As we wind down 2010, and look ahead to 2011, I wanted to take care of one of my several loose ends from the past year.
Back in July, I met a guy named John on the D train. He had tattooed arms and we chatted a bit. He said he'd send me photos and he did a few weeks later.
I never posted the photos because the resolution was low, and when I tried to increase the size, they blurred. I was going to include these in the Christmas housecleaning post, but the work is just too good.
So hear you have them, small photos, but recognizably amazing:
I mean, what is there to say? This work is quite excellent. The koi, the tiger, the sailing ship, sugar skull, nautical stars - it's all quite a body of work!
The artist is Nacho, who appeared once before on the blog here. You can check out Nacho's work here. in New York, he tattoos out of Studio Enigma on Avenue U.
Thanks to John for sharing these amazing tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
And thanks to all of our fans and contributors for making 2010 a successful year of inkspotting!
Friday, 31 December 2010
Makanan Bayi Sehat Alami - Bubur Tempe Bayam
Setelah menginjak usia 6 bulan, kebutuhan gizi bayi terus meningkat. ASI sebagai makanan utama sudah tidak mencukupi lagi, diperlukan makanan pendamping ASI. Bubur Tempe Bayam bisa Anda jadikan salah satu variasi menu makanan bayi yang sehat dan alami. Menu ini cocok diberikan ke bayi usia di atas 10 Bulan. Resep/Foto/Dapur Uji: Budi Sutomo.
2 sdm beras, cuci bersih
40 g tempe, potong dadu kecil
40 g bayam, iris halus
300 ml kaldu ayam atau atau air
Cara Membuat:
1. Rebus beras dengan kaldu atau air. Masak hingga mendidih.
2. Masukkan potongan tempe dan bayam. Masak hingga tekstur beras lembut dan semua bahan matang. Angkat.
3. Tuang bubur ke dalam tabung blender. Haluskan hingga lembut.
4. Masukkan bubur ke dalam mangkuk saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 2 Porsi
Bayam (Amaranthus sp)
Gunakan bayam bagian pucuk yang tidak berserat kasar. Cuci bersih sebelum digunakan agar kotoran yang melekat dan telur cacing dapat terbuang. Bayam, terutama bayam merah, terkenal mengandung zat besi yang tinggi yang berkhasiat menambah darah. Selain itu, bayam juga mengandung vitamin A, B, C, dan K, kalium, serta fosfor. Di setiap 100 g bayam mengandung 45 kkal, protein 3.5 g, lemak 0.5 g, karbohidrat 6.5 g, kalsium 267 mg, fosfor 67 mg, besi 3.9 mg, retinol 1827 mcg, thiamine 0.08 mg, dan asam askorbat 60 mg.
Bumbu Masakan Indonesia - Asam Gelugur
Masakan tradisional Indonesia sangat kaya akan bumbu dan rempah. Seperti untuk memberi cita rasa asam segar, kita mengenal beragam bahan bumbu asam alami, seperti asam gelugur, asam sunti, asam kandis, asam jawa dan asam kranji. Selain menambah rasa, bumbu asam juga kaya akan vitamin C yang menyehatkan.
Salah satu asam yang cukup populer sebagai bumbu adalah asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis Griffith et Anders.) Bumbu ini terbuat dari buah dari keluarga buah Manggis namun sepintas buah segarnya mirip dengan jeruk purut atau jeruk keprok dengan kulit bergelombang. Buah ini diiris tipis kemudian dijemur hingga kering. Asam gelugur banyak dipakai dalam masakan Sumatera. Bumbu ini memberikan rasa asam tanpa menjadi masakan keruh seperti jika kita menggunakan air asam jawa. Dijual dalam bentuk kering di swalayan terkemuka maupun pasar tradisional. Penggunaanya tinggal mengiris tipis asam gelugur dan ditambahkan 2-4 potong dalam masakan. Banyaknya sesuaikan dengan selera Anda. Semakin banyak asam gelugur ditambahkan maka cita rasa masakan semakin asam.
Selain di Indonesia, asam dari family tanaman Guttiferae ini juga banyak dipakai di negara Asia, seperti di Thailand dikenal dengan nama Som Khaek dan di Malaysia di kenal dengan nama Asam Gelugor. Di Malaysia asam gelugur sering di tambahkan dalam hidangan fish curries atau kari ikan. Foto Budi Sutomo & Nlliew66.
