Wednesday 8 December 2010

Hi-yo, Tattoo, Away!

On the night of September 23, I was returning from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the R train after a poetry reading, when Erin sat down next to me. She had this tattoo on her left forearm:

Even Erin would concede this isn't a high-grade, professional tattoo. It was inked by a friend's girlfriend and is an image of the Lone Ranger, based on a printmaking project she did in college in which she envisioned a series of "American Hero Snacks". This was her design for the Lone Ranger Candy Bar. It's an image that resonates with her.

Thanks to Erin for a) talking to this stranger on the subway at night, and b) sharing your tattoo with us here on Tattoosday! Hi-yo, Silver, away!

As an afterthought, today marks the 30th anniversary of the death of John Lennon, I would point to this post to remember her fondly.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Laura's Two Tattoos

I met Laura in October after I spotted this tattoo on her foot:

This is a leopard frog, which reminds her of growing up, when she spent time in Shawmere, near Lyndhurst, in Eastern Ontario, Canada. She nostalgically recollects her summers as a young girl,  fishing and catching frogs.

Laura has a second tattoo, just above her waistline, which she generously shared with us, as well:

This floral tattoo depicts a bouquet with geraniums and the white edelweiss flowers. The edelweiss is the unofficial national flower of Switzerland and this tattoo commemorates not only the month she spent there as a visitor, but because she loves the Swiss culture and it is her favorite country.

Both tattoos were done by Patrick Dean at Tattooville, in Neptune, New Jersey. Work from Tattooville has appeared previously on our site here.

Thanks to Laura for sharing these two cool tattoos on Tattoosday!

Sejarah penemuan Eter Anestesi

Eter adalah salah satu zat yang digunakan sebagai anestesi( obat bius). Eter ditemukan seorang ahli kimia berkebangsaan Spanyol, Raymundus Lullius pada tahun 1275.Lullius menamai eter "sweet vitriol".

Eter pertama kali disintesis oleh Valerius Cordus, ilmuwan dari Jerman pada tahun 1640. Kemudian seorang ilmuwan bernama W.G. Frobenius mengubah nama "sweet vitriol" menjadi eter pada tahun 1730.

Cara Menjebol / Membobol Rar - Password File Rar Recovery Mantab!!

Software Pembobol Password File Rar

cara menjebol password rar.

Adalah RAR Password Recovery,sebuah nama software yang sudah menjadi superstar dalam dunia maya.

Cara menggunakan juga tidak terlalu ribet bahkan tinggal install saja dan sobat bisa langsung gunakan aplikasinya.

Sebenarnya ingin memposting panjang lebar masalah cara membobol password rar ini,tapi karena waktu yang tidak memungkinkan terpaksa saya hanya meberikan info link dan screenshotnya saja.

Untuk langkah dan caranya bisa dilihat dibanyak forum-forum yang membahas masalah membobol password rar,salah satunya yang sudah di posting agan-agan di,dll

Download RAR Password Recovery
(software pembobol file rar)

Mungkin jika waktu memungkinkan kita akan membahas software pembobol file yang lain dan mengatasi file selain rar seperti zip juga membuka file-file ber-ekstention unik seperti *.CHK,*.kgb,dll

Monday 6 December 2010

Anja's Tattoo - A Brother and Sister Find Common Ground

Anja was visiting New York City from Denmark earlier this fall, when she ran into me in Penn Station. Of course, I was thrilled when she agreed to share this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday:

This tattoo on Anja's calf is based on the cover art from Es ist soweit, a 1990 album from a German band called Böhse Onkelz.

This record has significant meaning for Anja because it helped bring her and her brother together. She explained that they lived apart and didn't talk much, growing up in separate households. She was living with her grandmother, and came to visit her father and she was walking past her brother's room and heard him listening to this record.

The music brought them together, as she stopped to talk to him about it, learned that he had been listening to Böhse Onkelz longer than her, and this common ground broke the ice. Whereas before they had very little to talk about, Anja credits the band and this album with helping establish ties with her brother.

The top of the tattoo starts a lyric

and ends with

The lyric in question, "Let's forever be that Rebel Monster" is actually from a song by Volbeat, a Danish rock band, on their first album The Strength/The Sound/The Songs. The date below, "29-07-19--" is her brother's birth date.

This cool, meaningful tattoo was inked in Denmark by an artist named Dennis Wehler. I love how the words seem to be carved in her flesh.

Thanks to Anja for sharing this wonderful tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

As a bonus, here's a little "Rebel Monster" from Volbeat:

Orang Narsis Punya Bakat Curang

Kata narsis sering digunakan sebagai istilah untuk menyebut orang yang 'gila foto' dan membanggakan diri sendiri. Padahal, narsis merupakan penyakit mental yang si penderitanya lebih mungkin memiliki bakat untuk berbuat curang.

Narsis atau yang dalam istilah ilmiahnya Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) adalah penyakit mental ketika seseorang memiliki rasa percaya diri yang sangat tinggi untuk kepentingan pribadinya dan juga rasa ingin dikagumi.

Narsis termasuk salah satu dari tipe penyakit kepribadian. Seseorang yang terkena penyakit narsis biasanya diiringi juga dengan pribadi yang emosional, lebih banyak berpura-pura, antisosial dan terlalu mendramatisir sesuatu.

Dan sebuah studi baru juga menunjukkan bahwa orang dengan karakter narsis memiliki kecenderungan untuk berbuat curang, baik pada tugas dan nyontek ujian sekolah.

Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa orang narsis termotivasi untuk menipu dan berbuat curang karena sifatnya yang selalu ingin pamer kepada orang lain. Orang narsis juga tidak pernah merasa bersalah dengan tindakannya.

"Orang narsis benar-benar ingin dikagumi oleh orang lain. Saat menjadi pelajar, ia selalu ingin mendapat nilai bagus dengan cara apapun termasuk berbuat curang dengan menyontek," kata Amy Brunell, penulis studi dan asisten profesor psikologi di Ohio State University di Newark, dilansir Medindia, Senin (6/12/2010).

