Monday 7 December 2009

Climate tools for Copenhagen and beyond

Representatives from around the world arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark today to negotiate a successor treaty for the Kyoto Protocol. This 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) has been called the most important conference in a decade.

In fact, in an unprecedented initiative, 56 major newspapers in 45 countries published a shared editorial calling on politicians and negotiators gathering in Copenhagen to strike an ambitious deal on combating climate change. The editorial appeared in 20 languages including Chinese, Russian and Arabic. It asserts that the Copenhagen summit has the power "to shape history’s judgment on this generation: one that saw a challenge and rose to it, or one so stupid that we saw calamity coming but did nothing to avert it."

So in honor of this important event, we've built a number of new tools to give delegates — and you at home — easy access to useful information to help visualize and explore data and issues relating to climate change.

In September we launched a series of new Google Earth climate change layers and tours in collaboration with the Danish government. Check out these tours to explore the effects of climate change and get a better understanding of the scenarios that could unfold if we don't stop this environmental threat. The tours were developed together with leading environmental organizations and individuals including The World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace as well as Al Gore, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and others.

Over the past weeks, many of you have already uploaded personal statements of your hopes (and fears) for our planet through YouTube and the Raise Your Voice campaign. Now the search is on for the best video and text questions to be delivered to global leaders and climate activists who will come together in Copenhagen to answer the top-ranked questions from the YouTube channel in a townhall produced by CNN International. Voting with Google Moderator will continue until December 14th.

An Australia-based Googler also recently launched a tool called Show your Vote which puts the supporting voices for a global deal right on a Google Map. This tool can be integrated into any website to help drive the outreach and collect votes, and can already be found on UNFCCC, and WWF Earth Hour.

And if you're in Denmark with us, check out two unique installations powered by Google and YouTube. The first, a giant CO2 CUBE, is an art installation that visualizes one metric ton of carbon dioxide and has YouTube videos streaming on its walls. The second is an interactive Google Earth simulator made up of flat-screen panels and controlled with a free roam Space Navigator 6-axis joystick. (It's cool, trust us.) Welcome to Copenhagen!

Membuat Form Kotak Pencarian Dengan Show Hide Value / Auto Value

Belajar Menghias Kotak Mesin Pencari / Kotak Pencari pada Blog

Jika beberapa waktu lalu saya sempat memposting tentang bagaimana cara membuat form search engine/mesin pencari pada blog,giliran kali ini kita belajar menghiasnya.

Untuk fungsi dan keuntungan dari kotak pencarian ini,saya kira teman-teman sudah pada tahu ya ^^

Menghias mesin pencari bisa bermacam-macam,dari mengubah background /menambahkan image kotak mesin pencari maupun memaksimalkan fitur kotak pencarian tersebut.

Salah satunya yang akan saya bagi-bagi saat ini,adalah membuat form kotak pencarian dengan fitur show-hide value atau auto value.
Gimana ya njelasinnya? bingung juga si,xixixi..

Maksudnya,saat form diklik value/tulisan yang ada pada form pencarian akan hilang,dan sebaliknya jika yang diklik di luat form,tulisan pada form akan mucul secara otomatis alias nongol kembali.

And bisa lihat kotak pencarian pada blog ini,saat anda klik pada form,tulisan 'Cari Artikel Disini..' akan hilang,sebaliknya saat anda mengklik di luar form,tulisan 'Cari Artikel Disini..' akan muncul kembali.

Gimana? maksud khan?

Langkah Cara Membuat Kotak Mesin Pencari Show Hide Values

Yo wis,jika anda berminat membuat kotak pencarian seperti itu,ikuti langkah -langkah di bawah ini:

Pilihlah Dashboard,kemudian pergilah ke Tata Letak blog anda,selanjutnya pilih Add New Widget/Tambah Gadget.

cara membuat mesin pencari auto value.

Kemudian pilih HTML/Javascript.

membuat form search engine show hide.

Setelah itu letakkan code berikut:

<center><form id="searchform" action="" name="q" method="get"><input id="s" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Cari artikel disini..') {this.value = '';}" value="Cari artikel disini.." name="q" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Cari artikel disini..';}" type="text"/><input id="searchsubmit" value="Search" type="submit"/></form></center>

Lalu Simpan dan lihat hasilnya.

Untuk tulisan :
  • Cari artikel disini..,gantilah sesuai keinginan anda misal;'Type your text here..' atau 'Cari Artikel..' dll,tapi ingat! dari tulisan ketiga-tiganya harus sama.
  • Sedangkan tulisan,gantilah sesuai alamat blog anda.
Semoga berhasil dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.. Amin! Kawin! lha koq??

Baca Juga Yang Ini..

Sunday 6 December 2009

Don't Worry

I was walking through Penn Station last week when I spotted Turner. Actually I spotted what looked like a tattoo on his wrist. So I stopped and asked him and sure enough, he had words on the inside of his wrist, still healing from a recent inking:

The tattoo reads "A: Don't worry".

Turner explained that he is a performer/author/speaker who worries a lot, so it's sage advice that is always good to follow.

The quote itself is from a segment in a one-man show that he performed called "Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps". During one part of the show, Turner answers self-posed questions in an imagined dialog with his father. One of these questions is: "Q: What's the number one thing to think about when you're a dad?" And the answer is "A: Don't worry".

What's particularly special about this tattoo is that it is based on his father's handwriting.

Turner has a book out called Two Truths and a Lie that includes the aforementioned Becoming a Man....

Turner had this tattoo done by Big Steve in Manhattan at Funcity Tattoo.

He also gave me his card, which promotes Two Truths and a Lie. You can read about Turner at his site It was there that I learned that Turner is a transgender, a woman who became a man. Of course, this adds, in my opinion, a whole different layer of meaning on the tattoo, and makes the experience of meeting Turner that much more interesting. He is just another example of what I love about writing Tattoosday. I get to meet so many people in such a wide range of diversity. It's well worth exploring his site to see clips of his shows to fully appreciate Turner as a performer.

I thank Turner for sharing his tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Cleaning Out My Inbox: Ugliest Tattoos

I'm cleaning out my inbox over at Tattoosday and am sifting through the gold.

My lovely wife Melanie sent me this link back in June (yeah, June).

So get your fill out of Ugliest Tattoos.

Saturday 5 December 2009

This week in search 12/4/09

This is part of a regular series of posts on search experience updates that runs on Fridays. Look for the label This week in search and subscribe to the series. - Ed.

This week, we're pleased to bring you a number of great enhancements to the way you search. From the announcement of our new minimalist fade-in homepage to the new magazine layout of images in Universal Search, this week was filled with many highly visible changes. There are also more subtle changes like automatic spelling correction and our extended version of personalized search, both of which will enhance the speed and relevance of your web experience. Finally, there were a number of international changes that affect our users worldwide.

New Google homepage
On Wednesday, we announced our new minimalist homepage. Now, when you visit, only the logo, search box, and buttons are visible. After moving your mouse, the rest of the links and content "fade in". Read more about how we arrived at this design, including the thinking and experiments behind it.

