Wednesday 10 December 2008

Search and find magazines on Google Book Search

The word "magazine" is derived from the Arabic word "makhazin," meaning storehouse. Since Daniel Defoe published the world's first English magazine back in 1704, millions of magazines catering to nearly every imaginable taste have been created and consumed, passed from person to person in cafes, barber shops, libraries, and homes around the world. If you're wondering what cars people drove in the eighties or what was in fashion thirty years ago, there's a good chance that you'll find that answer in a magazine. Yet few magazine archives are currently available online.

Today, we're announcing an initiative to help bring more magazine archives and current magazines online, partnering with publishers to begin digitizing millions of articles from titles as diverse as New York Magazine, Popular Mechanics, and Ebony. Are you a baseball history fanatic? Try a search for [hank aaron pursuing babe ruth's record] on Google Book Search. You'll find a link to a 1973 Ebony article about Hank Aaron, written as he closed in on Babe Ruth's original record for career home runs. You can read the article in full color and in its original context, just as you would in the printed magazine. Scroll back a few pages, for example, and you'll find a two-page spread on 1973's fall fashions. If you'd like to read further, you can click on "Browse all issues" to view issues from across the decades.

Explore other publications, like Popular Science, New York Magazine, or (for you physics enthusiasts) the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, to rediscover historical interviews, do-it-yourself articles, and even a piece on canine eyewear. In many cases, these magazines aren't just history as history, but history as perspective — a way of understanding today.

You can search for magazines through Google Book Search. Try queries like [obama keynote convention], [hollywood brat pack] or [world's most challenging crossword] and you'll find magazine articles alongside books results. Magazine articles are tagged with the keyword "Magazine" on the search snippet.

Over time, as we scan more articles, you'll see more and more magazines appear in Google Book Search results. Eventually, we'll also begin blending magazine results into our main search results, so you may begin finding magazines you didn't even know you were looking for. For now you can restrict your search to magazines we've scanned by trying an advanced search.

For years, we've worked to make as much information as possible accessible online, whether that information comes from books, newspapers, or images. We think that bringing more magazines online is one more important step toward our long-standing goal of providing access to all the world's information.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Tattoos from the Blogosphere: The Back of Nathan's Legs

My recent affiliation with Nathan over at has been fairly sparse with the cold weather seizing the Northeast. However once he added me as a contributing writer, I queried about him sending me photos of some of his ink to put up over here on Tattoosday. This post reflects a couple of leg pieces he sports.

First a pre-color peek:

And then, with some color, in its completed form:

A little limb isolation (click to enlarge):

These pieces were inked by Jason Brooks ("he is incredible") at Rock of Ages Tattooing in Austin, Texas.

The following is an excerpt from Nathan's blog, which begins to explain "bitter strength" and "Quixotic honor":

So I went under the gun again. First time in almost six years. I was just supposed to get the outlines done, but then his appointment after me canceled and I got a four hour session. The crook behind the knee and the area around the Achilles tendon were miserably painful, but the rest was pretty tolerable.

The theme behind the piece is a warning about virtues bordering on being vices. Values that can bite you back. Just because I am strong enough to endure hardship does not make it any less hard. Sometimes not bearing the load is better than having the strength. Honor is good up to the point that it becomes pride or self delusion. Of course it also works backwards. I am strong enough to persevere. Sometimes the windmills are dragons in disguise.

Thanks to Nathan for sharing his ink here on Tattoosday. Be sure to check out his ink blog here. Who knows, may be you'll see a post by yours truly over there one of these days...

Monday 8 December 2008

Thanks from Us Here at Tattoosday!

On Thursday, December 4, at 4:31pm E.S.T., Tattoosday logged its 100,000th hit.

Someone up at Humber College in Toronto googled something that directed them to this photo:

which is from one of my favorite posts ever.

If you have become a reader since last May, I encourage you to go back and check out that post.

Regardless, thanks to everyone who has visited since Tattoosday's inception. 100k is nothing to sneeze at. I wouldn't keep doing this if it weren't for the people checking in on a regular basis.
Please, keep coming back!

Friday 5 December 2008

Pirates vs. Ninjas: Who would win?

The rivalry has become a social phenomenon, from YouTube videos condemning pirates' accents to movies predicting the outcome of a final showdown, and games that let you decide who's the mightiest. The clash comes to a head twice a year: Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th, and the Day of the Ninja on December 5th.

In September, we announced support for searching in pirate in time for the rum-filled celebrations. But when we sat down to brainstorm how one might search in ninja, we had a challenge. As far as we know, ninjas communicate telepathically -- and sadly, our search algorithm isn't quite there yet.