Menurut Brunell, orang narsis cenderung lebih egois, melebih-lebihkan bakat dan kemampuannya serta kurangnya rasa empati kepada orang lain.

"Narsisis (sebutan untuk orang narsis) merasa perlu untuk mempertahankan citra diri yang positif dan mereka kadang-kadang akan menyisihkan kekhawatiran etis untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan," jelas Brunell lebih lanjut.

Studi yang dilakukan tim Brunell melibatkan 199 mahasiswa. Pada studi ini, peneliti mengukur tingkat narsisme dengan memilih pernyataan yang paling menggambarkan sifat partisipan.

Misalnya, partisipan dapat memilih antara 'saya tidak lebih baik atau tidak lebih buruk daripada kebanyakan orang' atau 'saya berpikir saya orang yang spesial'.

Peneliti juga mengukur tingkat 'harga diri' partisipan dan menanyakan seberapa sering partisipan berbuat curang dengan menyontek pada saat mengerjakan tugas atau ujian sekolah selama satu tahun terakhir.

"Kami menemukan bahwa salah satu bagian yang lebih berbahaya dari narsisisme-eksibisionisme (keinginan untuk pamer dan menjadi pusat perhatian) adalah terkait dengan kecurangan, dalam hal ini kecurangan akademik," jelas Brunell.

Brunell mengatakan, keinginan untuk memamerkan diri benar-benar membuat orang dengan karakter narsisme lebih mungkin untuk melakukan tindakan curang.

Hasil studi ini telah dipublikasikan secara online di jurnal Personality and Individual Differences.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders serta American Psychiatric Association pun menyebutkan beberapa gejala dan kriteria penyakit narsis, diantaranya :
  1. Mementingkan diri sendiri, melebih-lebihkan prestasi dan bakat yang dimiliki, berharap dikenal sebagai orang unggul tanpa ada hasil atau pencapaian tertentu.
  2. Terlalu bangga dengan fantasinya dan memiliki tujuan yang tidak realistik tentang keberhasilan yang tiada batas, kekuatan, kepintaran, kecantikan atau kisah cinta yang ideal.
  3. Percaya bahwa dirinya sangat spesial dan hanya bisa bergabung atau bergaul dengan orang-orang yang juga memiliki status tinggi.
  4. Memerlukan pujian yang berlebih ketika melakukan sesuatu
  5. Memiliki keinginan untuk diberi julukan tertentu
  6. Bersikap egois dan selalu mengambil keuntungan dari setiap kesempatan untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya
  7. Tidak memiliki perasaan empati terhadap sesama
  8. Selalu merasa iri hati dengan keberhasilan orang lain dan percaya bahwa orang lain juga iri padanya
  9. Menunjukkan sifat arogan dan merendahkan orang lain
  10. Mudah terluka, emosional dan memiliki pribadi yang lemah

Perokok Lebih Bahagia Setelah Berhenti Merokok

Kebanyakan orang merokok untuk mengurangi kecemasan saat mengalami stres. Namun para peneliti justru menemukan berhenti merokok bisa membuat seseorang lebih bahagia, dan efeknya akan terasa selama ia berhasil menghentikan kebiasaannya tersebut.

Hal ini disimpulkan berdasarkan hasil penelitian tim peneliti dari Brown University dan University of Southern California, Amerika. Kesimpulannya berhenti menggunakan tembakau kemungkinan memiliki efek mengurangi stres dan juga meningkatkan suasan hati.

"Jika seseorang berhenti merokok, maka gejala depresinya akan menurun. Jika kondisi ini datang lagi, maka suasana hatinya akan membuat ia merasa lebih baik. Hal ini sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh obat antidepresan," ujar Profesor Christopher Kahler dari Brown University, seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Senin (6/Rata Penuh12/2010).

Para peneliti melibatkan 236 laki-laki dan perempuan yang mencoba untuk berhenti merokok. Partisipan ini mendapatkan konseling dan menentukan tanggal kapan ia mulai berhenti. Selanjutnya gejala depresi dari partisipan ini diuji seminggu sebelum berhenti dan 2, 8, 16 dan 28 minggu setelah berhenti merokok.

Peneliti menemukan partisipan yang berhasil berhenti merokok adalah kelompok yang paling bahagia dan memiliki suasana hati ini tetap konstan. Sedangkan partisipan yang hanya berhenti sementara akan merasakan suasana hati yang bahagia hanya pada saat ia tidak merokok.

"Asumsi yang selama ini dipercaya oleh masyarakat adalah kemungkinan rokok memiliki sifat antidepresan, sehingga jika ia berhenti bisa memicunya menjadi depresi. Namun hasil yang ditemukan justru kebalikannya," ujar Profesor Kahler.

Menurut Prof Kohler hasil ini cukup mengejutkan, karena pada orang yang hanya berhenti sementara, tetap melaporkan pengurangan gejala depresi yang dirasakannya. Hasil ini berkorelasi baik dengan penelitian lain yang dilakukannya pada tahun 2002, yaitu seorang perokok bisa berakhir menjadi depresi.

Tidak mudah memang untuk membuat seorang perokok berhasil menghentikan kebiasaannya ini, terlebih jika ia termasuk kelompok perokok berat. Tapi ada berbagai cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk berhenti merokok, baik yang cara yang biasa ataupun cara yang tidak biasa.


Data 10 Negara Penderita HIV/ AIDS terbanyak, betulkah akurat?....

Postingan yang lalu telah menjelaskan pertumbuhan penderita HIV/AIDS Dunia, dimana grafik selalu meningkat dari tahun ketahun.

Sekarang saya ingin memberitahu berdasarkan data sekunder yang didapat di internet, tentang 10 Negara paling banyak warganya mengidap HIV/AIDS didunia dari 128 negara yang dipublikasikan.