Magazine layout for images in Universal Search
This week we also launched a new layout for images. When we're confident that we have great image results to deliver, we'll now show you a larger image and additional smaller images alongside. This new layout helps us to display more pictures than before, so you have more options to quickly choose from. As always, click on an image to see it full size on the original webpage.

Example searches: [ocelots], [prom hairstyles], [ewok] or [caduceus]

Automatic spelling correction
Starting this week, when we have high confidence that your query was misspelled, we go a step further than asking "Did you mean..." by automatically showing results for the corrected query, saving you a click. In case we did misinterpret the query, there will be a link at the top of the results to undo the auto-correction. So, the next time I'm visiting South Florida and accidentally search for [maimi restaurants], it's reassuring to know I'll quickly go straight to the results for what I really meant: Miami restaurants.

Extended Personalized Search
Starting this week, we are extending Personalized Search worldwide to users who are signed out of their Google accounts, and in more than 40 languages. Now when you search using Google, we will be better able to provide the most relevant results using 180 days of Google search activity from your browser. For example, since I always search for "ADA" and often click on results about the programming language, Google might show you those results before the American Dental Association results.

Site performance data in Webmaster Tools
It can be difficult for webmasters to figure out how fast their site loads and whether it's visible to users. So we've changed that. Now you can go to Google Webmaster Tools and get a glimpse of how quickly your site's pages on your site load. There are also recommendations on how to improve your site's performance based on our Page Speed plugin.

Finding and reading content written in other languages
Starting this week, it's even easier to search the global web by adding a translated search tool to the Search Options panel, so you can see results from other languages for your query. We'll automatically determine the best languages to translate your query in, then search and translate the results into your language. For example, if you're looking for a restaurant in Antwerp and would like to find local restaurant guides, use the Translated Search tool to search for [restaurant reviews antwerp].

Search Options now in even more languages
Following up on an earlier announcement, the Search Options panel is now available in 17 more languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Filipino, Ukrainian, Vietnamese and Greek. In total, the Search Options panel is accessible in 40 languages — which covers over 98% of all search traffic.

Region tags next to results
When it consists of a country code such as ".fr" for France or "" for Japan, the suffix of a domain name (known as top-level domains, or TLDs) can provide a valuable clue about the location of a website. However, for certain top-level domains like ".com", ".info", and ".org", it's not always as easy to figure out. This week, we added region information supplied by webmasters to the green address line on some Google search results, when that supplied country or region is outside the user's Google domain (such as By providing more transparency about regional information, we hope to make it even easier for international visitors to identify which results are relevant to their query.

We hope you enjoyed this week's features. Stay tuned for what's to come!

Update: Corrected name of plugin.

Personalized Search for everyone

Today we're helping people get better search results by extending Personalized Search to signed-out users worldwide, and in more than forty languages. Now when you search using Google, we will be able to better provide you with the most relevant results possible. For example, since I always search for [recipes] and often click on results from, Google might rank higher on the results page the next time I look for recipes. Other times, when I'm looking for news about Cornell University's sports teams, I search for [big red]. Because I frequently click on, Google might show me this result first, instead of the Big Red soda company or others.

Previously, we only offered Personalized Search for signed-in users, and only when they had Web History enabled on their Google Accounts. What we're doing today is expanding Personalized Search so that we can provide it to signed-out users as well. This addition enables us to customize search results for you based upon 180 days of search activity linked to an anonymous cookie in your browser. It's completely separate from your Google Account and Web History (which are only available to signed-in users). You'll know when we customize results because a "View customizations" link will appear on the top right of the search results page. Clicking the link will let you see how we've customized your results and also let you turn off this type of customization.

Check out our help center for more details on personalized search, how we customize results and how you can turn off personalization. Learn more by watching our video:

Friday 4 December 2009

Now on Google Finance: streaming news

Ever since we launched real-time and streaming quotes on Google Finance last year, we've heard from users how vital that up-to-date information has been. Especially in today's volatile financial environment, current information can be the difference between a seizing an opportunity and missing it. Today, we've taken a big step towards improving access to current financial information: streaming financial and market news on Google Finance.

Streaming keeps information fresh

Streaming real-time quotes eliminates the 15- and 20-minute delays often associated with pricing data. Streaming the quotes keeps information on the page up to date, without having to reload.

Now, by streaming news as well, you'll see stories appear on Google Finance as they develop minute by minute, throughout the day. You can view news on the Google Finance homepage, or the dedicated news page. Updated news items will appear automatically in the News section. News will be streamed from 8am-5:30pm ET, 90 minutes before and after U.S. trading hours.

Up-to-date information across the site

As we deliver more information, we've worked to improve the way we display it. In the last few months, we've released a few other improvements to Google Finance designed to make financial information easier to access and more usable:
  • As you navigate throughout Google Finance, your recent quotes are streamed live in the left-navigation bar, so you don't need to keep checking the same tickers.
  • On company pages, all stock prices, index and sector comparisons as well as the interactive chart are streamed during market hours.
  • The new interactive Related companies page lets customize a table that compares companies along the dimensions you specify.
Financial information doesn't exist in a vacuum. News can stimulate trades, and trades of one stock can have broad market effects. Figuring how to organize all of that information and make it useful is crucial — and that's what we're working on.

There is still a long way to go, so stay tuned for more updates.

Nathan's Luck

I first became friendly with Nathan over at as a peer in the inkblogging community.

Based in Texas, Nathan's site specializes in what you would expect from the name, Knuckle Tattoos.

As a contributing writer, I have posted a handful of knuckles (ha) from people I have met in my Tattoosday wanderings in the Big Apple.

And although the last post on his site (as of this writing) was back in May, Nathan has been busy indeed, traveling over the late summer, courtesy of a 30-day Jet Blue pass and blogging about it. The trip was documented here, on 30 Days in the Air. Not only that, he has ink to memorialize the journey. See what I mean in this post.

Nathan was in New York as part of his adventure back in October and I met him for a slice of pizza on Broadway near Herald Square.

We talked shop, mostly, about blogging, tattoos, and his trip. And, of course, he shared one of his tattoos for the folks here at Tattoosday:

Nathan explained that this is a "kitchen table tattoo inked by a Japanese fellow calling himself 'Cadillac'. He was in town [Austin] for a week from Japan tattooing in order to pay for his rent when he got back".

The tattoo features all of Nathan's "luck pieces," such as dice, cards, his lucky number (23), a horseshoe, a black cat, and a banner that reads "Fortune Favors the Valiant".

It was great meeting Nathan and I thank him for sharing this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Searching the global web just got a little easier

Today, we’re excited to introduce a new "Translated search" tool in the Search Options panel that makes finding and reading content written in other languages easier. Translated search is great because it helps you find information from sites written in other languages. We've offered this feature in Google Translate for a while, but now we're integrating it fully into Google search, making it easier for you to find and read results from pages across the web, even if they weren't written in a language you speak.

Now, when you search on Google for something in your own language, you can use this tool to search the web in another language. Click "Show Options" at the top of the search results page and select "Translated search" to try it out. We'll algorithmically select the best language(s) to translate your search query into and then return you translated results from those pages. We'll even display results from multiple languages.

