Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Sarah Channels Emma Goldman

I recently had the intense displeasure of discovering that my camera had broken. For someone whose spare time is spent taking pictures of other people's tattoos, this was a harrowing experience, especially since my BlackBerry's camera is flash-less and takes good pictures under only specific lighting conditions.

So what's a poor inkspotter to do? Pass out his card and hope for the best.

And despite dozens of cards distributed to many people with cool tattoos, the only one who has really come through for me is Sarah, who I met last Friday on the subway platform at West Fourth Street, as I waited for the D train to Brooklyn.

Possessor of several tattoos, the one of Sarah's I spotted was on her inner left forearm. My photo was blurry and, as the D pulled into West Fourth, she handed me her card so I could follow-up with her. Thankfully, she is a woman of her word, and sent me this photo yesterday:

Since Sarah is a writer and journalist, I'll let her do the talking. You can check out her work at  her website and/or read her blog at Sarah explains:

It says "It's not my revolution if I can't dance to it"

The tattoo is my most recent, and it's a paraphrase of a possibly-apocryphal Emma Goldman quotation. It's a line that spoke to me the first time I heard it. I'm a political journalist and a feminist activist, and Goldman's always been someone I looked up to. Also, I became a political person through music, and dancing and music have a particular significance for me.

It was done by Ryoko at Brooklyn Tattoo [who we most recently saw inked Julie Powell's tattoo here] and she's super-awesome...
As a lover of type tattoos, I had inquired about the font used and Sarah did not disappoint: "the font is Garton and the words revolution and dance are in Miama".

Thanks to Sarah for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Ganesh Waits for the A Train

Actually, Kerry was waiting on the platform for the uptown A Train when I walked by at 34th Street.

How could I not stop and ask her about this tattoo:

This absolutely stunning depiction of the Hindu deity Ganesh took between eight and nine hours to complete.

Guy Ursitti at Thicker Than Water is the tattooist responsible for this work of art, the newest (at the time I met her) of Kerry's approximately fifty tattoos.

The detail in the tattoo is absolutely incredible.

Work from Thicker Than Water has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Thanks to Kerry for sharing this amazing tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Monday, 28 June 2010

Sean Shares a Host of Traditional Tattoos

I ran into Sean at the Foodtown in my neighborhood and when I stopped to talk to him about his tattoos (he has nine), I ended up with photos of several pieces, all of which reside on his left arm.

Most of the designs are traditional tattoo subjects, all of which were inked by Eli Quinters at Smith Street Tattoo Parlour in  Brooklyn. Work from Smith Street Tattoo has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

First up is this amazing lighthouse:

Sean explained that this tattoo is for his mother, as this tattoo is based on her "favorite lighthouse," the Fastnet Lighthouse on the most southerly point on the coast of Ireland.

Then there is this owl tattoo:

This was done for no other reason that Sean has always liked owls. If you love owl tattoos, be sure to head over to this site.

Then there is the elephant tattoo:

He has this piece because "elephants never forget".

I know we posted a sugar skull yesterday, but here's another one:

This was all Eli's design. Sean gave him free reign and likes the fact that it is unusual in that there are not a lot of colors in it, like one sees in most sugar skull tattoos. For all that have appeared on Tattoosday previously, check this link.

There is also the traditional female figure, not modeled after anyone in particular, just done in a traditional style:

And Sean's last tattoo is this bat:

He told Eli that he "wanted something spooky" that included the moon. Quinters free-handed this piece, starting with a white Sharpie and then finished with a darker Sharpie before finishing the tattoo.

What's neat about all of Sean's tattoos is that they flow nicely together, as readers can see elements of many of the tattoos on the borders of the photos of specific designs.

Thanks to Sean for sharing these amazing tattoos by Eli Quinters with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Sugar Skull Sunday - One From Ryan

Since I seem to capture more sugar skulls than any other design, why not reserve a day just for these decorative symbols which, at their roots, have deep religious significance?

Two weeks ago, I met Ryan, who has ten tattoos.

Of that lot, he offered up this design on his left bicep, which Charlie Foos created for him at FlyRite Studios in Brooklyn.

Charlie Foos is now at Read Street Tattoo Parlour in Baltimore.

Aside from the traditional nature of the sugar skull tattoo, Ryan also loves Mexico and this design recalls that beautiful and diverse culture south of the border.

Thanks to Ryan for sharing this decorative tattoo with us on Tattoosday!

Work from Charlie Foos has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.
Tattoosday posts tagged FlyRite Studios are here.
Tattoosday posts tagged Reade Street Tattoo Parlour are here.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Katie's Tattoos: A Tribute and a Memorial

I met Katie on 34th Street one afternoon when I stopped to ask her about her foot tattoo:

This tribute piece on her left foot is for her cousin, whose initials are JMS. The letters sit astride the ribbon designating awareness for the disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The two feet represent the fact that she helps raise awareness in the fight against MS by participating in an MS Walk each year.

For more information on MS, visit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society's website here.

Katie also shared with me these wings on the back of her neck:

The initials "MCF" refer to her brother Mark, who was killed with a friend a few years back when a train struck them. This memorial piece ensures that her brother is always with her.

Katie's tattoos were inked by Spencer at Fat Kat Tattoos in Keyport, New Jersey. Work from  Fat Kat has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Thanks to Katie for sharing two of her four tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Hati-hati Virus 'Cuakep'

Satu lagi virus komputer yang menyerang koleksi gambar atau foto digital. Namanya adalah virus 'Cuakep', namun aksinya tak sesuai namanya. Sebab malah bikin korbannya deg-degan karena menimbulkan berbagai kegaduhan.

Analis virus dari Vaksincom, Adi Saputera mengatakan, Norman Security Suite mendeteksi varian virus lokal ini dengan nama W32/Obfuscated.A!genr. Jika Anda memiliki file gambar atau foto digital dengan format JPEG, maka file akan disembunyikan (hidden) dan yang akan muncul adalah file virus dengan nama yang sama tetapi ekstensi file yang berbeda.