Selain di Indonesia, asam dari family tanaman Guttiferae ini juga banyak dipakai di negara Asia, seperti di Thailand dikenal dengan nama Som Khaek dan di Malaysia di kenal dengan nama Asam Gelugor. Di Malaysia asam gelugur sering di tambahkan dalam hidangan fish curries atau kari ikan. Foto Budi Sutomo & Nlliew66.
Tabloid Nova & Minuman Sehat ala Budi Sutomo
Tabloid Berita Wanita NOVA edisi 1193/XXIII yang beredar 3-9 Januari 2011 hadir dengan beragam tema khusus yang menarik. Selain berita selebriti terknini Giring Nidji serta Titi Sjuman, laporan aktual Ahir Perjalanan Timnas Garuda di ajang AFF 2010 hingga berita Teknologi Seluler paling anyar diulas dengan menarik.
Seperti biasa, halaman rubrik kuliner Sedap Sekejap Tabloid NOVA selalu mengikuti trend dan sesuai tema. Setelah aneka hidangan perayaan Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru di beberapa edisi yang lalu, edisi ini NOVA menurunkan rubrik kuliner yang lezat dan sehat. Tentu sebagai pilihan agar pembaca sedikit mendetok tubuhnya setelah menyantap beragam hidangan penuh lemak dan kalori saat perayaan Jamuan Natal dan Tahun Baru.
Turut berbangga hati karena di Nova No 1193, Saya diminta membagikan resep sehat. Temanya adalah Freshen Up Your Day!. Berisikan lima jenis minuman hangat dan dingin yang dapat mendongkrak stamina dan mengembalikan kebugaran. Anda bisa mencoba Cokelat Kurma Milkshake, Pinky Smoothie, Romantic Juice, Wedang Jeruk Sari Ginseng dan Wedang Susu Jahe Madu. Resep selengkapnya bisa Anda baca di tabloid NOVA kesayangan Anda.
Thursday, 30 December 2010
A Bright Spot in December: A Phoenix and a Pin-Up
As one would expect, inkspotting is tough during December. Here we are at the end of the month, and I have only interviewed three people since the 1st. There were a few times over the summer when I interviewed three contributors during my lunch hour!
The last person whose work I photographed was Megan, who I found upstairs at the Penn Plaza Borders store.
Megan has seventeen tattoos, but it was this one that caught my eye:
This is a phoenix, of course, but fewer people may recognize it as Fawkes, the phoenix of Professor Albus Dumbledore, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
The artwork is based on the illustration by Jason Cockcroft on the cover of the UK edition of the aforementioned book.
The tattooist Jamie Nichols at Gargoyle Tattoo in Aberdeen, Washington, completed this piece in about eight hours over two sittings.
Megan also has this pinup on her upper left arm:
The use of negative space for the bombs is pretty cool.
Marcus was the artist at Gargoyle that Megan credited for creating this piece..
Thanks to Megan for taking the time to speak to me about her cool tattoos!
The last person whose work I photographed was Megan, who I found upstairs at the Penn Plaza Borders store.
Megan has seventeen tattoos, but it was this one that caught my eye:
This is a phoenix, of course, but fewer people may recognize it as Fawkes, the phoenix of Professor Albus Dumbledore, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
The artwork is based on the illustration by Jason Cockcroft on the cover of the UK edition of the aforementioned book.
The tattooist Jamie Nichols at Gargoyle Tattoo in Aberdeen, Washington, completed this piece in about eight hours over two sittings.
Megan also has this pinup on her upper left arm:
The use of negative space for the bombs is pretty cool.
Marcus was the artist at Gargoyle that Megan credited for creating this piece..
Thanks to Megan for taking the time to speak to me about her cool tattoos!
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Two-for-Tattoosday, Brazilian-Style
Sometimes, due to a) a language barrier and b) the passage of time, we're not always able to give you the most in-depth story about our subjects' tattoos.
Such is the case with Celso and Reginaldo, who I met back in September outside of Madison Square Garden.
Both gentlemen were visiting from SĂ£o Paolo, Brazil and one of Celso's tattoos caught my eye:
That was on his right arm. He also had this one on his left arm:
Celso's friend Reginaldo pulled his shirt off so I could get the full view of his koi tattoo:
Celso credited Artur at True Love Tattoo in SĂ£o Paolo for inking his dragon and his mermaid.
Artur also was the artists who did Reginaldo's koi.
Thanks to Celso and Reginaldo for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Such is the case with Celso and Reginaldo, who I met back in September outside of Madison Square Garden.