In fact, due to the stealth behavior inherent to ninja life, we didn't even know how to contact one for a consultation. We started looking for evidence of ninja activity on the web, and what we found confirmed our own inability to locate ninjas. Over the last four years, searches for ninjas have steadily increased:

But does an increase in curiosity indicate an increase in the ninja population? To answer this, we took a peek into our aggregated search terms over 2008. What we found seems to support the notion of a pervasive ninja community. But even that's open to interpretation:

Top Queries of 2008 related to "Ninjas Are..."
  1. ninjas are there
  2. ninjas are everywhere
  3. ninjas are better
  4. ninjas are awesome
  5. ninjas are sexy

Are we witnessing a quiet but steady ninja takeover? Should pirates be taking to the seas? Only time will tell. Or take matters into your own hands by comparing queries and graphs yourself using our Insights for Search tool.

Posted by Kasia Chmielinski, Google Blog Team

Acara House & Living di DAAI TV

Di tengah maraknya acara tv yang penuh kekerasan, tayangan mistik dan suguhan sinetron tidak mendidik. DAAI tv hadir dengan format berbeda. Seluruh acaranya mengajarkan kasih sayang, cinta lingkungan, semangat berbagi, kebersamaan, gaya hidup sehat serta mendidik. Pilihan tepat bagi pemirsa tv Indonesia.

Acara stasiun DAAI tv kian beragam. Salah satu acara barunya adalah HOUSE & LIVING. Sebuah acara keluarga berdurasi 30 menit dan dibagi dalam tiga segmen, yaitu, Do It Your Self, Good Idea, dan Tea Time.

Do It Your Self
Berisikan ide-ide pemanfaatan barang tidak berguna menjadi barang baru yang bernilai guna. Setelah menyaksikan tayangan ini, pemirsa diharapkan terinspirasi untuk memanfaatkan barang bekas yang tidak berguna atau limbah, diolah menjadi produk baru yang bermanfaat dan bernilai ekonomi.

Good Idea
Sesuai namanya, Segmen ini menayangkan berbagai tip & trik pekerjaan dapur, rumah maupun kegiatan di luar rumah. Sederhana namun bermanfaat sehingga memberikan solusi bagi pemirsa. Semua tip & trik yang disuguhkan dapat dilakukan sendiri bagi para pemirsa di rumah.

Tea Time
Pada bagian ini, Budi Boga akan mempraktekkan resep kudapan yang praktis, mudah dibuat, sehat dan bergizi.

Acara HOUSE & LIVING mulai tayang Hari Minggu, 7 Desember 2008 pada Jam 9.00 WIB. Bagi Anda yang tinggal di daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, DAAI tv ada di channel UHF 59. Sedangkan untuk Kota Medan DAAI tv ada di saluran 51 UHF.

Saksikan acara-acara DAAI tv dan Anda akan mendapatkan banyak inspirasi seperti orang-orang di dalam link ini

Google Friend Connect: now available

We're pleased to share that Google Friend Connect is now available in beta to any webmaster looking to add a "dash of social" to his or her site. This service lets webmasters add social features to their sites by simply copying and pasting a few snippets of code — no advanced coding or technical background required.

We know that people want to be social on the web, and Friend Connect makes it easy for anyone to sign in to a website, share a little bit about themselves through a personal profile, discover other people with similar interests, invite their contacts, and interact with friends. Even better, you don't have to deal with the hassle of creating yet another username and password — Friend Connect lets you log in using an existing account from Google, Yahoo, AOL, or OpenID. Similarly, you can choose to either establish a new profile or use profiles and friend sources from other social networks that have opened up their services, like Plaxo and orkut. To learn more, watch the video tour below:

We launched Friend Connect as a preview release in May, and since then we have been working closely with a handful of website owners, social networks, and application developers to improve its speed and scalability, ease of use, and customization capabilities. We've also expanded the features available to users with richer, more integrated profiles and new ways to discuss and share content, like including YouTube videos in your comments.

Friend Connect's goal is to facilitate an open social web. Using open standards like OpenID and OAuth, Friend Connect makes it simple for people to instantly interact with one another on the sites that they already love to visit. Additionally, websites that use Friend Connect become OpenSocial containers, capable of running applications created by the OpenSocial developer community.

In the coming months, we're excited to see more webmasters add Friend Connect to their sites, helping their visitors engage with each other across the web.

To learn more, please visit

Thursday 4 December 2008

Helping healthcare providers become more efficient

Healthcare professionals have always focused on reducing costs while still increasing the quality of the care they provide to patients — and this kind of efficiency becomes even more important in challenging economic times.