Jika kita secara tidak sengaja menjalankan file virus tersebut, tidak hanya file virus yang aktif melainkan akan membuka sebuah gambar wanita cantik untuk mengalihkan perhatian korbannya. File gambar inilah yang seolah-olah menggantikan file gambar kita yang sebelumnya.

"Untuk mencegah akses user agar dapat menampilkan file gambar atau foto digital yang asli, virus melakukan blok dengan cara menyembunyikan menu Folder Options pada Windows Explorer," tutur Adi dalam keterangannya kepada detikINET, Selasa (22/6/2010).

Kemudian, lanjutnya, untuk mencegah akses user agar tidak dapat mematikan proses virus dan mengembalikan fungsi Windows menjadi seperti semula, virus 'Cuakep' melakukan blok beberapa fungsi administrasi komputer agar tidak dapat dijalankan.

"Fungsi-fungsi tersebut tidak dapat dijalankan dengan baik, hanya akan memunculkan sebuah pesan bahwa telah dimatikan oleh 'administrator' komputer," lanjut Adi.

Pada umumnya, jika komputer Anda terinfeksi virus, Anda dapat mengembalikan ke semula dengan memanfaatkan fitur Windows yaitu System Restore. Dengan fitur ini, kita dapat mengembalikan pada waktu-waktu tertentu yang kita inginkan sebelum terinfeksi virus.

Namun masalahnya, virus 'Cuakep' mencegah hal ini dengan mematikan fungsi System Restore. Selain itu virus juga mencegah user melakukan instalasi program atau software lain, dengan melakukan blok pada MSI Installer.

Masih banyak lagi kegaduhan yang dilakukan virus ini. Mulai dari mengubah data properties komputer, membuat jadwal alias schedule task, mengubah wallpaper, hingga membuat pesan pada welcome screen.

"Sementara ciri-ciri file virus Cuakep menggunakan icon gambar (jpeg), memiliki ukuran file 198 kb dan memiliki type file 'application', sedangkan jika sudah terinfeksi akan diubah menjadi jpeg image," tandas Adi. ( ash /

Pembajak Akun Twitter Obama

Masih ingat ketika akun Twitter Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) Barack Obama dibajak? Ya, sang pelaku telah disidang dan dinyatakan bersalah.

Meski demikian, ia tak akan masuk penjara. Hal ini karena pelaku dengan nama samaran HackerCroll ini hanya dikenai hukuman penjara tertunda selama lima bulan.

Pria yang bernama asli Francois Cousteix ini membajak akses masuk ke akses administrator Twitter. Setelah masuk, ia kemudian menyusup ke akun para politisi AS dan artis.

'Korban' Cousteix termasuk Obama, Lily Allen dan Britney Spears. Namun, Cousteix membela dirinya dengan mengatakan yang ia lakukan hanyalah untuk alasan pencegahan.

Ia ingin membuktikan bahwa siapa saja bisa memperoleh informasi rahasia melalui akses normal. Konon ia membobol password admin Twitter melalui informasi yang tersedia di ranah publik.

Hukuman penjara tertunda itu artinya Cousteix masih bisa menikmati udara bebas. Ia pun mengaku lega atas keputusan itu.

"Saya melakukannya untuk alasan pencegahan, bukan untuk menyakiti orang," ujar Cousteix seperti dikutip dari TheRegister, Sabtu (25/6/2010).

( feb /

Percuma Ariel minta maaf ke publik

Ariel telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka karena telah merekam adegan seksualnya dengan Luna Maya dan Cut Tari. Untuk mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya itu, Ariel tidak cukup dengan meminta maaf.

Bahkan kata Ketua PP Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin percuma Ariel meminta maaf kepada publik Indonesia karena perbuatannya tersebut. Katanya, Ariel harus meminta maaf kepada Tuhan.

"Minta maaf ke pada Allah. Kalau kepada publik nggak ada gunanya dan nggak menyelesaikan masalah," jelas Din saat ditemui di Gedung PP Muhammadiyah, Jalan Menteng Raya, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (25/6/2010).

Menurut Din pebuatan Ariel yang sudah merekam adegan seksualnya itu telah menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi masyarakat luas. Terutama berdampak ke generasi muda.

"Jelas nggak usah dibantah, pornografi apapun bentuknya itu punya dampak buruk. Itu sudah ada bukti sosiologisnya di lapangan. Itu terbukti pengawasan di sekolah-sekolah dalam razia-razia ponsel banyak video porno," jelas Din.


Ini Jawabannya, Kenapa Luna dan Tari Tak Jadi Tersangka?

Sejak Selasa (22/6/2010) Ariel resmi ditahan dan ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus video porno. Tak sedikit pihak yang mempertanyakan mengapa Luna Maya dan Cut Tari belum menjadi tersangka. Apa jawaban Polisi?

Sampai saat ini, Luna dan Cut Tari, masih berstatus saksi dalam kasus video porno yang menggemparkan dunia maya itu. Polisi mengaku masih melakukan kajian hukum terhadap kedua artis perempuan tersebut.

"Kasusnya beda, yang membuat siapa, yang menyimpan siapa dan mengapa itu bisa sampai ke publik. Ini kan perlu kajian hukum yang tentunya Polri tidak ingin sembarangan," ujar Kabareskrim Mabes Polri, Komjen Ito Sumardi di kantor Wapres, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (25/6/2010).

Sementara itu, banyak orang yang meyakini kalau Luna Maya dan Cut Tari adalah bintang dalam video porno tersebut. Namun pihak kepolisian tidak ingin gegabah dalam menentukan status hukum seseorang.

"Kita tidak bisa menetapkan seseorang sebagai tersangka kalau pasal yang disangkakan tidak mengena. Berarti kita melanggar hak asasi manusia," jelas Ito.

Women and pajamas

Women synonymous with beauty. From waking up to sleep again, women always need a variety of supporting devices to always look beautiful. Beauty is in physical and spiritual is always expected by the women. There are some women who want to look nice when going to sleep, but there are women who when going to bed not thinking about their appearance. Yet look beautiful when paired bedtime will make you more comfortable sleeping on your side. Its fragrant, soft and sexy pajamas will increasingly arouse your partner affection.