Both gentlemen were visiting from SĂ£o Paolo, Brazil and one of Celso's tattoos caught my eye:
That was on his right arm. He also had this one on his left arm:
Celso's friend Reginaldo pulled his shirt off so I could get the full view of his koi tattoo:
Celso credited Artur at True Love Tattoo in SĂ£o Paolo for inking his dragon and his mermaid.
Artur also was the artists who did Reginaldo's koi.
Thanks to Celso and Reginaldo for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Beriklan di internet lebih simpel
yups, kemajuan internet telah membawa kemudahan bagi orang - morang yang tahu akan teknologi informasi. tak lepas dari itu semua, dunia periklanan pun juga berangsur mulai masuk melalui blogger-blogger lokal. hal ini tentunya sangat membantu penyebaran informasi dan pemasaran produk. Bagi mereka yang jeli akan menggunakan ajang ini sebagai tempat beriklan yang murah dan efektif.
Namun hingga saat ini belum begitu banyak yang mau menggunakan jasa blogger sebagai tempat beriklan, padahal peran blogger sangat penting dan punya prospek kedepan yang bagus, disamping cara beriklan seperti ini lebih murah karena informasi selalu tertampilkan untuk para pembaca. Coba anda bandingkan dengan biaya ngiklan di televisi yang hanya beberapa detik tampil saja membutuhkan dana ber puluh puluh juta, kalo melalui blogger, anda hanya merogoh kocek paling berapa rupiah tergantung perjanjian dengan blogger tersebut iklan anda akan tayang setiap hari.
Peluang ini yang seharusnya digunakan para produsen yang ingin memasarkan produknya. anda mungkin akan lebih tertarik lagi kalau membaca tulisan ini cara beriklan di internet. Oke mari kita gunakan blogger sebagai sarana mempromosikan produk anda dan sebagai penyampai informasi produk yang lebih efektif.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Christmas House Cleaning
Regular readers of Tattoosday will notice that, although I generally follow a chronological order when I share tattoos I have encountered.
However, certain pieces, for various and sundry reasons, have been bypassed, and haven't made it to the blog, until now.
I was originally going to post a dozen to represent the Twelve Days of Christmas, but I settled for eight. For the nights of Chanukah, perhaps?
Without intending to offend anyone for not receiving a post all to themselves, I have lumped these tattoos, spanning from late August to late October, in one post.
These are the neglected tattoo pictures that are just a little off, some not through the fault of the contributor, but for reasons beyond their control.
The quality of the photo may not be ideal, or the host and I faced a language barrier that prevented a good back story from emerging, or I didn't find the story behind the tattoo especially compelling. And then
there's what is likely one of the poorest tattoos I have seen, but the story behind it is somewhat compelling.
So, without further ado, here is a Christmas cleaning, eight posts rolled together into one gigantic one.
First up, we have Esteban, who shared his sleeve when I met him in September, at Fairway in Red Hook:
Alas, I was still using a borrowed camera, and several shots were over-exposed and/or blurry, but I was able to salvage this one:
The artwork is pre-Colombian in its inspiration, and is part of a larger tropical motif.
Next up we have Dave, who I met in Penn Station. He has over 25 tattoos and selected this one to share:
The phrase "Uniting the Strong" is the title of a song from Victim in Pain, the second album from the band Agnostic Front. This is a friendship tattoo that stresses unity and the host's nod to the hardcore punk scene.
Dave credits Jelena at Lone Wolf Tattoo in Bellmore, New York with this piece.
Next we have Orlando, a Fine Arts student at FIT, where I met him outside while walking toward 23rd Street on my lunch break, also in September.
This ship tattoo is an homage to his father, who served in the navy for thirty years. He wanted a "classic look" in the Sailor Jerry style.
Orlando confirmed for me that his dad loves the tattoo.
It was inked at Crazy Fantasy Tattoo in Manhattan by an artist named Antonio.
[Update: I got a better, crisper picture from Orlando of the ship tattoo in May 2011:]
Orlando has seven tattoos in all [in May 2011, he updated this number to ten], and shared this one, as well, inked at Dare Devil Tattoo on the Lower East Side.
The quote, "This my excavation and today is Kumran" is from a song called "re: Stacks" by Bon Iver.
Orlando explained that he interprets this quote as a reminder that "every day has the ability to make you or break you. It just depends on what you do with it." Other interpretations are here.
For the record, I did email Orlando to ask for an opportunity to get clearer pictures, but I did not hear back from him.
I met Farkas in Union Square back in October. He had this wolf on his right arm:
He explained that his name means "wolf" in Hungarian, and that one of his friends in Hungary did this tattoo for him.