For example, if you search for [restaurant reviews antwerp] while on vacation in Belgium and want to find more reviews or review sites beyond those that are just available in English, select "Translate search" in the "Show Options" panel. We'll automatically select French and Dutch (the languages spoken in Belgium), translate your query into these languages and then translate the results back into English for you to read. If you’d like to search specific languages, just modify the languages in the panel above the results. You can display results for up to five languages at once and select from 51 languages to search.

Of course, the algorithm that determines which languages to translate your search query into isn't perfect, but we’re working to improve it.

We're rolling this out over the next day — keep an eye out. So if you’re traveling and want to find hotels, restaurants, activities or reviews written from a local perspective, or if you're just curious to find what’s being written about a company, product or topic in another language, give Translated search in the Search Options panel a try. Searching the global web has never been easier!

Connect with world leaders on the climate debate

(Cross-posted from the Official YouTube Blog)

Next week 192 countries will participate in the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen — the first step in setting new international commitments for carbon reduction. We want to be sure your voice is included in the debate.

That's why, starting today, you can submit and vote on questions to ask world climate leaders during a televised town hall on CNN. With Google Moderator on YouTube for the first time, you can view, add and vote on video or text questions in one spot.

Questions will be translated into numerous languages using the Google Language API, giving you a chance to read and vote on text questions from around the world. Voting and submissions will be accepted until December 14. You can also track the conversation and vote on new questions. Visit now to get started.

Next week we'll post an update on popular and interesting questions. We're looking forward to seeing what ideas you and others around the world have for addressing climate change.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Introducing Google Public DNS

When you type into your browser's address bar, you expect nothing less than to be taken to Wikipedia. Chances are you're not giving much thought to the work being done in the background by the Domain Name System, or DNS.

Today, as part of our ongoing effort to make the web faster, we're launching our own public DNS resolver called Google Public DNS, and we invite you to try it out.

Most of us aren't familiar with DNS because it's often handled automatically by our Internet Service Provider (ISP), but it provides an essential function for the web. You could think of it as the switchboard of the Internet, converting easy-to-remember domain names — e.g., — into the unique Internet Protocol (IP) numbers — e.g., — that computers use to communicate with one another.

The average Internet user ends up performing hundreds of DNS lookups each day, and some complex pages require multiple DNS lookups before they start loading. This can slow down the browsing experience. Our research has shown that speed matters to Internet users, so over the past several months our engineers have been working to make improvements to our public DNS resolver to make users' web-surfing experiences faster, safer and more reliable. You can read about the specific technical improvements we've made in our product documentation and get installation instructions from our product website.

If you're web-savvy and comfortable with changing your network settings, check out the Google Code Blog for detailed instructions and more information on how to set up Google Public DNS on your computer or router.

As people begin to use Google Public DNS, we plan to share what we learn with the broader web community and other DNS providers, to improve the browsing experience for Internet users globally. The goal of Google Public DNS is to benefit users worldwide while also helping the tens of thousands of DNS resolvers improve their services, ultimately making the web faster for everyone.

Now you see it, now you don't

You may have noticed that our homepage is sporting a new look. Today we're excited to be releasing a new version of our classic homepage. The main feature of the new homepage is that it "fades in" — when the page first loads, it shows only our logo, the search box and the buttons. For the vast majority of people who come to the Google homepage, they are coming in order to search, and this clean, minimalist approach gives them just what they are looking for first and foremost. For those users who are interested in using a different application like Gmail, Google Image Search or our advertising programs, the additional links on the homepage only reveal themselves when the user moves the mouse. Since most users who are interested in clicking over to a different application generally do move the mouse when they arrive, the "fade in" is an elegant solution that provides options to those who want them, but removes distractions for the user intent on searching.

Left: Before the fade. Right: After the fade. Click the image for a closer view.

For the past few months, we've been experimenting with homepage designs like this and have run several live tests on the site. We do these live tests when we are making a change that we think may fundamentally affect how people use the site. Initially, some of the experiment findings had us concerned, but one thing we have learned through our tests is not to judge the outcome too quickly.

All in all, we ran approximately 10 variants of the fade-in. Some of the experiments hindered the user experience: for example, the variants of the homepage that hid the search buttons until after the fade performed the worst in terms of user happiness metrics. Other variants of the experiment produced humorous outcomes when combined with our doodles — the barcode doodle combined with the fade was particularly ironic in its overstated minimalism. However, in the end, the variant of the homepage we are launching today was positive or neutral on all key metrics, except one: time to first action. At first, this worried us a bit: Google is all about getting you where you are going faster — how could we launch something that potentially slowed users down? Then, we realized: we want users to notice this change... and it does take time to notice something (though in this case, only milliseconds!). Our goal then became to understand whether or not over time the users began to use the homepage even more efficiently than the control group and, sure enough, that was the trend we observed.

Internally, a large number of Google employees have been using the new homepage. They have come to really like it — it represents our focus on great search yet helps searchers efficiently access all of Google's products. Like the new supersized search box we launched several months ago, this change is one that is very noticeable at first, and then quickly becomes second nature. We hope you like it!

Spread some holiday cheer, one card at a time

(Cross-posted from the Gmail Blog)

Every year around this time I start thinking about the annual holiday email I send to friends and family members. I usually email my mom, dad, sister, friends and co-workers. But the one person who appreciates my season's greetings the most — my grandma — is stuck in the pre-digital age of snail-mail. Of course, I could go to a store, aimlessly wander through the aisles, choose a card, wait in line to pay for it, go to the post office, pick up some stamps, etc., etc. — but wouldn't it be so much easier just to fill out a form and have Gmail handle the rest?

This holiday season, as a token of our appreciation to our most enthusiastic fans, we'll snail-mail a free holiday postcard on your behalf. Yes, through the mail and everything.

To send a card, visit We'll only be able to send cards to U.S. addresses and to a limited number of people (due to limited Gmail elf availability), so be sure to request one soon.

And if you're headed home for the holidays, consider spending some "computer time" with loved ones who aren't as up-to-date with technology. With some luck, maybe this time next year you'll be able to email them a holiday card instead!

Wishing a happy holiday to you and yours!

Wednesday 2 December 2009

A Love Story

Last Saturday night, Melanie and I went into Manhattan for a small holiday gathering. We were going to see her old high school friend Vibeke at her mother's apartment on the Upper West Side. It had been quite some time since we had last seen Vibeke. We weren't sure, but our best guess was 1998.

Vibeke had been living in Los Angeles, had recently married and moved to Houston. It was great seeing her again, and it was nice meeting her husband Matt.

Invariably, Melanie asked Vibeke how she and Matt had met. She explained that, in the early '90s, she had been living on a boat in St. John, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. For a while, the only way she could get to shore from the boat where it was moored was to swim. I'm guessing she also occasionally hitched a ride on someone's dinghy, but her primary shore-to-ship mode of transport was her own arms and legs.

As one would imagine, this proved to be problematic. So she invested in an inflatable dinghy and a small outboard motor to more practically transport her to and from dry land.