A web offers a myriad of women's pajamas are sold online. Many kinds of shapes and patterns, womens pajamas were sold. There are flower motifs, cartoons, long or short model, and others. Prices are friendly and good service to its own positive values when you are shopping on the Web. What's interesting again is the fastest services only 24-48 hours of your goods have arrived at home and friendly service to their priorities in addition to the discounts in certain events.

When you decide to buy women's pajamas online, this web is the right choice. That is because they only serve the sales of women's pajamas, so that more focus and performance of goods sold is higher quality. 100% money-back guarantee is also evidence that the customer service their top priority. So when you need women's pajamas, is the right choice. Happy shopping.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Leyna's Balloon Keeps Her Grounded

Leyna was leaving the Borders at 2 Penn Plaza when I spotted one of her tattoos and asked about it.

This was the tattoo in question:

It is located on the back of her left leg, on the calf.

The design was inspired by the cover art from the Modest Mouse record We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank.

Leyna thought the anchor was cool, and she feels it is a good representation of herself in her 20's.

The tattoo was inked by Derik Snell at Hand of Glory Tattoo in Brooklyn. He liked the design because he had never tattooed a hot air balloon before. Work from Hand of Glory has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Another one of Leyna's tattoos  caught my eyes, as well:

This two-word snippet, "ecstatic and insatiate" is an excerpt from Allen Ginsberg's Howl. I'd speak more about it, but it appeared first on the most awesome blog, Contrariwise. I'd direct you over here to read what Leyna had to say about this tattoo, and encourage you to linger about and check out the seemingly endless array of literary ink.

Thanks again to Leyna for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Auto Clear pada Mesin Pencari / Kotak Pencarian

Membuat Auto Clear pada Mesin Pencari: "Meskipun pernah saya singgung sebelumnya,tapi pada halaman ini kita akan membahas search engine dengan Auto Clear.Maksudnya,saat pengunjung,menggunakan search engine pada blog kita,hanya dengan memberi efek clik pada area text,maka text yang ada di area tersebut langsung hilang.Anda juga bisa memberikan kata pada text area,yang nantinya akan keluar setiap blog load.Contohnya,anda bisa melihat..

Lihat Posting Aslinya >>

Membuat Header Menjadi Dua Kolom

Kadang kita mengalami kesulitan jika kita ingin menempatkan suatu elemen baru tepat pada header,atau istilahnya menempatkan sebuah object disamping header.

Ada cara praktis untuk membagi header blog menjadi dua.
Tapi sebelum itu ingat ya..Backup dulu Html anda kedalam Notepad.

Untuk mengantisipasi jika hasil tidak sesuai keinginan anda,anda masih bisa mengembalikan Template seperti semula.

Pergi ke Dashboard---->Tata letak---->Edit Html.
Cari kode seperti di bawah ini :

/* Header
#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 0px;
background:$bgheadercolor url(
no-repeat top center;

#header-inner {
background-position: center;
margin-$startSide: auto;
margin-$endSide: auto;

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margin: 0px;
text-align: left;

Jika sudah ketemu,hapus kode tersebut dan gantilah dengan kode di bawah ini :

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#header-wrapper {
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background:$bgheadercolor url(
no-repeat top center;

#head-inner {
background-position: left;
margin-left: auto;
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margin: 0px;
text-align: left;


Jika sudah anda ganti,masih di halaman Html,cari kode seperti di bawah ini :

<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Test Blog (Header)'

Jika sudah ketemu,ganti kode di atas dengan kode di bawah ini :

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Lalu SimpanTemplate.

Membuat Artikel dan Komentar Terbaru

Membuat Artikel dan Komentar Terbaru: "Untuk memasang Post terbaru dan Komentar yang terbaru,dari blog kita maupun blog orang lain,ada cara praktis yang sudah di sediakan oleh Blogger.Anda tinggal menambahkan elemen baru pada blog,dengan cara Add new Widget,pilih Feed seperti gambar di bawah ini :Masukkan alamat Feed yang ingin anda masukkan ke dalam blog anda.Untuk Judul,anda bisa rubah sendiri sesuai keinginan.Misal,saya ingin ..

Lihat Posting Aslinya >>

Membuat Text Berjalan / Animasi di bar bagian bawah

Membuat text berjalan di bar menu,untuk membuatnya coba ikuti langkah di bawah ini :

Cari kode </head>,Jika sudah ketemu letakkan kode di bawah ini,di atas kode tadi :

<script language='javascript'>
message = "TERIMA KASIH^" +

"DI ^"

scrollSpeed = 120
lineDelay = 0
txt = "by Pujiantoro 2008-2009 "
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pauze = scrollSpeed
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pauze = lineDelay
txt = "by Pujiantoro 2008-2009 "
if (pos == message.length-1) pos = -1

Simpan Template.Selesai.

**Kode ini untuk template lama blogger seperti template yang saya pakai sekarang ya :).

Saya menaruh kode diatas tepat di atas kode </head> pada halaman blog saya.

Hasilnya anda bisa melihatnya ketika anda membuka browser dengan IE (Internet Explorer).

Untuk template blogger yang baru,gunakan cara di bawah ini :

Pergi ke Dashboard----Tata Letak---Edit Html---centang Expand Widget Templates.

Cari kode :</html>
Letakkan kode di bawah ini di atas kode </html> tadi :

<script language='javascript'>
message = "SELAMAT DATANG ^" +

"DI ^" +

scrollSpeed = 120
lineDelay = 0
txt = "by © Pujiantoro 2008-2009 "
function scrollText(pos) {
if (message.charAt(pos) != '^') {
txt = txt + message.charAt(pos)
status = txt
pauze = scrollSpeed
else {
pauze = lineDelay
txt = "by © Pujiantoro 2008-2009 "
if (pos == message.length-1) pos = -1

Simpan Template.

Cara Membuat Blog di Blogger

Membuat Blog di Blogspot / Blogger: "Blog yang sampai saat ini lagi naik daun adalah www.blogger.comUntuk itu,kali ini kita akan membahas membuat blog dari Blogger.Setelah anda masuk halaman,anda akan di hadapkan tulisan yang cukup besar,contoh dalam versi Indonesia,bertuliskan ' CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA 'klik bagian tersebut,kemudian,isilah Alamat Email dengan alamat email anda (lebih bagus jika anda sudah mempunyai..