Sebagai berikut datanya(2009):



Friday 3 December 2010

HIV/ AIDS bagaikan gunung es yang mengancam

Sejak tahun 1980 sampai 2009 penderita yang hidup dengan HIV/ AIDS terus meningkat dan mengkhawatirkan. Menurut UNAIDS ( United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) data terakhir yaitu tahun 2009, menuliskan bahwa penderita yang hidup dengan mengidap HIV didunia sekitar 33,3 juta jiwa dewasa dan 2,5 juta jiwa anak-anak.

sumber grafik :
Jika dilihat grafik,

Bobol, Foto dan Video Seks 50 Artis Top

Sepasang hacker atau peretas dari Jerman berhasil membobol komputer 50 artis top dunia melalui virus Trojan. Para hacker itu diduga telah mengambil musik terbaru yang belum dirilis, kartu kredit, e-mail, dan gambar telanjang para artis tersebut.

Polisi melacak keberadaan dua peretas berusia 17 dan 23 tahun itu, dan menangkapnya setelah para peretas membual di internet terkait dengan keberhasilannya. Diduga, para peretas itu telah mengambil lagu-lagu terbaru dan video seks bintang terkenal, seperti Lady Gaga, Rihanna, dan Justin Timberlake

Para peretas itu juga menghadapi tuduhan pemerasan setelah berhasil mengantongi berbagai koleksi foto dan video seks para bintang top dunia tersebut. Dua peretas asal Duisburg, Jerman, itu mengakui kesalahannya di depan polisi setempat.

Penyelidikan dan pengembangan kasus ini melibatkan FBI dan Federal Police Service Jerman.

Sven Kilthau dari Universal Music Jerman yang bertanggung jawab atas publisitas bintang Lady Gaga dan Rihanna, mengatakan, kekhawatirannya. "Ini benar-benar menakutkan, seseorang tidak bisa merasa aman di mana pun berada," katanya, seperti dikutip Telegraph, Kamis (2/12/2010)

Polisi mensinyalir, kedua peretas menerobos komputer para artis top dunia itu dengan memanfaatkan virus Trojan, kemudian menguasai dan mengacak-acak isi komputer.

Bahkan gambar telanjang penyanyi Amerika Serikat, Kesha, telah diambil dan kemudian dipakai untuk memeras. Beruntung, Kesha (24) batal mengirim uang tebusan.

Tuduhan yang lebih bahaya, pasangan peretas itu telah mengambil lagu-lagu terbaru yang belum dirilis untuk kemudian dijual secara ilegal kepada produser gelap, alias pembajakan yang mendahului launching. Bisa dibayangkan berapa besar kerugiannya.

Kejahatan dunia maya ini telah membuat takut para manajemen yang mengelola publikasi para artis top dunia karena khawatir hal-hal sangat pribadi bisa dipulikasikan tanpa sepengetahuan pemiliknya, selain hak cipta mereka dilanggar. (

Robbie's Red Balloon, with a Nod to Seattle

Here it is December and I have all these loose ends, tattoos I photographed in the summer and, for some reason or other, never wrote about.

One such example belongs to Robbie, who is originally from Seattle. I stopped to talk to him at the corner of 34th Street and 7th Avenue, and he was kind enough to share this tattoo on his upper right arm:

Robbie explained that the red balloon is a family reminder about his grandmother, and that in addition to his own tattoo, his mother, brother, cousin and aunt all have tattoos that contain a red balloon, as a nod to the family matriarch.

The skyline depicted is punctuated by the Space Needle, Seattle's most recognizable landmark. Robbie is from Washington State, and the addition of this famous structure to a metropolitan cluster of buildings, which includes a scaled-down replica of the Empire State Building to its right, is a nod to his home town, while also recognizing New York City, his current home.

Robbie credited the tattoo to Liz at Addiction NYC, although he noted she tattoos somewhere out on Long Island now.

Thanks to Robbie for sharing his tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Padang kembali gempa warga panik

Padang kembali dihoyak gampo (digetarkan gempa) pukul 10.11 WIB pada tanggal 03/12/2010 dengan kekuatan 4,2 SR yang berpusat di darat 7 km Timurlaut Padang dengan kedalaman 10 Km.

Menurut BMKG gempa dirasakan sampai ke Solok, Padang panjang, Bukittinggi dan Muko-muko.

Saat Gempa, Warga berhamburan keluar gedung, karena cemas dan trauma akibat gempa september 2009 yang lalu.Sampai

Thursday 2 December 2010

Perawat menuntut kebijaksanaan DPR

Puluhan perawat dari sejumlah daerah melakukan unjuk rasa di Gedung DPR di Senayan Jakarta, Kamis (02/12/2010), untuk menuntut penuntasan RUU tentang Keperawatan.

Sumber gambar:

Baca juga:
Ketika RUU Keperawatan di anggap tidak penting
Tuntutan publik identik dengan Demonstrasi

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Inikah yang dinamakan kecanduan ngeblog

Dua tahun yang silam tidak pernah berpikir akan terseret sejauh ini, tidak pernah mengimpikan jadi narablog, tidak pernah belajar disekolah untuk jadi penulis amatiran di dunia maya, tidak pernah terlintas dibenak akan larut dalam dunia bloghosphere.Setiap mengupdate tulisan di saya selalu kecanduan ingin menulis lagi, setiap membaca tutorial dari webmaster saya ingin belajar dan

Mrs. Dirtbird's Wedding Tattoo

Yesterday we enjoyed seeing the neck tattoo of a Missouri-based artist nicknamed "Dirtbird," as well as a piece he had inked on his friend Shawn.