When the motor developed a problem, she took it into a shop for repairs. A gentleman named Matt was the proprietor and he repaired it. A little tension developed when, as Vibeke tells it, the repairs were less than satisfactory. More work was done, apparently to her standards and from this initial meeting, a romance blossomed.

After six months, Vibeke decided, for various reasons, that she would return to the states and move on with her life. The relationship with Matt abruptly ended.

Cut to the cinematic technique of a calender shedding pages like a tree in autumn, as time passed.

Then 9/11 happened. This prompted many Americans to feel the need to check in with past acquaintances and such. Vibeke looked for Matt, but he has a common last name and she couldn't find him. She was having, and continued to have, "where is he now" moments. She never found him.

But he found her.

Earlier this year, she was proctoring a test for students at a public school in Southern California where she was teaching. The phone rang.

It was Matt. He was beside himself. He had found her. Vibeke was stunned, but she was otherwise occupied. She gave him her number and told him to call back.

He did. He lived in Houston, she was dating someone else. The next time he came to town she was single. They met. The rest, they say, is history. They were married in June and are now newlyweds in Texas.

"What a great story," Melanie and I collectively thought. We were very happy for her, and him.

Later that evening, Melanie and I were chatting with Matt near the kitchen.

Matt asked about Melanie's ankle tattoo. He seemed interested. I mentioned Tattoosday. "Want to see something?" he asked. He motioned us into the kitchen, away from the rest of the party guests.

"You've heard how Vibeke and I met, right?" he asked, touching a button on his shirt. We nodded. And he began to tell his story, similar to his wife's version, only he paused after speaking of her leaving the island way back in 1995.

The month after she departed, still devastated from the abrupt end to their relationship, he returned to his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

And there, he told us, unbuttoning his shirt and revealing his left shoulder, he went to Route 66 Fine Line Tattoo and got this:

See, dear readers, there was a relevant point to this story.

And Matt pointed out in this subtle aquatic tattoo, the marks of his true love. Here in the undulating leaves is a V for Vibeke, a C for her middle name, and an H (at the top of the piece) for her maiden name.

Woven into his tattoo of lost love and despair were the initials of the woman he loved. And he had no idea where she was.

But the years passed for Matt, as they did for Vibeke, and this ink in his flesh was an anchor reminding him of his love. And when people asked him about it, he explained it was just an aquatic-themed piece, an homage to his love of the ocean.

And fourteen years later they reunited and picked up where they had left off in 1995. Now married to the woman whose initials were subtly inked into his flesh, the tattoo has changed.

When fresh, the piece was a memento of loss, the missed moment of the road not taken, a reminder of a relationship that ended too soon.

Over the years, the tattoo meant hope that some day, the two would cross paths again. It was a daily reminder of what was lost, and what Matt hoped to regain.

Seemingly miraculously the two souls were reunited, and the tattoo, in its simple black and gray tones, represents perseverance and success. The ink may have faded in the sun, but the love only became more clear.

Matt and Vibeke's story is quite remarkable, and the time they were apart has faded. Togetherness always defeats the pain of separation.

I want to thank Matt and Vibeke for sharing their tale with us here on Tattoosday. It's not every day that we get to hear a full-blown love story on this site, and the fact that Matt's tattoo is at the center of it makes it even more wonderful.

5 kado Terbaik Teknologi Terbaru

Mas ali ada informasi buat sobat kita yang sebentar lagi merayakan natal. ada teknologiterbaru sebagai pertimbangan untuk memberi sanak saudara dengan peralatan terbaru. Okelah sebentar lagi kan Musim belanja Natal biasanya banyak dari kita membuat daftar kado Dan kami yakin bahwa lebih dari beberapa orang yang memiliki minimal satu kado. Dan kali ini mas ali memiliki saran teknologi terbaru pada daftar Natal Anda. Tapi dengan semua pilihan yang tersedia, apa yang Anda dapatkan dari teknologi terbaru Anda pada natal kali ini? Berikut adalah beberapa saran. teknologi terbaru dalam TechTip mas ali kali ini adalah sedikit lebih tinggi dan sedikit mahal, tapi teknologi informasi tersebut pasti layak dengan segala kecanggihanya yang ada.
ini adalah 5 kado terbaik tersebut :
1. TonidoPlug

2. WikiReader

3. RedFly Mobile Companion

4. Flip Cam

5. HP DreamScreen 100

5 kado Terbaik Teknologi Terbaru

Mas ali ada informasi buat sobat kita yang sebentar lagi merayakan natal. ada teknologiterbaru sebagai pertimbangan untuk memberi sanak saudara dengan peralatan terbaru. Okelah sebentar lagi kan Musim belanja Natal biasanya banyak dari kita membuat daftar kado Dan kami yakin bahwa lebih dari beberapa orang yang memiliki minimal satu kado. Dan kali ini mas ali memiliki saran teknologi terbaru pada daftar Natal Anda. Tapi dengan semua pilihan yang tersedia, apa yang Anda dapatkan dari teknologi terbaru Anda pada natal kali ini? Berikut adalah beberapa saran. teknologi terbaru dalam TechTip mas ali kali ini adalah sedikit lebih tinggi dan sedikit mahal, tapi teknologi informasi tersebut pasti layak dengan segala kecanggihanya yang ada.
ini adalah 5 kado terbaik tersebut :
1. TonidoPlug

2. WikiReader

3. RedFly Mobile Companion

4. Flip Cam

5. HP DreamScreen 100

Panduan lengkap cara membuat akun Paypal

Persyaratan umum

Pemegang account Paypal harus berusia minimal 18 tahun atau lebih dan mempunyai :

  1. Alamat email = Sebagai username account Paypal anda nantinya.
  2. Kartu kredit = Pengguna Paypal dari Indonesia saat ini baru dapat menggunakan kartu kredit untuk mengaktifkan/verified accountnya pertama kali, dan hanya kartu kredit dari bank tertentu yang diterima.
  3. Untuk bisa withdraw dari paypal, anda harus mempunyai salah satu dari kartu kredit Visa, kartu debit Visa, atau prepaid card Visa.

Tahapan Mendaftar Paypal

Sebelum mulai mendaftar, siapkan data-data anda untuk membuat account Paypal seperti Email, Nama, Alamat, Telp, Nomor kartu kredit (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang akan anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data pada kartu kredit anda)

1. Ke situs atau klik di banner sebelah juga bisa

2. Klik SignUp Now! untuk mendaftar

3. Selanjutnya ada pilihan negara, karena anda di Indonesia pilih Indonesia. Lalu pilih tipe account yang anda inginkan, untuk pendaftar baru di Indonesia disarankan memilih yang personal account dahulu, anda dapat Upgrade kemudian ke tipe Premiere account atau Business account dengan mudah dan gratis sesuai kebutuhan. Setelah itu tekan Continue.