Fortunately, healthcare providers can turn to the web for a growing number of resources that help them achieve these goals. With our health initiatives and solutions for businesses of all kinds, Google is committed to helping bring exactly these kinds of productivity gains and cost reductions to healthcare providers. We're also committed to harnessing the power of the web to help people everywhere effectively manage their healthcare records and information in a private, secure online setting.

To learn about our latest innovations in this area, tune in to our free webinar scheduled for Wednesday, December 10, at 10:00 am PT.

The session will include a current look at Google Health, which empowers patients to securely organize and manage their health information online. For the full lineup of topics that will be covered, check out our post on the Enterprise blog.

We hope to see you there.

Jill's Right Leg: One Post Leads to Another

The previous post featured the "Eld Sigul" insignia attributed to Stephen King's Gunslinger, of The Dark Tower series.

As I had mentioned, I was able to locate the artwork on which this earlier tattoo was based, but the specific source of the new design eluded me.

So I popped into the local Borders and, after wandering a bit, found the Horror section wherein the King books resided. I perused the covers but, alas, no sign. I was about to leave when a store employee named Jill popped up and started straightening books next to me.

And she had ink.

So we got to chatting. She has seven pieces in all, three of which I saw. She has designated a theme for each of her arms and legs. I had noticed the pin-up on her right forearm first, which turns out is her Celtic-themed limb. She isn't happy with the red in the dress, so that piece is technically a work-in-progress. Her left arms sports some kanji, as part of her Asian-themed limb.

Her left leg is desert-themed, as a tribute to growing up in Arizona. Which brings us to her right leg. Jill has that part of her body designated as water-themed. She went to her favorite artist Shaggy at Rings of Fire Tattoos in downtown San Antonio, Texas, and told him she wanted a tattoo to fit the theme. He had drawn this design with the octopus and she loved it. The rest is history:

I love how the octopus is staring out the eye socket of the skull. It's an amazing effect.

Thanks to Jill for sharing this awesome piece with us here on Tattoosday! Here's hoping she'll be back on these pages for a return engagement!

Kue Spesial untuk Jamuan Natal

Perayaan hari raya Natal tinggal dalam hitungan hari. Bagi Anda umat Nasrani, tentu sudah mulai sibuk dengaan persiapan jamuan di hari yang istimewa nanti. Untuk kuenya, tidak perlu bingung, cobalah pie dengaan aroma jahe dan vanila. Kehangatan Natal akan semakin berkesan dengan hadirnya kue beraroma jahe nan lezat ini. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo.

Ginger Vanilla Pie


450 g tepung terigu rendah protein/cap kunci

300 g margarin

150 g gula halus

4 butir kuning telur

1 sdm bubuk kayu manis

3 cm jahe, parut

½ sdt garam halus


60 g tepung maizena

1 lt susu tawar cair

150 g gula pasir

3 kuning telur

1 sdm margarin

¼ sdt garam halus

1 sdm rum

1 sdt bubuk agar warna putih

1 sdt vanila pasta


200 g kiwi, kupas, potong-potong

200 g stroberi, potong-potong

Cara Membuat:

  1. Campur dan aduk rata tepung terigu, kayu manis bubuk, parutan jahe, gula halus dan garam, aduk rata. Ayak. Sisihkan.
  2. Masukkan margarin dan kuning telur ke dalam campuran tepung. Potong-potong atau aduk-aduk adonan menggunakan pisau atau sepatula plastik hingga terbetuk adonan berbutir-butir halus.
  3. Satukan adonan dengan cara di kepal-kepal dengan tangan atau sendok kayu hingga adonan menyatu.
  4. Giling adonan di atas plastik hingga ketebalan ½ cm. Cetak dengan cetakan bulat. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
  5. Ambil cetakkan pie yang telah diolesi dengan margarin. Masukkan kulit pie. Tekan-tekan dan rapikan bentuknya dan tusuk-tusuk dengan garpu pada dasarnya.
  6. Atur di atas loyang, panggangin 160oC selama 25 menit atau hingga kulit matang dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat. Dinginkan.
  7. Isi dengan vla dan tutup atasnya dengan potongan buah kiwi dan stroberi. Sajikan.
  8. Vla: Larutkan tepung maizena dan bubuk agar-agar ke dalam susu tawar cair, aduk rata. Masukkan gula, vanili dan garam. Masak sambil terus diaduk hingga mendidih, matang dan mengental. Angkat. Selagi panas, masukan kuning telur, rum dan margarin. Aduk rata. Vla siap digunakan.

