Wednesday 21 January 2009

Search findings from the U.S. presidential inauguration

Today, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States of America. As we observed throughout the presidential campaign, many people in the U.S. turned to Google Search to find information. During the inauguration, top queries included live inauguration coverage, inauguration day 2009 streaming, listen to inauguration live, and many others.

However, interest in the inauguration was not only confined to the United States. Twelve percent of inauguration-related queries came from outside the United States as thousands worldwide used Google to find ways to watch the event. From Latin America, we received queries like toma de posesion de Barack Obama en vivo (inauguration of Barack Obama live -- Spanish) and posse de Obama (inauguration of Obama -- Portuguese). Similarly in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, people interested in the inauguration searched for amtseinführung (inauguration -- German), inauguratie (inauguration -- Dutch), investidura (inauguration -- Spanish), ברק אובמה (Barack introduction -- Hebrew), اوباما (Obama -- Arabic), and investiture (inauguration -- French). And even though it was very early in their day, users in Asia and Australia were still interested in watching the festivities, with queries like 奥巴马就职典礼直播 (Obama inauguration broadcast -- Chinese) and inauguration timetable.

While President Obama was certainly the central player in today's events, searchers were also interested in the other people who took part in the ceremony. In particular, people wanted more information on the religious leaders who spoke: Dr. Rick Warren, who gave the invocation, and Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, who gave the benediction. Additionally, there was a lot of interest in some of the artists who performed: Aretha Franklin, Elizabeth Alexander, and Yo-Yo Ma. They also sought to know more about Senator Dianne Feinstein, who presided over the ceremony as chair of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, and Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., who swore in President Obama. (Click on the images to see a larger version.)

During the last nine years, the growth of the Internet has changed the way the world seeks information. From President Bush's first inaugural address in 2001 to his second in 2005, the number of inauguration-related searches increased by more than a factor of ten. From 2005 to today's address, the number grew even more. Few of the 2001 queries requested "video," and none requested streaming. By 2005, a few queries such as inauguration audio and streaming video of inauguration appeared. Today, technology has become so prevalant that queries such as YouTube live inauguration, live blogging inauguration, inaugural podcast, and Obama inaugural speech mp3 formed one-third of all inauguration-related queries.

Finally, this graph demonstrates one other interesting search pattern that we saw: the overall query volume of Google searches dropped in the U.S. from the time President Obama took the oath of office until the end of his inaugural speech, demonstrating that all eyes were on today's festivities.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

A day on, not a day off

Today, Americans celebrate the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the chief elements of the day, as expressed by Dr. King and manifested in recent years, is marking the day as a National Day of Service. The credo of a national service day is "a day on, not a day off," and citizens are encouraged to contribute their time and talents to community organizations in some way. A website offers a Google gadget, from which you can find a service event near you that needs your help, or create your own. Inform others of your activities with text messages, and share your photos and feedback.

Remember, too, that the need for your skills and energy is great, and extends well beyond today. Please consider these organizations for future volunteer opportunities.

Monday 19 January 2009

About Author

pelajaran blogBukan Syekh Puji tapi Pujiantoro,kakek ini lahir di Jakarta hampir setengah abad yang lalu,saat orang-orang belum begitu kenal dengan istilah “Friendster” maupun ’Facebook di dunia maya .Ia merupakan anak pertama dari dua bersaudara.

Hidupnya tergolong makmur meski hanya makan 4 (empat) kali dalam seminggu,,meskipun kisah hidup begitu sangat mengenaskan,dia bersi keras ingin merubah nasib hidup yang tak juga kunjung berubah itu.

Pantang menyerah !! Hidup Adsense ! Hidup Bisnis

yo wis,sak karepmu !!

© Copyright By Pujiantoro

Membuat Object Always on Top

Membuat gambar pada halaman situs yang akan selalu nongol,ternyata tidaklah susah.Mungkin sering kita jumpain pada situs-situs penawar produk atau bisnis.

Di,anda bisa melihat di kanan bawah yang bergambar banner blog,yang selalu ikut meskipun scroll kita naik turunkan.

Untuk membuatnya ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini :

Pertama,pergi ke Tata letak (untuk blogspot) Edit Html ,cari kode :


Klo dah ketemu,letakkan kode di bawah ini tepat di atas kode tersebut.