4. Selanjutnya masukan informasi anda seperti Nama, Alamat, Telp, Email (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data kartu kredit anda)

Untuk mata uang biarkan tetap U.S. Dollars karena Rupiah belum ada

Contoh penulisan nomor Telepon yang benar : 02177755555 atau 021-77755555
Contoh penulisan nomor Mobile phone yang benar : 08123456789

Email yang anda masukan akan menjadi username Paypal anda untuk login atau bertransaksi menggunakan Paypal kemudian

Isi Password anda dengan kombinasi huruf dan angka agar password anda lebih aman, minimal 8 karakter

Pada Password Recovery pilih dan isikan 2 pertanyaan dan jawaban pribadi untuk mendapatkan password anda kembali jika suatu saat anda lupa password

Baca lagi User Agreement dan Privacy Policy jika diperlukan, lalu beri tanda centang pada Yes, dan ketikan kode pengaman yang berwarna kuning pada kolom yang tersedia tanpa spasi.

Periksa lagi dan pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi sesuai dengan data kartu kredit anda, jika sudah yakin tekan Sign Up.

1. Dibagian selanjutnya diinstruksikan untuk memasukan Nomor kartu kredit anda yang akan digunakan untuk memasukan dana ke account Paypal anda, Jika sudah klik Add Card.

Jika anda tidak ingin memasukan data kartu kredit anda sekarang klik Cancel, anda dapat memasukan data kartu kredit anda kemudian setelah login di halaman My Account.

2. Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi bahwa anda telah mendaftar dan untuk mengaktifkan account Paypal, buka email dari Paypal tersebut dan klik link konfirmasi yang terdapat didalamnya untuk konfirmasi bahwa anda adalah pemilik email tersebut.

3. Setelah itu anda akan dibawa kembali ke situs PayPal dan masukan password anda lagi (anda harus memasukan password anda setiap ke situs PayPal) lalu klik Confirm, lalu klik lagi Continue, setelah itu anda akan masuk ke halaman My Account.

4. Jika anda sudah memasukan data kartu kredit di halaman My Account akan ada bacaan Expanded option (pilihan), baca dengan teliti instruksinya, anda di instruksikan untuk menekan tombol Get Number untuk menjadi Verified member Paypal (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh Paypal).

Pilihan 1 : Untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member Paypal sekarang tekan tombol Get Number untuk mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan dari Paypal, yang akan dikirimkan kedalam statement bulanan kartu kredit anda selanjutnya, kartu kredit anda akan di charge $1.95 USD untuk keperluan ini. Tujuan mengirimkan kode keamanan Paypal ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa alamat yang anda berikan adalah benar (bukan alamat fiksi belaka)Jika anda sudah mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut dari statement bulanan kartu kredit anda, login dengan account Paypal anda, kemudian dihalaman My Account klik bagian Activate Account - Complete Expanded Use Enrollment, setelah anda memasukan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut account paypal anda akan menjadi Verified member dan akan ditambahkan $1.95 USD kedalam account Paypal anda otomatis karena menjadi Verified member, jadi hitung-hitung gratis. Setelah anda mengklik tombol Get Number anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account....

Pilihan 2 : Jika anda tidak ingin menjadi Verified member sekarang lewatkan bagian Expanded Version ini, klik bagian Activate Account lain waktu dihalaman My Account setelah login untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member agar limit dana anda tidak dibatasi, setelah anda melewatkan bagian Expanded Version anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account....

Pilihan 3 : silakan baca panduan verified Paypal dengan menggunakan VCC

Selesai, selamat anda telah memiliki account Paypal!

Anda sudah dapat menggunakan account Paypal anda sekarang juga, semisal untuk ikut bisnis gratisan iniGet paid for extra space in your website,

Catatan :
Sekarang anda sudah mempunyai account Paypal Unverified member dengan limit $100 USD untuk melakukan pembayaran atau mengirim uang ke account Paypal lain, untuk menghilangkan limit Account paypal anda harus menjadi Verified member (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh Paypal) dengan cara mengikuti Langkah No.6 diatas.

Jika anda belum memasukan atau ingin menambah kartu kredit, login dengan account Paypal anda dan klik Add card di halaman My Account.

Untuk bisa withdraw menarik uang dari balance paypal, anda sudah harus menjadi verified member.

Mungkin anda perlu tahu juga cara menggunakan accont paypal anda, dan istilah istilah yang perlu di ketahui, ini penting, oh ya jangan lupa saat menggunakan paypal anda.

Panduan lengkap cara membuat akun Paypal

Persyaratan umum

Pemegang account Paypal harus berusia minimal 18 tahun atau lebih dan mempunyai :

  1. Alamat email = Sebagai username account Paypal anda nantinya.
  2. Kartu kredit = Pengguna Paypal dari Indonesia saat ini baru dapat menggunakan kartu kredit untuk mengaktifkan/verified accountnya pertama kali, dan hanya kartu kredit dari bank tertentu yang diterima.
  3. Untuk bisa withdraw dari paypal, anda harus mempunyai salah satu dari kartu kredit Visa, kartu debit Visa, atau prepaid card Visa.

Tahapan Mendaftar Paypal

Sebelum mulai mendaftar, siapkan data-data anda untuk membuat account Paypal seperti Email, Nama, Alamat, Telp, Nomor kartu kredit (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang akan anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data pada kartu kredit anda)

1. Ke situs atau klik di banner sebelah juga bisa

2. Klik SignUp Now! untuk mendaftar

3. Selanjutnya ada pilihan negara, karena anda di Indonesia pilih Indonesia. Lalu pilih tipe account yang anda inginkan, untuk pendaftar baru di Indonesia disarankan memilih yang personal account dahulu, anda dapat Upgrade kemudian ke tipe Premiere account atau Business account dengan mudah dan gratis sesuai kebutuhan. Setelah itu tekan Continue.

4. Selanjutnya masukan informasi anda seperti Nama, Alamat, Telp, Email (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data kartu kredit anda)

Untuk mata uang biarkan tetap U.S. Dollars karena Rupiah belum ada

Contoh penulisan nomor Telepon yang benar : 02177755555 atau 021-77755555
Contoh penulisan nomor Mobile phone yang benar : 08123456789

Email yang anda masukan akan menjadi username Paypal anda untuk login atau bertransaksi menggunakan Paypal kemudian

Isi Password anda dengan kombinasi huruf dan angka agar password anda lebih aman, minimal 8 karakter

Pada Password Recovery pilih dan isikan 2 pertanyaan dan jawaban pribadi untuk mendapatkan password anda kembali jika suatu saat anda lupa password

Baca lagi User Agreement dan Privacy Policy jika diperlukan, lalu beri tanda centang pada Yes, dan ketikan kode pengaman yang berwarna kuning pada kolom yang tersedia tanpa spasi.

Periksa lagi dan pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi sesuai dengan data kartu kredit anda, jika sudah yakin tekan Sign Up.

1. Dibagian selanjutnya diinstruksikan untuk memasukan Nomor kartu kredit anda yang akan digunakan untuk memasukan dana ke account Paypal anda, Jika sudah klik Add Card.

Jika anda tidak ingin memasukan data kartu kredit anda sekarang klik Cancel, anda dapat memasukan data kartu kredit anda kemudian setelah login di halaman My Account.

2. Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi bahwa anda telah mendaftar dan untuk mengaktifkan account Paypal, buka email dari Paypal tersebut dan klik link konfirmasi yang terdapat didalamnya untuk konfirmasi bahwa anda adalah pemilik email tersebut.

3. Setelah itu anda akan dibawa kembali ke situs PayPal dan masukan password anda lagi (anda harus memasukan password anda setiap ke situs PayPal) lalu klik Confirm, lalu klik lagi Continue, setelah itu anda akan masuk ke halaman My Account.

4. Jika anda sudah memasukan data kartu kredit di halaman My Account akan ada bacaan Expanded option (pilihan), baca dengan teliti instruksinya, anda di instruksikan untuk menekan tombol Get Number untuk menjadi Verified member Paypal (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh Paypal).

Pilihan 1 : Untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member Paypal sekarang tekan tombol Get Number untuk mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan dari Paypal, yang akan dikirimkan kedalam statement bulanan kartu kredit anda selanjutnya, kartu kredit anda akan di charge $1.95 USD untuk keperluan ini. Tujuan mengirimkan kode keamanan Paypal ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa alamat yang anda berikan adalah benar (bukan alamat fiksi belaka)Jika anda sudah mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut dari statement bulanan kartu kredit anda, login dengan account Paypal anda, kemudian dihalaman My Account klik bagian Activate Account - Complete Expanded Use Enrollment, setelah anda memasukan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut account paypal anda akan menjadi Verified member dan akan ditambahkan $1.95 USD kedalam account Paypal anda otomatis karena menjadi Verified member, jadi hitung-hitung gratis. Setelah anda mengklik tombol Get Number anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account....

Pilihan 2 : Jika anda tidak ingin menjadi Verified member sekarang lewatkan bagian Expanded Version ini, klik bagian Activate Account lain waktu dihalaman My Account setelah login untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member agar limit dana anda tidak dibatasi, setelah anda melewatkan bagian Expanded Version anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account....

Pilihan 3 : silakan baca panduan verified Paypal dengan menggunakan VCC

Selesai, selamat anda telah memiliki account Paypal!

Anda sudah dapat menggunakan account Paypal anda sekarang juga, semisal untuk ikut bisnis gratisan iniGet paid for extra space in your website,

Catatan :
Sekarang anda sudah mempunyai account Paypal Unverified member dengan limit $100 USD untuk melakukan pembayaran atau mengirim uang ke account Paypal lain, untuk menghilangkan limit Account paypal anda harus menjadi Verified member (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh Paypal) dengan cara mengikuti Langkah No.6 diatas.

Jika anda belum memasukan atau ingin menambah kartu kredit, login dengan account Paypal anda dan klik Add card di halaman My Account.

Untuk bisa withdraw menarik uang dari balance paypal, anda sudah harus menjadi verified member.

Mungkin anda perlu tahu juga cara menggunakan accont paypal anda, dan istilah istilah yang perlu di ketahui, ini penting, oh ya jangan lupa saat menggunakan paypal anda.

Tips Hindari Mata Lelah di Depan Monitor

Beberapa dari kita tentu memiliki kebiasaan untuk bekerja berlama-lama di depan monitor PC, entah untuk bekerja atau melakukan hal lain seperti bermain game dan browsing. Alhasil efek mata lelah dan kepala pening pun tak dapat dihindari.

Walau banyak yang menganggap fakta ini tidak sepenuhnya benar, namun kenyataannya hal ini tetap mempengaruhi kesehatan mata kita. Efeknya terkadang kita sedikit kesulitan untuk memfokuskan objek pandang, dan sebagainya. Hal ini tentunya diakibatkan pancaran radiasi monitor yang terlalu lama saat kita bekerja.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips menghindari mata lelah, saat berada di depan monitor:

1. Jaga jarak pandang dari monitor.
Berada terlalu dekat dengan monitor memang sedikit membahayakan bagi mata kita. Seharusnya kita menjaga jarak pandang ke monitor kita dengan baik. Jarak yang disarankan adalah sekitar 20-40 inchi (50-100cm) dari mata.

Jika kita masih kesulitan membaca padahal monitor sudah berada pada jarak 20 inchi, cobalah untuk memperbesar font kita hingga kita merasa nyaman.

2. Singkirkan CRT, Beralih ke LCD
Monitor tabung (CRT) memang memberi efek yang lebih buruk dibanding LCD, selain energi yang dibutuhkan juga lebih besar. Cobalah mengganti monitor CRT kita dengan LCD.

Namun harga monitor LCD memang lebih mahal dibanding CRT. Bagi kita yang masih menyeyangi monitor CRT, ada baiknya kita membeli filter anti-radiasi. ini adalah solusi untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri mata akibat duduk berlama-lama di depan monitor, namun dengan harga yang murah.

3. Atur monitor setting
Beberapa monitor yang ada sekarang banyak menyediakan pre-set display mode, untuk memudahkan pengguna mengganti setting layar mereka. Pre-set setting tersebut memberi level brightnes yang berbeda, untuk menyesuaikan kondisi penggunaan monitor. Adakalanya manfaatkan hal tersebut.

Misal settingan seperti, 'text' atau 'internet' akan terasa lebih sejuk di mata, saat kita gunakan untuk mengetik ataupun browsing. Setingan 'game' atau 'movie' akan terlihat lebih terang saat digunakan.

4. Gunakan kacamata anti radiasi
Walau hal ini membutuhkan biaya yang relatif lebih mahal, namun ada baiknya saat memiliki cukup uang kita membeli kacamata anti-radiasi. Selain bisa dibawa kemanapun kita bekerja, kacamata ini tak hanya berguna saat kita bekerja di depan monitor, namuna juga melindungi mata dari cahaya lampu mobil, radiasi TV, dan sebagainya.

Faktanya lapisan anti-radiasi pada kacamata tersebut, sangat berguna bagi mata kita. Karena lapisan tersebut secara otomatis mengurangi efek nyeri di mata akibat radiasi cahaya berlebih.

5. Mengistirahatkan mata sejenak, secara berkala
Cara termudah menghindari mata lelah akibat radiasi monitor adalah mengistirahatkannya secara berkala. Cobalah untuk mengistirahatkan mata sekitar 5 menit tiap jamnya. Kita dapat menggunakan waktu 5 menit tersebut untuk berjalan-jalan, melihat pemandangan, mencuci muka dan sebagainya. Yang penting menjauh dari monitor.

Tips Hindari Mata Lelah di Depan Monitor

Beberapa dari kita tentu memiliki kebiasaan untuk bekerja berlama-lama di depan monitor PC, entah untuk bekerja atau melakukan hal lain seperti bermain game dan browsing. Alhasil efek mata lelah dan kepala pening pun tak dapat dihindari.

