Thursday 4 December 2008

Hidangan Spesial Idul Adha

Hari Raya Idul Adha atau hari raya kurban tinggal dalam hitungan hari. Tentu banyak persediaan daging kambing di rumah nantinya. Selain dibuat gulai, tongseng dan sate. Daging kambing juga lezat diolah menjadi kebab. Hidangan sate ala Timur Tengah dengan saus salsa yang segar. Selamat mencoba. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/food Stylist: Budi Sutomo

Kebab Kambing


600 g daging kambing, cincang halus

3 sdm tepung panir

1 butir telur, kocok lepas

2 sdm minyak samin/mentega

4 sdm olive oil/minyak sayur


60 g bawang bombay, cincang

5 siung bawang putih, cincang

1 sdm peterseli cincang/sledri cincang

4 lembar daun mint, iris halus

1 sdt lada halus

¼ sdt jintan bubuk

1 sdt garam halus

Saus Salsa:

3 buah tomat, potong dadu kecil

50 g timun, potong dadu kecil

50 g bawang bombay, cincang

3 buah cabe rawit, iris halus

4 lembar daun ketumbar, iris halus

4 sdm air jeruk lemon/nipis

2 sdm minyak zaitun

¼ sdt lada halus

¼ sdt garam halus


50 g acar bawang putih/pickle

60 g paprika merah/cabe merah, potong dadu

60 g bawang bombay, potong dadu

60 g timun, potong dadu

Cara Membuat:

  1. Campur daging kambing cincang dengan telur, tepung panir dan semua bumbu-bumbu. Aduk rata.
  2. Ambil satu sendok makan adonan, bentuk menjadi bulatan-bulatan. Tusuk secara selang-seling antara daging, acar bawang putih, paprika, timun dan bawang bombay di dalam tusukan sate. Lakukan hingga habis.
  3. Bakar di atas bara api sambil sesekali diolesi minyak zaitun hingga daging matang. Angkat. Sajikan hangat dengan saus salsa.
  4. Saus salsa: campur semua bahan saus, aduk rata. Diamkan satu jam di dalam kulkas. Sajikan sebagai pelengkap kebab.

Untuk 6 Porsi

Holiday templates to keep you organized

The holidays are upon us, and there's much to do: Gifts to be wrapped, lights to be strung, candles to be lit, and a long list of tasks at the home and the office. A little creativity can come in handy at this time of year. You can save time and money with the Google Docs template gallery for documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Whether you're a small business owner or the chief holiday organizer, the gallery includes a few special templates designed to help you spread a little holiday cheer. Here are a few tips to help you get everything done on time:

1. Email friends, colleagues or customers this survey form to update your mailing list...

2. ...and then send them a holiday postcard.

3. Use fun mailing labels to save time when sending packages...

4. ...and these festive gift tags to personalize gifts.

5. If there's no time for snail mail, email a video card to send friends and colleagues warm wishes or to thank customers for their business.

It's easy to get started with any of these tips. In Google Docs, just click File -> New -> From Template to be taken to the main template gallery (it's worth a look!). Click the "Holiday" category to see just the holiday templates, or you can tab through to filter results by product. Pick the design you like and edit it for your needs. And you can always find help at the Google Docs Help Center.

We have more holiday ideas on our Enterprise Blog, along with other hints and tips to keep your workplace humming all through the year.

We hope you enjoy, and season's greetings!

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Karen's Colorful Ink Glows in More Ways than One

Autumn has not been good to us here on Tattoosday. Inkspotting has been, um, spotty, at best, and most of the work I have seen has been indoors and/or below ground.

On Tuesday, I glimpsed some color peeking out from a woman's sleeve as she walked south on Seventh Avenue.

When I stopped to talk to her, Karen was gracious, despite the chill in the air, and filled me in on the two pieces (yes, just like last Tat-twosday) on her right wrist:

Karen is a student at Fashion Institute of Technology and was inky of another sort, with smudges on her hands and arms from her projects. She is an artist specializing in textile surfaces, designing such things as wallpaper, tissue boxes, and other items requiring her craft. She cleaned some of the ink up from around her body art, enough so we could get a clearer shot of her tattoos.

The one on the left is the insignia from the Gunslinger's revolver featured on the covers of Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

This is referred to as the "Eld Sigul" insignia and stands for the Gunslinger. I'm sure fans of the series will correct me and/or expand on the topic should they find that explanation lacking.

Do note that we had a Dark Tower tattoo recently on these pages, here back in October.

What's noteworthy about this piece is the ink used has special qualities. Karen originally wanted a hot pink tattoo, but the shop (Skin Deep Tattoo) had just received a shipment of ink that illuminates under black light. I've not seen one of these in person, but have seen samples elsewhere in the blogosphere.

The other piece, on the right, is a "third eye" designed by the artist Alex Grey, who is renowned for his cover art for the band Tool:

In fact, this "third eye" piece is from the art of the Tool album Lateralus:

This, also, was worked up at Skin Deep. Karen believes that Rob was the tattoo artist for both pieces. The extreme close-up at the top of this post emphasizes how vivid the ink used in the piece is.