A couple days after meeting Farkas, I met an Israeli named Ran on 34th Street across from Macy*s. He shared this iguana on his right leg:
It's a pretty nice tattoo, but he hasn't sent me any further details about it.
A couple weeks later, I was in the West Village before a concert, and met Carlos, a manager at the Qdoba Mexican Grill where we were having a quick bite before the show. He shared this intricate tattoo on his right arm:
He and friend collaborated on this tattoo together. He told me that, when he was little, he did jigsaw puzzles with his mother a lot. The tattoo reminds him of those fun times growing up.
The following week, I ran into Iancu in Penn Station, and he shared this piece on his upper left arm:
Iancu told me he came to the artist, Rico, formerly of Rising Dragon in Manhattan, who was initially unwilling to do the tattoo. However, he convinced him to do it. It's basically a Guns N' Roses tribute although, he
noted, the guns were added about a year and a half after the original design was inked.
And finally, I must first say that it is very rare that I ever criticize the quality of a tattoo.
Even if it is inferior to the work of much better artists, I always like to believe there are some redeeming qualities in a tattoo.
Which is why I struggled with this next tattoo, which I photographer back in August, and which I have included in this odds and ends post in December.
I approached a guy named Danny who had a lot of interestingly-tattooed words and such on his arms.
However, he offered to remove his shirt in Penn Station so I could photograph this:
Um, yeah.
If this was done by an experienced artist, I would likely not have posted it. Despite its obvious flaws, it is compelling, in my opinion, because Danny told me, like all his tattoos (15 or 16, he told me), this one was
self-inked. Now, I can see tattooing one's arm or leg, but I cannot even fathom how challenging it would be to self-tattoo your chest. He estimated this took one and a half hours to do.
The message is "Diamonds Aren't Forever," or, in Danny's words, "don't take what you have for granted".
So there you have it, a Spring Cleaning for Christmas.
I do sincerely thank the individuals who shared their tattoos in this entry. Happy Holidays, y'all!
However, certain pieces, for various and sundry reasons, have been bypassed, and haven't made it to the blog, until now.
I was originally going to post a dozen to represent the Twelve Days of Christmas, but I settled for eight. For the nights of Chanukah, perhaps?
Without intending to offend anyone for not receiving a post all to themselves, I have lumped these tattoos, spanning from late August to late October, in one post.
These are the neglected tattoo pictures that are just a little off, some not through the fault of the contributor, but for reasons beyond their control.
The quality of the photo may not be ideal, or the host and I faced a language barrier that prevented a good back story from emerging, or I didn't find the story behind the tattoo especially compelling. And then
there's what is likely one of the poorest tattoos I have seen, but the story behind it is somewhat compelling.
So, without further ado, here is a Christmas cleaning, eight posts rolled together into one gigantic one.
First up, we have Esteban, who shared his sleeve when I met him in September, at Fairway in Red Hook:
Alas, I was still using a borrowed camera, and several shots were over-exposed and/or blurry, but I was able to salvage this one:
The artwork is pre-Colombian in its inspiration, and is part of a larger tropical motif.
Next up we have Dave, who I met in Penn Station. He has over 25 tattoos and selected this one to share:
The phrase "Uniting the Strong" is the title of a song from Victim in Pain, the second album from the band Agnostic Front. This is a friendship tattoo that stresses unity and the host's nod to the hardcore punk scene.
Dave credits Jelena at Lone Wolf Tattoo in Bellmore, New York with this piece.
Next we have Orlando, a Fine Arts student at FIT, where I met him outside while walking toward 23rd Street on my lunch break, also in September.
This ship tattoo is an homage to his father, who served in the navy for thirty years. He wanted a "classic look" in the Sailor Jerry style.
Orlando confirmed for me that his dad loves the tattoo.
It was inked at Crazy Fantasy Tattoo in Manhattan by an artist named Antonio.
[Update: I got a better, crisper picture from Orlando of the ship tattoo in May 2011:]
Orlando has seven tattoos in all [in May 2011, he updated this number to ten], and shared this one, as well, inked at Dare Devil Tattoo on the Lower East Side.
The quote, "This my excavation and today is Kumran" is from a song called "re: Stacks" by Bon Iver.
Orlando explained that he interprets this quote as a reminder that "every day has the ability to make you or break you. It just depends on what you do with it." Other interpretations are here.
For the record, I did email Orlando to ask for an opportunity to get clearer pictures, but I did not hear back from him.