Walau banyak yang menganggap fakta ini tidak sepenuhnya benar, namun kenyataannya hal ini tetap mempengaruhi kesehatan mata kita. Efeknya terkadang kita sedikit kesulitan untuk memfokuskan objek pandang, dan sebagainya. Hal ini tentunya diakibatkan pancaran radiasi monitor yang terlalu lama saat kita bekerja.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips menghindari mata lelah, saat berada di depan monitor:

1. Jaga jarak pandang dari monitor.
Berada terlalu dekat dengan monitor memang sedikit membahayakan bagi mata kita. Seharusnya kita menjaga jarak pandang ke monitor kita dengan baik. Jarak yang disarankan adalah sekitar 20-40 inchi (50-100cm) dari mata.

Jika kita masih kesulitan membaca padahal monitor sudah berada pada jarak 20 inchi, cobalah untuk memperbesar font kita hingga kita merasa nyaman.

2. Singkirkan CRT, Beralih ke LCD
Monitor tabung (CRT) memang memberi efek yang lebih buruk dibanding LCD, selain energi yang dibutuhkan juga lebih besar. Cobalah mengganti monitor CRT kita dengan LCD.

Namun harga monitor LCD memang lebih mahal dibanding CRT. Bagi kita yang masih menyeyangi monitor CRT, ada baiknya kita membeli filter anti-radiasi. ini adalah solusi untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri mata akibat duduk berlama-lama di depan monitor, namun dengan harga yang murah.

3. Atur monitor setting
Beberapa monitor yang ada sekarang banyak menyediakan pre-set display mode, untuk memudahkan pengguna mengganti setting layar mereka. Pre-set setting tersebut memberi level brightnes yang berbeda, untuk menyesuaikan kondisi penggunaan monitor. Adakalanya manfaatkan hal tersebut.

Misal settingan seperti, 'text' atau 'internet' akan terasa lebih sejuk di mata, saat kita gunakan untuk mengetik ataupun browsing. Setingan 'game' atau 'movie' akan terlihat lebih terang saat digunakan.

4. Gunakan kacamata anti radiasi
Walau hal ini membutuhkan biaya yang relatif lebih mahal, namun ada baiknya saat memiliki cukup uang kita membeli kacamata anti-radiasi. Selain bisa dibawa kemanapun kita bekerja, kacamata ini tak hanya berguna saat kita bekerja di depan monitor, namuna juga melindungi mata dari cahaya lampu mobil, radiasi TV, dan sebagainya.

Faktanya lapisan anti-radiasi pada kacamata tersebut, sangat berguna bagi mata kita. Karena lapisan tersebut secara otomatis mengurangi efek nyeri di mata akibat radiasi cahaya berlebih.

5. Mengistirahatkan mata sejenak, secara berkala
Cara termudah menghindari mata lelah akibat radiasi monitor adalah mengistirahatkannya secara berkala. Cobalah untuk mengistirahatkan mata sekitar 5 menit tiap jamnya. Kita dapat menggunakan waktu 5 menit tersebut untuk berjalan-jalan, melihat pemandangan, mencuci muka dan sebagainya. Yang penting menjauh dari monitor.

SPAM??? stop, Tips antisipasi

Spam alias email sampah memang sulit diredam, apalagi jika email yang kita gunakan tidak menggunakan filter penyaring spam. Niscaya, gelontoran iklan yang dibawa pesan yang tak diinginkan tersebut bakal mensesaki inbox kita.

Berikut beberapa jurus yang bisa dilakukan untuk menangkis serbuan email yang direkomendasikan Symantec:

Yang Sebaiknya Dilakukan:
  • Berhenti berlangganan dari milis-milis sah jika Anda tidak ingin menerima pesan lagi. Ketika mendaftar untuk menerima email, periksa item-item tambahan apa saja yang Anda inginkan pada saat yang sama. Jangan memilih item yang tidak Anda inginkan.
  • Selektif dalam hal situs-situs tempat Anda mendaftarkan alamat email Anda.
  • Hindari menampilkan alamat email Anda di Internet. Pertimbangkan pilihan alternatif- misalnya, gunakan alamat tersendiri ketika mendaftar pada milis tertentu, miliki beberapa alamat email untuk berbagai tujuan berbeda, atau carilah layanan email sekali pakai.
  • Dengan menggunakan petunjuk yang disediakan oleh administrator, laporkan spam jika Anda memiliki pilihan untuk melakukannya.
  • Hapus semua spam
  • Hindari mengklik pada link mencurigakan dalam email atau pesan IM, karena bisa saja akan menghubungkan ke situs palsu. Kami menyarankan untuk mengetik alamat situs langsung pada browser daripada percaya pada link dalam pesan.
  • Pastikan bahwa sistem operasi selalu up to date, dan gunakan paket software keamanan yang komprehensif.
  • Pertimbangkan solusi antispam yang memiliki reputasi baik untuk menangani penyaringan di seluruh organisasi anda.

Yang Sebaiknya Tidak Dilakukan:
  • Membuka lampiran dari email yang tidak dikenal. Lampiran ini dapat menginfeksi komputer Anda.
  • Membalas spam. Biasanya alamat emailnya dipalsukan, dan membalas email spam akan menghasilkan spam-spam lain.
  • Mengisi formulir dalam pesan yang meminta informasi pribadi atau keuangan atau kata sandi (password). Perusahaan terkemuka tidak mungkin meminta informasi pribadi Anda melalui email. Jika ragu untuk menghubungi perusahaan yang bersangkutan melalui mekanisme independen yang terpercaya, seperti dengan memverifikasi nomor telepon atau alamat Internet yang dikenal yang Anda ketikkan ke jendela browser yang baru (jangan mengklik atau cut dan paste dari link dalam pesan).
  • Membeli produk atau jasa dari pesan spam.
  • Membuka pesan spam.
  • Meneruskan peringatan virus apapun yang anda terima melalui email. Bisa jadi itu adalah berita bohong (hoax).
( ash / faw-detik )

SPAM??? stop, Tips antisipasi

Spam alias email sampah memang sulit diredam, apalagi jika email yang kita gunakan tidak menggunakan filter penyaring spam. Niscaya, gelontoran iklan yang dibawa pesan yang tak diinginkan tersebut bakal mensesaki inbox kita.

Berikut beberapa jurus yang bisa dilakukan untuk menangkis serbuan email yang direkomendasikan Symantec:

Yang Sebaiknya Dilakukan:
  • Berhenti berlangganan dari milis-milis sah jika Anda tidak ingin menerima pesan lagi. Ketika mendaftar untuk menerima email, periksa item-item tambahan apa saja yang Anda inginkan pada saat yang sama. Jangan memilih item yang tidak Anda inginkan.
  • Selektif dalam hal situs-situs tempat Anda mendaftarkan alamat email Anda.
  • Hindari menampilkan alamat email Anda di Internet. Pertimbangkan pilihan alternatif- misalnya, gunakan alamat tersendiri ketika mendaftar pada milis tertentu, miliki beberapa alamat email untuk berbagai tujuan berbeda, atau carilah layanan email sekali pakai.
  • Dengan menggunakan petunjuk yang disediakan oleh administrator, laporkan spam jika Anda memiliki pilihan untuk melakukannya.
  • Hapus semua spam
  • Hindari mengklik pada link mencurigakan dalam email atau pesan IM, karena bisa saja akan menghubungkan ke situs palsu. Kami menyarankan untuk mengetik alamat situs langsung pada browser daripada percaya pada link dalam pesan.
  • Pastikan bahwa sistem operasi selalu up to date, dan gunakan paket software keamanan yang komprehensif.
  • Pertimbangkan solusi antispam yang memiliki reputasi baik untuk menangani penyaringan di seluruh organisasi anda.

