Zip and Download

This past September, you may have heard about the launch of our Data Liberation site, a central place on the web detailing how you can easily move your data into or away from Google's cloud. Today, we're adding another product to our growing list of liberations: the "Convert, Zip and Download" feature in Google Docs, which allows you to download a bunch — or all — of your Docs simultaneously.

This new feature comes out of a collaboration between the Google Docs engineering team and Google's Data Liberation Front, a small team of engineers that aims to make it easy for you to transfer your personal data in and out of Google's services by building simple import and export functions.

"Convert, Zip and Download" now joins dozens of other liberation features across our product offerings, ranging from Blogger's full blog downloads to email export from Gmail using IMAP and POP3. The feature lets you bundle your Google Docs in a format of your choice (MS Office, Open Office, PDF, etc.) and download them as a zip file. No longer do you have to download each document individually, which can take a lot of time if you have hundreds of documents like I do! All you need to do is select the relevant Docs, click on "Export" from the "More Actions" menu and download them in one go. (Check out the Google Docs Blog for more details.)

We hope you find the new export feature useful. We strongly believe that you — not the products you use — should control your data, and be able to quickly and easily take that data out of any product without a hassle. We've already liberated more than half of our products, and are working hard to address the remaining challenges. Keep an eye out for more upcoming Data Liberations.

You can also take a deeper look into product liberation at, follow us on Twitter @dataliberation or contribute suggestions for services that you think need to be liberated on our Data Liberation Moderator page.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Reading gets personal with Popular items and Personalized ranking

(Cross-posted from the Official Google Reader Blog)

Today, we're launching two changes to Google Reader to help you discover more interesting content faster. Just as the launch of Personalized Search improved search results based on your search history, these changes use your Reader Trends to improve your reading experience.
  • Explore section - We're always trying to help you discover new stuff in Reader, and today we're introducing Popular items and Recommended sources, two ways to find interesting content from all over the Internet. We use algorithms to find top-rising images, videos and pages from anywhere (not just your subscriptions), collect them in the new Popular items section and order them by what we think you'll like best. Now you don't have to be embarrassed about missing that hilarious video everyone is talking about — it should show up in your Popular items feed automatically. And to make it easier to find interesting feeds, we're moving Recommendations into the new Explore section and giving it a new name — Recommended sources. Like always, it uses your Reader Trends and Web History (if you're opted into Web History) to generate a list of feeds we think you might like.
  • Personalized ranking - Only have a 10-minute coffee break and want to see the best items first? All feeds now have a new sort option called "magic" that re-orders items in the feed based on your personal usage, and overall activity in Reader, instead of default chronological order. Click "Sort by magic" under the Folder Settings menu of your feed to switch to personalized ranking. Unlike the old "auto" ranking, this new ranking is personalized for you, and gets better with time as we learn what you like best — the more you "like" and "share" stuff, the better your magic sort will be. Give it a try on a high-volume feed folder or All items and see for yourself!
The goal of personalization at Google remains the same as ever: to help you find the best content on the web. We hope these new features help you do just that — go Explore for yourself.

Finally, we'd love to hear your feedback — share your thoughts on our help group, Twitter or the Reader section of Get Satisfaction, a third party support community.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Shared folders and multiple file upload in Google Docs

Today, we are happy to launch one of the most requested Google Docs features — the ability to share folders. Shared folders make it easy for a team of people to collaborate on projects that require multiple documents, spreadsheets or presentations. If you have a group of items you want to share, all that you have to do is put them into one folder and share it.

Once you've shared a folder, all of the items in the folder will be accessible to the group. You can also add someone to an existing shared folder to give them access to all of the folder's content. Likewise, each item you add to the folder will be automatically shared. Just like with sharing documents, you can specify edit and view-only access for a folder.

In addition to sharing folders, you can now upload multiple files to Google Docs at the same time, simplifying the process of transferring documents from your desktop to the cloud. Once your documents are in the cloud, you can access them from any device connected to the Internet or share them with people you choose.

These features are currently rolling out and will be available to everyone by the end of the day. If you're interested in learning more, check out our post on the Google Docs blog.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Surf's up Wednesday: Google Wave update

Starting Wednesday, September 30 we'll be sending out more than 100,000 invitations to preview Google Wave to:
We'll ask some of these early users to nominate people they know also to receive early invitations — Google Wave is a lot more useful if your friends, family and colleagues have it too. This, of course, will just be the beginning. If all goes well we will soon be inviting many more to try out Google Wave.

Some of you have asked what we mean by preview. This just means that Google Wave isn't quite ready for prime time. Not yet, anyway. Since first unveiling the project back in May, we've focused almost exclusively on scalability, stability, speed and usability. Yet, you will still experience the occasional downtime, a crash every now and then, part of the system being a bit sluggish and some of the user interface being, well, quirky.

There are also still key features of Google Wave that we have yet to fully implement. For example, you can't yet remove a participant from a wave or define groups of users, draft mode is still missing and you can't configure the permissions of users on a wave. We'll be rolling out these and other features as soon as they are ready — over the next few months.

Despite all this, we believe you will find that Google Wave has the potential for making you more productive when communicating and collaborating. Even when you're just having fun! We use it ourselves everyday for everything from planning pub crawls to sharing photos, managing release processes and debating features to writing design documents. In fact, we collaborated on this very blog post with several colleagues in Google Wave.

Speaking of ways you could potentially use Google Wave, we're intrigued by the many detailed ones people have taken the time to describe. To mention just a few: journalist Andy Ihnatko on producing his Chicago Sun-Times column, filmmaker Jonathan Poritsky on streamlining the movie-making process, scientist Cameron Neylon on academic papers and lab work, Alexander Dreiling and his SAP research team on collaborative business process modelling, and ZDNet's Dion Hincliffe on a host of enterprise use cases.