**Untuk merubah posisi,anda bisa mengubah dari bottom menjadi top dan left menjadi right.Untuk ukuran anda tentukan sendiri.

Masih di Edit Html,selanjutnya,cari kode :

Klo dah ketemu,copy paste kode dibawah ini,dan letakkan tepat diatas kode tersebut :

Ada 2 pilihan tampilan :

1.Copy paste kode dibawah ini untuk menampilkan image beserta linknya :

2.Copy paste kode dibawah ini untuk menampilkan image,link,kata dan status YM:


Penting :Untuk nama ID YM,gambar photo,link anda tentukan nama sendiri.

Memang sebaiknya,sebelum kode di letakkan,edit telebih dahulu ke dalam notepad.

Sumber :

Membuat Favicons / Cara Membuat Favicon

Untuk Identitas sekaligus ciri khas suatu situs,biasanya seperti blog katalog,kumpul blogger dan yang lain biasanya mereka memakai ikon kecil pada address bar disamping alamat url nya.

Nah!,itulah yang di sebut Favicon.
Untuk membuatnya sangat mudah,cukup copy kode di bawah ini :

<link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="[url_icon]" type="image/[format_icon]">

Contoh pemakaian kode:

<link href='' rel='shotcut icon'/>

Anda cukup menempatkan kode diatas kode </head> pada halaman HTML anda.Untuk url yang berwarna hijau,anda rubah sendiri sesuai alamat url gambar yang ingin anda jadikan Favicon.
Untuk format file Favicon *.gif,*.jpg,*.png biasanya tidak muncul pada jendela browser Internet Explorer.

Lebih baik memakai object gambar berformat *.ico.

Anda bisa upload ico file pada situs-situs penyedia ico uploader atau pada postingan anda sendiri

Menjadikan web sebagi Home Page

Ya,form untuk menjadikan suatu situs menjadi home page,maksudnya seperti halnya anda mengatur option pada internet option dan mengatur situs tertentu sebagai home page.

Namun form ini akan membantu anda dalam mengatur suatu situs menjadi home page hanya dengan satu klik.
Sehingga akan menampilkan situs tersebut setiap membuka browser baru.

Seperti yang lain,anda cukup menambahkan halaman baru html/javascript.

Lalu copy kode di bawah ini dan paste ke halaman baru anda:

<form><input type="button" value="Jadikan web ini sebagai Home Page" onclick="'url(#default#homepage)'; this.setHomePage('');"></form>

Hasilnya akan seperti di bawah ini:

Sangat mudah khan ! Selamat mencoba ya !

** Kode ini hanya akan bekerja baik pada IE Windows 98/2000/xp

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Menghilangkan Garis bawah pada Link

Kadang kita jembek ya ! alias buenci alias suebel klo bikin suatu alamat web,underline secara otomatis(emang dah diformat gitu..:o)

Untuk anda yang ingin membuat Link tanpa garis bawah,gampang kok..sebenarnya cuman nambahin kode sedikit.

Pinginnya kaya di bawah ini khan?

Jika anda biasanya menuliskan seperti ini untuk link:

<a href="">Link Biasa</a>

Anda selipkan kode yang berwarna merah di bawah ini,sehingga menjadi :

<a href="" style="text-decoration: none">Link tanpa Underline</a>

Have nice day !! dan selamat mencoba !!

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text

Text berjalan,..

Pergi keTambah halaman,Add widget pilih Html / Javascript lalu copy paste kode di bawah ini:

<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"
scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="60" direction="up" width="450" height="150">
<a href="">contoh 1</a><br/>
<a href="">contoh 2</a><br/>
<a href="">contoh 3</a>

Untuk situs tujuan anda bisa menentukan sendiri,disini sebagai contoh yang saya pakai diatas :, dan sebagai situs tujuannya.