Untuk ± 20 buah

Wisata Kuliner - Bebek Bengil

Pulau Bali tidak hanya memiliki alam yang indah. Seni kuliner pulau dewata ini juga terkenal lezat dan menggugah selera. Siapa yang tidak kenal bebek betutu, sate lilit ikan atau pisang rai. Namun ada satu lagi masakan Bali yang tidak kalah lezatnya, namanya bebek bengil. Bebek goreng yang disajikan dengan sambal matah dan jukut sayuran.

Jika Anda berkunjung ke Bali, sempatkan mampir ke restoran Bebek Bengil yang terletak di Jalan Hanoman-Padang Tegal-Ubud. Restoran dengan konsep tradisional dan terletak di pinggir sawah ini menyuguhkan beragam hidangan andalan khas Bali. Harga menu memang sebanding dengan rasa dan suasana yang ditawarkan, harga satu porsi bebek sekitar 60 ribuan. Jika menyantap satu paket menu lengkap, mulai dari minuman, makanan pokok dan hidangan penutup, kurang lebih anda harus merogoh kocek 300 ribuan. Sembari bersantap, mata anda akan dimanjakan dengan hamparan sawah yang menyejukan mata.

Menu andalan resto ini tentu bebek bengil. Hidangan yang terbuat dari bebek yang di sajikan dengan sambal dan urap/jukut. Konon nama bengil diambil dari kelakuan si bebek sawah yang kotor. Bebek kotor ini masuk ke dalam restoran yang belum jadi dan mengotori lantai. Sejak saat itu restorannya diberi nama bebek bengil alias bebek kotor oleh sang pemilik.

Bagi Anda yang belum sempat berkunjung ke restoran ini, jangan khawatir, resep bebek bengil ala budi boga tidak kalah lezatnya. Anda bisa mencobanya di rumah dan siapa tau menjadi lauk favorit keluarga Anda. Selamat mencoba. Teks/Resep/Foto: Budi Sutomo.

Bebek Bengil ala Budi Boga


1 kg bebek utuh

1500 ml air

Minyak untuk menggoreng


7 siung bawang putih, haluskan

3 lembar daun salam

2 cm kencur, haluskan

3 sdm air jeruk nipis

2 cm jahe, haluskan

3 cm lengkuas, haluskan

1 sdt terasi, bakar, haluskan

1 sdm ketumbar, sangrai, haluskan

1 sdt lada halus

2 sdt garam halus

Cara Membuat:

  1. Lumuri bebek dengan air jeruk nipis, bakar di atas api hingga bulu-bulu halusnya hilang. Potong bebek menjadi 8 bagian. Sisihkan.
  2. Campur potongan daging bebek dengan semua bumbu-bumbu. Diamkan di dalam kulkas selama satu malam hingga bumbu meresap.
  3. Panaskan 5 sendok makan minyak goreng, masukkan potongan daging bebekmbeserta bumbu-bumbu. Masak hingga daging bebek berubah warna.
  4. Tuang air, aduk rata. Tutup wajan dan masak dengaan api sedang hingga bebek empuk dan air mengering. Tambahkan air jika air mengering namun bebek belum lunak. Agar lebih cepat empuk, proses merebus bisa dilakukan di dalam panci presto. Rebus bebek di dalam panci presto selama 30 menit. Angkat.
  5. Setelah air mengering, tuang minyak hingga seluruh bebek terendam. Goreng bebek hingga berwarna kuning kecokelatan dan bumbu mengering. Sajikan panas dengan sambal matah dan jukut sayuran.

Untuk 8 Porsi

Jukut Sayuran

250 g kacang panjang, potong-potong

150 g tauge, bersihkan

150 ml santan kental


2 sdm air jeruk limau

1 sdt garam halus

4 buah cabe rawit, iris halus

1 sdm bawang merah goreng, haluskan

1 sdm bawang putih goreng, haluskan

3 siung bawang merah, iris halus

3 cm kencur, haluskan

2 lembar daun jeruk, iris halus

1 sdt garam halus

1 sdt gula pasir

3 sdm minyak panas

Cara Membuat:

  1. Rebus tauge dan kacang panjang hingga matang. Angkat tiriskan.
  2. Masukkan semua bumbu-bumbu di dalam santan, aduk rata. Panaskan sambil terus di aduk hingga panas namun belum mendidih. Angkat.
  3. Campur santan panas dengan minyak panas dan sayuran. Aduk rata. Sajikan sebagai pelengkap bebek goreng.

Untuk 8 Porsi

Sambal Matah


5 buah cabe merah keriting, iris halus

9 butir bawang merah, iris halus

3 siung bawang putih, iris halus

2 batang serai, ambil bagian putih, iris halus

3 lembar daun jeruk, iris halus

3 sdm air jeruk nipis

½ sdt terasi, bakar, haluskan

3 sdm minyak goreng

1 sdt garam halus

¼ sdt lada hitam, haluskan

Cara Membuat:

Panaskan minyak, angkat. Campur semua bahan sambal, aduk rata. Tuang minyak hangat, aduk rata. Sajikan sebagai pelengkap bebek goreng.