I met Farkas in Union Square back in October. He had this wolf on his right arm:
He explained that his name means "wolf" in Hungarian, and that one of his friends in Hungary did this tattoo for him.
A couple days after meeting Farkas, I met an Israeli named Ran on 34th Street across from Macy*s. He shared this iguana on his right leg:
It's a pretty nice tattoo, but he hasn't sent me any further details about it.
A couple weeks later, I was in the West Village before a concert, and met Carlos, a manager at the Qdoba Mexican Grill where we were having a quick bite before the show. He shared this intricate tattoo on his right arm:
He and friend collaborated on this tattoo together. He told me that, when he was little, he did jigsaw puzzles with his mother a lot. The tattoo reminds him of those fun times growing up.
The following week, I ran into Iancu in Penn Station, and he shared this piece on his upper left arm:
Iancu told me he came to the artist, Rico, formerly of Rising Dragon in Manhattan, who was initially unwilling to do the tattoo. However, he convinced him to do it. It's basically a Guns N' Roses tribute although, he
noted, the guns were added about a year and a half after the original design was inked.
And finally, I must first say that it is very rare that I ever criticize the quality of a tattoo.
Even if it is inferior to the work of much better artists, I always like to believe there are some redeeming qualities in a tattoo.
Which is why I struggled with this next tattoo, which I photographer back in August, and which I have included in this odds and ends post in December.
I approached a guy named Danny who had a lot of interestingly-tattooed words and such on his arms.
However, he offered to remove his shirt in Penn Station so I could photograph this:
Um, yeah.
If this was done by an experienced artist, I would likely not have posted it. Despite its obvious flaws, it is compelling, in my opinion, because Danny told me, like all his tattoos (15 or 16, he told me), this one was
self-inked. Now, I can see tattooing one's arm or leg, but I cannot even fathom how challenging it would be to self-tattoo your chest. He estimated this took one and a half hours to do.
The message is "Diamonds Aren't Forever," or, in Danny's words, "don't take what you have for granted".
So there you have it, a Spring Cleaning for Christmas.
I do sincerely thank the individuals who shared their tattoos in this entry. Happy Holidays, y'all!
Friday, 24 December 2010
Home Sweet Home for the Holidays
The saying is, "you can't take it with you," but there is a way to carry your home with you when you move somewhere else.
Take, Adam, for example, who I stopped on Seventh Avenue between 29th and 30th Streets.
He currently resides in Pittsburgh, but he has lived in Miami and New York City.
His tattoos are a work in progress and he has had about eight hours done so far.
Adam says he has lived all over the United States and he wants, ideally, to tattoo a "piece of everywhere I've lived".
Check this out:
The Statue of Liberty clearly represents New York, and the palm trees recall Miami. All the bridges and a few of the buildings are Pittsburgh landmarks, like PPG Place
and the Highmark Building.
The "Home Sweet Home" sentiment is anchored by the multiple locations, echoing the idea that home is where the heart is.
Adam's work is done by Michael Patrick at Jester's Court Tattoos in Pittsburgh.
Thanks to Adam for sharing his wonderful sleeve with us here on Tattoosday!
Take, Adam, for example, who I stopped on Seventh Avenue between 29th and 30th Streets.
He currently resides in Pittsburgh, but he has lived in Miami and New York City.
His tattoos are a work in progress and he has had about eight hours done so far.
Adam says he has lived all over the United States and he wants, ideally, to tattoo a "piece of everywhere I've lived".
Check this out:
The Statue of Liberty clearly represents New York, and the palm trees recall Miami. All the bridges and a few of the buildings are Pittsburgh landmarks, like PPG Place
and the Highmark Building.
The "Home Sweet Home" sentiment is anchored by the multiple locations, echoing the idea that home is where the heart is.
Adam's work is done by Michael Patrick at Jester's Court Tattoos in Pittsburgh.
Thanks to Adam for sharing his wonderful sleeve with us here on Tattoosday!
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Aneka Sate Populer Nusantara
Judul: Sate Populer & Lezat
Penulis: Budi Sutomo
Penerbit: Kriya Pustaka
Informasi & Pemesanan: 021 87744463/8729060
Sate merupakan salah satu masakan populer di Indonesia, baik sate tradisional maupun sate modifikasi hasil resapan dari resep manca negara. Kepopuleran sate sudah diakui dunia dan menjadi salah satu menu khas masakan Indonesia. Hampir di setiap tempat makan, baik restoran, maupun di pinggir jalan, banyak dijual sate dengan beragam bahan dan bumbu. Ini menunjukan bahwa sate banyak diminati masarakat. Cita rasa yang gurih dan lezat serta aoma bakar membuat sate disuka tua dan muda.