Adapun macam-macamnya:


<marquee>Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text</marquee>


Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text


<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text</marquee>

hasilnya (berhenti saat mouse diatasnya):

Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text


<marquee direction="right">Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text</marquee>

hasilnya (dari kanan ke kiri):

Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text


<marquee behavior="alternate">Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text</marquee>

hasilnya (bolak-balik):

Cara Membuat Marquee / Text Berjalan / Rolling text

Mudah banget ya. :)

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Membuat Indikator Yahoo Messenger

Sering kita melihat pada blog maupun situs-situs terkenal,menggunakan fItur ini.
Adalah Indikator Yahoo Messenger,kita bisa menmpilkannya pada halaman situs kita.
Ini sangat berguna sekali karna customer atau pengunjung akan tahu kita dalam keadaan online atau not online.

Ada 3 pilihan tampilan,untuk tampilan kecil,sedang dan besar.

Pergi keTambah halaman,Add widget pilih Html / Javascript.
Untuk tampilan kecil anda bisa copy paste kode di bawah ini:

<a href="ymsgr:sendim?ID_YM_anda><img border="0" src=" &m=g&t=1" /></a>

Untuk tampilan sedang copy paste kode di bawah ini:

<a href="ymsgr:sendim?ID_YM_anda><img src="" border=0></a>

Untuk tampilan besar copy paste kode di bawah ini:

<a href="ymsgr:sendim?ID_YM_anda><img src="" border=0></a>

Nggak begitu sulit khan !? selamat mencoba ! dan semoga berhasil :D

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Kode Menampilkan situs lain ke dalam Blog

Seperti yang telah saya posting beberapa minggu yang lalu tentang menampilkan situs lain ke dalam situs kita.

Bukan merugikan tapi justru menguntungkan dari pihak suatu situs yang akan kita tampilkan,karena segala event yang terjadi pada situs tersebut oleh pengunjung situs kita adalah event langsung ke situs yang bersangkutan.

So,nggak masalah dan nggak menyalahi aturan khan?

Untuk menampilkan suatu situs kedalam situs kita, Tambahkan halaman baru html/javascript,lalu copy paste kode di bawah ini :
<iframe name="Menampilkan situs dalam suatu situs" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" readonly ="true" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="yes" width="300" frameborder="0" height="250"></iframe>
Untuk alamat situs yang ingin dimasukkan saya ambil contoh :

Hasilnya akan seperti di bawah ini:

Tinggal rubah sendiri ya..

width="300" menentukan lebar,isi terserah anda
height="250" menentukan tinggi,isi terserah anda

Semoga bermanfaat ya !

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Membuat Tag Clouds

Tag Clouds ...

Untuk membuat tag clouds,anda harus sudah membuat label pada situs anda.
Pilih bagian Dashboard ke Pengaturan lalu pada Page Element tambah halaman baru add widget, pilih Label.

Setelah itu
Edit HTML kemudian beri tanda centang pada Expand Widget Templates.

Cari kode :


Klo dah ketemu,lalu copy paste kode di bawah ini diatasnya :

/* Label Cloud Styles
----------------------------------------------- */
#labelCloud {text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li{display:inline;background-image:none !important;padding:0 5px;margin:0;vertical-align:baseline !important;border:0 !important;}
#labelCloud ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}
#labelCloud a img{border:0;display:inline;margin:0 0 0 3px;padding:0}
#labelCloud a{text-decoration:none}
#labelCloud a:hover{text-decoration:underline}
#labelCloud li a{}
#labelCloud .label-cloud {}
#labelCloud .label-count {padding-left:0.2em;font-size:9px;color:#000}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li:before{content:"" !important}

Setelah itu,tepat di bawah kode :

copy paste kode di bawah ini :

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Label Cloud User Variables
var cloudMin = 1;
var maxFontSize = 20;
var maxColor = [0,0,255];
var minFontSize = 10;
var minColor = [0,0,0];
var lcShowCount = false;

Lalu simpan template.

Langkah terakhir,masih pada Edit HTML cari kode di bawah ini :

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='cloud' type='Label'>
&lt b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
<span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'>
<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'>
<span dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Kalau dah ketemu,ganti kode diatas dengan kode di bawah ini :

Alangkah baiknya backup terlebih dahulu template ke komputer anda,Tapi klo dah percaya,ya langsung ganti aja.