Mengolah Sayap Menjadi Hidangan Lezat

Sayap ayam memiliki daging yang gurih dan lemak yang tidak terlalu banyak. Sayap juga bisa diolah menjadi beragam hidangan yang lezat. Salah satunya adalah dibuat hot chicken wing. Gurihnya daging ayam sangat pas dengan balutan tepung panir yang renyah dan bumbu cabe yang pedas. Selamat Mencoba. Resep/Dapur Uji/food Stylist/Foto: Budi Sutomo.

Hot Chicken Wing

Untuk 20 Potong


10 potong sayap ayam

2 sdm kecap asin

1 sdt lada halus

4 siung bawang putih, haluskan

1 sdt cabe merah bubuk

1 sdt garam halus

Minyak untuk menggoreng


2 butir telur, kocok lepas

100 g tepung terigu

100 g tepung panir kasar

Cara Membuat:

  1. Potong sayap ayam, kerok dagingnya dengan pisau tajam hingga mengumpul di salah satu pangkal sayap.
  2. Bumbui sayap ayam dengan kecap asin, lada, garam dan cabe merah bubuk.
  3. Gulingkan sayap ayam ke atas tepung terigu, celupkan ke kocokan telur dan terakhir taburi tepung panir hingga seluruh permukaan terselimuti tepung. Lakukan hingga habis.
  4. Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat. Atur di dalam piring saji. Hidangkan hangat dengan saus tomat atau saus sambal sebagai cocolan.

Pangsit Isi Udang

Selain di kukus, pangsit juga bisa digoreng. Keduanya sama-sama lezat. Jangan lupa menyajikannya dengan saus kacang sebagai pelengkap. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo

Pangsit Isi Udang


250 g udang, cincang halus
150 g daging ayam, cincang halus
50 g kacang polong 40 g wortel, potong dadu
1 butir telur, kocok lepas
20 lembar kulit pangsit
Minyak untuk menggoreng
4 siung bawang putih, haluskan
1 sdm sledri cincang
1 sdm irisan daun bawang
½ sdt lada halus
½ sdt garam halus
½ sdt gula pasir

Cara Membuat:
1. Campur udang, daging ayam, telur dan semua bumbu-bumbu. Aduk rata. Masukkan kacang polong dan wortel, aduk rata.
2. Siapkan satu lembar kulit pangsit. Bersi satu sendok makan bahan isi. Bentuk sesuai selera.
3. Kukus pangsit selama 30 menit atau hingga matang. Angkat, dinginkan.
4. Panaskan miinyak, goreng pangsit hingga kulit pangsit berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat. Sajikan hangat dengan saambal kacang atau saus sambal.
Untuk 20 Buah

Tip: Pangsit juga bisa disajikan tanpa digoreng terlebih dahulu.

Masakan Jepang Favorit

Menu Favorit restoran Jepang cepat saji ini bisa Anda coba sendiri di rumah. Sekedar tip, jika Anda susah membentuknya seperti yang ada di dalam foto. Bungkus saja ekkado menyerupai dadar gulung atau risolles. Selamat mencoba. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo.

Ekkado Udang


250 g udang cincang

200 g daging ayam giling

4 batang daun kucai, iris halus

1 sdm tepung kanji

1 butir telur, kocok lepas

50 g kol, iris halus

50 g wortel, potong dadu kecil

4 lembar kembang tahu, pilih yang lentur

Minyak untuk menggoreng


4 siung bawang putih, iris halus

1 sdt lada halus

1 sdt garam halus

2 sdm kecap asin

Cara Membuat:

  1. Campur daging udang, daging ayam, daun kucai, tepung kanji, telur, kol, wortel dan semua bumbu-bumbu. Aduk rata.
  2. Potong kembang tahu ukuran 10 X 10 cm. Ambil satu sendok makan adonan, letakkan dibagian tengah kulit kembang tahu. Bungkus dan ikat dengan daun kucai atau benang kasur. Lakukan hingga habis.
  3. Panaskan minyak, goreng ekkado dengan api sedang hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat. Sajikan hangat dengan saus tomat atau sambal sebagai pelengkap.

Untuk 20 Buah

Tip: Kembang tahu harus dipilih yang lentur dan tipis agar mudah dibentuk. Jangan menggoreng dengan minyak terlalu panas karena kulit kembang tahu mudah matang dan bagian isi masih mentah. Goreng dengan api sedang. Gunakan 2 lembar kembang tahu agar kulit tidak terlalu tipis.