In addition to meeting both Shawn and Dirtbird across the street from where I work, I also met Katie, who half-jokingly referred to herself as "Mrs. Dirtbird". She shared this tattoo with us:

Katie explained that this is a wedding tattoo. The piece depicts a heart, comprised of a male and female bird, sewn together. Since she married Dirtbird, this seems like and appropriate expression of their matrimony.

The tattoo was inked by Becky "Pink Eye" Ashcraft, who works with Dirtbird at Punkteur Tattoo in Joplin, Missouri.

Thanks to Katie for sharing her cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Mau Domain murah berkualitas, lapor segera ke

Anda Narablog? ingin punya domain murah nan berkualitas, jangan khawatir ! dengan prosedur yang gampang bisa kita dapatkan. Sebelumnya saya ingin berbagi pengalaman tentang apa itu domain dan mengapa kita harus punya domain sendiri serta bagaimana cara mendapatkanya dengan gampang, tanpa prosedur yang berbelit-belit.Apa itu Domain ? Domain adalah alamat yang akan di indeks dimesin pencari.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Tema Hari AIDS sedunia tahun 2010

Hari AIDS Sedunia diperingati setiap tanggal 1 Desembaer, yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran terhadap wabah AIDS di seluruh dunia yang disebabkan oleh penyebaran virus HIV.
Hari AIDS Sedunia pertama kali dicetuskan pada Agustus 1987 oleh James W. Bunn dan Thomas Netter, dua pejabat informasi masyarakat untuk Program AIDS Global, Organisasi Kesehatan Sedunia di Geneva, Swiss.

Bunn dan


Occasionally in my wanderings, I will meet not just tattooed people, but tattoo practitioners, and often those visiting from outside of New York City.

So it was no surprise, when I approached a gentleman across the street from where I work, at 31st and 7th, to learn that I was talking to an artist.

Working out of Punkteur Tattoos & Piercing in Joplin, Missouri, Derek "Dirtbird" Wieberg estimates he has 130-150 hours of work inked on his personal canvas.

With so much to choose from, he offered up this piece, on the right side of his neck:

It seemed fitting, considering his name.

Dirtbird praised the artist, Rick Pierceall at Karma Tattoo in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who has done all of his throat work.

Considering it is Two-for-Tattoosday, I'll share this photo as well:

That's not Dirtbird, but it's his handiwork! The owner of this tattoo is Shawn, who had the good fortune to be inked by Dirtbird. They collaborated on the design together.

Thanks to Dirt Bird and Shawn for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Tune in tomorrow to see a tattoo from Katie, aka Mrs. Dirtbird!

Sunday 28 November 2010

Ride the Cyclone!

In college we had a game room at the Student Union.

I claimed to be a master at Arkanoid, but would occasionally play pinball. Earthshaker was fun, but there was another, carnival-themed game that would often beckon, "Ride the Cyclone!" It was, naturally, called The Cyclone.

Fast forward ten years and I would be residing in Brooklyn, home to Coney Island and the original Cyclone.

Despite having been in close proximity a number of times, I've never gone for a ride.

I was reminded of this back in September when I met Matt at the top of the escalator at the Penn Plaza Borders store.

He shared this amazing tattoo:

This is, of course, the Cyclone.

Matt is working on a Coney Island/"Carnie" theme, having lived in Brooklyn most of his adult life. Thus, the Astroland tower behind the Cyclone in the tattoo. Next up: the Wonder Wheel and the Parachute Jump, other Coney Island attractions.

He sent along a photo of the tattoo when it was initially finished:

Matt credits this tattoo to Ping at Village Rock Tattoo in Manhattan.

Thanks to Matt for sharing this great tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Saturday 27 November 2010

Something Girly This Way Comes

I met Nadya one afternoon in the beginning of October in Borders on Penn Plaza.

She shared this tattoo, which covered up a date she had initially inscribed on her arm:

Nadya told me that she wanted something "girly".

What I found most interesting about this tattoo is that when I asked her who the artist was, she told me it was her father. I can't imagine tattooing my own daughter. I would be too nervous!

Thanks to Nadya for sharing this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday.

Kiat mengatasi Stress dan Kegagalan saat menghadapi ujian CPNS

Stress adalah kondisi gugup dan kekhawatiran tak terkendali yang dipicu oleh angan-angan masa depan dan peristiwa masa lalu yang pahit terhadap kegagalan.

Stress identik dengan kecemasan dan rasa takut, dimana seseorang merasa dalam situasi terancam terhadap kegagalan yang dirangsang oleh bahaya yang dibayangkan, sehingga kecemasan mempengaruhi seseorang terhadap situasi atau keadaan yang akan

Bibir ini bagaikan ditepi cawan

Sudah lama di impikan,penantian yang panjang,berharap mendapat mukjizatserta keberuntunganHanya bisa berandai-andai,Jika....Seandainya....Rasanya bibir ini berada ditepi cawanJika ku teguk, kerongkongan tak mampu mengembangJika ku sedot, sepertinya bibir tak mampu menghisapAku dahagaAku lelahAku butuhAku cemasPikiran melayang, takut impian itu gagalHati gelisah, peluang itu disabet orangAku hanya

RSKB Multi Melliya Sari Payakumbuh

Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Multi Melliya Sari (RSKB MMS), merupakan Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Pertama di kota Payakumbuh didirikan tanggal 7 Oktober 2010 yang diresmikan langsung oleh Pemerintah Kota Payakumbuh.

Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah ini didirikan oleh dr. Muchyar Datuak Rajo Imbang. dr Muchyar Datuak Rajo Imbang adalah Dokter Ahli Bedah pertama di kota payakumbuh dan Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Friday 26 November 2010

Terapi Jus - Membantu Penyembuhan Penyakit Berat dan Ringan

Terapi jus atau juice therapy terbukti dapat membantu penyembuhan penyakit berat dan ringan. Jus yang terbuat dari buah dan sayuran lebih mudah dicerna oleh tubuh sehingga nutrisi dapat diserap optimal. Kandungan buah dan sayuran kaya akan vitamin, mineral dan fitonutrien yang dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dari serangan penyakit dan mencegah kanker.  Resep/Foto/Dapur Uji: Budi Sutomo. 
Informasi lengkap tentang jus terapi bisa di klik di SINI

Jus Mangga Wortel 
(foto belakang)

150 g mangga, potong-potong
60 g wortel, potong-potong
60 ml air es
4 potong es batu
1 sdm susu kental manis
Cara Membuat:
  1. Masukkan potongan mangga, wortel, air es, susu kental manis dan es batu ke dalam tabung blender. Haluskan hingga lembut. Angkat.
  2. Tuang jus ke dalam gelas saji. Hidangkan segera.
Untuk 2 porsi

Rucuh Asam Jawa 
(foto depan)

800 ml air matang
3 sdm asam jawa
60 g gula jawa
100 ml air perasan jeruk manis
5 cm jahe
Es batu secukupnya
Cara Membuat:
  1. Campur air hangat dengan asam jawa, gula jawa dan jahe. Aduk rata, saring.  Masukkan air perasan jeruk manis, saring. Dinginkan.
  2. Tuang rucuh asam jawa ke dalam gelas saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 4 Porsi

Raw Food Diet - Rujak Buah

Diet makanan mentah atau raw food diet memberi manfaat yang baik bagi kesehatan tubuh. Selain kaya vitamin, mineral dan serat, diet raw food juga menghindari tubuh dari  asupan bahan kimia yang dapat menyebabkan kanker.  Berikut resep raw food diet yang bisa Anda coba di rumah. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto: Budi Sutomo.

Rujak Buah

60 g timun, potong-potong
100 g nanas, potong-potong
100 g bengkoang, potong-potong
100 g jambu air, potong-potong
Sambal Rujak:
10 buah cabe rawit
2  buah cabe merah keriting
3 sdm irisan gula merah
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
1 sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
  1. Sambal Rujak: Haluskan cabe rawit, cabe merah keriting, gula merah, garam dan air jeruk nipis hingga lembut. Sisihkan,
  2. Penyajian: Siapkan piring saji, atur potongan buah di dalam piring.Siram dengan sambal rujak. Hidangkan.
Untuk 3 Porsi

Tip: Sajikan sambal rujak di tempat terpisah agar buah-buahan tidak berair. Buah bisa diganti sesuai selera.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

In honor of the holiday, I am sharing this, my newest tattoo, located above my knee on my right thigh:

This was done at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn yesterday as part of the shop's $75 Thanksgiving Tattoo Special and was sponsored by Troll Skin, produced by Skin Actives Scientific.

For those of you just tuning in, check the pre-post here, which includes all the Thanksgiving flash designed for the occasion. I asked readers to vote on which tattoo to get, and this one sneaked out a narrow victory over the traditional Native American profile.

I like this design because it combines a lot of traditional tattoo elements and delivers an image with a sociopolitical subtext. We have the traditional American flag and handshake designs, but the added element of crossed fingers serves as a reminder that, despite apparent good intentions, there was subsequently a historical betrayal of that initial good will.

But that's just one perspective, of course, and the Thanksgiving holiday focuses on the positive in our society. The mere existence of the tattoo reminds me to be thankful, which I alluded to in my original post.

I was fortunate enough to have Brian Faulk as my artist again. He had inked my Friday the 13th tattoo last August, and I appreciate that he works quickly and concisely.

Brian Faulk at Work
It was nice, also, that this design was one of his contributions to the flash sheet, as he was kind enough to embellish slightly on the original design, and it always seems better when an artist is tattooing his or her own design. As for the idea behind it, he was trying to represent graphically a broken treaty. I'm extremely pleased with the end result.

In consideration for their sponsoring this tattoo, I will be exclusively using Skin Active's product, Troll Skin Aftercare over the next two weeks as the tattoo heals. I can already say I am pleased with the aftercare cream because it is a lot less messy than the ointment I am used to using within the first 72 hours after getting a tattoo.

I'll report back then on how their product held up compared to the regiment I've followed in the past.

I want to thank all of the readers who voted for designs, and for everyone who reads and supports the site.

And thanks again to Skin Actives for helping make this tattoo possible, to Brian at Hand of Glory, and to my family, at home in Brooklyn and across the U.S., for their support

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Mari's Prayer, with a Twist of Math

I met Mari in front of Madison Square Garden on a sunny day in October. How could I not stop and ask her about this tattoo?

Mari explained that this is an Ananda prayer, that her friends were meditating on it for a week.

The text, which is attributed to Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, reads:

Make me thy butterfly of eternity.

I burnt my past. I ignored the foreboding seeds of sprouting destiny. I waded through the strewn ashes of past & future fears.

I am the eternal present. I tore to shreds the cocoon of ignorance with the sharpness of my will.
I am thy...butterfly of eternity, sweeping through immeasurable time. The beauty of my nature-wings I spread everywhere, to entertain everything. Suns & stardust are spread on my wings. Behold my beauty! Cut all the silken threads of thy shrouding folly: follow me in my flight to myself.

The butterfly symbolizes transformation, a phase everyone goes through at one point or another in time.

Also among her twenty-two tattoos is this formula at the top of her arm:

Mari explained she loves math and generalized that, with this equation, "you can generate anything in the universe". In theory, at least. Here, it gets a little hazy for me. Part of this tattoo contains "f(z) = z^2 + c" which is described as a complex function. Then there is the part that equates the square root of -1 to the value i. This is a formula for an imaginary number. I'm bowing out here, knowing there's no way I'll be able to explain this part of the tattoo adequately. Readers are welcome to try in the comments section, below.

Mari's work was inked by Kevin at The Tattoo Shop in Lansing, Michigan.