Akurat koq :)

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Label Cloud' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>

<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='labelCloud'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

// Don't change anything past this point -----------------
// Cloud function s() ripped from
function s(a,b,i,x){
var m=(a-b)/Math.log(x),v=a-Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m)
var m=(b-a)/Math.log(x),v=Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m+a)
return v

var c=[];
var labelCount = new Array();
var ts = new Object;
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
var theName = &quot;<>&quot;;
ts[theName] = <data:label.count/>;
for (t in ts){
if (!labelCount[ts[t]]){
labelCount[ts[t]] = new Array(ts[t])
var ta=cloudMin-1;
tz = labelCount.length - cloudMin;
lc2 = document.getElementById('labelCloud');
ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.className = 'label-cloud';
for(var t in ts){
if(ts[t] &lt; cloudMin){
for (var i=0;3 &gt; i;i++) {
var fs = s(minFontSize,maxFontSize,ts[t]-ta,tz);
li = document.createElement('li'); = fs+'px'; = '1';
a = document.createElement('a');
a.title = ts[t]+' Posts in '+t; = 'rgb('+c[0]+','+c[1]+','+c[2]+')';
a.href = '/search/label/'+encodeURIComponent(t);
if (lcShowCount){
span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = '('+ts[t]+') ';
span.className = 'label-count';
else {
abnk = document.createTextNode(' ');

<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>


Simpan Template! Selesai !

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Saturday 17 January 2009

100,000th knol published

A few weeks ago the 100,000th knol was published, and we figured now is an excellent time to reflect on the first five months of Knol's existence.

Knols are authoritative articles about specific topics, written by people who know about those subjects. Since the start of the project, we've seen articles written on everything from sinus infections and Arctic exploration to long distance motorcycle riding and the Amphilinidea.

The Knol interface is now available in eight languages (Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish) and we are excited that our users are helping us translate it into many more languages using the Google in Your Language console. Encouraging people to contribute their knowledge online is particularly important for languages with limited web content, and we are glad to see that knols have been written in 59 different languages to date. It has been very exciting to have people all over the world come forward to help improve online content in their language.

We have worked quickly to incorporate the features most requested by our early authors, such as usage stats showing reader activity on knols and rich media embedding (videos, spreadsheets, forms, slideshows, etc.). All of these improvements are tracked in our Announcement and Release Notes.

We are happy to see that most authors choose to accept moderated edits from their audience and that the volume of suggested edits from readers is steadily growing. So if you find yourself reading a knol and want to suggest an improvement, go ahead and press that edit button! You will be able to make the desired changes directly in the knol, and the author(s) will be able to review and act upon your suggestions. We look forward to seeing this new mode of online collaboration used more widely.

People visit Knol from 197 countries and territories on an average day, from the Aland Islands and Antarctica to Zambia and Zimbabwe. We welcome you to share your knowledge with the world and write a knol.

Building engineers

We believe great ideas can come from anywhere and everyone. And we aspire to be an organization that reflects global diversity, because we know that a world's worth of perspectives, ideas and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services. We have more than a dozen employee-driven resource groups, from Gayglers to GWE (Google Women Engineers), that actively participate around the world in building community and driving policy at Google. This is the next post in our Interface series, which takes a look at valuing people's similarities and differences in the workplace. For more information on how Google fosters an inclusive work environment, visit Life at Google on our Jobs site. – Ed.

As someone who has been building technology for more than 15 years, I know firsthand what a positive impact building hardware or software with a small team in an agile environment can have. I was only exposed to this type of work during grad school, and have since been actively involved in getting young people interested in science and technology. This year Google has enthusiastically supported my initiative to bring a local group of girls closer to technology through the FIRST Robotics Competition.

"People claim that only with the perspective of years can you know how much influence a particular event has had on you," Tal Tzangen says and proceeds to explain how she is convinced her participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition last year has significantly changed the course of her life. Tal, a 17 year old girl from a rural part of Israel, was taking technology courses at her school, not because she was particularly interested in technology but because the other options seemed even less appealing to her. Although Israel is also known as "Silicon Wadi," Tal thought technology was "just for geeks." Last year she agreed to be a member of a newly forming FIRST team, not knowing what she was letting herself in for.

The competition involves 1,686 teams from more than 42,000 high schools spanning the U.S., Brazil, Canada, Chile, Germany, Israel, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Turkey, and the U.K. Each team has six weeks to build a robot from a common kit of parts provided by FIRST. Then, they compete with other robots in a new game devised each year.