Hidangan Spesial Idul Adha

Hari Raya Idul Adha atau hari raya kurban tinggal dalam hitungan hari. Tentu banyak persediaan daging kambing di rumah nantinya. Selain dibuat gulai, tongseng dan sate. Daging kambing juga lezat diolah menjadi kebab. Hidangan sate ala Timur Tengah dengan saus salsa yang segar. Selamat mencoba. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/food Stylist: Budi Sutomo

Kebab Kambing


600 g daging kambing, cincang halus

3 sdm tepung panir

1 butir telur, kocok lepas

2 sdm minyak samin/mentega

4 sdm olive oil/minyak sayur


60 g bawang bombay, cincang

5 siung bawang putih, cincang

1 sdm peterseli cincang/sledri cincang

4 lembar daun mint, iris halus

1 sdt lada halus

¼ sdt jintan bubuk

1 sdt garam halus

Saus Salsa:

3 buah tomat, potong dadu kecil

50 g timun, potong dadu kecil

50 g bawang bombay, cincang

3 buah cabe rawit, iris halus

4 lembar daun ketumbar, iris halus

4 sdm air jeruk lemon/nipis

2 sdm minyak zaitun

¼ sdt lada halus

¼ sdt garam halus


50 g acar bawang putih/pickle

60 g paprika merah/cabe merah, potong dadu

60 g bawang bombay, potong dadu

60 g timun, potong dadu

Cara Membuat:

  1. Campur daging kambing cincang dengan telur, tepung panir dan semua bumbu-bumbu. Aduk rata.
  2. Ambil satu sendok makan adonan, bentuk menjadi bulatan-bulatan. Tusuk secara selang-seling antara daging, acar bawang putih, paprika, timun dan bawang bombay di dalam tusukan sate. Lakukan hingga habis.
  3. Bakar di atas bara api sambil sesekali diolesi minyak zaitun hingga daging matang. Angkat. Sajikan hangat dengan saus salsa.
  4. Saus salsa: campur semua bahan saus, aduk rata. Diamkan satu jam di dalam kulkas. Sajikan sebagai pelengkap kebab.

Untuk 6 Porsi

Holiday templates to keep you organized

The holidays are upon us, and there's much to do: Gifts to be wrapped, lights to be strung, candles to be lit, and a long list of tasks at the home and the office. A little creativity can come in handy at this time of year. You can save time and money with the Google Docs template gallery for documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Whether you're a small business owner or the chief holiday organizer, the gallery includes a few special templates designed to help you spread a little holiday cheer. Here are a few tips to help you get everything done on time:

1. Email friends, colleagues or customers this survey form to update your mailing list...

2. ...and then send them a holiday postcard.

3. Use fun mailing labels to save time when sending packages...

4. ...and these festive gift tags to personalize gifts.

5. If there's no time for snail mail, email a video card to send friends and colleagues warm wishes or to thank customers for their business.

It's easy to get started with any of these tips. In Google Docs, just click File -> New -> From Template to be taken to the main template gallery (it's worth a look!). Click the "Holiday" category to see just the holiday templates, or you can tab through to filter results by product. Pick the design you like and edit it for your needs. And you can always find help at the Google Docs Help Center.

We have more holiday ideas on our Enterprise Blog, along with other hints and tips to keep your workplace humming all through the year.

We hope you enjoy, and season's greetings!

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Karen's Colorful Ink Glows in More Ways than One

Autumn has not been good to us here on Tattoosday. Inkspotting has been, um, spotty, at best, and most of the work I have seen has been indoors and/or below ground.

On Tuesday, I glimpsed some color peeking out from a woman's sleeve as she walked south on Seventh Avenue.

When I stopped to talk to her, Karen was gracious, despite the chill in the air, and filled me in on the two pieces (yes, just like last Tat-twosday) on her right wrist:

Karen is a student at Fashion Institute of Technology and was inky of another sort, with smudges on her hands and arms from her projects. She is an artist specializing in textile surfaces, designing such things as wallpaper, tissue boxes, and other items requiring her craft. She cleaned some of the ink up from around her body art, enough so we could get a clearer shot of her tattoos.

The one on the left is the insignia from the Gunslinger's revolver featured on the covers of Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

This is referred to as the "Eld Sigul" insignia and stands for the Gunslinger. I'm sure fans of the series will correct me and/or expand on the topic should they find that explanation lacking.

Do note that we had a Dark Tower tattoo recently on these pages, here back in October.

What's noteworthy about this piece is the ink used has special qualities. Karen originally wanted a hot pink tattoo, but the shop (Skin Deep Tattoo) had just received a shipment of ink that illuminates under black light. I've not seen one of these in person, but have seen samples elsewhere in the blogosphere.

The other piece, on the right, is a "third eye" designed by the artist Alex Grey, who is renowned for his cover art for the band Tool:

In fact, this "third eye" piece is from the art of the Tool album Lateralus:

This, also, was worked up at Skin Deep. Karen believes that Rob was the tattoo artist for both pieces. The extreme close-up at the top of this post emphasizes how vivid the ink used in the piece is.

Karen has two other tattoos, but they were well-protected from the elements, and were not visible higher up on her arms.

I do thank her again for being so amenable to stopping and sharing her work with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Cerita Blogger & Nokia N 78

Teman-teman, media online yang bernama blog ini, beserta para blogger dan komunitas-komunitasnya sedikit demi sedikit, perlahan-lahan, semakin lama semakin mendapat tempat serius di masyarakat. Sebelumnya, blogger sudah diakui oleh pemerintah yang menyatakan 27 Oktober adalah Hari Blogger Nasional dan dianggap sebagai bagian dari keluarga besar pemerintah. Lalu, para artis beserta para tokoh-tokoh publik di Indonesia pun tidak ketinggalan memiliki media personal yang bernama blog ini.

Dan mulai baru-baru ini, kita-kita para blogger pun mulai ‘dilirik’ oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar di Indonesia sebagai ‘teman dekat’ perusahaan. Sebelumnya, pada bulan Februari 2008 lalu, beberapa blogger diundang oleh Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia di peluncuran All New Toyota Corolla Altis. Pada saat itu, sekitar 15 blogger, sebagian adalah blogger-blogger ternama Indonesia, seperti Pak Nukman, Ndorokakung, Paman Tyo, Ong Hock Chuan, Pitra, diundang untuk makan siang bersama di Hotel Ritz Carlton Jakarta sekaligus menghadiri peluncuran mobil itu.

Dan minggu lalu, tepatnya Jum’at, 13 Juni 2008, acara serupa juga diselenggarakan oleh Nokia. Beberapa blogger, termasuk saya (kaget lho, saya diundang juga!), diundang oleh Nokia dalam acara bertajuk Blogger Gathering: “Join The Things That Matter To You”. Tempatnya di restoran Neo Vanity, Menara Baru Standard Chartered, Jakarta. Ceritanya, mas Budi Putra diminta oleh Nokia untuk mengajak beberapa blogger dari berbagai kalangan dan berbagai topik blog. Dan mas Budi Putra pun akhirnya mengundang 10 blogger yang memiliki topik blog berbeda-beda, dari IT, fashion, boga, teknologi komunikasi, tulis-menulis, dan blog tentang blog.

Pada pertemuan itu, pihak Nokia menceritakan tentang produk terbaru mereka, Nokia N78 yang mengusung tema konvergensi. Tepatnya, N78 itu mengkonvergensikan (aduh, betul nggak ya bahasanya?) fitur GPS dan kamera dengan cara yang sangat inovatif: memasukkan location-based tag ke dalam metadata foto digital. Gampangnya, kalo kita mengambil foto di Monas pake kamera N78 ini, komputer akan tahu kalau kita foto itu dari Monas. Dengan menggunakan satelit GPS, koordinat tempat kita mengambil foto itu dimasukkan ke dalam metadata foto tersebut. Contoh satu hal yang paling keren adalah, pada saat foto dengan metadata lokasi itu di-upload ke flickr, orang-orang yang membuka foto itu bisa mengetahui titik pengambilan foto itu pada peta dunia! Gampang banget kan, buat nunjukin ke temen kita yang ada di sisi lain Indonesia tempat foto ini.. Dipikir-pikir, N78 ini cocok buat para blogger, terutama yang suka travelling dan foto-foto..

Nah, sekarang kita kembali lagi ke topik utama. Iya, dengan Nokia Blogger Gathering ini, berarti saya sudah tahu 2 kegiatan mengundang blogger yang diadakan oleh perusahaan besar. Kedua acara ini jelas-jelas menunjukkan, bahwa komunitas blogger di Indonesia sudah semakin ‘dianggap ada’ oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar. Terbukti, blogger bukanlah sebuah komunitas online yang bisa dianggap remeh, karena pengaruh yang kita hasilkan kepada masyarakat (setidaknya masyarakat Internet) semakin lama semakin besar. Apa yang kita tuliskan di blog kita akan dibaca oleh banyak orang yang berkunjung ke blog kita. Karena umumnya pengunjung setia blog kita itu percaya dengan apa yang kita tuliskan di blog, maka besarlah pengaruh kita sebagai blogger kepada pembacanya. Dan apabila banyak blogger menuliskan suatu hal yang sama pada suatu waktu, yakinlah kita bahwa hal yang ditulis itu adalah hal yang penting.

Menurut saya, itulah yang dengan cerdas ditangkap oleh Toyota dan Nokia. Dengan menjamu blogger sambil menceritakan produknya, blogger pun menjadi terkesan. Apabila produk itu memang benar-benar worth it untuk diceritakan kembali di blog-nya, blogger pun menceritakan itu di blog-nya. Itulah yang terjadi setelah Toyota dan Nokia mengundang para blogger. Baca saja liputan beberapa blogger yang hadir pada Nokia Blogger Gathering itu: Nokia “Go Blogging”, Blog, Telkom, Nokia, dan Karya Nokia Untuk Bloggers. Blogger pun tampaknya mulai menjadi mitra perusahaan dalam membangun citranya di masyarakat.

Dan sepertinya, akan bertambah lagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang akan mengundang blogger dalam peluncuran produk-produknya. Dan suatu saat, mungkin saja kita termasuk ke dalam blogger yang beruntung akan diundang makan enak sama perusahaan-perusahaan itu, hehe..

Ayo ngeBlog!

Dari kiri-ke kanan:

  1. Budi Sutomo.
  2. Dominikus Susanto. Nokia Product Marketing Manager
  3. Regina Hutama Poli. Nokia Corporate Communications Manager
  4. Harry Sufehmi.
  5. Yessi Pratiwi Surya Budhi.
  6. Budi Putra.
  7. Kuncoro Wastuwibowo,
  8. Saya (Muhammad Ilman Akbar).,
  9. Puti Karina Puar.
  10. Amir Karimuddin.
  11. Rendy Maulana.
  12. Pepih Nugraha.
  13. Jonru.
  14. Mbak Leya. Prisma Public Relations
  15. Mbak Fira Dewiyana. Prisma Public Relations
Teks & Foto Diunduh Dari:

Calling all musicians: Join YouTube's Symphony Orchestra

YouTube is offering musicians around the globe the opportunity to join a symphony orchestra via video through the world's first collaborative online orchestra. This is a chance to perform alongside world-renowned conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, learn from composer Tan Dun and many members of the London Symphony Orchestra, and consult with pianist Lang Lang. All video entries will be combined into the first-ever collaborative virtual performance, and people around the world will select their favorites to perform at New York's Carnegie Hall in April 2009.

If you're interested in auditioning, or would like more information about this program, head over to the YouTube Symphony Orchestra channel and the YouTube Blog.

Countdown to 2009

The end of the year is a wonderful time to reflect, celebrate, and look forward to new things to come. This is also a season when things tend to get a bit too hectic. So we wanted to share some tips that we hope will help make the best of your holidays and year-end celebrations.

We'll be counting down to 2009 with one new tip per day to get you through the holidays. We'll cover everything from today's tip on "Gift ideas and holiday savings" to checking out your flight status with Google Search. There will be much more to come throughout December, so check Google's Countdown to 2009 daily and add a countdown gadget to your iGoogle page.

We wish you a wonderful head start to the holiday season.

The Santa countdown begins...

I remember when I was 8 years old standing in the middle of our living room, gazing at our Christmas tree. I dared not blink, fearing that the twinkling tinsel, gleaming lights, and the pile of festively wrapped gifts would all be gone when I opened my eyes again. Once I finally hopped into bed, still wide-awake and staring at the ceiling, I listened to every gust of wind, every creak of the rafters, wondering if Santa had landed on our roof. “Where is Santa now?” I thought. “When will he be here?” Eventually, sheer mental exhaustion ushered me off to sleep.

The spirit of the season and a wondrous curiosity electrify many people's imaginations during the holidays, especially on Christmas Eve. That’s why Google has teamed up again this year with NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, to bring you the NORAD Santa Tracker.

NORAD provides aerospace warning and control for North America 365 days a year. On Christmas Eve, they turn their attention to Santa, tracking his yearly gift-delivering journey from the North Pole. The Santa Tracker itself goes live at 6am EST on December 24th. In the meantime, you will find the unique history of the Santa Tracker, holiday-themed games (a new one released each day) and updates from the North Pole at, the official NORAD Tracks Santa website.

Check it out, and don’t forget to bookmark the site so you can come back often throughout the month. And, of course, be sure to visit on Christmas Eve to follow Santa as he makes his way toward your area. You can track him in both Google Maps and Google Earth, and can also view videos of his flights over several landmark cities, captured by special "Santa cams." Here are some highlights from last year's Santa Tracker:

(Visit for more information.)

Happy holidays to all, and to Santa... a good flight!