Karen has two other tattoos, but they were well-protected from the elements, and were not visible higher up on her arms.

I do thank her again for being so amenable to stopping and sharing her work with us here on Tattoosday!

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Cerita Blogger & Nokia N 78

Teman-teman, media online yang bernama blog ini, beserta para blogger dan komunitas-komunitasnya sedikit demi sedikit, perlahan-lahan, semakin lama semakin mendapat tempat serius di masyarakat. Sebelumnya, blogger sudah diakui oleh pemerintah yang menyatakan 27 Oktober adalah Hari Blogger Nasional dan dianggap sebagai bagian dari keluarga besar pemerintah. Lalu, para artis beserta para tokoh-tokoh publik di Indonesia pun tidak ketinggalan memiliki media personal yang bernama blog ini.

Dan mulai baru-baru ini, kita-kita para blogger pun mulai ‘dilirik’ oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar di Indonesia sebagai ‘teman dekat’ perusahaan. Sebelumnya, pada bulan Februari 2008 lalu, beberapa blogger diundang oleh Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia di peluncuran All New Toyota Corolla Altis. Pada saat itu, sekitar 15 blogger, sebagian adalah blogger-blogger ternama Indonesia, seperti Pak Nukman, Ndorokakung, Paman Tyo, Ong Hock Chuan, Pitra, diundang untuk makan siang bersama di Hotel Ritz Carlton Jakarta sekaligus menghadiri peluncuran mobil itu.

Dan minggu lalu, tepatnya Jum’at, 13 Juni 2008, acara serupa juga diselenggarakan oleh Nokia. Beberapa blogger, termasuk saya (kaget lho, saya diundang juga!), diundang oleh Nokia dalam acara bertajuk Blogger Gathering: “Join The Things That Matter To You”. Tempatnya di restoran Neo Vanity, Menara Baru Standard Chartered, Jakarta. Ceritanya, mas Budi Putra diminta oleh Nokia untuk mengajak beberapa blogger dari berbagai kalangan dan berbagai topik blog. Dan mas Budi Putra pun akhirnya mengundang 10 blogger yang memiliki topik blog berbeda-beda, dari IT, fashion, boga, teknologi komunikasi, tulis-menulis, dan blog tentang blog.

Pada pertemuan itu, pihak Nokia menceritakan tentang produk terbaru mereka, Nokia N78 yang mengusung tema konvergensi. Tepatnya, N78 itu mengkonvergensikan (aduh, betul nggak ya bahasanya?) fitur GPS dan kamera dengan cara yang sangat inovatif: memasukkan location-based tag ke dalam metadata foto digital. Gampangnya, kalo kita mengambil foto di Monas pake kamera N78 ini, komputer akan tahu kalau kita foto itu dari Monas. Dengan menggunakan satelit GPS, koordinat tempat kita mengambil foto itu dimasukkan ke dalam metadata foto tersebut. Contoh satu hal yang paling keren adalah, pada saat foto dengan metadata lokasi itu di-upload ke flickr, orang-orang yang membuka foto itu bisa mengetahui titik pengambilan foto itu pada peta dunia! Gampang banget kan, buat nunjukin ke temen kita yang ada di sisi lain Indonesia tempat foto ini.. Dipikir-pikir, N78 ini cocok buat para blogger, terutama yang suka travelling dan foto-foto..

Nah, sekarang kita kembali lagi ke topik utama. Iya, dengan Nokia Blogger Gathering ini, berarti saya sudah tahu 2 kegiatan mengundang blogger yang diadakan oleh perusahaan besar. Kedua acara ini jelas-jelas menunjukkan, bahwa komunitas blogger di Indonesia sudah semakin ‘dianggap ada’ oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar. Terbukti, blogger bukanlah sebuah komunitas online yang bisa dianggap remeh, karena pengaruh yang kita hasilkan kepada masyarakat (setidaknya masyarakat Internet) semakin lama semakin besar. Apa yang kita tuliskan di blog kita akan dibaca oleh banyak orang yang berkunjung ke blog kita. Karena umumnya pengunjung setia blog kita itu percaya dengan apa yang kita tuliskan di blog, maka besarlah pengaruh kita sebagai blogger kepada pembacanya. Dan apabila banyak blogger menuliskan suatu hal yang sama pada suatu waktu, yakinlah kita bahwa hal yang ditulis itu adalah hal yang penting.

Menurut saya, itulah yang dengan cerdas ditangkap oleh Toyota dan Nokia. Dengan menjamu blogger sambil menceritakan produknya, blogger pun menjadi terkesan. Apabila produk itu memang benar-benar worth it untuk diceritakan kembali di blog-nya, blogger pun menceritakan itu di blog-nya. Itulah yang terjadi setelah Toyota dan Nokia mengundang para blogger. Baca saja liputan beberapa blogger yang hadir pada Nokia Blogger Gathering itu: Nokia “Go Blogging”, Blog, Telkom, Nokia, dan Karya Nokia Untuk Bloggers. Blogger pun tampaknya mulai menjadi mitra perusahaan dalam membangun citranya di masyarakat.

Dan sepertinya, akan bertambah lagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang akan mengundang blogger dalam peluncuran produk-produknya. Dan suatu saat, mungkin saja kita termasuk ke dalam blogger yang beruntung akan diundang makan enak sama perusahaan-perusahaan itu, hehe..

Ayo ngeBlog!

Dari kiri-ke kanan:

  1. Budi Sutomo.
  2. Dominikus Susanto. Nokia Product Marketing Manager
  3. Regina Hutama Poli. Nokia Corporate Communications Manager
  4. Harry Sufehmi.
  5. Yessi Pratiwi Surya Budhi.
  6. Budi Putra.
  7. Kuncoro Wastuwibowo,
  8. Saya (Muhammad Ilman Akbar).,
  9. Puti Karina Puar.
  10. Amir Karimuddin.
  11. Rendy Maulana.
  12. Pepih Nugraha.
  13. Jonru.
  14. Mbak Leya. Prisma Public Relations
  15. Mbak Fira Dewiyana. Prisma Public Relations
Teks & Foto Diunduh Dari:

Calling all musicians: Join YouTube's Symphony Orchestra

YouTube is offering musicians around the globe the opportunity to join a symphony orchestra via video through the world's first collaborative online orchestra. This is a chance to perform alongside world-renowned conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, learn from composer Tan Dun and many members of the London Symphony Orchestra, and consult with pianist Lang Lang. All video entries will be combined into the first-ever collaborative virtual performance, and people around the world will select their favorites to perform at New York's Carnegie Hall in April 2009.

If you're interested in auditioning, or would like more information about this program, head over to the YouTube Symphony Orchestra channel and the YouTube Blog.

Countdown to 2009

The end of the year is a wonderful time to reflect, celebrate, and look forward to new things to come. This is also a season when things tend to get a bit too hectic. So we wanted to share some tips that we hope will help make the best of your holidays and year-end celebrations.

We'll be counting down to 2009 with one new tip per day to get you through the holidays. We'll cover everything from today's tip on "Gift ideas and holiday savings" to checking out your flight status with Google Search. There will be much more to come throughout December, so check Google's Countdown to 2009 daily and add a countdown gadget to your iGoogle page.

We wish you a wonderful head start to the holiday season.

The Santa countdown begins...

I remember when I was 8 years old standing in the middle of our living room, gazing at our Christmas tree. I dared not blink, fearing that the twinkling tinsel, gleaming lights, and the pile of festively wrapped gifts would all be gone when I opened my eyes again. Once I finally hopped into bed, still wide-awake and staring at the ceiling, I listened to every gust of wind, every creak of the rafters, wondering if Santa had landed on our roof. “Where is Santa now?” I thought. “When will he be here?” Eventually, sheer mental exhaustion ushered me off to sleep.

The spirit of the season and a wondrous curiosity electrify many people's imaginations during the holidays, especially on Christmas Eve. That’s why Google has teamed up again this year with NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, to bring you the NORAD Santa Tracker.

NORAD provides aerospace warning and control for North America 365 days a year. On Christmas Eve, they turn their attention to Santa, tracking his yearly gift-delivering journey from the North Pole. The Santa Tracker itself goes live at 6am EST on December 24th. In the meantime, you will find the unique history of the Santa Tracker, holiday-themed games (a new one released each day) and updates from the North Pole at, the official NORAD Tracks Santa website.

Check it out, and don’t forget to bookmark the site so you can come back often throughout the month. And, of course, be sure to visit on Christmas Eve to follow Santa as he makes his way toward your area. You can track him in both Google Maps and Google Earth, and can also view videos of his flights over several landmark cities, captured by special "Santa cams." Here are some highlights from last year's Santa Tracker:

(Visit for more information.)

Happy holidays to all, and to Santa... a good flight!

Get holiday gift ideas and special savings

Today is Cyber Monday and we know many of you have holiday shopping on your mind. If you're not sure what to buy for that special someone, or if you're looking for ways to save on your holiday purchases, Google Product Search and Google Checkout can help.

Our Product Search team recently pored over millions of aggregated (and anonymous) search queries to put together some of the most popular products people are searching for. You can see the season's most-wanted gifts in various categories such as toys & games, cold weather apparel, and specialty foods. Someone you know just may have one of these items on their wish list.

With Google Checkout, you can shop quickly and easily with one login for hundreds of stores across the web. And now Checkout buyers can save $5, $10, $20 or more on their holiday shopping at over 600 participating stores, including, the HBO Shop, J&R Electronics, and These exclusive discounts are available through December 17th.

To help you kick off the shopping season with ease, we've created a special site that brings these holiday savings and gift ideas together in one place. Enjoy your seasonal shopping!

Monday 1 December 2008

Membuat Sup Lezat a la Restoran

Sentuhan oriental sangat kental di dalam sup ini. Cita rasa kaldu ayam yang lezat terpadu sempurna dengaan telur kocok sebagai campuran. Makaroni dan kacang merah sebagai isi semakin memperkaya rasa dan nilai gizi. Sedangkan wangi daun sledri membuat hidangan ini semakin menggugah selera. Cocok disajikan panas sebagai hot appetizer. Resep/Dapur Uji/Food Stylist/Foto: Budi Sutomo

Sup Telur Kacang Merah


2000 ml kaldu ayam

200 g daging ayam, potong dadu

60 g makaroni, rebus, tiriskan

60 g wortel, potong dadu

100 g kacang merah segar

1 butir telur, kocok lepas

1 batang daun sledri, irs halus

2 sdm minyak goreng


4 siung bawang putih, haluskan

2 sdm bawang bombay cincang

1 cm jahe, memarkan

2 cm lengkuas, memarkan

1 sdt lada halus

1 sdt gula pasir

½ sdm kecap asin

1 sdt garam halus

Cara Membuat:

  1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum, angkat tumisan bumbu, tiriskan.
  2. Didikan kaldu, masukkan daging ayam, kacang merah, wortel, tumisan bawang, lada, jahe, lengkuas, gula pasir, kecap asin dan garam. Masak hingga semua bahan matang.
  3. Kecilkan apinya, tuang kocokan telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan hingga terbentuk serabut-serabut.
  4. Sesaat seselum diangkat, tambahkan makaroni dan sledri cincang. Angkat. Tuang ke dalam mangkuk saji, hidangkan hangat.
Untuk 7 Porsi

Cover Majalah Female Health by Budi

Majalah wanita FEMALE edisi Desember 2008 memberikan super bonus berupa majalah Female Health. Turut bangga karena sebagai cover berupa puding cantik dan halaman rubrik Food Wise yang mengangkat tema "Delicious Organic Recipes" adalah hasil karya budiboga.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Tattoos from the Blogosphere: Matt's Canva Gypsy Head

We're revisiting an old friend, Mat, whose last piece posted here, will link you to two previous posts as well. Mat had dropped off my radar a while, but these photos remained in my inbox, awaiting to see the light of Tattoosday.

Here's the finished piece:

Mat explains, "I've attached a new leg piece. I got recently of a cavna gypsy head. Dustin Golden from Roanaoke, VA. was doing a guest spot [at 713 Tattoo] and had a last minute cancellation. I jumped on it."

What is a "canva gypsy head"? I'm still not sure, but Mat responded to my recent query for further clarification on the motivation behind the piece: "That Kafka mask was sort of a "gypsy" phase (which I am finding myself in now again). The real shiner of that piece was Dustin's red inks, which he mixes himself."

Indeed. The piece just jumps out at you like a bolt of light in a dark alley.

Thanks again to Mat for sharing and illuminating his ink for us here on Tattoosday!

Tips Mengedit HTML Blogspot

Jika kita mengotak-atik atau mengedit HTML blog kadang2 akan mengalami kesulitan, apalagi bagi yang masih agak pemula. Entah itu gak bisa nemu kode yang mau diedit lah, gak bisa disimpan karena error lah, Ada pesen error yang gak jelas lah, dan lah-lah yang lain, ya to...??? Nha trik dan tips kali ini akan mencoba gimana cara untuk mengatasi atau setidaknya mengurangi masalah "lah-lah" yang kadang2 atau sering terjadi tersebut.
Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk edit HTML bogger:

1. Backup Template
Membackup template ini penting karena jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak dinginkan, misalnya blog jadi rusak maka kita bisa membuatnya seperti sediakala (sebelum rusak) jika kita sebelumnya sudah membackup template. Cara membackup template ini mudah. Cukup klik pada link "Download Full Template" lalu simpan file template di komputer kita. Kalo terjadi kesalahan yang tidak bisa kita atasi, kita tinggal upload aja file template tersebut.

2. Memberi Tanda Centang pada Kotak "Expand Widget Template"
Ini yang kadang2 dilupakan para "editor". Kalau kotak "Expand Widget Templates" tidak dicentang maka kode2 yang dicari kemungkinan tidak ditemukan. Tapi kadang2 hal ini tidak perlu dilakukan tergantung dari petunjuk tutorialnya. Makanya perhatikan baik2 tutorialnya kalo mau Edit HTML blog.

3. Tips Mempermudah Pencarian
Untuk mempermudah pencarian kode yaitu dengan meng-copy dulu kode yang mau dicari kemudian tekan "Ctrl+f" lalu masukkan kode yang dicopy tadi kedalam kotak yg muncul. Kalo misalkan kode yang dicari tidak muncul maka cobalah mencari sebagian dari kode tersebut. Misal mau mencari kode <p><data:post.body/></p> jika tidak ketemu maka cb carilah sebagiannya atau seperti ini data:post.body kalau sudah ketemu maka klik tombol next untuk melihat apakah ada kode lain yang sama untuk memastikan kode yang dikehendaki. Tapi tips ini sepertinya sulit dilakakukan jika menggunakan browser "Chrome" paling mudah jika menggunakan "Mozilla Firefox".

4. Tips Menghadapi Error Yang Muncul
Jika saat menyimpan hasil editan kemudian muncul pesan error, misal seperti ini:
We were unable to save your template
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure.....
Maka hal yang harus kita lakukan adalah berusaha memahami pesan error tersebut. Kemudian kita cek kembali tutorial yang kita baca apakah langkah-langkah yang sudah kita lakukan bener2 sesuai dengan tutorialnya. kalau tidak yakin maka kita bisa mengulangi lagi tutorialnya dari awal dengan mengklik tombol "Clear Edit" terlebih dahulu.

Mungkin untuk masalah mengahadapi berbagai pesan error ini akan kita bahas lebih lanjut diepisode yang lainnya yang lebih spesifik.

Yak mungkin itu aja dulu tips-tips dalam pembahasan kali ini. Kita jumpa lagi di tips-tips berkutnya.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Triple silken pumpkin pie takes the prize

What is the first thing that most people associate with Thanksgiving? Well, probably turkey, but pumpkin pie comes in a close second. As I am not a fan of the traditional pumpkin pie, I set out on a quest to find a delicious alternative this year. My search led me to a robust cookbook sitting on my kitchen shelves. Sheri Yard's Desserts by the Yard is an amazing compilation of a pastry chef's career spanning from coast to coast. What I found in that book turned out to be the most fluffy, decadent, flaky, scrumptious pie I have ever tasted. And apparently my officemates liked it just as much -- the triple silken pumpkin pie and I took home first place in last week's bake-off at our New York office! So if you're looking for a holiday-perfect pie, I encourage you to try out the recipe (PDF file). It takes a little time to make, but it's so worth it.

Happy baking, and happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Kue Bapel Kismis

Kue bapel merupakan kombinasi antara adonan cake dan roti. Tekstur kue berserat dengan aroma wangi khas roti. Gurihnya santan dan manisnya kismis menjadikan kue bapel ini berbeda dari biasanya. Selamat mencoba. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo


250 g kentang, kukus, haluskan

200 g tepung terigu protein sedang/cap segitiga biru

200 ml susu tawar cair (ultra milk)

350 ml santan cair dari ½ butir kelapa

4 butir telur

225 g gula pasir

3 sdm margarin, lelehkan

¼ s dt bubuk kayu manis/bubuk vanili/vanilla pasta

10 g ragi instan/instant yeast/fermipan

½ sdt garam halus

50 g kismis

Cara Membuat:

  1. Kocok telur bersama gula dan garam hingga mengembang kaku. Masukkan tepung terigu, kentang, ragi instan, bubuk kayu manis/vanili dan susu tawar cair. Aduk rata.
  2. Tuang santan dan margarin cair sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk hingga tercampur rata. Diamkan adonan selama 1 jam diruangan yang hangat dan tertutup hingga adonan mengembang dua kali lipat dari banyaknya adonan awal.
  3. Tambahkan kismis, aduk rata. Panaskan cetakan bapel listrik, tuang adonan hingga cetakan penuh. Tutup cetakan dan panggang selama 15 menit atau hingga matang. Angkat. Atur di dalam piring saji, hidangkan hangat.

Untuk 20 Buah

Blog & Website Kuliner Pilihan Majalah Femina

Majalah Femina No 47 yang beredar 27 Novembe – 3 Desember 2008 menurunkan tulisan berjudul Dunia Kuliner Tanpa Batas di rubrik Rupa-Rupa.

Berbagai macam blog dan dan website kuliner baik dalam dan luar negeri diulas dengan apik oleh majalah wanita mingguan ini. Sebagai nara sumber, ada Mbak Fatmah Bahlawan dari Natural Cooking Club, Jenny Kwok, Odilia Winneke dan Indah Siti Hermayanti. Tentu semuanya adalah para pengelola web dan blog kuliner di Indonesia.

Femina juga merekomendasikan 11 Website dan Blog Kuliner Pilihan, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Merasa tersanjung karena blog budiboga termasuk di dalamnya. Berikut daftar blog dan web kuliner pilihan majalah femina.

Kuliner Lokal

Kuliner Asing

Tom's Two-for-Tattoosday Ink Honors His Heritage and His Love of the Yankees

After a bit of a drought of inkspotting, I finally caught some new tattoos in Penn Station on Tuesday, along the L.I.R.R. corridor.

Tom has "19 or 20" tattoos and is working to some day achieving a full sleeve on his left arm. He offered me these two tattoos (for Tat-Tuesday), whose close proximity on his forearm made them the natural choice.

On top is the trinacria of the flag of Sicily. This symbol contains the the (winged) head of Medusa and three bent legs, which supposed to represent good luck and prosperity.

It is a nod to his Italian heritage.

Below that is a New York Yankees tattoo which is very similar to my wife's cousin's stars and stripes-filled NY logo. Tom gave it a simple explanation: "I'm a huge Yankees fan".

Say what you want about other cities, but I would venture to guess that the greater New York City area has a higher per capita count of hometown tattoos than any other metropolitan area.

Tom's ink was done by Rob, owner of Skin Deep Tattoo in Levittown, New York. Work from the shop has appeared previously here.

Thanks to Tom for sharing his work with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday 23 November 2008

Fabiana - Under Saraswati

Back in June, I introduced some awesome work on Fabiana here.

I followed up with her Saraswati tattoo here.

And then, her most important tattoo here.

And now we're coming back to Fabiana to see what else she has to share with us here on Tattoosday.

This post is called "Under Saraswati".

In Fabiana's words:

"And under [Saraswati] on my wrist is also a matching tat with one of my exes, the same one that broke my heart. Well, it was once again butterflies because I love them and suns because she liked them. I love butterflies, they mean freedom. Oh, wait, my big giant butterfly is under the saraswati! I drew that one!"

Just to clarify, the tattoos at the bottom of the wrist (the small butterfly and the sun) were the matching tattoos she got with her ex. The larger butterfly above those, under Saraswati, was the one she drew.

Butterflies have appeared on Tattoosday before here.

Fabiana recently e-mailed me and told me she has some new ink to share, so I thought I'd post these leftover ones from the last batch she sent me, before I introduced some more.

Thanks to Fabiana again for sharing her ink with us here on Tattoosday!

Saturday 22 November 2008

Sorting 1PB with MapReduce

At Google we are fanatical about organizing the world's information. As a result, we spend a lot of time finding better ways to sort information using MapReduce, a key component of our software infrastructure that allows us to run multiple processes simultaneously. MapReduce is a perfect solution for many of the computations we run daily, due in large part to its simplicity, applicability to a wide range of real-world computing tasks, and natural translation to highly scalable distributed implementations that harness the power of thousands of computers.

In our sorting experiments we have followed the rules of a standard terabyte (TB) sort benchmark. Standardized experiments help us understand and compare the benefits of various technologies and also add a competitive spirit. You can think of it as an Olympic event for computations. By pushing the boundaries of these types of programs, we learn about the limitations of current technologies as well as the lessons useful in designing next generation computing platforms. This, in turn, should help everyone have faster access to higher-quality information.

We are excited to announce we were able to sort 1TB (stored on the Google File System as 10 billion 100-byte records in uncompressed text files) on 1,000 computers in 68 seconds. By comparison, the previous 1TB sorting record is 209 seconds on 910 computers.

Sometimes you need to sort more than a terabyte, so we were curious to find out what happens when you sort more and gave one petabyte (PB) a try. One petabyte is a thousand terabytes, or, to put this amount in perspective, it is 12 times the amount of archived web data in the U.S. Library of Congress as of May 2008. In comparison, consider that the aggregate size of data processed by all instances of MapReduce at Google was on average 20PB per day in January 2008.

It took six hours and two minutes to sort 1PB (10 trillion 100-byte records) on 4,000 computers. We're not aware of any other sorting experiment at this scale and are obviously very excited to be able to process so much data so quickly.

An interesting question came up while running experiments at such a scale: Where do you put 1PB of sorted data? We were writing it to 48,000 hard drives (we did not use the full capacity of these disks, though), and every time we ran our sort, at least one of our disks managed to break (this is not surprising at all given the duration of the test, the number of disks involved, and the expected lifetime of hard disks). To make sure we kept our sorted petabyte safe, we asked the Google File System to write three copies of each file to three different disks.

Significantly improved handling of the so-called "stragglers" (parts of computation that run slower than expected) was a key software technique that helped sort 1PB. And of course, there are many other factors that contributed to the result. We'll be discussing all of this and more in an upcoming publication. And you can also check out the video from our recent Technology RoundTable Series.

Akhirnya Ganti Template Juga

Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya blog ini ganti template juga. Dari awal blog ni memang tidak pernah ganti template, paling cuma modifikasi dikit sana sini. Tapi sekarang, setelah menimbang2 dan melalui pemikiran yang panjang x lebar x tinggi, akhirnya diputuskan untuk mengubah template blog ini. Dan bagi yang berminat dengan template blog ini yang lama sekarang sudah bisa didownload. Silahkan DOWNLOAD DISINI untuk mendapatkan template lama blog ini. Tapi tentunya ada beberapa hal yang harus dimodifikasi, diantaranya yaitu :

1. Icon Kalender
Supaya icon kalendernya berfungsi (tidak "undefine") maka haru dirubah dulu format tanggalnya. Yaitu melalui "Setting-->Formatting" kemudian di bagian "Date Header Format" ganti dengan yg berformat "mm.dd.yyyy" misal (11.22.2008).

2. Ganti Tabs menu Horizontal
caranya yaitu masuk di EDIT HTML kemudian cari kata "horizontal tab", nha silahkan otak-atik didaerah situ untk mengedit menu2 horiizontalnya.

3. Ganti Isi Tabview
Caranya yaitu masuk di EDIT HTML kemudian cari kata "tab view", nha silahkan otak-atik didaerah situ untk mengedit isi dari tabview tersebut

Untuk edit2 yang lainnya silahkan diotak-atik sendiri.

Yup, gitu aja. Selamat tinggal templateku yang lama.

Our international approach to search

In previous posts in this series, you have read about the challenges of building a world-class search engine. Our goal is to make Google’s search be relevant to all people, regardless of their language or country. As my colleague Amit Singhal described, we use statistical data as the basis for making sweeping algorithmic changes. Many of these changes can be rolled out across all languages we support, but in some cases the unique characteristics of each language require some algorithmic considerations and tuning. And to make things really interesting, there are cases where the same language is different across countries. Obvious examples are "color" in the U.S. vs. "colour" in the U.K., or "camião" in Portugal vs. "caminhão" in Brazil.

My name is Daphne Dembo, and my focus is improving Google's international search. This is a tough challenge, since Google search is used in many countries and languages where our engineers have little personal knowledge. Initially, the international search improvements were done by Search Quality engineers who were passionate about their languages and countries: Lina from Sweden improved our parsing of compound words in German and Swedish; Dimitra from Greece introduced diacritical support; Ishai from Israel worked on transliteration corrections for Hebrew and Arabic; Trystan from Australia created methods for identifying local search results and ranking them together with foreign ones from the same language; Alex, a bilingual Ukrainian and Russian, introduced morphological understanding of these languages. As the importance of our international search grew, we solicited help from Googlers in all our offices. Finally, we are leveraging an international network of search specialists who help us understand search within the unique combination of their language and country.

Our first step in providing search support for a language is to train our language model on a large collection of documents in that language. This ensures that our language model is more precise and comprehensive — for example, it incorporates names, idioms, colloquial usage, and newly coined words not often found in static dictionaries. For instance, we recently started identifying Swahili, and used pages such as this one for the Parliament of Tanzania to train our system with the language's nuances. Having a trained language model helps to categorize documents during crawling and indexing of the web and to parse the user's query. Once this stage was complete, we launched Swahili search in countries such as Tanzania and Kenya, enabling local searches for the "Dar es Salaam stock exchange" [Soko la hisa dar es salaam], and "cure for Malaria" [Tiba ya malaria]. (As always, we are using square brackets to denote a search query. For example, you can search for "soccer" in Hamburg, Germany by clicking on [fußball in hamburg]).

We learn some things from our users, so as people start using our search engine, we can improve the way we rank in that language. Here are few examples:
  • Spell corrections: We recently launched spell corrections in Estonian. If your Estonian is rusty, and you don't remember how to spell "smoke detector," we can suggest a spell correction for [suitsuantur], leading to better search results.
  • Diacritical marks: Many languages have diacritical marks, which alter pronunciation. Our algorithms are built to support them, and even help users who mis-type or completely ignore them. For example, if you're a resident of Quebec, Canada and would like to know the weather forecast in Quebec City, we'll serve good results whether you type with diacritical signs [Météo à Québec] or without [meteo quebec]. Czech users can read the same excellent results for a popular kids' cartoon by searching for [krtecek] and [krteček]. On the other hand, sometimes diacriticals change the meaning of the word and we have to use them correctly. For example, in Thai, [ข้าว] is "rice," with completely different results than [ข่าว], which is "news"; or in Slovakia, results for "child" [dieťa] are different than results for "diet" [diéta].
  • Synonyms: A general case of diacritical support is the handling of synonyms in different languages. Korean searches showed that "samsung" can be viewed as a synonym of "삼성", so that when users search for [samsung], they find results which have the company's name in Korean.
  • Compounding: Some languages allow compounding, which is the formation of new words by combining together existing words. You can see a nice example in Swedish, where we return documents about a Swedish credit card for both compounded [Visakort] and non-compounded [visa kort] queries.
  • Stemming: Google has developed morphological models that can receive compound words as queries, and return pages which contain their stem, possibly as part of a different compound. For example, when searching for cars in Saudi Arabia, you can search for [سيارة] and [سيارات] because both are variants of the same stem, and both return many common results. A Polish user can search for "movie" [film], and get back results that contain other variants of the stem, such as "filmów," "filmu," "filmie," "filmy." A user from Belarus will find results for all word forms of the capital, Minsk [Мінск]: "Мінску," "Мінска," "Мінскага."
In addition to these semantic factors, Google does even more to parse documents and queries. Understanding the details of language usage in a country is important. Notation of acronyms is different across languages: In Hebrew it is double quotes before the last (left-most) character, as in "prime minister" [רה"מ]; in Thai — a dot at the end of the word, as in police station [สน. ]; while in the U.S. — dots after each character, as in [I.B.M.]. Chinese users quote works of art with a "《", as in: [《手机》剧情], and denote dates with a "日", as in: [2006年1月13日].

Beyond the linguistic elements of a language, we consider how people enter a query. For example, some languages that do not have Latin scripts require keyboards with dual alphanumeric keys. The user can switch between language input modes by typing special keystrokes. In case the user forgets to type this sequence, the queries end up being gibberish. You can see correct handling of these mistakes in Arabic ([hgsuv] corrected to [السعر]) and ([حقثسهيثىفهشم ثممثؤفهخىس ] corrected to [presidential elections]), Hebrew ([vdrk, kuyu] corrected to [הגרלת לוטו]), and Cyrillic ([rehc ljkffhf] corrected to [курс доллара]).

Another way of avoiding the inconvenience of switching keyboard modes is by typing the phonetic sounds of the query in Latin characters. Recreating the correct query in the target language isn't trivial, since there might be many possibilities. We can see several such examples in which we suggest the same query in the intended language for Russian ([biskvitnyi rulet] to [бисквитный рулет]), "movies" in Chinese ([dianying] to [电影]), and "Bank of Attica" in Greek [trapeza attikhs] returns good results for "Τράπεζα Αττικής". Users of 8 Indic languages (such as Hindi, Gujarati, Telugu) can type the phonetic sound of the query, and choose the words in Hindi script:

Ease of typing and reading is also influenced by the language used. Since every Chinese word requires several keystrokes on a standard keyboard, we provide category browsing by Images and related searches so that people don't need to type as much. Similarly, we are now launching Google Suggest, or real-time completion of queries, in many languages.

So far I described how we improve the quality of search in a language. However, there is a strong effect of the location of the user, even if it is only approximated to the country, since in many cases local content is more relevant than global information. For example, searching for Spanish Yellow Pages [Páginas Amarillas] will result in several documents of global interest and several local results in Peru, Mexico, and Spain. Similar to that, searching for [Côte d'Or] in France will return results for that region, whereas searches in Belgium will return results about the chocolate maker.

Note that the display of information should conform to the standards in that country, so we display "," as a decimal notation for Croatian users who want to know how many millimeters are in an inch [inč u milimetrima], or for Italian users who are interested in currency exchange rates [50 euro in dollari]. Similarly, temperatures in Norway [Været i Oslo] will be displayed in Celsius, while in the U.S. — in Fahrenheit [weather Boston].

If everything else fails, we provide cross-language translations based upon Google's translation technology described in this blog post. We will translate your query to English, search English documents on the web, and translate the returned results from English back into the original query language. For example, Japanese users who are interested in viewing Halloween illustrations (Halloween is a holiday which originated in Ireland) can search for [ハロウィン イラスト]. You can then request a Japanese translation of the English pages (at the bottom of the page), which will bring up the translation page in the screenshot below. Similarly, Korean users can search for the latest on Harry Potter [해리 포터], and Arabic readers can search for the opening of the Sydney Opera house [افتتاح دار الاوبرا في سيدني]. (Click on the image to see a larger version.)

All in all, Google Search is being actively developed for more than 100 languages, in 150+ countries, with dozens of improvements launched each month. So far I've covered the basics of how international search works, but this is just the surface of all the international work we do. There are many other interesting topics that impact international markets like usability, homepage and results page layout, and connectivity. An understanding of real cultural and human factors is essential to creating a search engine that resonates with the people who use it. (Click on the image to see a larger version.)

(Update: Replaced example in the 4th bullet point.)

Friday 21 November 2008

Now Appearing on!

Nathan over at, who has featured Tattoosday content before, has now added me as a contributor, and I'm pleased as punch (and oh-so-thankful). My first contribution, although not original (it appeared in a longer form here first) is up and viewable here.

I'm excited because affiliation with his site will expand my range of inkspotting and lend me some additional street cred. I mean, what sounds cooler? "Can I ask you about your tattoo? I write a tattoo blog..." or "Hi, I'm a contributing writer at".

Either way, I'm stoked to be expanding my repertoire, and am looking forward to a long and productive partnership with Nathan and his site.

SearchWiki: make search your own

Have you ever wanted to mark up Google search results? Maybe you're an avid hiker and the trail map site you always go to is in the 4th or 5th position and you want to move it to the top. Or perhaps it's not there at all and you'd like to add it. Or maybe you'd like to add some notes about what you found on that site and why you thought it was useful. Starting today you can do all this and tailor Google search results to best meet your needs.

Today we're launching SearchWiki, a way for you to customize search by re-ranking, deleting, adding, and commenting on search results. With just a single click you can move the results you like to the top or add a new site. You can also write notes attached to a particular site and remove results that you don't feel belong. These modifications will be shown to you every time you do the same search in the future. SearchWiki is available to signed-in Google users. We store your changes in your Google Account. If you are wondering if you are signed in, you can always check by noting if your username appears in the upper right-hand side of the page.

The changes you make only affect your own searches. But SearchWiki also is a great way to share your insights with other searchers. You can see how the community has collectively edited the search results by clicking on the "See all notes for this SearchWiki" link.

Watch our lead engineer, Amay, demonstrate a few ways to use SearchWiki in this short video:

This new feature is an example of how search is becoming increasingly dynamic, giving people tools that make search even more useful to them in their daily lives. We have been testing bits and pieces of SearchWiki for some time through live experiments, and we incorporated much of our learnings into this release. We are constantly striving to improve our users' search experience, and this is yet another step along the way.