Before Tal knew it, she was "bit by the bug." During the weeks of preparation, she spent days and nights at school learning about robotics and teamwork with her peers and mentors. Her team had won the regional competitions and were seeking funding for the finals in Atlanta when I met her.

Tal, center, and her team members work on their robot's transmission system.

This year Tal is the captain of the Google-sponsored Thunderbolts team, and one of her goals has been to get as many girls involved as possible. As she puts it, "I certainly don't mind the company of my male peers, but I know that girls also have a lot to contribute in this domain." The current team includes 24 students, eight of them girls (last year there were only two). Recruiting girls has been challenging since there are very few in the technical track in high school. She has enlisted some pre-high school girls with the hope of serving as a role model to them. Likewise, she has encouraged the forming of a FIRST LEGO team (9-14 year olds) to ensure the "next generation" for the Robotics Competition.

The Thunderbolt team.

The world kickoff for this year's competition took place on January 3rd, followed by the Israeli kickoff the following day. Regardless of how far they get in the competition this year, Israel is a country where high tech, engineering, science and entrepreneurship thrive, and Tal and her Thunderbolts are a growing part of this culture.

The Return of Eryn's Ink: Frankenstein's Monster and the Little Girl

At lunch, I ran into Eryn, whose yarn skull, was one of my favorite posts of 2008.

We've been exchanging messages for a while, and I have been anticipating another sample of her work (she has a lot of tattoos).

She has added to her yarn skull, and her whole right arm is a sleeve-in-progress. We decided to wait and showcase the whole limb when it's complete.

Her January offering was this brilliant portrait from the 1931 classic Frankenstein:

The picture above is the one I took, the one below is from the artist's portfolio:

This tattoo is based on this famous scene from the movie:

That's Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's monster and Marilyn Harris playing the little girl. The scene is simultaneously poignant and horrifying. It is a commentary on the innocence of childhood and society's destruction of that innocence through its creations. The little girl does not see a monster, but someone with whom to share a beautiful experience.

But the end result is tragic. The monster is even more innocent than the child, until his unintentional curiosity drowns the little girl.

The scene can represent many different concepts. One of which is the way society judges people based on the way they look. Adults see the creation as a monster, whereas the little girl sees him for what he is inside: a child with a curious innocence (soon to be lost).

Eryn has a lot of tributes in ink, commemorating "the darker things [she] loved as a child". This scene is her favorite one in the film, for all the meaning she finds in the brief couple of minutes therein.

The tattoo is inked on the back of her right calf. The detail in the portrait of Karloff as the monster is phenomenal:

The piece was inked by Randy Hall at Hero Tattoo in Conway, South Carolina.

Jeff Cribb, who founded the shop, is credited by Eryn as being the leading force behind the legalization of tattooing in South Carolina.

I also photographed Eryn's knuckle tattoos, which will be appearing in the future on

Thanks again to Eryn for sharing her awesome body art here with us on Tattoosday!

Friday 16 January 2009

Buku Pintar Menu Ibu Hamil

" Buku yang ditulis oleh pakar gizi dan praktisi kuliner, dapat dipertanggungjawabkan keilmuannya. Memandu Anda para calon ibu untuk menjalani kehamilan dengan cara sehat dan benar dari sisi nutrisi." M Isnaini - Redaktur Majalah Kesehatan Health Today.

" Susunan menunya lengkap berdasakan triwulan, sesuai dengan perkembangan janin dalam kandungan. Sangat membantu bagi para ibu dalam menyusun menu sehat selama hamil." Dr. Dwi Yanti A - Redaktur Majalah Kesehatan Dokter Kita.

Buku Pintar Menu Ibu Hamil

Prof.Dr.Ir. Ali Khomsan MS
Budi Sutomo. S.Pd

Pustaka Bunda

Rp. 65.000

Informasi & Pemesanan:
021-8712219 / 021- 8729059/021 4204402


Buku bisa di beli di seluruh jaringan toko buku Gramedia, Gunung Agung dan toko buku terkemuka di seluruh Indonesia


Saat hamil seorang wanita memerlukan asupan gizi lebih banyak. Mengingat selain kebutuhan gizi tubuh, wanita hamil harus memberikan nutrisi yang cukup untuk sang janin

Masa kehamilan menjadi saat yang dinati dan membahagiakan. Untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh tetap sehat dan buah hati berkembang normal, wanita hamil harus memiliki pola hidup yang sehat. Seperti makan makanan yang bergizi, cukup olahraga, istirahat, serta menghindari alkohol dan tidak merokok. Tentu dengan harapan janin dapat berkembang dengan normal dan telrahir dengan selamat dan sehat.