The Wave team's most fun day since May? We invited a group of students to come spend a day with us at Google's Sydney office. Among other things, we asked them to collaboratively write stories in Google Wave about an imaginary trip around the world. They had a ball! As did we... 

Finally, a big shoutout to the thousands of developers who have patiently taken part in our ongoing developer preview. It has been great fun to see the cool extensions already built or being planned and incredibly instructive to get their help planning the future of our APIs. To get a taste for what some of these creative developers have been working on, and to learn more about the ways we hope to make it even easier for developers to build new extensions, check out this post on our developer blog.

Happy waving!

Back to school with Google Docs

As interns on the Google Docs team this past summer, we were excited to be able to work on making Google Docs that much more useful for students like us. We've now added a bunch of back to school features which should help our fellow students make the transition from summer to school that much easier — and we hope they'll be useful to you non-students as well!

We created an equation editor so you can easily complete problem sets online or write papers that include equations. If you're taking math, you can now take notes in class or answer questions using Google Docs.

In the same vein, we also added superscripts and subscripts — perfect for expressing chemical compounds or algebraic expressions:

For language enthusiasts, we integrated translation features into Google Docs. You can translate either a single word or an entire document — handy for making sure you're on the right track when writing those foreign language essays.

For those of you conducting surveys, we added a "Go to page based on answer" option in Google forms, making it easy to show participants only those questions that are relevant to them.

We also came up with a few features for humanities buffs. To make outlining term papers more customizable, we made it easy to select different bulleting styles for lists by adding an option to the format menu. And when that paper is written and ready to turn in, you now have the option to print footnotes as endnotes for a cleaner-looking paper.

We hope these new features make collaboration in Google Docs even more convenient, whether you're editing group presentations from across campus or collecting survey data from friends. In fact, we've created this video to show how collaboration can even help you out with your "extracurricular" activities:

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Five million students going back to school are "going Google"

(Cross-posted on the Google Students Blog)

It's always tough to bid farewell to summer and hit the books again, but for a few million students this back-to-school season, things are looking up. As of this fall, over five million students at thousands of schools in more than 145 countries have "gone Google" and are actively using Google Apps Education Edition on campus. Since this time last year the number of students using Google Apps on campus has increased by 400%. Because more schools sign up for Apps everyday, we wanted to celebrate the start of the 2009 school year by launching a new site that shows off some of these schools, provides product tips and tricks, introduces a community discussion forum and more.

A snapshot of some of the thousands of schools "going Google" this fall. Every location in green indicates Apps users.

When you visit the site, you'll also find an interactive map packed with interesting trivia. For example, in addition to the 70,000 students using Apps at Temple University, their 5,000 staff and faculty were given a choice between Gmail and alternative vendor, and over 90% chose to go Google. Or when Kent State first deployed, they saw more than 700 students migrating each hour. And a single admin at Montana State successfully deployed over 30,000 accounts in less than 90 days. Or as we learned in the recent webinar from another school on the map — Notre Dame — they saved $1.5 million by switching to Apps. You can hear their full story in this video:

We hope more schools will continue to go Google and bring Apps to their campuses in an effort to improve communication and collaboration while cutting costs and resources. In the meantime, check out our site and find out what Apps has done for other schools and what Apps can do for your school — and if you're already a part of the movement, add yourself to the map!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Happy 10th birthday, Blogger

Much has changed since Blogger was released in August of 1999. Writing about Blogger's founding in his book Say Everything, Scott Rosenberg describes the effect of Blogger simply: "It cleared the obstacles from the path between brain and Web page." As the phenomenon of blogging has grown and evolved over the past ten years, so too has Blogger, adapting to a world of fast-paced communication and allowing millions to tell their stories. When Google acquired Blogger in February of 2003, about 250,000 people visited Blogger per month. Today, that number is more than 300 million.

In our announcement about the Blogger acquisition, we said (somewhat ironically, not in a blog post — the Official Google Blog was still more than a year away): "Blogs are a global self-publishing phenomenon that connect Internet users with dynamic, diverse points of view while also enabling comment and participation." We're proud that Blogger continues to be a force for free expression worldwide and that it is growing quickly despite its maturity. In the past two years alone, the number of people contributing to a blog has more than doubled, and every second of every day, a new blog is created on Blogger.

To commemorate Blogger's 10th birthday, we've been releasing birthday presents as our way of saying thanks to the millions of users who have made Blogger what it is today. So far, we have released 5 presents and today we're announcing 2 more, courtesy of two Blogger partners:
  • Socialvibe: When Socialvibe approached us about finding a way to empower the Blogger community to help raise funds for charities, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to leverage Blogger's reach to do some good. Starting this week, Blogger users can show their support for charities and raise funds by adding a gadget to their blog. The Socialvibe team has challenged us to raise $50,000 for charity by the end of the year, and we're pretty confident we can beat that.
  • InfoThinker: If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch and a Blogger blog, you're in luck. The team at InfoThinker (makers of the iPhone app BlogPress) was eager to help celebrate Blogger's birthday. Earlier this week they submitted a free version of BlogPress that works only on Blogger to the iPhone App Store. Blogging on the go has never been so easy! Keep an eye out for the app.
Here is the full list of presents. We have more in store over the next couple weeks, and we're just as excited about a number of developments planned for later in the year. With thanks to Blogger founders Meg, Paul and Ev without whom we wouldn't have a 10th birthday to celebrate, and to the millions of people around the world who rely on Blogger to tell their story every day, here's to our next decade.