Thanks to Mari for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

DAAI TV Present: Workshop, Bazaar dan Demo Masak Dalam Rangka Ulang Tahun Program Acara House & Living yang ke 2

Dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun ke 2 Program House & Living - DAAI TV mengajak Anda menghadiri serangkaian acara, seperti Bazaar Produk Handmade & Recycle, Demo Masak oleh Chef Budi Sutomo dan Workshop Membuat Boneka Kain Perca Oleh Ideku Handmade.

Acara diadakan pada;
Minggu, 5 Desember 2010pk. 14.00-23.00 WIB. Lokasi di Mini Square La Piazza, Kelapa Gading.
Biaya workshop Rp. 60,000,-/ orang. Anda mendapatkan : peralatan workshop, gratis berlangganan majalah Sekar selama 3 bulan (6 edisi) dan snack. Ditunggu partisipasinya.

Untuk informasi dan pendaftaran workshop, hubungi:Yane ; 0856-9106-6268, 021-6123733 (hari dan jam kerja).

Sinonim Perawat di berbagai penjuru dunia

Sebutan untuk perawat dalam negri beragam, mulai dari Ners,Suster,Mantri dan Perawat.

Bagi yang penasaran dengan sebutan Perawat di Benua lain, yang ada diberbagai penjuru dunia,maka saya akan beberkan dipostingan ini.

Inggris menyebut Perawat dengan nama Nurse, saya letakan diurutan pertama, karena Ilmu Keperawatan Modern berasal dari Inggris.

Orang Belanda menamakan perawat Verpleegkundige,

Situs Phishing Berbahasa Indonesia Jadi Perhatian

Situs phishing, aksi tipuan yang mengincar data pribadi, makin giat merambah pengguna media sosial. Situs berbahasa Indonesia pun jadi perhatian.

Demikian salah satu sorotan dalam laporan bulanan Symantec Messaging and Web Security dari perusahaan keamanan Symantec yang dikutip detikINET, Rabu (24/11/2010).

Konon, di antara situs phishing non-bahasa Inggris dalam media sosial, ada tiga bahasa yang paling populer. Ketiganya adalah Portugis, Italia, dan Spanyol.

Namun, peneliti keamanan Symantec juga mengawasi beberapa situs bahasa non-Inggris lainnya. Ini mencakup Indonesia, Rusia, Albania, dan Turki.

Pelaku phishing pun rupanya kian getol mencari data-data pribadi pengguna layanan media sosial, seperti Twitter atau Facebook.

Menurut laporan itu, phishing media sosial mencakup 4 persen dari keseluruhan aksi phishing di Oktober 2010. Ini menunjukkan peningkatan 80 persen dibandingkan September 2010.

Untuk memikat korbannya, pelaku menggunakan klaim sebagai layanan keamanan dari media sosial tertentu. Nah, pengguna situs media sosial itu akan diminta memasukkan username dan login di situs palsu.

Jika hal itu sampai terjadi, dampaknya bisa cukup mengerikan. Selain data pribadi korban, pelaku juga bisa menargetkan teman-teman korban dalam jejaring sosial.

( wsh / wsh -

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Akhirnya ejakulasi dini serta impotensi tanpa hasil

Awal Desember 2009, saya selingkuh, berpaling muka dari cinta pertama.
Cinta pertama saya, bernama "Menggapai cita-cita" setelah beberapa bulan menjalin hubungan bathin, saya putuskan untuk merubah namanya menjadi "Mantri Blogger".

Hubungan sedikit renggang, kepuasaan mulai tercabik-cabik, iman goyah, komitmen berangsur-angsur hilang.

Kondisi tersebut membuat gairah menjadi turun drastis,

Julia's Pin-Up

I met Julia briefly in a Hudson News in Penn Station.

The flash of color on her foot caught my eye:

Julia explained that she is a visual artist that likes to do pin-up illustrations. This particular design she wanted to be transformed into a tattoo. She brought it to Morgan Reed at Electric Lotus Tattoo in Boonton, New Jersey, and he made some slight adjustments that resulted in this lovely tattoo.

Work from Electric Lotus has appeared on Tattoosday before. This link will show you what else we have featured from their shop.

Thanks to Julia for sharing her pin-up girl with us here on Tattoosday!

Monday 22 November 2010

David's Traditional Hands

Last month I met David when I stopped after noticing his neck tattoo. However, it was his hands he offered up to us here at Tattoosday:

David works in construction and is a contractor. He also manages the band, Drew Nugent & the Midnight Society.

He has about thirty-five (35) hours of work done on his body, and he explained that these are traditional pieces on his hands.

He was inspired to have his knuckles read "True Blue" as they speak to his belief that our country has lost its values that need to be regained. Key among these values are loyalty and honor, in the traditional, "true blue" sense of the words.

To him, the panther represents that we need to fight to regain these ideals.

And the two roses represent the ideal (the healthy, red flower on the right hand) and what he called the "diminished," (on the left) that is, where we're headed with our loss of values.

David embraced these traditional elements because he feels that "the only way to have a future is to look at the past".

He had the panther done at a tattoo convention. The roses and "TRUE BLUE" knuckles are credited to Rick Meggison at Marked 4 Life in York, Pennsylvania.

Thanks to David for sharing these very cool hand tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Dengarkanlah wahai sahabat

Dengarkan! dengar dan dengar, dengan itulah kita bisa memahami orang lain.
Biarkan ia bicara, perhatikan apa yang ia bicarakan, beri respon positif maka anda adalah lawan bicara yang menyenangkan.

Langsung menghentikan pembicaraan dan membalas dengan agresif. Percayalah!.. anda akan jadi lawan bicara yang membosankan dan menakutkan.

Berikan umpan balik, tanggapi secara positif, jika

Saturday 20 November 2010

Two for Tattuesday Saturday: Wanderful Love Under the Cherry Blossoms

In honor of the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) , we're sharing this tattoo, which I spotted back in September:

This belongs to Rich, a musician and rap artist. He's a big Harry Potter fan, as exemplified by the magic wand. The snake at the base of the wand not only symbolizes infinity, it is a nod to Severus Snape, a character associated with the House of Slytherin, of which the serpent is the mascot.