Sate nusantara dibuat dari beragam macam bahan dasar, umunya terbuat dari daging, baik dari daging sapi, kambing, ayam, ikan udang hingga cumi-cumi. Sate sebenarnya makanan yang simpel dengan bumbu sederhana. Hanya dengan bumbu lada, garam dan air jeruk nipis, sate sudah bisa dibuat dan menghasilkan rasa masakan yang lezat. Tentu sate tidak komplit jika tidak disajikan dengan saus atau sambal pelengkap. Biasanya berupa sambal kacang, sambal kecap maupun sambal cabe.
Ciri khas sate masih daerah sangat beragam, seperti sate dari daerah Padang umunya pedas dan bersaus santan, sedangkan sate dari Jawa Timur seringkali menambahkan bumbu kusus, seperti petis maupun terasi dalam saus pelengkapnya. Sedangkan sate dari daerah Jawa Tengah umumnya bercita rasa manis dan menggunakan kecap manis sebagai bumbu perendam sate.
Menelusuri kekayaan kuliner nusantara memang tidak ada habisnya. Masing-masing daerah memiliki keunikan kuliner tersendiri, aneka sate nusantara adalah salah satunya. Berbekal buku ini, Anda akan memperkaya pengetahuan pusaka kuliner nusantara yang lezat dan menggugah selera. Pelajari resepnya, praktekan dan saya percaya, salah satu jenis sate nusantara pasti akan menjadi menu favorit keluarga Anda.
Isi Resep:
Sate Ampet, Sate Ayam ‘Senayan’, Sate Ayam Bumbu Rujak, Sate ayam Madura ‘Pak Kumis’, Sate Ayam Sambal Kemiri, Sate Bakso Bakar Sambal Kacang, Sate Banjar, Sate Bebek ‘Pak Encus’, Sate Bumbu Kelapa, Sate Bumbu Rempah, Sate Bumbu Sapit, Sate Bumbu Serapah, Sate Buntel, Sate Sambal Kemangi, Sate Dakem, Sate Gurih, Sate Hati Kambing ‘Tomang’, Sate Kambing ‘Batibul’, Sate Kambing Bumbu Petis, Sate Kambing Tegal, Sate Kerang, Sate Lilit Ikan, Sate Makassar, Sate Mamangut, Sate Manis, Sate Padang ‘Pak Syukur’, Sate Rempah Sari, Sate Tabulinas, Sate Udang Madura, Sate Usus.
Two, No, Three from Lisa Marie
I ran into Lisa Marie in my local grocery store a few months back and she was happy to share a couple of cool tattoos:
That is, for those who don't know, the symbol of Coney Island's Steeplechase Park.
She got this because she loves Coney Island, one of the most iconic spots in Brooklyn. Lisa Marie later sent me a shot of the tattoo when it was brand-spanking new:
This was inked by Michael Kaves at Brooklyn Made Tattoo.
On her left forearm, Lisa Marie had this whimsical tattoo:
That is a famous golden ticket from her favorite movie, 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the film version of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
That tattoo was done by JR Maloney at Vanguard Tattoo in Nyack, New York.
Lisa Marie also sent along a couple of extra photos that she had documenting Mr. Kaves inking another of her tattoos, a cupcake:
Thanks again to Lisa Marie for sharing these cool tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
That is, for those who don't know, the symbol of Coney Island's Steeplechase Park.
She got this because she loves Coney Island, one of the most iconic spots in Brooklyn. Lisa Marie later sent me a shot of the tattoo when it was brand-spanking new:
This was inked by Michael Kaves at Brooklyn Made Tattoo.
On her left forearm, Lisa Marie had this whimsical tattoo:
That is a famous golden ticket from her favorite movie, 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the film version of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
That tattoo was done by JR Maloney at Vanguard Tattoo in Nyack, New York.
Lisa Marie also sent along a couple of extra photos that she had documenting Mr. Kaves inking another of her tattoos, a cupcake:
Thanks again to Lisa Marie for sharing these cool tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Luis Shares Two LoterĂa Cards
I met Luis in Borders, Penn Plaza, last month and asked him about his tattoos. He has more than fifteen altogether, and three are based on LoterĂa cards, which are used as part of a Mexican bingo game, as well as in fortune-telling.