Ketika seorang wanita dinyatakan hamil, perubahan fisiologis tubuh turut berubah, sehingga kebutuhan gizinya pun juga berubah. Perubahan paling nyata adalah bertambahnya berat badan. Selama kehamilan 9 bulan, berat badan wanita hamil umumnya bertambah sekitar 6 - 12 kg. Selama tiga bulan pertama, pertambahan berat badan sangat lambat yakni sekitar 1,5 kg. Pada trimester kedua dan ketiga pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil akan mencapai 4 ons per minggu sehingga pada akhir kehamilan beratnya bertambah 12 kg. Berat badan selama hamil adalah cerminan output dari produk kehamilan dan perubahan dalam tubuh ibu itu sendiri. Seperti bertumbuhnya fetus (janin), plasenta, dan cairan amnion. Berat totalnya bisa mencapai 5 kg. Sisanya sekitar 7 kg berisi deposit lemak yang menempel pada tubuh ibu, pertambahan volume darah ibu serta pertambahan ukuran payudara dan rahim.

Selain untuk mencukupi kebutuhan tubuh, ibu hamil juga harus berbagi nutrisi dengan janin. Karenanya wanita hamil memerlukan Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan wanita yang sedang tidak hamil. Kekurangan gizi selama kehamilan bisa menyebabkan anemia gizi, bayi terlahir dengan berat badan rendah, bahkan bisa menyebabkan bayi lahir cacat.

Buku Menu Pintar Menu Ibu Hamil ini mengulas secara lengkap dan mendalam. Mulai dari kebutuhan gizi ibu hamil, perubahan selama kehamilan, angka kecukupan gizi ibu hamil, makanan yang disarankan, makanan yang sebaiknya dihindari, suplemen ibu hamil, ngidam atau pica, hingga morning sickness. Tidak ketinggalan, pembahasan kehamilan risiko tinggi seperti ibu yang mengalami diabetes, hipertensi, anemia, obesitas dan kehamilan kembar di ulas tuntas.
Tidak lupa panduan menu lengkap dari trimester pertama, kedua dan ketiga sangat membantu dan memudahkan Anda untuk memilih makanan yang tepat selama kehamilan. Menu dibuat dari bahan yang mudah didapat dan dipilih resep dengan teknik pengolahan yang mudah dibuat serta praktis. Selain menu utama, di dalam buku ini juga tersedia pilihan aneka hidangan sarapan, snack serta minuman sehat. Semuanya dipersembahkan untuk Anda bagi para calon ibu. Segera miliki buku ini dan Anda akan mendapat panduan tepat selama menjalani masa kehamilan.

Supporting equality

In September of last year, Google announced its opposition to California's Proposition 8. While the campaign was emotionally charged and difficult for both sides, in the wake of the election many were concerned with the impact Proposition 8 could have on the personal lives of people they work with every day, and on California's ability to attract and retain a diverse mix of employees from around the world.

That's why we've signed an amicus brief (PDF file) in support of several cases currently challenging Proposition 8 in the California Supreme Court. Denying employees basic rights isn't right, and it isn't good for businesses. We are committed to preserving fundamental rights for every one of the people who work hard to make Google a success.

Please join us in continuing to fight for equality for all Californians.

Making your personalized homepage even more personal

The holidays have passed, but if you're anything like me, you've got a gold mine of bear hugs and embarrassing moments captured on film. My holidays wouldn't be the same without Tabby, our family cat, who has been part of the winter festivities for 10 years. Over the holidays, we caught Tabby sticking out his tongue at the family get-together! Below is one of those prized moments I wanted to post everywhere, including on my personalized homepage:

Now, you too can capture memories and images on your iGoogle homepage by building a custom theme. We've just released our new tool for creating iGoogle themes. It's an easy way for iGoogle users to spruce up their personalized homepage without needing to know how to use XML, etc. All you need is an image, and we'll provide the rest.