The concept of the tattoo is exemplified by the music coming out of the wand, illustrating that sounds can be magical and that Rich is under music's spell.

The piece was inked by Chris at Lady Luck Tattoo Studio in Montville, Connecticut.

When I met Rich, he was sitting with his girlfriend in Penn Station. She introduced herself as Kytti, and asked if I wanted to see her tattoo.

But of course!

She actually has two tattoos, but lifted up her shirt to show me this beautiful design:

Kytti explained that this represents her and Rich together in Japan. They've been together for over a year and they'd both love to go there together and experience the culture. The tree is filled with cherry blossoms, a flower often associated with Japan.

Chris at Lady Luck also was the artist behind this tattoo.

Thanks to Rich and Kytti for sharing their magical and romantic tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Friday 19 November 2010

The Great Thanksgiving Tattoo Event!

Loyal readers may remember this past August when I called on fans of Tattoosday to choose (and generously bankroll) Friday the 13th tattoos for Melanie and me. If not, relive it here.

Well, a recent email from the good people at Skin Actives Scientific got me thinking. They asked if I wouldn't mind receiving some samples of their Troll Skin Aftercare products and talking about them here on Tattoosday.

I thought, what better way to promote something but to actually use it? The problem was, I had no immediate plans on getting a new tattoo. But then it hit me, as the good people at Hand of Glory Tattoo, who inked our Friday the 13th tattoos, announced that, starting today, through the end of next week, they have another tattoo special, in honor of Thanksgiving!

So we connected the dots and put our heads together to announce the following:

Behold the flash for the Hand of Glory Thanksgiving specials:

Now, dear readers, what tattoo should I get?

Send your first, second and third choices to Every email (one per person please) will enter a reader into a random drawing for Troll Skin samples. Plus you'll have the pleasure of knowing you had a hand in deciding how I will be permanently honoring this most thankful of holidays.

You have until Wednesday at 9:00 AM (EST) to vote and when you wake up on Turkey Day, you can tune into Tattoosday to see which tattoo won and who will get Troll Skin samples!

Then, in a couple of weeks, you'll hear back from me about how the tattoo healed and what I think about the product.

And before some of you start scratching your heads about why I would indiscriminately get a tattoo just for the heck of it, I would remind you it is Thanksgiving, and what better to have on the human tapestry, than a reminder that we should always be thankful for the important things in life. I have a lot to be thankful for, above and beyond my awesome wife, Melanie, my kids, and my family and friends.

I am thankful for you, the Tattoosday contributors, fans and readers, for inspiring me with your stories and supporting me with your comments and emails.

And, of course, to the good folks at Skin Actives, for agreeing to support me in this Thanksgiving adventure, a special thanks this holiday season.

Stay tuned and don't forget to vote!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Tom's Homage to His Grandmother's Scottish Ancestry

I met Tom in a drug store in my neck of the woods in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

He has four tattoos and offered to share this one with us:

This piece celebrates his lineage, honoring the family crest from his grandmother's side.

The Scottish part of him is descended from the Clan Fergusson.The clan motto Dulcius ex asperis  means "Sweeter after difficulties".

This was tattooed by Lou at Third Eye Tattoo, in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn. Work from Lou and Third Eye that has appeared on Tattoosday can be viewed here.

Thanks to Tom for sharing his family crest with us here on Tattoosday!

Tanpa pria wanita bisa orgasme

Tanpa pria yang perhatian terhadap pasangan hidupnya, sebenarnya bisa mandiri dalam kehidupan seks, karena wanita bisa mencapai orgasme tanpa bantuan pria.

Pasangan yang mengecewakan

Seharusnya Pria mengerti dengan pasanganya, karena "Kebahagian Adalah Pilihan" yang tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang.

Dilarang Melihat Bagi Yang Belum Cukup Umur

Orgasme Pada Wanita


Wednesday 17 November 2010

Katie's Astrological Ink: Cancer, with Aries Rising

One of the unexpected joys in inkspotting is approaching someone about a tattoo and having them reveal one that is so much better than the piece you approached them about. It's like receiving a bonus for being curious.

Such was the case with Katie, who I spotted in Penn Station when I noticed a tattoo on her ankle.

When I asked her about it, she laughed and said it wasn't even close to being her favorite tattoo and she took off her jacket to reveal, on her upper left arm, one of her eight tattoos:

This is an astrological tattoo and features the signs for Cancer (the crab) and Aries (the ram). Katie explained that she is a Cancer, with Aries rising.

What this means, astrologically, could take pages and pages of analysis, but Katie explained that the two personalities are both strong and that they traditionally don't get along, which is why she has this relationship depicted as the two symbolic creatures battling in a stormy landscape. It is one interpretation of an astrological description that lends itself to her personality. Here's another.

Of course, as a Cancer myself, I cannot help but love this tattoo, especially my old friend the crab:

Katie credited the artist Christian Masot at Silk City Tattoo in Hawthorne, New Jersey, for this tattoo. She estimated it took about seven hours total in three sittings to create the finished product. Work from Silk City has appeared on Tattoosday several times before (see this tag), but this is the first piece we've seen by Christian.

Thanks to Katie for sharing this awesome tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Sumbar butuh 148 orang Tenaga Kesehatan Untuk Jadi CPNS formasi tahun 2010

Bagi tenaga kesehatan yang ingin jadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil dilingkungan Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat formasi tahun 2010, sekaranglah peluang untuk bersaing. Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat membutuhkan tenaga Kesehatan sebanyak 148 orang, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Tenaga Dokter

Sumatera Barat butuh Dokter Spesialis Urologi sebanyak 2 orang, butuh Dokter Spesialis THT, Spesialis

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Andy's Watership Down Sleeve

I met Andy back in September in Penn Station and he shared this incredible sleeve:

When I asked him about the inspiration behind this incredible work, he indicated the rabbit, which is based on his pet Fiver:

I immediately recognized the name as one of the characters in Richard Adam's wonderful novel, Watership Down.