Yang Sebaiknya Tidak Dilakukan:
  • Membuka lampiran dari email yang tidak dikenal. Lampiran ini dapat menginfeksi komputer Anda.
  • Membalas spam. Biasanya alamat emailnya dipalsukan, dan membalas email spam akan menghasilkan spam-spam lain.
  • Mengisi formulir dalam pesan yang meminta informasi pribadi atau keuangan atau kata sandi (password). Perusahaan terkemuka tidak mungkin meminta informasi pribadi Anda melalui email. Jika ragu untuk menghubungi perusahaan yang bersangkutan melalui mekanisme independen yang terpercaya, seperti dengan memverifikasi nomor telepon atau alamat Internet yang dikenal yang Anda ketikkan ke jendela browser yang baru (jangan mengklik atau cut dan paste dari link dalam pesan).
  • Membeli produk atau jasa dari pesan spam.
  • Membuka pesan spam.
  • Meneruskan peringatan virus apapun yang anda terima melalui email. Bisa jadi itu adalah berita bohong (hoax).
( ash / faw-detik )

Sangat Tragis! Bayi Tewas Saat Disusui Ibunya

Peringatan untuk kaum ibu agar berhati-hati saat menyusui bayi tercinta. Jangan sampai peristiwa tragis ini menimpa Anda.

Seorang bayi perempuan tewas saat sedang disusui ibunya di dalam pesawat. Sang ibu tertidur saat sedang menyusui sehingga tanpa disadari payudaranya menekan wajah sang bayi. Akibatnya sungguh fatal. Bayi yang baru berumur sebulan itu tak bisa bernafas dan tewas.

Ketika terbangun, wanita berumur 29 tahun itu menjerit histeris. Dia mendapati buah hatinya sudah tak bernafas. Jeritan wanita itu sontak menimbulkan kegemparan di dalam pesawat United Airlines bertujuan Kuwait tersebut.

Akibat tragedi itu, pesawat tersebut dialihkan ke London, Inggris. Seorang dokter yang berada di dalam pesawat sempat mencoba menyelamatkan bayi malang itu. Namun sia-sia. Demikian seperti diberitakan harian Sydney Morning Herald, Rabu (2/12/2009).

Saat kejadian, pesawat sedang mengudara di atas Lautan Atlantik pada ketinggian sekitar 33 ribu kaki, Setibanya di London, polisi langsung menyelidiki insiden tersebut.

"Ini kecelakaan tragis. Anak perempuan itu berasal dari keluarga yang menyenangkan. Tadinya sang ibu akan pergi ke Kuwait untuk memperlihatkan bayinya pada kerabat," kata sumber kepolisian Inggris.

Pesawat Boeing 777 dengan nomor penerbangan Flight 982 itu bertolak dari Bandara Dulles, Washington menuju Kuwait City.


Sangat Tragis! Bayi Tewas Saat Disusui Ibunya

Peringatan untuk kaum ibu agar berhati-hati saat menyusui bayi tercinta. Jangan sampai peristiwa tragis ini menimpa Anda.

Seorang bayi perempuan tewas saat sedang disusui ibunya di dalam pesawat. Sang ibu tertidur saat sedang menyusui sehingga tanpa disadari payudaranya menekan wajah sang bayi. Akibatnya sungguh fatal. Bayi yang baru berumur sebulan itu tak bisa bernafas dan tewas.

Ketika terbangun, wanita berumur 29 tahun itu menjerit histeris. Dia mendapati buah hatinya sudah tak bernafas. Jeritan wanita itu sontak menimbulkan kegemparan di dalam pesawat United Airlines bertujuan Kuwait tersebut.

Akibat tragedi itu, pesawat tersebut dialihkan ke London, Inggris. Seorang dokter yang berada di dalam pesawat sempat mencoba menyelamatkan bayi malang itu. Namun sia-sia. Demikian seperti diberitakan harian Sydney Morning Herald, Rabu (2/12/2009).

Saat kejadian, pesawat sedang mengudara di atas Lautan Atlantik pada ketinggian sekitar 33 ribu kaki, Setibanya di London, polisi langsung menyelidiki insiden tersebut.

"Ini kecelakaan tragis. Anak perempuan itu berasal dari keluarga yang menyenangkan. Tadinya sang ibu akan pergi ke Kuwait untuk memperlihatkan bayinya pada kerabat," kata sumber kepolisian Inggris.

Pesawat Boeing 777 dengan nomor penerbangan Flight 982 itu bertolak dari Bandara Dulles, Washington menuju Kuwait City.


Show Your Vote for COP15

(Cross-posted from the Google Australia Blog

One of the benefits working at Google is the ability to spend 20% of your time on projects you are passionate about. Recently I was lucky enough to attend the Australian Conservation Foundation's Climate Project Summit, where I met Al Gore, and was trained as a Climate Project Presenter. This led me to devote my 20% time to develop Show Your Vote. Built as an open-source platform, Show Your Vote enables people around the world to tell the world's leaders to seal a fair and effective deal for climate change.

Some major environmental campaigns (including Earth Hour) as well as UNFCC, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, are now using Show Your Vote to help visualize public support of next week's COP 15, the Climate Change Conference taking place in Copenhagen.

No matter where you are in the world, see all the ways in which you can engage in the COP15 on this Virtual participation in COP15 page.

One of the big challenges in activating people on the issue of climate change is that there are a myriad of campaigns - big ones, small and local ones - taking place all over the world. I really wanted to provide a single platform that all campaigns and websites can use to collectively show the vote. So I developed a "web element" similar in function to Google Web Elements, which anyone can insert into a site so that people can vote and see the collective vote. They can also get educational tools on their own website by simply filling out the publisher form, and copying and pasting a single line of HTML code.

Google App Engine provides the hosting solution that makes this all possible. And I'd like to thank fellow Googlers Pamela Fox, Bob Aman, Rupert Breheny and Benjamin Kott for volunteering their time to make Show Your Vote possible.

Show Your Vote has three tabs: Vote, Explore, and Learn. The Vote tab allows individuals and organizations to show their vote.

The Explore tab displays individual votes aggregated by post code, and organizations by their own custom icons. The voting map is powered by the Google Maps API. Additionally, social networking tools powered by Google Friend Connect help people within the global community to share their messages of support. Individual votes are aggregated into postal codes, and organizations can upload their own icon to the map.

Finally, the Learn tab contains rich educational pieces, narrated by some of the top names in science, NGOs and the political world. These tours were created by the Google Earth Outreach team using Google Earth's new touring capabilities.

In the countdown to COP15, I'm hoping that we can collect enough of a global public show of support to amplify the need to change climate change, drive collective action, and reinforce the need for our world leaders to act now. Please join me in helping to show the vote!

Posted by Justin Baird, Innovationist, Google Australia