The theme-building tool has a simple interface for uploading your photo from your desktop, Picasa Web Album, or the web. Once you've chosen a photo, the builder provides a basic set of tools to help you create your theme:
  • Image Cropping - Crop your favorite photo to fit your iGoogle theme
  • Color Schemes - Pick colors to complement your photo
  • Real-time Preview - See immediate feedback of your changes to swiftly fine-tune your theme
  • Public and Private Publishing - Choose who gets to see your original themes, whether it's just you, or if you want to share them with the world
Once your theme is created, it's immediately added to your iGoogle page for you to enjoy.

We hope you have fun customizing your iGoogle homepage with your favorite images, whether they're photos of your pets or places you've visited, drawings, designs, cartoons — or whatever else your heart desires.

Update on 1/16 @ 10:30 AM: A number of people are having trouble accessing our theme-builder tool. We're currently working on the issue, and we'll post here as soon as it's up and running again. We're sorry for the delay, and we'd like to thank everyone who let us know they had trouble accessing this feature.

Update on 1/22 @ 4:25 PM: Our theme-builder tool is now available to anyone in the U.S. who has their language default set to English, and we hope to release this feature in other languages and countries soon. Thanks for bearing with us, and we'll keep you posted on further updates.

Hear how Illinois State University uses Google Search

Search functionality is a critical part of higher education websites due to the diverse audiences that these sites serve. Current and prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other communities come to these sites to seek a wide range of information. Even with the best navigational scheme, it is a challenge to make all of this information findable, which makes accurate search a huge boost to website effectiveness.

Google Apps adoption in higher education has been steadily climbing (3 million users and counting), and we're really excited to see more and more universities using the Google Search Appliance (GSA) to power high-quality search on their websites. Like, the search appliance can search public pages on a website, but it can also find information in databases, content systems, business applications, and other sources, which opens up a whole range of options for making all kinds of information easily accessible. For example, Illinois State University uses the Google Search Appliance to create a "Course Finder" tool for their current and prospective students. This tool delivers up-to-the minute course information to more than 20,000 students, 1,000 faculty members, and the public at-large. It provides users with a friendly, easy-to-use interface for finding class and schedule data stored on the university's mainframe. Students can easily fine-tune searches to specify departments, time slots, and instructors, all using the familiar Google interface.

When Campus Technology, a leading publication addressing technology trends in universities, invited us to showcase the capabilities of the Google Search Appliance in an upcoming webinar, we immediately turned to our friends at Illinois State to share their great example. We invite you to join us online on Wednesday, January 21st, at 11:00 am PST, to hear Illinois State University talk about their experience with GSA. We'll also be sharing information about Google Apps for higher education, so if you're interested in that front, be sure to mark your calendars as well.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Changes to recruiting

As we made clear during our last quarterly earnings call in October, Google is still hiring but at a reduced rate. Given the state of the economy, we recognized that we needed fewer people focused on hiring.

Our first step to address this was to wind down almost all our contracts with external contractors and vendors providing recruiting services for Google. However, after much consideration, we have with great regret decided that we need to go further and reduce the overall size of our recruiting organization by approximately 100 positions.

We know this change will be very difficult for the people concerned, and we hope that many of them will be able to find new roles at Google. They helped build this company, new hire by new hire, and we are enormously grateful for everything they have done.

Changes to engineering

At Google we recognized early on that branching out beyond Mountain View was key to building innovative products for users everywhere. That's why we put so much effort into hiring outstanding engineers in a wide mix of countries. Having offices distributed around the globe is critical to Google's long-term success, and today we have thousands of engineers working in 40 offices in more than 20 countries. It has enabled us to make significant improvements in our products and attract more users globally.

It has also presented unique challenges. The most difficult of these being to coordinate our efforts across all geographies, and provide engineers with significant, meaningful projects that make a real difference to people's lives. Last September we asked engineers in Phoenix, Arizona to move to other offices, and the vast majority have done so. This move enabled us to build larger and more effective teams, reduce communication overhead, and give engineers increased options for future projects. Today we are doing the same thing in Austin, Texas; Trondheim, Norway; and Lulea, Sweden. Our strong desire is to keep as many of these 70 engineering employees at Google as possible. However, we do recognize the upheaval and heartache that these changes may have on Google families, and that we may not be able to keep 100% of these exceptional employees.