He shared two of these cards with me and explained that, as a first generation Mexican-American, these LoterĂa cards remind him of growing up.
The first one he explained is number 21, La Mano:
Luis explained that he relates to this card because "la mano" is Spanish for hand, and he is a builder/electrician/carpenter by trade. He considers himself a "designer of ideas," and because he works with his hands, this is an appropriate card to have as a tattoo.
The second one he let me photograph is number 27, El corazĂ³n:
This card is appropriate, according to Luis, because "El corazĂ³n" means the heart and, Luis said, smiling, "I've got a big one".
There are a lot of different artistic representations of these cards out on the web, which tells me that they serve as inspiration for a lot of people.
Luis had these tattoos done by a tattoo artist named Fish, who was visiting Saved Tattoo in Brooklyn, but generally works out of Th'ink Tank Tattoo in Denver. Work from Th'ink Tank appeared here once before.
Thanks to Luis for sharing these two LoterĂa cards with us here on Tattoosday!
He shared two of these cards with me and explained that, as a first generation Mexican-American, these LoterĂa cards remind him of growing up.
The first one he explained is number 21, La Mano:
Luis explained that he relates to this card because "la mano" is Spanish for hand, and he is a builder/electrician/carpenter by trade. He considers himself a "designer of ideas," and because he works with his hands, this is an appropriate card to have as a tattoo.
The second one he let me photograph is number 27, El corazĂ³n:
This card is appropriate, according to Luis, because "El corazĂ³n" means the heart and, Luis said, smiling, "I've got a big one".
There are a lot of different artistic representations of these cards out on the web, which tells me that they serve as inspiration for a lot of people.
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Image courtesy of "The Lucky W" Amulet Archive by Cat Yronwode |
Thanks to Luis for sharing these two LoterĂa cards with us here on Tattoosday!
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Cara Membuat / Menetapkan Label Secara Masal Pada Blogspot
Membuat Label Blog Secara BersamaanBukan ngomongin masalah membuat label pada blog ya,pada dasarnya memang iya om,tapi kali ini bagaimana menetapkan atau membuat label pada banyak posting dalam sekali klik saja. 2.Setelah itu nanti akan keluar jendela seperti dibawah ini,sobat tinggal check list satu persatu sesuai keinginan(posting yang hendak dibuatkan label secara bersamaan),atau jika menginginkan semua posting dengan label yang sama tinggal pilih 'Semua'. 3.Setelah posting mana yang hendak akan dibuatkan label sudah ditentukan,klik dropdown 'Aksi Label',pilih 'Label Baru' atau pilih label yang telah ada. 4.Label sudah tercipta hanya sekali klik :D Pengunjung: kirain tips apaan,ternyata hanya membuat label blog secara masal to.. Pelajaran Blog: Emang dikirain tips apaan,hehehehe.. Selamat mencoba ya :D |
Marisa's Polychrome Calves
I met Marisa walking down 40th Street in Manhattan late one October afternoon. She had just crossed Broadway when I spotted her and asked her about her tattoos. Namely, these two gracing the back of her calves:
These tattoos are based on the work of artist John R. Neill, who illustrated L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz books. The female figure in both designs is Polychrome, the Rainbow's daughter.
Both legs were tattooed at Rock Star Tattoos in Honolulu. Conor did the left calf:
and Kazan did the right:
Marisa has 11 tattoos in all. Incidentally, having heard she grew up in Hawai'i, I played the small-world game with her and discovered we both had the same history teacher, two decades apart, when he taught at different schools.
Like many people who have Oz tattoos, Marisa loved the books and was inspired by the magic in them, vividly illustrated.
Thanks to Marisa for stopping on the street and consenting to share her wonderful tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
These tattoos are based on the work of artist John R. Neill, who illustrated L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz books. The female figure in both designs is Polychrome, the Rainbow's daughter.
Both legs were tattooed at Rock Star Tattoos in Honolulu. Conor did the left calf:
and Kazan did the right:
Marisa has 11 tattoos in all. Incidentally, having heard she grew up in Hawai'i, I played the small-world game with her and discovered we both had the same history teacher, two decades apart, when he taught at different schools.
Like many people who have Oz tattoos, Marisa loved the books and was inspired by the magic in them, vividly illustrated.
Thanks to Marisa for stopping on the street and consenting to share her wonderful tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Lauk Harian Praktis dan Lezat
Lauk bercita rasa pedas ini memang menggugah selera. Membuatnya mudah, bahan mudah didapat dan tahan lama. Sangat praktis, cocok sebagai lauk harian. keluarga Anda Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo.
Balado Ikan Bilis
300 g ikan bilis kering
1 buah tomat, potong dadu kecil
Minyak goreng secukupnya
15 buah cabe merah, timbuk kasar
5 buah cabe rawit, haluskan
12 buah bawang merah, haluskan
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan
2 lembar daun jeruk
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
2 cm lengkuas
2 batang serai, memarkan
1 sdt gula pasir
1 sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak banyak, goreng ikan bilis hingga matang, kering dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan.
2. Panaskan 5 sendok makan minyak goreng, tumis semua bumbu-bumbu dan tomat hingga harum. Masukan ikan bilis goreng, air jeruk nipis, gula pasir dan garam. Masak hingga bumbu meresap. Angkat.
3. Tuang balado ke dalam pinggan saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 6 Porsi
Tip: Ikan bilis bisa diganti dengan udang, ikan badar, atau ikan teri jengki.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Inilah tuntutan PPNI Kota Bukittinggi kepada DPRD
Tanggal 14/12/2010 yang lalu, puluhan perawat dikota Bukittinggi yang tergabung dalam organisasi PPNI (Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia) mendatangi kantor DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) Kota bukittinggi untuk menuntut disahkkanya RUU Keperawatan menjadi UU Keperawatan.
Harapan PPNI, agar DPRD Kota Bukittinggi menyalurkan aspirasi PPNI Kota Bukittinggi ke DPR pusat, sehingga RUU
Harapan PPNI, agar DPRD Kota Bukittinggi menyalurkan aspirasi PPNI Kota Bukittinggi ke DPR pusat, sehingga RUU
Kesehatan Dalam Konteks Pengertian
Banyak sekali ahli yang telah mengemukakan tentang konsep kesehatan. Semua bisa saja anda download dalam banyak situs tentang informasi kesehatan.
Sebagai kesimpulan, kesehatan adalah sebuah kenyataan dimana seorang individu merasa fresh dan tidak mengeluhkan tentang keadaan fisik, mental, hubungan sosial tanpa berusaha untuk menyembunyikannya, disertai dengan tidak adanya data-data penunjang
Sebagai kesimpulan, kesehatan adalah sebuah kenyataan dimana seorang individu merasa fresh dan tidak mengeluhkan tentang keadaan fisik, mental, hubungan sosial tanpa berusaha untuk menyembunyikannya, disertai dengan tidak adanya data-data penunjang
Chris's Tattoos Motivate and Inspire
I met Chris earlier this month in Penn Station and he shared his 3/4-sleeve. He is the owner/operator of the Muscle Maker Grill at 92 Eighth Avenue in Chelsea.
His sleeve is a collage of designs that motivate and inspire him, with a skull design thrown in, to boot.
He has the phrase "Live Now. Shoot for the Stars" inked on his biceps. This motto is a nod to his ambition as a business owner.
The three pawprints tattooed below the elbow, on the left side of the photo, above, represent his three dogs (2 Cocker Spaniels and a mutt).
The cross and the prayer, "Lord, Protect Me" are based on his Catholic faith.
In all, Chris figures he's had about 10 hours of work done.
He also gave me permission to share this photo from his Facebook page:
I had hoped to show a better shot of the peacock that is on his back, with feathers that come up over his shoulder, but could not get a clear enough picture. The shot above gives a great idea, however, of his tattoos.
All work is credited to Rick Schreck at the House of 1000 Tattoos in Middlesex, New Jersey. A piece from Rick appeared earlier this Fall on the site here.
Thanks again to Chris for sharing his ink with us here on Tattoosday!
Visit the Muscle Maker Grill website here.
His sleeve is a collage of designs that motivate and inspire him, with a skull design thrown in, to boot.
He has the phrase "Live Now. Shoot for the Stars" inked on his biceps. This motto is a nod to his ambition as a business owner.
The three pawprints tattooed below the elbow, on the left side of the photo, above, represent his three dogs (2 Cocker Spaniels and a mutt).
The cross and the prayer, "Lord, Protect Me" are based on his Catholic faith.
In all, Chris figures he's had about 10 hours of work done.
He also gave me permission to share this photo from his Facebook page:
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Photo Courtesy of Christopher Almazan |
All work is credited to Rick Schreck at the House of 1000 Tattoos in Middlesex, New Jersey. A piece from Rick appeared earlier this Fall on the site here.
Thanks again to Chris for sharing his ink with us here on Tattoosday!
Visit the Muscle Maker Grill website here.
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