Thursday 12 May 2011

Plant family medicine

Family of medicinal plants (abbreviated TOGA) is a plant cultivated as a medicinal nutritious homemade. Garden of family medicine is essentially a piece of land, either in the yard, garden or fields used to cultivate plants that efficacious as medication in order to meet family needs for drugs. Garden herbs or ingredients and then be channeled to the public, especially drug derived from plants. Cultivation of medicinal plants for the family (TOGA) to encourage small and medium enterprises in the field of herbal medicine even if done individually. Each family can cultivate medicinal plants and use it independently, so that will materialize the principle of self-reliance in family medicine.

In Indonesia, the use of plants as medicines has lasted thousands of years ago. In the mid-seventeenth century into a botanists named Jacobus Rontius (1592 - 1631) announced the efficacy of herbs in his book De Indiae Untriusquere Naturali et Medica. Although only 60 species of plants studied, but this book is the basis of research medicinal herbs by NA van Rheede tot Draakestein (1637 - 1691) in his Hortus indicus Malabaricus. In 1888 founded Chemis Pharmacologisch Laboratory as part of the Bogor Botanical Garden with the aim of investigating the ingredients or substances contained in plants which can be used for drugs. Further research and publications on efficacy of medicinal plants is growing.