Our long-term goal is not to trim the number of people we have working on engineering projects or reduce our global presence, but create a smaller number of more effective engineering sites, which will ensure that innovation and speed remain at our core.

Cara Pasang Flash di Blog

Untuk memasang flash ke dalam blog cukuplah mudah. Yang kamu perlukan yaitu file flash yang biasanya ber-extensi .swf lalu upload file tersebut ke hosting. misal di ato 000webhost ato tempat hosting lainnya. File animasi flash tersebut bisa dijadikan hiasan pada blog ato bisa juga dijadikan hiasan di header sehingga membuat blog menjadi lebih animatif. Untuk memasang flash pada blog caranya sebagai berikut :

1. Login ke blogger kemudian pilih menu "Layout".
2. Kemudian klik link "Add a gadget" dimana akan ditempatkan animasi flash.
3. Pilih "HTML/Javascript" kemudian taruh script berikut :

<embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="white" width="500" height="100" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed>

Contoh :

* Ganti "" dengan alamat file flash kamu yang telah ditaruh di hosting.
* Ganti width="500" height="100 dengan ukuran dari file flashmu.

Make over your site using the wisdom of the crowd

It used to be that the design of a website was always left to a single web designer and some good ideas, but with Google Website Optimizer, Google's free testing and optimization tool, a website can harness the input of thousands of its visitors to produce results that really matter.

Last June we announced the Website Workout contest to see which of our AdWords advertisers wanted to give their sites an extreme makeover. After asking thousands of advertisers why their sites needed makeovers, we chose four of the most compelling cases, and they were paired with consultants who helped them set up experiments using Website Optimizer.

Website Optimizer allows you to create multiple versions of your webpage (maybe one version with a red button and one with a blue) and evaluate which variation best meets your goals (whether that is sign-ups, purchases, or simply having visitors click to another page). The tool uses traffic data and advanced statistical formulas to figure out, according to your visitors, what makes your website the most useful.

Well, we are happy to announce the winners of the Website Workout contest and share some videos highlighting their experiences. Be sure to check them out, you might be surprised by what sorts of changes can make a big difference.

For example, by changing the layout of their product page, Colonial Candle was able to increase the number of candles they sold by 20% and improve sales by $20,000 in one month.

Before Optimization (click on the images for larger versions)

After Optimization

Check out the Website Optimizer Blog for more information.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Network effects: Introducing the Google Apps Authorized Reseller Program

Just under two years ago we launched Google Apps for businesses, offering a set of products that enable secure and cost-effective applications in the cloud. Fast-forward to today and our expanded Google Apps suite is used by more than 1 million businesses, with 3,000 new companies signing up each day.

How'd we get here? Through constant innovation (100 new features and counting), growing enthusiasm for cloud computing, and a partner network that provides our customers with complementary products, training, and integration.

Given this strong demand, we believe there's a great opportunity to do even more by helping IT solution providers grow their business opportunities around cloud computing. As we got our sea legs, we started slowly with a core group of partners who've been key trusted advisers in customer deployments, such as at Genentech and Hamilton Beach. We're now expanding this ecosystem to help more IT professionals build cloud computing expertise. Today we're excited to announce the Google Apps Authorized Reseller Program. With this release, solution providers globally can take advantage of tools that enable bundling of sales, customization and support for Google Apps Premier Edition for customers of all sizes.

We've adapted this program to complement resellers' current business models. Authorized Resellers have the flexibility to combine their existing services with Google Apps. With cloud-based Google Apps there is no new hardware or software to maintain. The Authorized Reseller program benefits include:
  • owning the customer relationship and billing structure
  • providing consulting, service management and end-user support
  • receiving a recurring discount on the annual Google Apps licensing fee
  • receiving marketing, sales and technical training from Google
We've been fine-tuning the program for the past few months, working with more than 50 pilot resellers to make sure it's a good fit with our partners' needs. We're excited about the new opportunities that cloud computing is creating for IT solution providers, and we encourage you to visit our program site to learn more about the program and apply.