Lihat Posting Aslinya >>

HTML Background

Kode HTML Image Background / Background berwarna: "Anda ingin merubah warna bakground atau mengganti background blog anda menjadi sebuah gambar?Anda hanya merubah kode warna background pada halaman html anda.**Cara sederhana untuk mendapatkan kode warna,anda bisa ngutak-atik fitur dari blogger.di pengaturan Huruf dan Warna,disebelah kanan,tertera kode warna dari warna yang kita ingin pilih.Mengingat hanya untuk keperluan utak-atik,bersihkan edit,..

Menuju Posting Aslinya »

Iklan di bawah posting

Meletakkan / Menambahkan Iklan di bawah posting: "Anda ingin meletakkan iklan Adsense,AdBrite,maupun kode iklan lain ke dalam blog persis di bawah posting?Ada cara mudah meletakkan kode iklan seperti iklan AdSense tepat di bawah postingan,tapi inget ya,Untuk Adsense,ini berlaku untuk Adsense for Content. Tapi,sebelumnya,anda sudah menggunakan fitur Read more../Selengkapnya..atau yang sejenis dalam body posting ya..jika belum anda buat,buatlah ..

Menuju Posting Aslinya »

Membuat Bingkai Photo Profil pada Blog

Membuat Bingkai Photo Profil pada Blog: "Banyak blogger yang biasa memampang photo profil mereka,meski banyak jugayang menyembunyikan identitas mereka.Untuk anda yang ingin memodifikasi borderdari photo profil,cari kode berikut pada halaman html anda :.profile-img img {float:left;padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd;margin:0 8px 3px 0;}Anda hanya disuruh merubah tebal bordernya (yang berwarna hijau ),setelah anda rubah,maka menjadi seperti..

Menuju Posting Aslinya »

Chris Returns with a New Tattoo Putting a Face on Addiction

Earlier this month, I posted about Chris's tattoos (here) and how they represented his battle with addiction.

This past weekend, Chris sent me a follow-up, showing me a new tattoo he had just had inked. It's certainly worth sharing here, as it is not only impressive work, but it continues addressing his struggle with addiction.

Check it out:

Chris explains:
"Just yesterday [June 18, 2010] Ii had an absolutely incredible piece done on my left shoulder. I work at The Painted Bird Tattoo and the newly-opened Boston Tattoo Company (same owners) ... To help celebrate the grand opening weekend of the Boston Tattoo Company, we were fortunate enough to bring in a very talented artist (not to mention one of the nicest most genuine people I've ever met), named Christian Perez. I was able to get an appointment with him and he channeled exactly what I wanted into my skin.

I talked to him prior to his visit and told him that it seemed like every tattoo I thought about getting lately was all dark imagery which I attribute to the disease of addiction which still lives inside me. I wanted to bring all the evil, sickness, and wickedness of my past life to the surface, give it form so I can "see" my demon, if you will. This was the result ... you should think about making trip to Boston sometime. Lots of great artists and great work around here. Also, as of July, Christian will be tattooing out of Hope Gallery in New Haven, CT."

Thanks to Chris for following up with us and sending in this photo of his new tattoo. Former contributors are always welcome to submit their new work for us all to see and enjoy here on Tattoosday.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Anthony's Dragon (and more!)

I spotted Anthony on the N train in Brooklyn and was happy to see him also switching for the local R train at 59th Street.

As luck would have it, both of us were headed home to Bay Ridge.

Anthony has a bunch of tattoos, and I snapped this photo of the dragon on his upper right arm:

It was inked by Joe at Brooklyn Ink.

He estimated that the work so far has been completed in about three two-hour sessions.

Work from Joe and other artists at Brooklyn Ink has previously appeared quite frequently on Tattoosday (all posts tagged as such here).

Anthony later emailed me photos of these shots as well:

The praying hands holding the rosary, I recall him telling me, were tattooed at Distinction Ink in Brooklyn. The tattoo reads "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned".

He did not tell me where he had this tribal sun done, but it's definitely an attention-grabbing piece and certainly worth a mention.

Thanks to Anthony for sharing his tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Video Dinyatakan Asli, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari Bisa Kena Pidana

Polisi mengungkapkan Ariel, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari adalah orang dalam video mesum yang beredar luas itu. Oleh karena itu, Luna dan Cut Tari bisa terkena pasal dalam UU Pornografi karena menjadi model dalam video.

Praktisi hukum Elza Syarif menilai, pernyataan Kabid Penum Mabes Polri Kombes Pol Marwoto yang menegaskan keaslian video Ariel, akan membawa dampak pidana terhadap Luna dan Cut Tari berdasarkan UU Pornografi.

"Bisa kena juga jadi tersangka dan ditahan, karena menjadi model untuk pornografi," kata Elza dalam perbincangan dengan detikcom, Rabu (23/6/2010).

Menurut Elza, pasal 8 UU Pornografi melarang setiap orang menjadi obyek atau model pornografi. Luna dan Cut Tari bisa tersangkut pasal ini. Bahkan, Ariel yang sebelumnya dikenakan pasal 4 karena dinilai membuat video, malah ketambahan pasal baru.

"Dalam pasal 9, setiap orang dilarang menjadikan orang lain obyek atau model pornografi," jelasnya.

Pernyataan polisi ini, lanjut Elza, semakin menguatkan dugaan keterlibatan Ariel, Luna dan Cut Tari dalam video porno ini. Ada pembuat video, dan ada yang menjadi model. Semua terkena dalam sejumlah pasal dalam UU Pornografi.

"Semua pasal ini saling melengkapi," tutup pengacara ini.

Sebelumnya Kabid Penum Mabes Polri Kombes Pol Marwoto menegaskan Ariel, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari adalah benar orang yang video mesumnya beredar luas di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu penyidik melakukan pemeriksaan fisik terhadap mereka.

"Iya (mereka-red) di video itu. Tapi nanti kan dikroscek lagi sama fisiknya dan di luar itu penyidik yang tahu," ungkap Marwoto di Mabes Polri, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (21/6/2010) kemarin.


Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Jenn's Ink Celebrates a Seventies Vibe

On a day that found me unsuccessful with inkspotting the 5th Avenue Festival in Bay Ridge, Fate walked me past Jenn, sitting outside a laundromat a block away from my home.

She happily shared the work on her upper left arm:

These stunning colors encircled her biceps.

She said this piece, inked by Jared Stomber at Kustom Kulture Ink in Baldwin, New York, is an "ode to 1970's fashion". This is one area of interest to her that moves her artistically and she wanted to express it through body art.

Fictional character Rhoda Morgenstern (from The Mary Tyler Moore Show and spin off Rhoda) was among the cultural icons that inspired the design.

The inner part of Jenn's arm also features artwork that recalls the animated birds from the opening sequence of The Partridge Family.

Although her birds are much more elaborate.

Thanks to Jenn for sharing this amazing tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Gabung Yuk Masak Bareng di Acara The Chef & The Cook Bareng Chef Welly

Acara Masak The Chef & The Cook bersama Chef Welly akan segera dilaksanakan. Program dari sahabat nestle ini mengundang Anda semua untuk masak bareng Chef Welly. Saratnya gampang, yang penting Anda bisa mengolah masakan sehat dan lezat. Tentu saja Chef Welly akan memandu Anda bagaimana membuat masakan rumahan menjadi masakan yang sehat dan lezat serta berbeda dari biasanya. Tunggu apalagi, mari bergabung, baca sarat dan ketentuannya pada link berikut ini:

Monday, 21 June 2010

Lisa's Guardian Angel

I met Lisa recently on the subway platform at West 4th Street.

She had this cool tattoo on her right forearm:

The tattoo, which took four hours to complete, is Lisa's guardian angel.

Lisa told me that this is a representation of her guardian angel, a "spiritual guide," although she emphasized that she's not religious.

She had the basic idea for the tattoo and took it to Scott Campbell at Saved Tattoo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She pointed out that she absolutely loves the work he did with the shading in the tattoo:

Work from Saved has appeared previously on Tattoosday here. This, however, is the first work we've seen by Scott Campbell in our travels.

Thanks to Lisa for sharing her angelic tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Kondom unik pencegah perkosaan

Menurut data dari situs Human Rights Watch, dilaporkan, Afrika Selatan memegang angka tertinggi untuk tindakan kriminal pemerkosaan. Sementara data tahun 2009 dari Medical Research Council negara tersebut mengatakan bahwa 28 persen pria di sana pernah memerkosa perempuan, baik dewasa maupun kecil. Hal ini mengundang keprihatinan dunia. Di sana pula didata memiliki tingkat infeksi HIV/AIDS yang tinggi.

Seorang dokter di Afrika Selatan, dr Sonnet Ehlers, mencoba membantu para perempuan agar bisa melindungi dirinya dari pemerkosaan dengan menciptakan kondom pelindung untuk perempuan yang bisa "menggigit" penis yang mencoba masuk ke dalam liang vagina.

Empat puluh tahun lamanya dr Ehlers mencoba mencari bentuk kondom untuk perlindungan tersebut. Ide ini tercetus ketika seorang perempuan berusia 20 tahunan datang kepadanya meminta bantuan usai diperkosa dan mengatakan harapannya untuk memiliki "gigi" di organ intimnya agar bisa membuat jera si pemerkosa. Untuk mencoba menciptakan kondom ini, dr Ehlers menjual mobil dan rumahnya agar bisa mendanai proyek ini.

Untuk membuat kondom yang diberi nama Rape-aXe ini, ia berkonsultasi dengan insinyur, ginekolog, dan psikolog. Cara penggunaannya cukup mudah, si wanita cukup menggunakannya dengan menyelipkannya di dalam vagina. Bagian dalam kondom ini memiliki "gigi" yang mirip kail-kail. Jika ada penis yang mencoba masuk, kail-kail tersebut akan mencengkeram dan akan sulit untuk dibuka. Makin dicoba untuk membuka, makin kencang gigitannya. Hingga diperlukan dokter untuk bisa melepaskan kondom tersebut. Harapannya, ketika si pelaku harus ke dokter, si korban bisa melaporkan atau si pelaku bisa diproses oleh pihak berwajib.

Orang yang "tergigit" akan sulit untuk membuang air, bahkan sulit untuk berjalan kaki, namun tidak akan merusak kulit. Kondom ini terbuat dari lateks, asalkan tidak ada lubang, tidak akan menyebarkan cairan yang bisa saja menyebarkan infeksi HIV dari pelaku ke korban.

Sebagai percobaan awal, Dr Ehlers membagikan kondom ini di berbagai kota di Afrika Selatan tempat pelaksanaan Piala Dunia tahun ini. Kabarnya, kondom ini akan dijual dengan harga sekitar $2. Menurutnya, situasi ideal untuk penggunaan kondom ini adalah ketika seorang perempuan merasa akan melewati daerah yang dirasa berbahaya atau kala akan pergi kencan pertama dengan orang yang belum ia kenal dekat.Sempat ditanyakan pula kepada beberapa pemerkosa di penjara apakah dengan adanya kondom ini akan membuat niat mereka untuk memerkosa berkurang, dikabarkan beberapa napi di sana menjawab, ya. Namun, kehadiran kondom ini pun menuai kritik.

sumber :

Ariel dan wartawan

Dua kali datang ke Mabes Polri, Nazriel Irham alias Ariel harus berhadapan dengan banyak peliput kasus peredaran video-video seks yang menyeret namanya. Dalam dua kesempatan itu terjadi dua kecelakaan. Kamera seorang koresponden TV rusak karena dihalau oleh Ariel dan seorang peliput tertabrak ketika mobil yang ditumpangi oleh Ariel hendak pergi. Ternyata, hal itu membuat Ariel ketakutan terhadap para peliput.

Kuasa hukum Ariel dan Luna Maya, OC Kaligis, menyatakan hal itu ketika ditemui di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Senin (21/6/2010). "Sekarang si Ariel itu makin takut sama wartawan karena waktu itu dia kaget dipukul-pukul mobilnya. Ariel sempat nanya, 'Bagaimana ini, Bang?' Saya bilang, 'Ya, sudahlah. Bagaimanapun, wartawan itu kawan," kata Kaligis.

Jumat lalu (11/6/2010), seusai menjalani pemeriksaan di Mabes Polri, Ariel sempat merusak kamera milik koresponden Trans TV, Zikrulloh. Ariel sendiri berkilah bahwa ia melakukan perusakan itu secara spontan lantaran peliput tersebut terlalu dekat ketika mengambil gambar. Akibatnya, lensa dan mikrofon kamera rusak.

Minggu berikutnya, pada Jumat (18/6/2010), Ariel juga harus berurusan dengan para peliput. Kaki wartawan Tabloid Nova, Anti, terlindas ban belakang mobil yang ditumpangi oleh Ariel.

OC Kaligis mengaku sudah menemui Dewan Pers untuk berkonsultasi terkait hal itu. "Saya sudah coba bilang ke Dewan Pers, bagaimana kalau kami no comment, tapi tetap dipaksa juga. Kata Dewan Pers, narasumber boleh kok no comment. Tapi, sebenarnya waktu itu saya juga panggil dia (Ariel) untuk ke depan dan ngomong, tetapi masih ada kejadian itu," tuturnya.

OC Kaligis menambahkan, Senin (21/6/2010), baik Ariel maupun Luna tidak ada jadwal pemeriksaan di Mabes Polri. Menurutnya, kedatangan dia ke Mabes Polri hari ini untuk mengurus kasus lain. (ANI-kompas)

A Father's Day Bonus: Janet Spots Ink on the Subway

Last month, my friend Janet (whose ink was featured on Tattoosday here) sent me the following photo:

 Janet reports:
"I took this pic in the 1 train, 23rd Street downtown subway station. The guy was *lovely* and looked like a big construction worker. His name is James, and so is his son's, pictured."
I figured this would be a nice father's day bonus.

Katie Carries Her Father's Heart (and Her Mom's and Brother's, Too)

As a tribute to dads today on Father's Day, here's a tattoo from earlier in the week:

This tattoo, on the upper left side of Katie's back, is more of a family tribute, than just a father's honor, but her dad did have a hand in the design.

The words are from the last line of an e.e. cummings poem, "i carry your heart with me":

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
The three hearts were drawn by Katie's mother, father, and brother. As she sees it, she is always carrying their hearts with her at all times.

It's a nice tribute to her family.

This is one of three tattoos that Katie has. The font used is designed to look similar to cummings' typewriter-style of print.

The artist was Cash at Addicted to Ink in White Plains, New York. Work from Addicted to Ink has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Thanks to Katie for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Maths was easy to make

Reality in our society that, until now, math and calculus lesson is still a frightening lesson for most students either primary, secondary or above. We do not know how long these scary impression will be lost in our educational environment. Actually has a lot of scientists who have contributed their thoughts to come easier for math by developing methods of accurate and quick in doing the questions in math.

The ability of students to receive lessons also be one factor for whether the math is easily absorbed or not. Children with high IQs would be more receptive to learning than those with low IQs are. To enhance the ability of the child in doing math homework should be attempted in a fun and friendly atmosphere in order to create the impression that math is a fun lesson.

People say, first impressions will determine the next activity. Assistance and guidance of parents may help solve calculus for children. If the parents are not able to assist their homework, now it has a lot of courses that can help our children when they have problems in their lessons. As for those who are in K-12 and college will be easier to get free math tutoring from the internet. And courses for free assistance given to help us in understanding the math lesson to be more easily learned and understood so that the scary impression of the longer math lessons will be increasingly lost.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Belinda's Penny-Farthing

At the end of May, I spotted Belinda's unusual bicycle tattoo on the 34th Street subway platform during Friday afternoon rush hour:

Of course, I asked her about this piece on her left ankle, since it isn't too often you see old-fashioned bicycle tattoos on people.

Belinda explained tha a while back she had gone on a pilgrimmage to Spain, which included a 100-mile trek on bicycles. This design is of the "high wheel bicycle" that was introduced in the late 19th century and is more commonly referred to as the penny-farthing. She told me that this was a much more efficient bicycle than had been seen before. The larger wheel allowed it to travel better, although the falls from a much greater height were a problem.

Belinda added,

"The purpose of the pilgrimage was not religious but more a curiosity to see this path (the Way of St. James) that people have been taking for hundreds and hundreds of years just because of faith. I felt it was a great way to see the real "Spain" by riding through the small villages and woods...we ended in Santiago de Compostela..."
This tattoo was inked by one of the artists at NY Adorned. Work from Adorned has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Thanks again to Belinda for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Seandainya indonesia sehat

Seandainya semua orang berprilaku hidup sehat dan terhindar dari segala jenis penyakit, apakah dokter, perawat dan apoteker kehilangan pekerjaan?Seandainya pasien tidak lagi membutuhkan diagnosa, resep dan therapi apa lagi yang harus dilakukan oleh dokter?Seandainya pasien tidak lagi menginginkan dirawat di rumah sakit, klinik dan puskesmas, apakah perawat masih dibutuhkan?Seandainya pasien tidak

Kue Kering Lebaran Pasti Jadi

Sebentar lagi bulan puasa dan lebaran, mulai sekarang, hangatkan oven Anda untuk mencoba resep kue kering yang praktis dan ekonomis untuk mengisi stoples di kala perayaan lebaran tiba. Resep Corn Flakes Cookies berikut bisa menjadi pilihan, resepnya mudah dibuat dan bahannya mudah di dapat. Jika Anda jeli membaca peluang usaha, resep ini juga bisa dijadikan pegangan resep wirausaha kue kering. Selamat Mencoba. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo

Corn Flakes Cookies

750 g tepung terigu rendah protein/cap kunci
600 g mentega/margarin
150 g gula halus
6 butir kuning telur
1 butir telur
50 g tepung maizena
100 g corn flakes
½ sdt baking powder
½ sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
1. Campur tepung terigu, tepung maizena dan baking powder, aduk rata. Ayak. Sisihkan.
2. Kocok margarin, telur, kuning telur, gula halus dan garam. Kocok menggunakan mixer hingga lembut (2menit).
3. Masukkan campuran tepung ke dalam kocokan margarin. Aduk menggunakan spatula plastik/sendok kayu hingga tercampur rata.
4. Sendoki adonan dan letakan di atas loyang beroles margarin. Rapikan bentuknya. Tancapkan corn flakes di permukaan adonan yang telah dibentuk. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
5. Panggang adonan di dalam oven bertemperatur 150oC selama 20 menit atau hingga kue matang dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat. Dinginkan.
6. Kemas kue di dalam stoples kedap udara.
Untuk ± 1750 g

Tip: Jangan memanggang kue ini dalam suhu tinggi karena corn flakes akan gosong namun bagian tengah kue belum matang. Corn flakes bisa diganti dengan rice flakes atau coco crunch.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Djepok -,Hi! From Admin

Emergency answer to Djepok - djepok . blogspot . com

Hi! Djepok di djepok . blogspot . com

Ini jawaban kaitanya dengan 'submitted url of the month' yang anda komentari pada submitted artikel dari sahabat Pelajaran Blog di 'Hosting Murah Indonesia,indositehost dot com'.

Kami tidak mengetahui dan tidak bertanggung jawab atas hasil submit
sahabat Pelajaran Blog.
Jika anda merasa dirugikan atas hasil submit yang bersangkutan,kami sarankan untuk menyelesaikannya dengan pihak yang bersangkutan,bukankah alamat blog tersubmit telah tercantum?

Pelajaran Blog hanyalah sarana pembangun backlink,kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas isi yang terkandung dalam hasil submit sahabat Pelajaran Blog.

Sesama blogger,hendaknya kita saling berkompetisi dengan positif dan menyelesaikan dengan sikap yang positif pula.

Jika saya melihat cara anda dalam menghadapi 'permasalahan ini',saya kira mas,mbak,pakde,mbah ataupun siapa anda,hai! djepok anda kurang professional dan proposional.

Saya mengerti kekesalan dan kekecewaan anda,namun hendaknya masalah ini anda tanggapi dengan sedikit lebih sopan dan ideal.

Seberapa besar sih hadiah yang akan anda dapatkan dalam kontes seo ini dibandingkan dengan harga diri anda?
Hai Djepok,Anda seorang blogger bukan?

Tapi ini membuat kami untuk belajar lagi.
Jika ada waktu nanti,fitur submit url akan kami buat ketentuan baru,disamping itu kami sebagai admin juga merasa gerah dengan adanya dan banyaknya submitted url yang melanggar ketentuan.

Hai Djepok,terima kasih telah berkunjung serta saran dan kritikannya yang sangat 'membangun' :D

Sebastian's Sugar Skull

A small post about a sugar skull for a Friday.

I met Sebastian on 33rd Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues last week.

Among his several tattoos is this sugar skull that was inked by New York City artist Byron Velasquez:

Byron now tattoos out of Abstract Black NYC. Work from Byron has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Loyal readers will know how I seldom tire of sugar skull tattoos and, whenever I post one, I like to link the tag (click here) that unites all previous Tattoosday sugar skulls appearing on the blog.

Like snowflakes, sugar skull tattoos are never identical.

Sebastian appreciates his sugar skull mostly for the way it represents both life and death.

Thanks to Sebastian for sharing his sugar skull with us here on Tattoosday!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Hannah's Parrot is a Love Bird

I spotted this avian tattoo on the right calf of Hannah one afternoon in a Duane Reade store:

Hannah explained that this tattoo is romantic at its core.

Married couples often have pet names for one another, or nicknames, at the very least. Hannah and her husband Kevin are no exception to this rule.

They refer to one another as birds, extending the metaphor to calling their apartment their "nest" and their car as the "moveable nest".

So Hannah wanted a bird tattoo, with the plan for Kevin to get an owl tattoo to give them an avian set.

She took a photo of a blue and gold macaw with her to the artist Nalla Smith at Inkstop NYC on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. This lovely parrot tattoo was the end result. Work from Inkstop NYC has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Kevin's owl is on hold while he finishes a Capricorn sea goat tattoo in progress on his right arm.

Thanks to Hannah (and Kevin) for talking tattoo with us here at Tattoosday and sharing their work. We're looking forward to sharing Kevin's finished tattoo in the future!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Dana Aspirasi apakah merupakan Cara Baru Korupsi DPR?

Sejak dilantik menjadi anggota DPR, wakil rakyat di Senayan tak berhenti menggulirkan gagasan yang cenderung kontroversial dan mengundang kritik. Mulai dari anggaran untuk pembangunan gedung baru, renovasi rumah dinas hingga usulan dana aspirasi Rp 15 miliar bagi setiap anggota DPR.

Keberadaan dana aspirasi itu juga memunculkan kekhawatiran di kalangan publik. Mereka menilai dana aspirasi DPR akan menjadi lahan korupsi baru di parlemen. Karena, akan sulit dipastikan apakah dana itu diterima/tidak oleh masyarakat. Belum tentu dana itu sampai ke masyarakat di masing-masing dapil. Bisa jadi hanya sampai ke tim sukses mereka saja.

Usulan politikus Senayan untuk mengelola dana aspirasi dinilai sangat mengada-ada.

Jika terealisasi, hal ini jelas melanggar UU No 17 tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara, UU No 1 tahun 2004 tentang Perbendaharaan Negara, UU No 32 tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, dan UU No 33 tahun 2004 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintahan Daerah.

Kita bersyukur, bahwasannya Pemerintah menolak usulan anggota DPR tersebut karena

dianggap berpotensi melanggar Undang-Undang. Dana aspirasi DPR, tidak memiliki dasar konstitusi yang kuat. DPR tidak mempunyai fungi dan tugas untuk mengalokasikan dana ke daerah. Selain itu, bentuk alokasi dana itu juga dinilai janggal. Bahkan cenderung merusak sistem administrasi keuangan negara.

DPR sebaiknya tidak perlu “ngotot” untuk melanjutkan usulan dana aspirasi tersebut.

Jika yang diinginkan adalah pemerataan pembangunan, DPR harus melakukan pengawasan terhadap program-program pemerintah secara optimal. Apabila ingin memperjuangkan Dapilnya masing-masing, maka sampaikan aspirasi masyarakat ke Kementerian yang terkait, bukan harus sebagai pelaksana pengguna anggaran.

sumber :

Insurance a necessity

Insurance is required now, whether it be life insurance, education insurance, fire insurance, health insurance, vehicle insurance and so forth. Insurance companies following damage due to collateral requirements, health, education, children and even guaranteed to get care and compensation for the damage suffers car.

More and more kinds of insurance that is now growing, increasingly allows us to choose the right insurance in accordance with our needs. Customize our monthly income is also to follow an insurance, not to because it follows the insurance, real life fall apart because we think the premium to be paid each month. Count lucky to lose and how good your insurance services that will follow them.

For example we will follow an income protection insurance. Consider the insurance benefit as well, learn how to work and procedures. So also with our participation in the accident insurance, each person will be more comfortable having insurance that can claim any time of need. Imagine if we did not have a single example of insurance health insurance as a guarantee when we are sick. Insurance has become one of the basic needs that need to be owned by each person to become more comfortable life

Kat's Mucha Tattoo, With a Twist of Lemony Snicket

At 31st Street and 7th Avenue, I stopped Kat to ask about her ink.

She was happy to see me and had been wondering, having previously read Tattoosday and knowing she worked in the same area as I did, if our paths would ever cross.

She has seven tattoos (and a cool blog here), but we focused on the large tattoo on her upper right arm:

 Or, looking at it as a whole:

The art is based on the work of Alphonse Mucha, who has inspired a couple of other tattoos appearing previously on Tattoosday here and here.

If that second link looks familiar, it is because both Kat's tattoo and Delissa's are inspired by the same work, "Monaco".


Kat's tattoo is interpreted a little differently, translated with brighter colors, which, in Kat's words, were "amped up to be on my arm".

The plan is eventually for this tattoo to expand to be a half-sleeve.

The phrase "the world is quiet here" is a nod to a motto for a secret organization known as V.F.D. in A Series of Unfortunate Eventsby Lemony Snicket. These books are favorites among Kat's list of much-loved titles.

Her work was created by the artist Joy Rumore at Twelve 28 Tattoo in Brooklyn.

Kind thanks to Kat for sharing her work with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Julie's Crazy Tattoo

Inkspotting can be impulsive, but I also like to approach each volunteer after some consideration.

Rather than rush up on someone and barrage them with questions, I like to make sure the tattoo(s) in question are not only interesting to me, but will be interesting to others.

When I spotted Julie's back in Penn Station, for example, I hesitated:

It wasn't initially clear what her tattoo said and I was struck by its uniqueness. A huge fan of word and type tattoos, I couldn't recall ever seeing anything quite like it.

So my curiosity got the best of me and I introduced myself to Julie.

The tattoo "Loufoque," which is a slang term in butcher jargon for "crazy person". Julie explained that she apprenticed with a butcher shop for six months and it was a word she often heard tossed about by the staff, occasionally used when referring to a customer who might be difficult or, let's say, insane.

The term Loufuque derived from 19th Century butcher slang and it became part of the vernacular. Julie thought that this tattoo would be a great way to commemorate her experience.

The tattoo was done by Ryoko at Brooklyn Tattoo. I asked the artist where she came up with the letter design and she kindly gave me a little more perspective:

"I recall Julie requesting the letters themselves to express lunacy. The final design in the photo is my own interpretation of what she had asked for and I think my intention here was to make the phrase look chaotic and disorderly, yet somewhat maintaining it's legibility. It's what I was able to put together by trying to depict what she might have been imagining in her head at the time."
So, this post was written and prepped and I was online doing some final research when I stumbled upon this tidbit of information from "Of Meat and Men" by Rachel Kramer Bussel over on The Daily Beast:

Her goodbye present from the Fleisher’s staff is a set of knives inscribed with her name and “Loufoque,” French-butcher Pig Latin for “Crazy Lady,” a term she now has permanently tattooed across her back. Yet Powell now sounds much surer of herself than the lost woman whom we find in the early pages of Cleaving. Next up is a stab at a novel: “I’ve written quite enough memoirs for a 36-year-old.”

Was this coincidence? Or were we talking about the same person?

Scrolling back in the article, I discovered that the Powell here and the Julie that I met in Penn Station were one and the same person.

The same person who crafted The Julie/Julia Project, in which the author blogged her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, which became a book, which in turn became the film Julie and Julia. All of this Julie never once mentioned. Then again, I never asked. And it is all about the tattoo, after all.

That being said, thanks to Ryoko for sharing her thoughts about creating this tattoo, and a hearty thanks to Julie Powell for sharing this interesting tattoo. I'm glad my curiosity got the better of me!

Monday, 14 June 2010

Anna's Marriage Tattoo

With inkspotting, timing is an essential part of the luck in finding interesting tattoos.

I was about to leave the James Farley Post Office when Melanie called me on my cell. During the several minutes that we spoke, a woman named Anna walked up next to me and started preparing an envelope for mailing. Had Melanie not called, I would have been out on the street, completely missing her.

Anna has a remarkable tattoo that travels up her arm, over her shoulder, onto her back, and down her side. Representing a species of kelp, the tattoo which honors her father, a marine biologist, was both too large and partially covered, for her to share with us here at Tattoosday.

Rather, she allowed me to photograph this tattoo on her right biceps:

This tattoo, which looks a lot like a woodcut, is a representation of an ink drawing of a farmer in the city which, in turn, was inspired by the Scott Walker song "Farmer in the City (Remembering Pasolini)" from his album Tilt.

Take a listen:

Rather than exchange wedding bands, Anna and her husband instead got matching tattoos. "Farmer in the City" is their song, and the tattoos are matrimonial bonds that are in their flesh, rather than on their hands.

It's quite a lovely idea and reminds me of what our friend Carrie and her husband did (read about it here) after their wedding.

This tattoo was inked by Zee at Studio Zee in New Haven, Connecticut.

Thanks to Anna for sharing her matrimonial tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!