Sunday 11 December 2011

Come, Race to Multiply Marketplace ™

Here, another feature of multiply – a directory of the tens of thousands of stores operating on Multiply. Here you can create your online shop just like a profesional web designer create an online web store. You also can promote your multiply online shop to others. Here, you could also visit the Storefronts, and interact with the sellers or other Multiply shoppers to learn more about the products, or your friends’ opinions, or other shoppers experiences. It’s just like a visit with friends to the Shopping Mall, but faster and more convenient.
With a perfect features of an online shop dedicated by Multiply Marketplace ™ such as:
  1. Shopping Cart
  2. Payment Models
  3. Multiply Promote
  4. Multiply Trust
  5. Shipping Support By JNE as Domestic Courier, Meet Up or Pick Up, Domestic Mail, and International Delivery
  6. Track Inventory
  7. Link to facebook, yahoo, and twitter to promote your products
Perfect enough, isn’t it? Let’s Buy N Sells on Multiply Marketplace ™