He basically wanted something that was nature-based and gave the artist, Keller at Classic Tattoos in Pinellas Park, Florida, free reign on the design, allowing him to pretty much free-form the sleeve.

The collage at the top of the post consists of my shots in Penn Station, but the detailed photos are based on the pictures Andy generously sent me after the fact. These detailed photos show the brilliant colors and exquisite detail that Keller put into the tattoo, which Andy estimates represents about 18-20 hours of work.

Thanks again to Andy for sharing this amazing sleeve with us here on Tattoosday!

Monday 15 November 2010

Anda mau tau penyebab Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 merupakan penyakit kronis yang ditandai dengan tingginya tingkat gula dalam darah. Diabetes tipe 2 adalah bentuk paling umum dari penyakit gula.

Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 ini disebabkan oleh cara tubuh dalam menggunakan insulin. Insulin diperlukan untuk memindahkan gula darah (glukosa) ke dalam sel, dimana tempat gula darah disimpan dan kemudian digunakan untuk energi.

Car insurance for your car

Having a favorite cars require extra care for the car is not impaired in terms of machinery, damage to body and comfort while driving. The car is well maintained will feel comfortable when driving and comfort this is a costly because no bias is measured by money. But money can bring comfort to the car you want. Besides some of these factors, there is another factor you need to account for your car will be maintained, namely automobile insurance.

Why you should insure your car? Due to insure your car, when something happens to your car, you can get relief, even could get appropriate compensation. This will offset the cost of maintenance and repair of your car that were damaged by certain tragedies such as accidents, fire, and flood or otherwise in accordance with your agreement with the car insurance. Liabilities you only pay the premium in accordance with an agreement with the insurance.

So that you are more comfortable and you will be able to get insurance claims as you want, you should carefully review the rules and policies made by those insurers. Thorough also the rights of what will be gained by following such insurance. There is good car insurance and you should follow the The insurance company is renowned as a company that poor records and always put service to its customers. This insurance is suitable for those of you who have the ability to drive are not good, so there is no guarantee of the insurance. You have not believed? Please direct your web visit and please learn the rules and policies and facilities that will be obtained when following the insurance.

James Shares a Tattoo, Inspired by The Walking Dead

I met James, along with his two friends (whose tattoos were shared here and here) as they were headed to Comic Con in New York last month.

James shared this, one of his five tattoos:

This tattoo is the an interpretation of a scene from The Walking Dead.

The tattoo was done by Scottso at Matt's Tribal Dragon Tattoo in Bethpage, New York. Here's a fresh shot from when the tattoo was first completed:

Zombie tattoo on forearm - 4 hours. I did not draw this.
Photo by Scottso, from his MySpace page.

Thanks to James for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Angkak - Bumbu Masakan Cina

Angkak adalah bumbu masak yang sering di pakai dalam masakan Cina. Terbuat dari beras ketan yang difermentasikan dan dikeringkan sehingga warnanya berubah menjadi merah. Di pasaran terdapat dua jenis angkak, yaitu yang dijual dalam keadaan basah dan kering.

Di dalam masakan, Fungsi angkak, memberikan warna merah alami pada masakan daging, ayam maupun ikan, terutama masakan yang dipanggang. Aroma masakan juga menjadi lebih segar dan lezat.  Angkak basah cocok sebagai bumbu tumis tahu maupun sayuran. Penggunaan angkak basah bisa langsung dimasak dengan aneka tumisan. Sedangkan yang kering bisa di gunakan utuh maupun dihaluskan dengan bumbu-bumbu yang lain. Budi Sutomo.

Beras ketan 150 g, cuci bersih
Biang/ragi Monascus angka atau Monascus purpureus 1 sdt
Air 250 ml
Cara Membuat:
  1. Didihkan air, masukkan beras, masak hingga cairan terserap habis, angkat. Kukus beras hingga matang. Angkat, dinginkan.
  2. Taburi nasi dengan ragi, aduk rata. Masukkan beras beragi ke dalam tempat bertutup.
  3. Fermentasikan selama tiga hari hingga timbul gelembung-gelembung dan beras menjadi berwarna merah. Keringkan/jemur hingga kering. Kemas angkak dalam wadah tertutup rapat. Angkak siap digunakan.
Untuk 150 g

Sunday 14 November 2010

Obesitas ancaman masa depan

' Tujuh dari 10 orang dewasa Meksiko mengalami kelebihan berat badan atau obesitas dan hampir setengah dari orang Brazil, Rusia dan Afrika Selatan juga mengalami kelebihan obesitas, sementara Cina dan India memiliki tingkat obesitas yang memprihatinkan.'

Penelitian Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) dan Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) yang dipimpin oleh seorang analis

Tim's Bleeding Rose

I mentioned in my last post that I met three guys on their way to New York Comic Con when they stopped and shared their tattoos.

Below we have Tim's contribution, one of his nine tattoos:

This piece, on his forearm, is a bleeding rose.

It was tattooed by Christopher Wilkie at Peter Tat-2 in West Hempstead, New York.

Tim added that the yellow highlights in the tattoo are a subtle tribute to Hulk Hogan.

Thanks to Tim for sharing his tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Publikasi Artikel Budi Boga di Koran,Tabloid, Majalah & Media Online

Ilmu yang berguna adalah ilmu yang diamalkan dan bermanfaat bagi sesamanya. Katanya sih amal jariyah, amalan yang pahalanya tidak ada habisnya. Berikut beberapa, kumpulan artikel kesehatan, gizi dan kuliner yang di publikasikan di media online. Baik hasil wawancara maupun mengutip dari Gizi dan Kuliner by Budi: