Back in September I posted Little Dead Riding Hood, courtesy of Amy, who I met in Penn Station.
Amy has a new tattoo, which she generously shared:
It's a zombie pin-up girl, and appropriate for the holiday today.
Like the previous piece, this was created by T.J. Mcinnis at Mcinnis Tattoo Company in Providence, Rhode Island.
Thanks again to Amy for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Have a safe and ghoulishly fun Halloween!
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Menilik Nutrisi Lobak
Selain kaya nutrsi, lobak (Raphanus sativus L) juga bisa diolah menjadi beragam hidangan. Di dalam seni kuliner, lobak dikenal sebagai campuran bahan sup, soto bandung, acar atau salad. Aromanya khas dengan rasa sedikit pedas membuat sayuran ini banyak digemari.
Kandungan nutrisi lobak sangat kaya, lobak kaya akan mineral kalsium dan fosfor, selain itu lobak juga kaya serat dan zat fitonutrien yang baik untuk kesehatan. Setiap 100 g lobak mengandung energi 22 kkal, protein 0.9 g, lemak 0.1 g, karbohidrat 4.3 g, mineral 0.7 g, kalsium 0.7 g, fosfor 26 mg, zat besi 0.6 g, retinol 3 mcg, thiamine 0.03 mg dan asam askorbat 32 mg.
Lobak bermanfaat untuk mengatasi insomnia atau ganguan sulit tidur. Sayuran ini juga rendah kalori, sangat baik bagi Anda yang sedang menjalani diet obesitas. Lobak kaya akan serat, pektin dan asam folat yang dapat mencegah risiko kanker, stoke dan mengendalikan hipertensi. Manfaat lain dari serat lobak adalah mengatasi ganguan pencernaan seperti sembelit. Teks & Foto: Budi Sutomo.
Puding Nata De Coco
Hidangan penutup yang cocok untuk anak anak hingga lansia. Selain cita rasanya yang segar, puding ini juga kaya serat dan vitamin. Pilihan kismis dan nata de coco sebagai bahan isi, memberikan kejutan serta sensasi berbeda dalam hal rasa. Resep/Dapur Uji/Foto: Budi Sutomo.
Puding Cokelat Isi Nata De Coco
10 g bubuk agar putih
300 ml susu tawar cair
300 ml air
100 g nata de coco
50 g kismis
60 g gula pasir
3 sdm cokelat bubuk
¼ sdt garam halus
Cara Membuat:
1. Larutkan bubuk agar dengan air, gula pasir, dan garam halus. Aduk rata.
Rebus adonan agar sambil diaduk-aduk hingga mendidih. Tuang susu tawar cair. Didihkan kembali. Angkat.
2. Masukkan potongan nata de coco dan kismis ke dalam gelas saji/cetakkan puding. Tuang adonan puding hingga separuh dari tinggi cetakkan. Dinginkan hinga mengeras.
3. Tambahkan cokelat bubuk yang telah dilarutkan dengan dengan sedikit air, didihkan kembali. 4. Tuang adonan agar cokelat ke atas adonan putih, dinginkan hingga mengeras.
5. Keluarkan puding dari cetakan, atur di dalam piring saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 8 Porsi
Tip: Susu tawar cair bisa diganti dengan santan cair, susu kedelai atau susu bubuk yang dilarutkan dengan air.
1. Larutkan bubuk agar dengan air, gula pasir, dan garam halus. Aduk rata.
Rebus adonan agar sambil diaduk-aduk hingga mendidih. Tuang susu tawar cair. Didihkan kembali. Angkat.
2. Masukkan potongan nata de coco dan kismis ke dalam gelas saji/cetakkan puding. Tuang adonan puding hingga separuh dari tinggi cetakkan. Dinginkan hinga mengeras.
3. Tambahkan cokelat bubuk yang telah dilarutkan dengan dengan sedikit air, didihkan kembali. 4. Tuang adonan agar cokelat ke atas adonan putih, dinginkan hingga mengeras.
5. Keluarkan puding dari cetakan, atur di dalam piring saji. Hidangkan.
Untuk 8 Porsi
Tip: Susu tawar cair bisa diganti dengan santan cair, susu kedelai atau susu bubuk yang dilarutkan dengan air.
A ghooooulish Googleween
When it comes to holidays, Halloween is one of our favorites. You get candy corn, creepy crawlies, ghosts and goblins, blustery weather and the goopy joys of pumpkin carving all crammed into one glorious fall fun-fest. It's also the one holiday where you can dress up as whatever you want — your favorite celebrity, your favorite animal or even, like one Googler last year, your favorite gadget.
As usual, we're in the process of devising brilliant last-minute costumes, and we got curious about what others around the globe have been searching for in preparation for Halloween.
We used Insights for Search to track the fastest-rising searches related to [costume] in the U.S. in 2009. The query at the top of the charts is [lady gaga costume] — no surprise, as the star wears quite a few costumes on a regular basis herself:
And many people seem to be planning a tribute to the late pop star Michael Jackson — searches for [michael jackson costume] started spiking in June of this year and have increased steadily since then:
Since Halloween is most popular in the U.S., we focused on queries there — but we did investigate searches in Canada and the U.K. for good measure. In Canada, people are overwhelmingly searching for costumes for two — variations on [couples costumes] dominate the top 10. Both in Canada and across the pond, searchers are looking for costumes based on Lewis Carroll's classic story Alice in Wonderland, with [mad hatter costume] in the top 10 in the U.K. and [alice in wonderland] in Canada.
Since [vampire costume] was one of the top 10 searches this year, we figured we'd check in with the various vampire TV shows and movies to see which is, um, making a killing in the costume race. The query [twilight costume] has the most search volume, with [true blood costume] not far behind. (Pointy teeth and body glitter — done!)
Thinking of dressing up your little ones? Popular queries in the U.S. related to [kids costume] include [ladybug], [minnie mouse] and [tinkerbell].
We also did some digging to see if people were taking inspiration from the movie Where the Wild Things Are and wearing a [max costume] this year. Based on the fastest-rising related terms [footie pajamas], [footed pajamas] and [max costume pattern], it seems like at least a few folks are choosing to make [max wolf suit] costumes at home:
As a dog-friendly company, we share the country-wide impulse to dress up our dogs for the holiday. Related searches for [taco dog costume], [dog shark costume] and [banana costume] (so cute!) all rank high.
At Google, we've been gearing up for tomorrow's real deal with festivities on our Mountain View campus, complete with Halloween crafts for visiting kids and a haunted house. Googlers are also pulling out all the stops for the costume contest:
We hope you have a happy Googleween!
Posted by Jordan Newman and Emily Wood, Editors, Google Blog team
As usual, we're in the process of devising brilliant last-minute costumes, and we got curious about what others around the globe have been searching for in preparation for Halloween.
We used Insights for Search to track the fastest-rising searches related to [costume] in the U.S. in 2009. The query at the top of the charts is [lady gaga costume] — no surprise, as the star wears quite a few costumes on a regular basis herself:
And many people seem to be planning a tribute to the late pop star Michael Jackson — searches for [michael jackson costume] started spiking in June of this year and have increased steadily since then:
Since Halloween is most popular in the U.S., we focused on queries there — but we did investigate searches in Canada and the U.K. for good measure. In Canada, people are overwhelmingly searching for costumes for two — variations on [couples costumes] dominate the top 10. Both in Canada and across the pond, searchers are looking for costumes based on Lewis Carroll's classic story Alice in Wonderland, with [mad hatter costume] in the top 10 in the U.K. and [alice in wonderland] in Canada.
Since [vampire costume] was one of the top 10 searches this year, we figured we'd check in with the various vampire TV shows and movies to see which is, um, making a killing in the costume race. The query [twilight costume] has the most search volume, with [true blood costume] not far behind. (Pointy teeth and body glitter — done!)
Thinking of dressing up your little ones? Popular queries in the U.S. related to [kids costume] include [ladybug], [minnie mouse] and [tinkerbell].
We also did some digging to see if people were taking inspiration from the movie Where the Wild Things Are and wearing a [max costume] this year. Based on the fastest-rising related terms [footie pajamas], [footed pajamas] and [max costume pattern], it seems like at least a few folks are choosing to make [max wolf suit] costumes at home:
As a dog-friendly company, we share the country-wide impulse to dress up our dogs for the holiday. Related searches for [taco dog costume], [dog shark costume] and [banana costume] (so cute!) all rank high.
At Google, we've been gearing up for tomorrow's real deal with festivities on our Mountain View campus, complete with Halloween crafts for visiting kids and a haunted house. Googlers are also pulling out all the stops for the costume contest:
We hope you have a happy Googleween!
Posted by Jordan Newman and Emily Wood, Editors, Google Blog team
Friday, 30 October 2009
Cara Mengubah / Mengganti IP Address
Cara Aman Merubah IP AddressApa sich IP Address itu? Berhubung karena saya bukan pakar komputer,langsung ajha baca 'apa itu IP Address?' di SINI. Tutorial cara mengubah atau mengganti alamat IP Address ini,semata-mata hanya untuk saling berbagi saja. Tidak ada maksud Pelajaran Blog untuk menyarankan hal-hal yang melanggar etika blogging atau sesuatu yang akan merugikan orang lain maupun diri sendiri. Sebenarnya ada banyak cara dan trik untuk merubah/menyamarkan IP Address ini,salah satunya cara yang akan saya pakai kali ini. Yup! ‘Cara mengubah IP Address menggunakan Proxy dengan browser Mozilla Firefox’. Langkah Cara Menyamarkan IP Address
Mengubah IP Menjadi IP Address Negara atau Kota LainMemang secara teori,trik ini terlihat ribet,tapi jika sudah anda praktekan nanti,saya jamin akan semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Seneng khan jika nanti anda bisa mengetahui,cara mengubah IP kita sendiri menjadi IP milik orang lain :D. Eit's tunggu dulu! Bagaimana kita bisa tahu bahwa IP Address kita sudah berubah? Nah,untuk sekedar memastikan bahwa IP kita telah berubah,pastikan setelah nanti anda berhasil mengubah IP Address,kembali kunjungi blog ini dan lihat setatus IP Anda pada widget IP Checker yang telah terpasang pada sidebar blog ini. Atau untuk memonitor dari mana kunjungan,kita bisa gunakan widget Feedjit seperti yang sudah terpasang di kanan bawah pada blog ini. Sebenarnya widget dari feedjit ini hanya untuk memastikan saja jadi 'ndak di pasang juga ndak apa-apa,betul khan Romo? betul Inayah,sahut Romo,lha kok? Ok!setelah semua siap,let's tancap gas! jangan lupa cemilannya,soalnya di Taman Safari nanti ga boleh turun buat cari cemilan,adanya juga tar digigit ma macan,Aum!!!!! Mau? Lha? ko malah ngomongin Taman safari? Sorry,hehehe.. [jd ky Rommy Rafael..]
Semoga bermanfangat yakh!! :D Baca Juga Yang Ini..
Three contest winners making their way to television
(Cross-posted from the Google TV Ads Blog)
Small businesses often think that television advertising is too expensive and cumbersome for them to use. They assume that they need a fancy, expensive commercial to use in their TV campaign. But Google TV Ads changes all of that — we make it easy and affordable for you to make a TV ad, plan a campaign and reach your customers through the power of television. We launched the TV for All contest two months ago to prove just that.
More than 200 companies submitted commercials for the opportunity to win $25,000 worth of free national advertising on cable channels such as CNBC, Hallmark and Bloomberg using Google TV Ads. Today, we're happy to announce the three winners of the TV for All contest based on votes from the YouTube community.
Amazing Gates, and received the largest number of votes among the 10 finalists. Each of these businesses will receive $25,000 in free national advertising through Google TV Ads advertising.
Check out the three winners and all entries at For more information on Google TV Ads and how it can help your small business succeed, visit our website at
Posted by Deeksha Hebbar, Associate Marketing Manager, Google TV Ads
Small businesses often think that television advertising is too expensive and cumbersome for them to use. They assume that they need a fancy, expensive commercial to use in their TV campaign. But Google TV Ads changes all of that — we make it easy and affordable for you to make a TV ad, plan a campaign and reach your customers through the power of television. We launched the TV for All contest two months ago to prove just that.
More than 200 companies submitted commercials for the opportunity to win $25,000 worth of free national advertising on cable channels such as CNBC, Hallmark and Bloomberg using Google TV Ads. Today, we're happy to announce the three winners of the TV for All contest based on votes from the YouTube community.
Amazing Gates, and received the largest number of votes among the 10 finalists. Each of these businesses will receive $25,000 in free national advertising through Google TV Ads advertising.
Check out the three winners and all entries at For more information on Google TV Ads and how it can help your small business succeed, visit our website at
Posted by Deeksha Hebbar, Associate Marketing Manager, Google TV Ads
Choose the Right Tattoo
Matt has twenty-three (23) tattoos and he offered up this simple trio of letters:
The CTR represents the expression "Choose the Right," a common thread in the ideology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more commonly referred to as the Mormon church.
In essence, Matt explained, it means "follow the right path". Its akin to a mantra eschewing sinful activities frowned upon by the church like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, and, yup, you guessed it: getting tattooed.
Matt finds great power in this tattoo because it represents an oxymoron: the letters CTR stand for a way of life that is contradicted by the fact that they have been tattooed on flesh. It would be like a Jewish person having the phrase, in Hebrew, "You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or imprint markings upon you: I am the Lord" tattooed on them. As a tattooed Mormon, this is Matt's way of addressing,and coming to terms with, the disparity between faith and his love of tattoos.
This was tattooed by a friend of his in Ogden, Utah.
Thanks to Matt for sharing his ink with us here on Tattoosday!
The CTR represents the expression "Choose the Right," a common thread in the ideology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more commonly referred to as the Mormon church.
In essence, Matt explained, it means "follow the right path". Its akin to a mantra eschewing sinful activities frowned upon by the church like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, and, yup, you guessed it: getting tattooed.
Matt finds great power in this tattoo because it represents an oxymoron: the letters CTR stand for a way of life that is contradicted by the fact that they have been tattooed on flesh. It would be like a Jewish person having the phrase, in Hebrew, "You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or imprint markings upon you: I am the Lord" tattooed on them. As a tattooed Mormon, this is Matt's way of addressing,and coming to terms with, the disparity between faith and his love of tattoos.
This was tattooed by a friend of his in Ogden, Utah.
Thanks to Matt for sharing his ink with us here on Tattoosday!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Shiri's Logos
"Excuse me," I called, loudly, on the 34th Street train platform, "Can I ask you about your tattoo?"
Anyone reading this who has been featured here may recognize this as my opening salvo. Most people are open to my questions. Very few dismiss me. For this I am thankful.
Shira was the woman to whom I was speaking, and she was very welcoming to my inquiries.
Here is the best of the many tattoos I saw she had:
It's a fairly intricate (and extremely well-done) replica for one of the album designs for a band named Sponge. Shiri had a matching t-shirt, but taking a picture of that would have been borderline creepy, in my opinion. Unfortunately, the only image online I could find was small:
On her left arm she had two other band designs:
The one on the right is from the group Gogol Bordello, which surprised me as I had seen a similar tattoo several weeks before (and recounted here).
The logo on the left was from a group called Spookey Ruben.
Obviously, Shiri is a big fan of all these groups. The tattoos were all inked by her brother Ron.
You can see other band-related tattoos by clicking on the appropriate tag at the bottom of the post.
Thanks to Shiri for sharing her cool tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Anyone reading this who has been featured here may recognize this as my opening salvo. Most people are open to my questions. Very few dismiss me. For this I am thankful.
Shira was the woman to whom I was speaking, and she was very welcoming to my inquiries.
Here is the best of the many tattoos I saw she had:
It's a fairly intricate (and extremely well-done) replica for one of the album designs for a band named Sponge. Shiri had a matching t-shirt, but taking a picture of that would have been borderline creepy, in my opinion. Unfortunately, the only image online I could find was small:
On her left arm she had two other band designs:
The one on the right is from the group Gogol Bordello, which surprised me as I had seen a similar tattoo several weeks before (and recounted here).
The logo on the left was from a group called Spookey Ruben.
Obviously, Shiri is a big fan of all these groups. The tattoos were all inked by her brother Ron.
You can see other band-related tattoos by clicking on the appropriate tag at the bottom of the post.
Thanks to Shiri for sharing her cool tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Making search more musical
Every day we get millions of search queries about music. You want to know more about your favorite artists, find that new album or iconic song or figure out the name of that tune stuck in your head. In fact, according to Insights for Search, two of the top 10 queries in the U.S. are music-related. But often, if your answer is in a song, it can take a while to get there. We call this "time to result" — and we're always looking for ways to reduce it.
Today, we're rolling out a search feature that does just that by enabling you to search and more easily discover millions of songs, all via a simple Google web search. If you're searching for music, "time to result" is really "time to music." Now, when you enter a music-related query — like the name of a song, artist or album — your search results will include links to an audio preview of those songs provided by our music search partners MySpace (which just acquired iLike) or Lala. When you click the result you'll be able to listen to an audio preview of the song directly from one of those partners. For example, if I search for [21st century breakdown], the first results provide links to songs from Green Day's new album. MySpace and Lala also provide links to purchase the full song.
Many times, though, you don't know the name of the song or the artist who sings it. Maybe you remember only the chorus — or maybe you remember who sang it, but you forgot the exact name of the song. If you've ever heard a catchy song in a car or cafe, but just can't figure out the name of the song, you'll know what I'm talking about. This search feature also helps you find many of those songs by entering a search containing a line or two of lyrics. So if I search for [static silhouette somehow], I'll get results for Phoenix's song "Rome."
Finally, a search engine should also be able to help you discover music you'll like, even if you can't tell it what exactly you want to hear. We've partnered with Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody to include links to their sites where you can discover music related to your queries as well.
This feature doesn't just make search better. It also helps people discover new sources of licensed music online while helping artists to discover new generations of fans and reconnect with longtime listeners. Our users love music, and this tool introduces millions of music seekers in the U.S. to a new generation of licensed online music services, from MySpace and Lala to Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody.
Of course, this is just a first step toward making search more musical. There's a lot of music out there in the world, and in some instances, we may not return links to the song you're looking for. But by combining the strength of Google's search algorithms with our music search partners' efforts to increase the comprehensiveness of their music content, we're on track to answer more of your rhymes with the right rhythms.
We'll be rolling this feature out gradually to users across the U.S. over the next day. To learn more, check out this page or watch the video below. As we said back when we first announced universal search, the best answer is still the best answer, whether it's in the form of a video, an image, a magazine — or a song. And of course, the best way to know you've found the music you were looking for is to hear it. Well, let the music begin!
Posted by Murali Viswanathan, Product Manager and Ganesh Ramanarayanan, Software Engineer
Today, we're rolling out a search feature that does just that by enabling you to search and more easily discover millions of songs, all via a simple Google web search. If you're searching for music, "time to result" is really "time to music." Now, when you enter a music-related query — like the name of a song, artist or album — your search results will include links to an audio preview of those songs provided by our music search partners MySpace (which just acquired iLike) or Lala. When you click the result you'll be able to listen to an audio preview of the song directly from one of those partners. For example, if I search for [21st century breakdown], the first results provide links to songs from Green Day's new album. MySpace and Lala also provide links to purchase the full song.
Many times, though, you don't know the name of the song or the artist who sings it. Maybe you remember only the chorus — or maybe you remember who sang it, but you forgot the exact name of the song. If you've ever heard a catchy song in a car or cafe, but just can't figure out the name of the song, you'll know what I'm talking about. This search feature also helps you find many of those songs by entering a search containing a line or two of lyrics. So if I search for [static silhouette somehow], I'll get results for Phoenix's song "Rome."
Finally, a search engine should also be able to help you discover music you'll like, even if you can't tell it what exactly you want to hear. We've partnered with Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody to include links to their sites where you can discover music related to your queries as well.
This feature doesn't just make search better. It also helps people discover new sources of licensed music online while helping artists to discover new generations of fans and reconnect with longtime listeners. Our users love music, and this tool introduces millions of music seekers in the U.S. to a new generation of licensed online music services, from MySpace and Lala to Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody.
Of course, this is just a first step toward making search more musical. There's a lot of music out there in the world, and in some instances, we may not return links to the song you're looking for. But by combining the strength of Google's search algorithms with our music search partners' efforts to increase the comprehensiveness of their music content, we're on track to answer more of your rhymes with the right rhythms.
We'll be rolling this feature out gradually to users across the U.S. over the next day. To learn more, check out this page or watch the video below. As we said back when we first announced universal search, the best answer is still the best answer, whether it's in the form of a video, an image, a magazine — or a song. And of course, the best way to know you've found the music you were looking for is to hear it. Well, let the music begin!
Posted by Murali Viswanathan, Product Manager and Ganesh Ramanarayanan, Software Engineer
Growing the next generation of computer scientists and business leaders
(Cross-posted on the Google Student Blog)
We had a busy summer here at Google interacting with students through a wide variety of scholarship, internship and networking opportunities across North America. Here's a look back at a few of our programs (you can bet we'll be hosting them again!) along with news on some upcoming initiatives.
Rising college sophomores participated in two Google programs: Google FUSE, in its inaugural year, and the Google Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI).
For FUSE, we welcomed 50 rising college sophomores to our New York City office for a three-day retreat designed to connect students from groups that are under-represented in the field of computer science. The retreat focused on making connections between students and Googlers, encouraging students to create meaningful academic experiences and allowing them to learn more about possible career paths via hands-on activities, panel discussions and a bit of fun around the New York City area.
Another group of twenty rising sophomores spent two weeks at the Googleplex in Mountain View for the second annual Computer Science Summer Institute. This special program included an interactive and collaborative Computer Science curriculum, as well as a living-learning residential experience for student networking. Students worked in teams to create an interactive web application using Python in Google App Engine. When not in class, they heard technical talks from Google engineers, spoke with professionals from across the technology industry and academia about the many things they can do with a Computer Science degree. They also had some fun joining the Bay Area summer interns on a boat cruise and catching a baseball game after an exciting San Francisco scavenger hunt.
In addition, our engineering internship program hosted more than 450 college (undergraduate and graduate) interns in 15 locations across North America. These interns were an integral part of the engineering team and made significant contributions this summer working on exciting projects including Android, Chrome, Docs and machine translation.
We also had more than 100 students working across multiple functions, including sales and engineering in Mountain View, New York, Chicago, Ann Arbor, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Boston as part of the Building Opportunities for Leadership and Development (BOLD) Program. BOLD is a 10-week internship program designed to provide exposure to the technology industry for students from groups that are historically underrepresented in technology. This summer experience includes a unique glimpse into a business or engineering career, professional development and leadership courses, as well as one-on-one mentorship designed to further support professional growth.
Of course, we realize that growing future leaders in engineering and business doesn't just start with college students. For this reason, we partner with the LEAD programs in both business and engineering to encourage outstanding high school students to pursue careers in these fields. This year, all four LEAD Summer Engineering Institute participants had the opportunity to tour a local Google office to attend technical talks and interact with Google engineers (okay, with some tasty food and video games thrown in as well).
As part of Google's ongoing commitment to recognizing student achievements and promoting leadership, we also offer a number of academic scholarships. We are currently accepting applications for the Google Lime Scholarship for Student with Disabilities in the U.S. and Canada, and the Anita Borg Scholarship in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and the United States. In case you're curious, we offer a host of scholarships for many other international regions.
If one or more of these opportunities sounds like something you'd like to participate in, you can find applications for full time opportunities and summer internship opportunities on our student job site. Visit our scholarship page for more information on our scholarship opportunities. And follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates on application deadlines and new program announcements.
Posted by Kyle Ewing, Talent and Outreach Programs - University Programs and Recruiting
We had a busy summer here at Google interacting with students through a wide variety of scholarship, internship and networking opportunities across North America. Here's a look back at a few of our programs (you can bet we'll be hosting them again!) along with news on some upcoming initiatives.
Rising college sophomores participated in two Google programs: Google FUSE, in its inaugural year, and the Google Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI).
For FUSE, we welcomed 50 rising college sophomores to our New York City office for a three-day retreat designed to connect students from groups that are under-represented in the field of computer science. The retreat focused on making connections between students and Googlers, encouraging students to create meaningful academic experiences and allowing them to learn more about possible career paths via hands-on activities, panel discussions and a bit of fun around the New York City area.
Another group of twenty rising sophomores spent two weeks at the Googleplex in Mountain View for the second annual Computer Science Summer Institute. This special program included an interactive and collaborative Computer Science curriculum, as well as a living-learning residential experience for student networking. Students worked in teams to create an interactive web application using Python in Google App Engine. When not in class, they heard technical talks from Google engineers, spoke with professionals from across the technology industry and academia about the many things they can do with a Computer Science degree. They also had some fun joining the Bay Area summer interns on a boat cruise and catching a baseball game after an exciting San Francisco scavenger hunt.
In addition, our engineering internship program hosted more than 450 college (undergraduate and graduate) interns in 15 locations across North America. These interns were an integral part of the engineering team and made significant contributions this summer working on exciting projects including Android, Chrome, Docs and machine translation.
We also had more than 100 students working across multiple functions, including sales and engineering in Mountain View, New York, Chicago, Ann Arbor, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Boston as part of the Building Opportunities for Leadership and Development (BOLD) Program. BOLD is a 10-week internship program designed to provide exposure to the technology industry for students from groups that are historically underrepresented in technology. This summer experience includes a unique glimpse into a business or engineering career, professional development and leadership courses, as well as one-on-one mentorship designed to further support professional growth.
Of course, we realize that growing future leaders in engineering and business doesn't just start with college students. For this reason, we partner with the LEAD programs in both business and engineering to encourage outstanding high school students to pursue careers in these fields. This year, all four LEAD Summer Engineering Institute participants had the opportunity to tour a local Google office to attend technical talks and interact with Google engineers (okay, with some tasty food and video games thrown in as well).
As part of Google's ongoing commitment to recognizing student achievements and promoting leadership, we also offer a number of academic scholarships. We are currently accepting applications for the Google Lime Scholarship for Student with Disabilities in the U.S. and Canada, and the Anita Borg Scholarship in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and the United States. In case you're curious, we offer a host of scholarships for many other international regions.
If one or more of these opportunities sounds like something you'd like to participate in, you can find applications for full time opportunities and summer internship opportunities on our student job site. Visit our scholarship page for more information on our scholarship opportunities. And follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates on application deadlines and new program announcements.
Taking a break from bowling during Google FUSE.
Posted by Kyle Ewing, Talent and Outreach Programs - University Programs and Recruiting
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Announcing Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0
(Cross-posted with the Google Mobile Blog)
Posted by Keith Ito, Software Engineer
Since 2005, millions of people have relied on Google Maps for mobile to get directions on the go. However, there's always been one problem: Once you're behind the wheel, a list of driving directions just isn't that easy to use. It doesn't tell you when your turn is coming up. And if you miss a turn? Forget it, you're on your own.
Today we're excited to announce the next step for Google Maps for mobile: Google Maps Navigation (Beta) for Android 2.0 devices.
This new feature comes with everything you'd expect to find in a GPS navigation system, like 3D views, turn-by-turn voice guidance and automatic rerouting. But unlike most navigation systems, Google Maps Navigation was built from the ground up to take advantage of your phone's Internet connection.
Here are seven features that are possible because Google Maps Navigation is connected to the Internet:
The most recent map and business data
When you use Google Maps Navigation, your phone automatically gets the most up-to-date maps and business listings from Google Maps — you never need to buy map upgrades or update your device. And this data is continuously improving, thanks to users who report maps issues and businesses who activate their listings with Google Local Business Center.
Search in plain English
Google Maps Navigation brings the speed, power and simplicity of Google search to your car. If you don't know the address you're looking for, don't worry. Simply enter the name of a business, a landmark or just about anything into the search box, and Google will find it for you. Then press "Navigate", and you're on your way.
Search by voice
Typing on a phone can be difficult, especially in the car, so with Google Maps Navigation, you can say your destination instead. Hold down the search button to activate voice search, then tell your phone what you want to do (like "Navigate to Pike Place in Seattle"), and navigation will start automatically.
Traffic view
Google Maps Navigation gets live traffic data over the Internet. A traffic indicator light in the corner of the screen glows green, yellow or red, depending on the current traffic conditions along your route. If there's a jam ahead of you, you'll know. To get more details, tap the light to zoom out to an aerial view showing traffic speeds and incidents ahead. And if the traffic doesn't look good, you can choose an alternate route.
Search along route
For those times when you're already on the road and need to find a business, Google Maps Navigation searches along your route to give you results that won't take you far from your path. You can search for a specific business by name or by type, or you can turn on popular layers, such as gas stations, restaurants or parking.
Satellite view
Google Maps Navigation uses the same satellite imagery as Google Maps on the desktop to help you get to your destination. Turn on the satellite layer for a high-resolution, 3D view of your upcoming route. Besides looking cool, satellite view can help you make sense of complicated maneuvers.
Street View
If you want to know what your next turn looks like, double-tap the map to zoom into Street View, which shows the turn as you'll see it, with your route overlaid. And since locating an address can sometimes be tricky, we'll show you a picture of your destination as you approach the end of your route, so you'll know exactly what to look for.
Since there's nothing quite like seeing the product in action, we made this video to demonstrate a real-life example:
The first phone to have Google Maps Navigation and Android 2.0 is the Droid from Verizon. Google Maps Navigation is initially available in the United States. And like other Google Maps features, Navigation is free.
Check out the Google Maps Navigation page to learn more and browse a gallery of product screenshots. Take Google Maps Navigation for a spin, and bring Internet-connected GPS navigation with you in your car.
Today we're excited to announce the next step for Google Maps for mobile: Google Maps Navigation (Beta) for Android 2.0 devices.
This new feature comes with everything you'd expect to find in a GPS navigation system, like 3D views, turn-by-turn voice guidance and automatic rerouting. But unlike most navigation systems, Google Maps Navigation was built from the ground up to take advantage of your phone's Internet connection.
Here are seven features that are possible because Google Maps Navigation is connected to the Internet:
The most recent map and business data
When you use Google Maps Navigation, your phone automatically gets the most up-to-date maps and business listings from Google Maps — you never need to buy map upgrades or update your device. And this data is continuously improving, thanks to users who report maps issues and businesses who activate their listings with Google Local Business Center.
Search in plain English
Google Maps Navigation brings the speed, power and simplicity of Google search to your car. If you don't know the address you're looking for, don't worry. Simply enter the name of a business, a landmark or just about anything into the search box, and Google will find it for you. Then press "Navigate", and you're on your way.
Search by voice
Typing on a phone can be difficult, especially in the car, so with Google Maps Navigation, you can say your destination instead. Hold down the search button to activate voice search, then tell your phone what you want to do (like "Navigate to Pike Place in Seattle"), and navigation will start automatically.
Traffic view
Google Maps Navigation gets live traffic data over the Internet. A traffic indicator light in the corner of the screen glows green, yellow or red, depending on the current traffic conditions along your route. If there's a jam ahead of you, you'll know. To get more details, tap the light to zoom out to an aerial view showing traffic speeds and incidents ahead. And if the traffic doesn't look good, you can choose an alternate route.
Search along route
For those times when you're already on the road and need to find a business, Google Maps Navigation searches along your route to give you results that won't take you far from your path. You can search for a specific business by name or by type, or you can turn on popular layers, such as gas stations, restaurants or parking.
Satellite view
Google Maps Navigation uses the same satellite imagery as Google Maps on the desktop to help you get to your destination. Turn on the satellite layer for a high-resolution, 3D view of your upcoming route. Besides looking cool, satellite view can help you make sense of complicated maneuvers.
Street View
If you want to know what your next turn looks like, double-tap the map to zoom into Street View, which shows the turn as you'll see it, with your route overlaid. And since locating an address can sometimes be tricky, we'll show you a picture of your destination as you approach the end of your route, so you'll know exactly what to look for.
Since there's nothing quite like seeing the product in action, we made this video to demonstrate a real-life example:
The first phone to have Google Maps Navigation and Android 2.0 is the Droid from Verizon. Google Maps Navigation is initially available in the United States. And like other Google Maps features, Navigation is free.
Check out the Google Maps Navigation page to learn more and browse a gallery of product screenshots. Take Google Maps Navigation for a spin, and bring Internet-connected GPS navigation with you in your car.
Posted by Keith Ito, Software Engineer
"You Gotta Go There to Come Back": Sarah Shares Three Tattoos
Sarah's half-sleeve jumped out at me in Penn Station as I was quietly bemoaning cooler weather and the dwindling of my blog backlog.
I was pleased to find Sarah more than accommodating, as she shared several perspectives of the ink tattooed on her upper right arm.
Visiting from Newcastle, Australia, her tattoos revolved around this piece at the center of her bicep:
I asked if there was any significance to these two women, but Sarah noted that they were just two pretty girls.
This fluid script is on the outside of her arm:
It states "You gotta go there to come back..." or, in her words, you have to "understand how shitty it can be, before how good it can get".
On her inner arm is the following tattoo:
Sarah says that this design of an angel on a cigarette break is based on the work of a popular London graffiti artist named "Banksy".
All of her work was done by Pat, the owner of 2012 Tattoo Studio in Newcastle.
Thanks very much to Sarah for sharing her incredible tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
I was pleased to find Sarah more than accommodating, as she shared several perspectives of the ink tattooed on her upper right arm.
Visiting from Newcastle, Australia, her tattoos revolved around this piece at the center of her bicep:
I asked if there was any significance to these two women, but Sarah noted that they were just two pretty girls.
This fluid script is on the outside of her arm:
It states "You gotta go there to come back..." or, in her words, you have to "understand how shitty it can be, before how good it can get".
On her inner arm is the following tattoo:
Sarah says that this design of an angel on a cigarette break is based on the work of a popular London graffiti artist named "Banksy".
All of her work was done by Pat, the owner of 2012 Tattoo Studio in Newcastle.
Thanks very much to Sarah for sharing her incredible tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Kacamata Berkabut Manjakan Gamer dan Kutu Buku
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet
Wink Glasses (Ist.)
Jepang memang benar-benar identik dengan inovasi canggih. Kacamata yang terlihat biasa pun bisa dipermak menjadi sebuah gadget canggih oleh perusahaan asal Negeri Sakura itu.
Masunaga Optical Manufacturing -- demikian nama perusahaan tersebut -- telah menciptakan sebuah kacamata untuk menjawab kebutuhan para penggila game, komputer dan kutu buku.
Pasalnya, ketiga sosok di atas sering bermasalah dengan penglihatan mereka yang kerap kekeringan atau bahasa ilmiahnya mengalami ocular dehydration lantaran terlalu lama terpaku terhadap satu objek.
Kacamata canggih ini bernama 'Wink Glasses'. Cara kerja alat ini, ketika sensor di dalamnya mendeteksi bahwa pengguna belum berkedip lebih dari 5 detik, maka ia akan mengeluarkan 'kabut' dan menghasilkan cairan display kristal yang membuat kacamata menjadi berembun.
Namun setelah itu, dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), kacamata seharga 40 ribu Yen atau setara dengan US$ 430 ini akan 'berkedip' lagi untuk membuat lensa kacamata bersih seperti semula.
Masunaga memang bukan perusahaan sembarangan. Mereka adalah perusahaan kacamata yang menyokong mantan calon wakil presiden AS Sarah Palin. Atas kerjasama itu pula, perusahaan yang berbasis di Fukui ini menjadi lebih populer.
( ash / faw )
Masunaga Optical Manufacturing -- demikian nama perusahaan tersebut -- telah menciptakan sebuah kacamata untuk menjawab kebutuhan para penggila game, komputer dan kutu buku.
Pasalnya, ketiga sosok di atas sering bermasalah dengan penglihatan mereka yang kerap kekeringan atau bahasa ilmiahnya mengalami ocular dehydration lantaran terlalu lama terpaku terhadap satu objek.
Kacamata canggih ini bernama 'Wink Glasses'. Cara kerja alat ini, ketika sensor di dalamnya mendeteksi bahwa pengguna belum berkedip lebih dari 5 detik, maka ia akan mengeluarkan 'kabut' dan menghasilkan cairan display kristal yang membuat kacamata menjadi berembun.
Namun setelah itu, dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), kacamata seharga 40 ribu Yen atau setara dengan US$ 430 ini akan 'berkedip' lagi untuk membuat lensa kacamata bersih seperti semula.
Masunaga memang bukan perusahaan sembarangan. Mereka adalah perusahaan kacamata yang menyokong mantan calon wakil presiden AS Sarah Palin. Atas kerjasama itu pula, perusahaan yang berbasis di Fukui ini menjadi lebih populer.
( ash / faw )
Kacamata Berkabut Manjakan Gamer dan Kutu Buku
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet
Wink Glasses (Ist.)
Jepang memang benar-benar identik dengan inovasi canggih. Kacamata yang terlihat biasa pun bisa dipermak menjadi sebuah gadget canggih oleh perusahaan asal Negeri Sakura itu.
Masunaga Optical Manufacturing -- demikian nama perusahaan tersebut -- telah menciptakan sebuah kacamata untuk menjawab kebutuhan para penggila game, komputer dan kutu buku.
Pasalnya, ketiga sosok di atas sering bermasalah dengan penglihatan mereka yang kerap kekeringan atau bahasa ilmiahnya mengalami ocular dehydration lantaran terlalu lama terpaku terhadap satu objek.
Kacamata canggih ini bernama 'Wink Glasses'. Cara kerja alat ini, ketika sensor di dalamnya mendeteksi bahwa pengguna belum berkedip lebih dari 5 detik, maka ia akan mengeluarkan 'kabut' dan menghasilkan cairan display kristal yang membuat kacamata menjadi berembun.
Namun setelah itu, dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), kacamata seharga 40 ribu Yen atau setara dengan US$ 430 ini akan 'berkedip' lagi untuk membuat lensa kacamata bersih seperti semula.
Masunaga memang bukan perusahaan sembarangan. Mereka adalah perusahaan kacamata yang menyokong mantan calon wakil presiden AS Sarah Palin. Atas kerjasama itu pula, perusahaan yang berbasis di Fukui ini menjadi lebih populer.
( ash / faw )
Masunaga Optical Manufacturing -- demikian nama perusahaan tersebut -- telah menciptakan sebuah kacamata untuk menjawab kebutuhan para penggila game, komputer dan kutu buku.
Pasalnya, ketiga sosok di atas sering bermasalah dengan penglihatan mereka yang kerap kekeringan atau bahasa ilmiahnya mengalami ocular dehydration lantaran terlalu lama terpaku terhadap satu objek.
Kacamata canggih ini bernama 'Wink Glasses'. Cara kerja alat ini, ketika sensor di dalamnya mendeteksi bahwa pengguna belum berkedip lebih dari 5 detik, maka ia akan mengeluarkan 'kabut' dan menghasilkan cairan display kristal yang membuat kacamata menjadi berembun.
Namun setelah itu, dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), kacamata seharga 40 ribu Yen atau setara dengan US$ 430 ini akan 'berkedip' lagi untuk membuat lensa kacamata bersih seperti semula.
Masunaga memang bukan perusahaan sembarangan. Mereka adalah perusahaan kacamata yang menyokong mantan calon wakil presiden AS Sarah Palin. Atas kerjasama itu pula, perusahaan yang berbasis di Fukui ini menjadi lebih populer.
( ash / faw )
Jika Meninggal, Pengguna Facebook Jadi Monumen
Apa yang terjadi jika pengguna Facebook meninggal dunia? Layanan jejaring sosial itu memiliki rencana untuk 'memonumenkan' pengguna Facebook yang telah tiada.
Ya, Facebook menawarkan layanan untuk 'memonumenkan' akun Facebook pengguna yang sudah meninggal agar kerabat dan sahabat mendiang bisa memberikan penghargaannya. Tidak perlu khawatir akan disalahgunakan, Facebook juga akan 'membekukan' profil itu.
Ketika sebuah profil telah disepakati untuk dimonumenkan, Facebook akan serta merta mengatur privasinya sehingga hanya relasi tertentu saja yang bisa melihat profil almarhum. Begitu pula dengan info sensitif seperti kontak dan update status, Facebook berjanji akan menghapusnya.
Dikutip detikINET dari PCWorld, Selasa (27/10/2009), memonumenkan akun Facebook milik almarhum juga berarti tidak membiarkan tangan-tangan jahil untuk log-in ke dalamnya. Namun, teman-teman dan kerabat masih boleh mem-posting sesuatu di Wall almarhum. ( sha / ash-detik )
Ya, Facebook menawarkan layanan untuk 'memonumenkan' akun Facebook pengguna yang sudah meninggal agar kerabat dan sahabat mendiang bisa memberikan penghargaannya. Tidak perlu khawatir akan disalahgunakan, Facebook juga akan 'membekukan' profil itu.
Ketika sebuah profil telah disepakati untuk dimonumenkan, Facebook akan serta merta mengatur privasinya sehingga hanya relasi tertentu saja yang bisa melihat profil almarhum. Begitu pula dengan info sensitif seperti kontak dan update status, Facebook berjanji akan menghapusnya.
Dikutip detikINET dari PCWorld, Selasa (27/10/2009), memonumenkan akun Facebook milik almarhum juga berarti tidak membiarkan tangan-tangan jahil untuk log-in ke dalamnya. Namun, teman-teman dan kerabat masih boleh mem-posting sesuatu di Wall almarhum. ( sha / ash-detik )
Jika Meninggal, Pengguna Facebook Jadi Monumen
Apa yang terjadi jika pengguna Facebook meninggal dunia? Layanan jejaring sosial itu memiliki rencana untuk 'memonumenkan' pengguna Facebook yang telah tiada.
Ya, Facebook menawarkan layanan untuk 'memonumenkan' akun Facebook pengguna yang sudah meninggal agar kerabat dan sahabat mendiang bisa memberikan penghargaannya. Tidak perlu khawatir akan disalahgunakan, Facebook juga akan 'membekukan' profil itu.
Ketika sebuah profil telah disepakati untuk dimonumenkan, Facebook akan serta merta mengatur privasinya sehingga hanya relasi tertentu saja yang bisa melihat profil almarhum. Begitu pula dengan info sensitif seperti kontak dan update status, Facebook berjanji akan menghapusnya.
Dikutip detikINET dari PCWorld, Selasa (27/10/2009), memonumenkan akun Facebook milik almarhum juga berarti tidak membiarkan tangan-tangan jahil untuk log-in ke dalamnya. Namun, teman-teman dan kerabat masih boleh mem-posting sesuatu di Wall almarhum. ( sha / ash-detik )
Ya, Facebook menawarkan layanan untuk 'memonumenkan' akun Facebook pengguna yang sudah meninggal agar kerabat dan sahabat mendiang bisa memberikan penghargaannya. Tidak perlu khawatir akan disalahgunakan, Facebook juga akan 'membekukan' profil itu.
Ketika sebuah profil telah disepakati untuk dimonumenkan, Facebook akan serta merta mengatur privasinya sehingga hanya relasi tertentu saja yang bisa melihat profil almarhum. Begitu pula dengan info sensitif seperti kontak dan update status, Facebook berjanji akan menghapusnya.
Dikutip detikINET dari PCWorld, Selasa (27/10/2009), memonumenkan akun Facebook milik almarhum juga berarti tidak membiarkan tangan-tangan jahil untuk log-in ke dalamnya. Namun, teman-teman dan kerabat masih boleh mem-posting sesuatu di Wall almarhum. ( sha / ash-detik )
Perubahan Facebook Diprotes Sejuta Umat
San Francisco - Selama beberapa hari ini, banyak pengguna Facebook yang kaget dan merasa kurang berkenan dengan perubahan di homepage situs jejaring sosial tersebut. Alhasil, kritik pedas mengalir dari lebih satu juta akun yang tergabung dalam sebuah grup protes.
Tidak kurang dari 1,1 juta user Facebook bersatu membentuk grup bernama 'Change Facebook Back to Normal'. Permintaan mereka apalagi kalau bukan harapan agar Facebook dapat kembali seperti dulu.
"Pernah mendengar sebuah frase yang mengatakan jika sesuatu tidak rusak, maka janganlah memperbaikinya? Kembalikan Facebook!" demikian tulis seorang user bernama Eliza Williams di grup tersebut.
Ada juga yang memberi saran tentang bagaimana halaman Facebook dapat kembali seperti semula. "Untuk mengembalikan Facebook Anda ke tampilan lama, lihat bagian kiri atas dan klik MORE, kemudian letakkan Status Updates di bagian teratas,"
Beberapa perubahan yang dilakukan Facebook memang terasa tak nyaman bagi sebagian pemakainya. Semua daftar update terbaru yang dilakukan user kini tampil di News Feed dan Live Feed. Alasannya agar pengguna Facebook tidak kehilangan informasi mengenai aktivitas yang dilakukan teman mereka.
Pihak Facebook sendiri mengklaim mereka melakukan perubahan berdasarkan saran yang diberikan user. "Saat kami mendesain ulang homepage Facebook pada Maret lalu, kami mendengar usul dari jutaan user dan mempertimbangkan untuk mengembangkan News Feed dan Live Feed," demikian statemen Facebook.
detikINET kutip dari AFP, Rabu (28/10/2009), pihak Facebook pun mendorong orang untuk memberi umpan balik yang konstruktif mengenai perubahan ini.
( fyk / rou-detik )
Tidak kurang dari 1,1 juta user Facebook bersatu membentuk grup bernama 'Change Facebook Back to Normal'. Permintaan mereka apalagi kalau bukan harapan agar Facebook dapat kembali seperti dulu.
"Pernah mendengar sebuah frase yang mengatakan jika sesuatu tidak rusak, maka janganlah memperbaikinya? Kembalikan Facebook!" demikian tulis seorang user bernama Eliza Williams di grup tersebut.
Ada juga yang memberi saran tentang bagaimana halaman Facebook dapat kembali seperti semula. "Untuk mengembalikan Facebook Anda ke tampilan lama, lihat bagian kiri atas dan klik MORE, kemudian letakkan Status Updates di bagian teratas,"
Beberapa perubahan yang dilakukan Facebook memang terasa tak nyaman bagi sebagian pemakainya. Semua daftar update terbaru yang dilakukan user kini tampil di News Feed dan Live Feed. Alasannya agar pengguna Facebook tidak kehilangan informasi mengenai aktivitas yang dilakukan teman mereka.
Pihak Facebook sendiri mengklaim mereka melakukan perubahan berdasarkan saran yang diberikan user. "Saat kami mendesain ulang homepage Facebook pada Maret lalu, kami mendengar usul dari jutaan user dan mempertimbangkan untuk mengembangkan News Feed dan Live Feed," demikian statemen Facebook.
detikINET kutip dari AFP, Rabu (28/10/2009), pihak Facebook pun mendorong orang untuk memberi umpan balik yang konstruktif mengenai perubahan ini.
( fyk / rou-detik )
Perubahan Facebook Diprotes Sejuta Umat
San Francisco - Selama beberapa hari ini, banyak pengguna Facebook yang kaget dan merasa kurang berkenan dengan perubahan di homepage situs jejaring sosial tersebut. Alhasil, kritik pedas mengalir dari lebih satu juta akun yang tergabung dalam sebuah grup protes.
Tidak kurang dari 1,1 juta user Facebook bersatu membentuk grup bernama 'Change Facebook Back to Normal'. Permintaan mereka apalagi kalau bukan harapan agar Facebook dapat kembali seperti dulu.
"Pernah mendengar sebuah frase yang mengatakan jika sesuatu tidak rusak, maka janganlah memperbaikinya? Kembalikan Facebook!" demikian tulis seorang user bernama Eliza Williams di grup tersebut.
Ada juga yang memberi saran tentang bagaimana halaman Facebook dapat kembali seperti semula. "Untuk mengembalikan Facebook Anda ke tampilan lama, lihat bagian kiri atas dan klik MORE, kemudian letakkan Status Updates di bagian teratas,"
Beberapa perubahan yang dilakukan Facebook memang terasa tak nyaman bagi sebagian pemakainya. Semua daftar update terbaru yang dilakukan user kini tampil di News Feed dan Live Feed. Alasannya agar pengguna Facebook tidak kehilangan informasi mengenai aktivitas yang dilakukan teman mereka.
Pihak Facebook sendiri mengklaim mereka melakukan perubahan berdasarkan saran yang diberikan user. "Saat kami mendesain ulang homepage Facebook pada Maret lalu, kami mendengar usul dari jutaan user dan mempertimbangkan untuk mengembangkan News Feed dan Live Feed," demikian statemen Facebook.
detikINET kutip dari AFP, Rabu (28/10/2009), pihak Facebook pun mendorong orang untuk memberi umpan balik yang konstruktif mengenai perubahan ini.
( fyk / rou-detik )
Tidak kurang dari 1,1 juta user Facebook bersatu membentuk grup bernama 'Change Facebook Back to Normal'. Permintaan mereka apalagi kalau bukan harapan agar Facebook dapat kembali seperti dulu.
"Pernah mendengar sebuah frase yang mengatakan jika sesuatu tidak rusak, maka janganlah memperbaikinya? Kembalikan Facebook!" demikian tulis seorang user bernama Eliza Williams di grup tersebut.
Ada juga yang memberi saran tentang bagaimana halaman Facebook dapat kembali seperti semula. "Untuk mengembalikan Facebook Anda ke tampilan lama, lihat bagian kiri atas dan klik MORE, kemudian letakkan Status Updates di bagian teratas,"
Beberapa perubahan yang dilakukan Facebook memang terasa tak nyaman bagi sebagian pemakainya. Semua daftar update terbaru yang dilakukan user kini tampil di News Feed dan Live Feed. Alasannya agar pengguna Facebook tidak kehilangan informasi mengenai aktivitas yang dilakukan teman mereka.
Pihak Facebook sendiri mengklaim mereka melakukan perubahan berdasarkan saran yang diberikan user. "Saat kami mendesain ulang homepage Facebook pada Maret lalu, kami mendengar usul dari jutaan user dan mempertimbangkan untuk mengembangkan News Feed dan Live Feed," demikian statemen Facebook.
detikINET kutip dari AFP, Rabu (28/10/2009), pihak Facebook pun mendorong orang untuk memberi umpan balik yang konstruktif mengenai perubahan ini.
( fyk / rou-detik )
Gadis 17 Tahun Tewas di Tangan Facebooker
Hati-hati bertemu dengan sosok yang baru dikenal via dunia maya. Di Inggris, seorang gadis remaja ditemukan meninggal. Kematiannya disinyalir karena dibunuh oleh pria yang ia jumpai di Facebook.
Jasad Ashleigh Hall ditemukan di sebuah ladang di Co Durham, Inggris. Seperti diberitakan Independent dan dilansir detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), polisi menemukan jasad gadis 17 tahun itu lewat tuntunan seorang pria yang belakangan mengaku sebagai pelakunya.
Diyakini, Ashleigh mengalami kejadian mengenaskan ini setelah sebelumnya setuju untuk bertemu dengan pria yang mengaku-aku sebagai remaja berusia 16 tahun di situs jejaring Facebook. Salah satu teman kuliah Ashleigh membenarkan hal itu dan menambahkan bahwa Asleigh telah berbicang dengan seorang pria di Facebook.
Si pria yang mengaku sebagai pelaku mengatakan, ia telah mencekik dan menyekapnya, kemudian membuang jasadnya. Apa alasan sang pria melakukan aksi itu, masih diselidiki oleh polisi.
Juru bicara dari Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre memberikan nasihatnya pada para orangtua untuk mengawasi anak-anaknya yang suka main internet. "Bukan ide yang bagus bertemu dengan orang yang dikenal via chatting, karena kamu tak akan pernah tahu siapa mereka sebenarnya."
Kini, komputer milik korban tengah dianalisa oleh ahli komputer untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang kontak onlinenya. ( sha / faw - detik)
Jasad Ashleigh Hall ditemukan di sebuah ladang di Co Durham, Inggris. Seperti diberitakan Independent dan dilansir detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), polisi menemukan jasad gadis 17 tahun itu lewat tuntunan seorang pria yang belakangan mengaku sebagai pelakunya.
Diyakini, Ashleigh mengalami kejadian mengenaskan ini setelah sebelumnya setuju untuk bertemu dengan pria yang mengaku-aku sebagai remaja berusia 16 tahun di situs jejaring Facebook. Salah satu teman kuliah Ashleigh membenarkan hal itu dan menambahkan bahwa Asleigh telah berbicang dengan seorang pria di Facebook.
Si pria yang mengaku sebagai pelaku mengatakan, ia telah mencekik dan menyekapnya, kemudian membuang jasadnya. Apa alasan sang pria melakukan aksi itu, masih diselidiki oleh polisi.
Juru bicara dari Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre memberikan nasihatnya pada para orangtua untuk mengawasi anak-anaknya yang suka main internet. "Bukan ide yang bagus bertemu dengan orang yang dikenal via chatting, karena kamu tak akan pernah tahu siapa mereka sebenarnya."
Kini, komputer milik korban tengah dianalisa oleh ahli komputer untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang kontak onlinenya. ( sha / faw - detik)
Gadis 17 Tahun Tewas di Tangan Facebooker
Hati-hati bertemu dengan sosok yang baru dikenal via dunia maya. Di Inggris, seorang gadis remaja ditemukan meninggal. Kematiannya disinyalir karena dibunuh oleh pria yang ia jumpai di Facebook.
Jasad Ashleigh Hall ditemukan di sebuah ladang di Co Durham, Inggris. Seperti diberitakan Independent dan dilansir detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), polisi menemukan jasad gadis 17 tahun itu lewat tuntunan seorang pria yang belakangan mengaku sebagai pelakunya.
Diyakini, Ashleigh mengalami kejadian mengenaskan ini setelah sebelumnya setuju untuk bertemu dengan pria yang mengaku-aku sebagai remaja berusia 16 tahun di situs jejaring Facebook. Salah satu teman kuliah Ashleigh membenarkan hal itu dan menambahkan bahwa Asleigh telah berbicang dengan seorang pria di Facebook.
Si pria yang mengaku sebagai pelaku mengatakan, ia telah mencekik dan menyekapnya, kemudian membuang jasadnya. Apa alasan sang pria melakukan aksi itu, masih diselidiki oleh polisi.
Juru bicara dari Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre memberikan nasihatnya pada para orangtua untuk mengawasi anak-anaknya yang suka main internet. "Bukan ide yang bagus bertemu dengan orang yang dikenal via chatting, karena kamu tak akan pernah tahu siapa mereka sebenarnya."
Kini, komputer milik korban tengah dianalisa oleh ahli komputer untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang kontak onlinenya. ( sha / faw - detik)
Jasad Ashleigh Hall ditemukan di sebuah ladang di Co Durham, Inggris. Seperti diberitakan Independent dan dilansir detikINET, Rabu (28/10/2009), polisi menemukan jasad gadis 17 tahun itu lewat tuntunan seorang pria yang belakangan mengaku sebagai pelakunya.
Diyakini, Ashleigh mengalami kejadian mengenaskan ini setelah sebelumnya setuju untuk bertemu dengan pria yang mengaku-aku sebagai remaja berusia 16 tahun di situs jejaring Facebook. Salah satu teman kuliah Ashleigh membenarkan hal itu dan menambahkan bahwa Asleigh telah berbicang dengan seorang pria di Facebook.
Si pria yang mengaku sebagai pelaku mengatakan, ia telah mencekik dan menyekapnya, kemudian membuang jasadnya. Apa alasan sang pria melakukan aksi itu, masih diselidiki oleh polisi.
Juru bicara dari Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre memberikan nasihatnya pada para orangtua untuk mengawasi anak-anaknya yang suka main internet. "Bukan ide yang bagus bertemu dengan orang yang dikenal via chatting, karena kamu tak akan pernah tahu siapa mereka sebenarnya."
Kini, komputer milik korban tengah dianalisa oleh ahli komputer untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang kontak onlinenya. ( sha / faw - detik)
Similar Images graduates from Google Labs
Today, we're happy to announce that Similar Images is graduating from Google Labs and becoming a permanent feature in Google Images. You can try it out by clicking on "Find similar images" below the most popular images in our search results. For example, if you search for jaguar, you can use the "Find similar images" link to find more pictures of the car or the animal.
When we revamped Labs in April, we also launched Similar Images to highlight some of the innovative work our engineers have been working on. Google Labs gives us a way to get some of our new ideas in front of you early in the process, refine them based on your feedback and see what sticks. Your support has helped to make Similar Images the first major feature to graduate from Google Labs since its recent overhaul.
So, let's say you want to find images of Ancient Egypt. Google Images will provide you with a rich variety of results, including pyramids, maps, relics, drawings and other types of images. Instead of poring through hundreds of images, now you can simply click "Find similar images" to narrow down the results to the results to the type you want. (We're rolling this out gradually, so the links in the below examples may not work for you yet.)
Or illustrative maps of Ancient Egypt:
Or ancient Egyptian-style drawings:
While we'll continue to use Google Labs as a way to showcase and collect feedback for exciting new technologies, we also want to make it easier for you to provide direct feedback on all aspects of Google Images. That's why today we're also announcing the availability of Product Ideas for Google Images. With product ideas, you can post comments that will be seen directly by members of the Images team, as well as vote on ideas that others have submitted. We'll pay special attention to those ideas that are voted to the top of the list.
Posted by Erik Murphy-Chutorian and Chuck Rosenberg, Software Engineers
When we revamped Labs in April, we also launched Similar Images to highlight some of the innovative work our engineers have been working on. Google Labs gives us a way to get some of our new ideas in front of you early in the process, refine them based on your feedback and see what sticks. Your support has helped to make Similar Images the first major feature to graduate from Google Labs since its recent overhaul.
So, let's say you want to find images of Ancient Egypt. Google Images will provide you with a rich variety of results, including pyramids, maps, relics, drawings and other types of images. Instead of poring through hundreds of images, now you can simply click "Find similar images" to narrow down the results to the results to the type you want. (We're rolling this out gradually, so the links in the below examples may not work for you yet.)
You could narrow down your results to show you only the Great Sphinx of Giza:
Or illustrative maps of Ancient Egypt:
Or ancient Egyptian-style drawings:
While we'll continue to use Google Labs as a way to showcase and collect feedback for exciting new technologies, we also want to make it easier for you to provide direct feedback on all aspects of Google Images. That's why today we're also announcing the availability of Product Ideas for Google Images. With product ideas, you can post comments that will be seen directly by members of the Images team, as well as vote on ideas that others have submitted. We'll pay special attention to those ideas that are voted to the top of the list.
Posted by Erik Murphy-Chutorian and Chuck Rosenberg, Software Engineers
Introducing the Google Earth heroes project
Hundreds of millions of people use Google Earth every day to discover, explore and learn more about the world around them. We're especially proud that Google Earth has also been used as a tool to help people change the world. Today, to celebrate he individuals and organizations that have used Google Earth in their efforts to effect change, we announced the Google Earth heroes project.
In this first stage of the heroes project, we're highlighting the work of five groups — Project Kaisei, Save the Elephants, Borneo Orangutan Survival, Chief Almir and the Surui and Appalachian Voices — who have used Google Earth in a variety of ways to tell their stories. We'll be releasing videos showcasing other organizations' work in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!
To learn more about these groups and view their videos, read our post on the Google Lat Long blog or visit
Posted by Krating Poonpol, Product Marketing Manager, Google Earth and Tanya Keen, Program Manager, Google Earth Outreach
In this first stage of the heroes project, we're highlighting the work of five groups — Project Kaisei, Save the Elephants, Borneo Orangutan Survival, Chief Almir and the Surui and Appalachian Voices — who have used Google Earth in a variety of ways to tell their stories. We'll be releasing videos showcasing other organizations' work in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!
To learn more about these groups and view their videos, read our post on the Google Lat Long blog or visit
Posted by Krating Poonpol, Product Marketing Manager, Google Earth and Tanya Keen, Program Manager, Google Earth Outreach
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Sesame Street comes to Google: Improving our education system at the Breakthrough Learning forum
If you could reinvent the American education system, what would you do? It's a question we think about a lot here at Google. This week we're exploring possibilities with Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age, a forum organized in cooperation with The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and Common Sense Media, with the support of the MacArthur Foundation. This event will bring together 200 of the nation’s thought leaders in science and technology, informal and formal education, entertainment media, research, philanthropy and policy to design a strategy for scaling up effective models of teaching and learning for children, with an emphasis on technology. The forum will showcase new research, proven and promising education innovation models to challenge decision-makers to refresh and reboot American global leadership in education.
There's plenty of evidence that shows that the current educational system in the U.S. needs improvement. Twenty-five years ago, President Reagan's National Commission on Excellence in Education produced "A Nation at Risk," a report which first highlighted that our country's system wasn't meeting the national need for a competitive workforce in the day's global economy. Since then, our education system has gone through great upheaval, from the state-level standards reforms in the 1990s to 2002's No Child Left Behind, which is similarly based on the belief that setting high standards measurable goals will improve individual outcomes in education. Though the intention of these reforms was to close the global achievement gap, they left many teachers and students feeling restricted to teaching and learning "to the test." And we're still seeing disheartening results; the U.S. is currently ranked 25th of OECD countries in math scores and 24th in science scores according to the PISA 2006 Science Competencies for Tomorrow's World report. And according to McKinsey's Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools report, if the U.S. had in recent years closed the gap between its educational achievement levels and those of higher-performing nations, our GDP in 2008 could have been $1.3 trillion to $2.3 trillion higher. That's 9 to 16 percent of GDP!
Fortunately, there are people today who are working to change these statistics. One is tonight's keynote speaker, Geoff Canada, founder of the Harlem Children's Zone. The Harlem Children's Zone combines educational, social and medical services with the goal of reaching all of the children in Harlem. Another organization addressing the issue is the MacArthur Foundation, which has created the Digital Media and Learning Project to explore the effects of digital media on young people and its implications for the future of learning and education. And we can't forget Sesame Workshop, which this year celebrates 40 years of educating children with Muppets and media.
There's great hope for American education, as long as we can work toward innovative solutions that not only allow students distinct educational experiences tailored to their interests and abilities, but also drive toward a common goal of assessable success. Students today are technologists too, and embracing that familiarity and bringing it into the classroom will help teachers and students better engage and work together to teach and learn. Most importantly, we need to support our teachers, principals and administrators — the true agents of change who tirelessly and passionately work to connect with each and every student that passes through their classrooms. The Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age forum is one step we're taking to address some of our most pressing national education system issues.
If you're interested in joining us at the forum, we'll be broadcasting live on the web both today and tomorrow. We welcome your questions and ideas to help us shape our discussions. Go to to participate and learn more.
Posted by Cristin Frodella, Product Marketing, Google Apps Education
There's plenty of evidence that shows that the current educational system in the U.S. needs improvement. Twenty-five years ago, President Reagan's National Commission on Excellence in Education produced "A Nation at Risk," a report which first highlighted that our country's system wasn't meeting the national need for a competitive workforce in the day's global economy. Since then, our education system has gone through great upheaval, from the state-level standards reforms in the 1990s to 2002's No Child Left Behind, which is similarly based on the belief that setting high standards measurable goals will improve individual outcomes in education. Though the intention of these reforms was to close the global achievement gap, they left many teachers and students feeling restricted to teaching and learning "to the test." And we're still seeing disheartening results; the U.S. is currently ranked 25th of OECD countries in math scores and 24th in science scores according to the PISA 2006 Science Competencies for Tomorrow's World report. And according to McKinsey's Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools report, if the U.S. had in recent years closed the gap between its educational achievement levels and those of higher-performing nations, our GDP in 2008 could have been $1.3 trillion to $2.3 trillion higher. That's 9 to 16 percent of GDP!
Fortunately, there are people today who are working to change these statistics. One is tonight's keynote speaker, Geoff Canada, founder of the Harlem Children's Zone. The Harlem Children's Zone combines educational, social and medical services with the goal of reaching all of the children in Harlem. Another organization addressing the issue is the MacArthur Foundation, which has created the Digital Media and Learning Project to explore the effects of digital media on young people and its implications for the future of learning and education. And we can't forget Sesame Workshop, which this year celebrates 40 years of educating children with Muppets and media.
There's great hope for American education, as long as we can work toward innovative solutions that not only allow students distinct educational experiences tailored to their interests and abilities, but also drive toward a common goal of assessable success. Students today are technologists too, and embracing that familiarity and bringing it into the classroom will help teachers and students better engage and work together to teach and learn. Most importantly, we need to support our teachers, principals and administrators — the true agents of change who tirelessly and passionately work to connect with each and every student that passes through their classrooms. The Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age forum is one step we're taking to address some of our most pressing national education system issues.
If you're interested in joining us at the forum, we'll be broadcasting live on the web both today and tomorrow. We welcome your questions and ideas to help us shape our discussions. Go to to participate and learn more.
Posted by Cristin Frodella, Product Marketing, Google Apps Education
Hang the DJ
I met Rohan on a Brooklyn-bound A train.
He has "thirteen or fourteen" tattoos, and he offered up this one from his right arm:
The phrase "Hang the DJ" refers to lyrics sung by Morrissey when he was with The Smiths.
I was only on the train with him for two stops, so I didn't get a full explanation of the tattoo until later, when Rohan e-mailed me:
UPDATE: I exchange a few e-mails with the artist Dusty Neal after this posted and he remembered doing this tattoo very early on in his career as an artist. He wanted me to clarify this point, and to communicate that he feels that his art has developed to the point that this piece does not best represent his work as a tattooer. A look at photos of his work on MySpace here certainly showcases some amazing tattoos. Dusty encourages people to check out his current endeavors and, with all due respect to Rohan and the tattoo in this post, judge his talents based on what he has done more recently, and not early on in his career.
Thanks again to Rohan for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
As a little bonus, here is the video from "Panic" by the Smiths:
He has "thirteen or fourteen" tattoos, and he offered up this one from his right arm:
The phrase "Hang the DJ" refers to lyrics sung by Morrissey when he was with The Smiths.
I was only on the train with him for two stops, so I didn't get a full explanation of the tattoo until later, when Rohan e-mailed me:
I got this tattoo for several reasons - first and foremost I love The Smiths and their music changed the way I viewed myself against the social and cultural backdrop that we're all in. I thought a jukebox with the lyrics "Hang the DJ", the refrain from the song "Panic", was ironic.The tattoo was inked by Dusty Neal in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is currently working at Donny Manco's New Republic Tattoo.
The jukebox is what allows all of us to be the DJ and in "Panic", Morrissey is singing about how the music the DJ is playing means nothing to him and his life, and I share that sentiment with most of what I hear. The tattoo is sort of an encapsulation of how I feel about rock and roll and how certain bands and certain songs can, when they're really good and really honest, mean a lot more than just entertainment value.
UPDATE: I exchange a few e-mails with the artist Dusty Neal after this posted and he remembered doing this tattoo very early on in his career as an artist. He wanted me to clarify this point, and to communicate that he feels that his art has developed to the point that this piece does not best represent his work as a tattooer. A look at photos of his work on MySpace here certainly showcases some amazing tattoos. Dusty encourages people to check out his current endeavors and, with all due respect to Rohan and the tattoo in this post, judge his talents based on what he has done more recently, and not early on in his career.
Thanks again to Rohan for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
As a little bonus, here is the video from "Panic" by the Smiths:
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